Book Read Free

A Common Language

Page 3

by Caitlyn Bogart

Chapter three


  The bus pulled up in front of the large main building of the campus. Percy tried to help an unwilling Kalli off the bus since she was unsteady from the long bus ride. Not to mention, she just woke up and she had a tendency to not wake up happy and was stubborn as a mule to do things on her own.

  “Careful, Mademoiselle. Let me help you,” Percy lifted Kalli off the bus easily despite her protests.

  “Put. Me. Down!” She yelled. She hit his shoulders repeatedly. She had always been small for her age and all the guys loved to pick her up and move her around. At first it was nice that people were paying attention to her but it got old after a while. She didn’t need the help.

  “I am sorry,” he said and quickly put her down and took a step back.

  “It’s fine, whatever. I just know how to walk on my own.”

  “It just looked like you could use some help.”

  “Well,” she was shocked at his hesitant reaction. He was so confident but so concerned. “Thank you but I have it handled.”

  “I am sure of that,” He smiled slyly. “Now if you will excuse me,” he took her hand and kissed it. “I must go take care of some business,” He walked to the boys’ line without turning back.

  Kalli stood alone; frozen solid for several moments. No one had ever pulled that move on her. She had only seen it in movies. She finally recovered and walked into the girl’s line for the dorms to see what awaited her for the next year of her life.

  The line moved slower than she expected. She found herself pacing back and forth about three feet side-to-side in her space in line. She noticed the girl behind her watching her intently. “Sorry. First time,” the girl behind her had dirty blonde hair that looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. Kalli supposed she shouldn’t judge considering her hairband was barely staying in at the end of her hair.

  “Mine too,” she responded then stuck her hand out. “Sara, Sara Sillin.”

  “Kalli Hardford, nice to meet you. Where are you from?”

  “Sweden,” She nodded towards Kalli, asking her for a response.

  “America,” Kalli had stopped pacing and now could settle for simple rocking on her heels. “You excited to finally be here?”

  “It hasn’t really set in yet,” Sara said. “You are excited, nervous?” her accent was thick and she had to struggle to form English sentences.

  “A little of both I guess. I think it will feel more real when the semester starts.”

  “Next please,” the lady at the table said. Kalli stepped up and got her room key and schedule then waited for Sara as she filled out her paper work.

  “Where are you?” She asked.

  “World Hall. You?”

  “Smith Hall,” she said with a slight frown. “This is where we split.”

  “We’ll see each other again. It’s a small school,” Kalli assured her. “See you around, Sara Sillin.”

  “Nice to meet you, Kalli Hardford.”

  Percy was on a straight line for Undersee Hall to check into his dorm. After years of pouring over the map, he knew before he arrived that it was next to the West Gardens. He had hoped to be put in Undersee for that reason alone. He hoped that perhaps being able to be in a garden every day would make him less homesick.

  “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Percy Delano!” The man was middle aged and had distinct receding hair line and a red face. He took Percy’s hand and shook it vigorously. “So nice to see that you made it here safely.”

  “Thank you, sir. And you are…?” He said with a nervous smile.

  “Oh, how very silly of me. I’m Thomas Allen, dean of the Music College. I reviewed your audition tape personally. I’m glad you are here. They are rare, talents like yours.”

  Recognition flooded over him. “Thank you, Mr. Allen! Yes, I remember, we spoke on the phone last week. It’s such a pleasure to meet you in person.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. I’m expecting big things from you, Percy. Please call me Thomas. I expect we will be working closely for the next five years.”

  “Alright, Thomas, I will do what I can to meet your expectations.”

  Mr. Allen laughed a hardy laugh and slapped Percy’s back. “That’s what I like to hear!”

  Lupe hated waiting for new roommates. Like a child, she needed constant activity or she started to destroy things, and her bookshelf was about to take a beating. All she could do was sit and wait for some little kid to arrive so she could say ‘Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Lupe. Bye now.’ Oh the struggles of being an upperclassman. She heard a key in the door. “Finally,” she muttered to herself. A young girl of maybe 17 or 18 years old opened the door. She hauled a suitcase about half her size; precariously wiggling its way into the room. She was small and innocent looking with long straight brown hair and wide, curious caramel eyes. But something about her expression was determined and strong. She huffed as she finally broke the suitcase through the doorframe.

  “Hi, I’m Kalli. I think you’re my new roommate,” She crossed the room and shook her hand.

  “More like you’re mine,” Lupe corrected her. “First year, right?”

  “I guess you’re right. I am the new one on campus,” Kalli pushed her hair out of her face.

  “You’re quick. I like you already. You know your place,” Kalli’s brown eyes widened. It could be a very long year with this girl as her roommate. She was hoping for someone kind and patient. The girl began laughing lightly. “I’m just teasing. Don’t be so tense. Welcome to UA. It’s great here. You’ll love it,” Her smile was pleasant as she shook Kalli’s hand. Kalli laughed with her, already feeling at home. “I’m Lupe by the way. It’s nice to meet you and I’m glad you are finally here.”

  “Hi, Lupe. Sorry I took so long to get up here. I got held up in the line, and this thing,” she gestured to her monster case. “A lot heavier than it looks.”

  “I understand that. I’m a fourth year and that blasted registration line is still just as unbearable every year,” Lupe flopped back down on her bed. “Well, I have something that I do with my roommate every year, a tradition of sorts. You up for it?”

  “What is it exactly?” Kalli asked. Her caution sent Lupe into another roll of laughter. Kalli was a little offended by her outright mocking.

  “Sorry, I find Americans funny and fascinating at the same time. Anyway, so, basically we sit down and learn everything about each other: how we got here, etcetera. You ready?” Her eyes were gray but had an odd purple tint added, which made her eyes sparkle with anticipation. She looked young for a fourth year but she had that look about her that said ‘don’t mess with me.’

  “Yeah… sure why not?” Kalli had no real reason to say no.

  “Awesome! Do you want to start or shall I?”

  “Go ahead; show me how it’s done. Is it okay if I unpack while you talk?” Kalli asked, claiming the left side of the small dorm.

  “Yeah, I guess, as long as you’re listening,” that wasn’t a problem for Kalli, but she ended up just sitting and listening anyway as Lupe’s voice pulled her so deep into the personal stories that she told. Lupe had grown up an only child. She said she had gotten anything she wanted… as long as she was seen as little as possible and heard even less. Her parents didn’t understand her need to express herself through clothes or hairstyles; the only thing they allowed to express herself was playing her violin. It became her escape until she sent in her application for UA. Her parents banned her from playing music saying she would never make a career out of it. But she played anyway and got accepted. Her parents gave up on keeping her home after her acting up and causing a fuss for their reputation for several weeks. So that was how she got to UA. Somewhat like Kalli did herself. Kalli looked at Lupe and suddenly understood her so much better; her chin-length spiky highlighted hair suddenly suited her. Her designer skinny jeans around her petite legs had a deep meaning behind them. Everything connected.

  “Wow. I would have never… wow,” Kalli was awestr
uck by the small statured girl in front of her.

  “Never would have guessed all that? Well, that’s the point of this: so there are no secrets to start out. It makes it easier to live together don’t you think?”

  “Most definitely. I wish I could have done that with my mom before…” Kalli stopped mid-sentence

  “Why did you stop? The point of this is to get it all out. I’m not going to judge you. Believe me, I have heard some bad stuff. I can handle it. What’s your story?”

  “Well I ran away from home because my mom didn’t want me to come; said that it was no future for her daughter. My dad was the one who always believed in my music. He was the one who applied me--they were divorced, my mom and dad. But my dad had cancer and died three weeks before I got my acceptance letter. I haven’t played any music since then, but when I got the letter I couldn’t turn it down, not after everything my father went through for 17 years by supporting me. Besides, to turn down a full scholarship…it didn’t seem right.”

  “Full scholarship? I am sorry about your dad, but you’re one of the two?”

  “One of two? I’m sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “There were two extra talented students this year that got 5 year scholarships. That’s never happened before--when I asked all they would tell me is that there was one girl and one boy.”

  “Wow I feel special,” Kalli said carefully.

  “You should. You need to come with me,” Lupe grabbed her arm and drug her out the door, barefoot and all.


  “That would be me,” Masashi stood from his chair and book, extending his hand.

  “Excellent. My name is Percival, I go by Percy,” He took the hand and smiled glad he had a nice roommate. He seemed distant though.

  Masashi nodded. “So you are my new roommate?” Masashi looked him over. Percy seemed ecstatic. Even by first year standards.

  “That’s me!” Percy looked over Masashi. His eyes were dark and guarded behind his thick glasses, yet he had a nice-looking face. They seemed to suit him. His black hair was straight and short not a hair rested on his face. The rims of his glasses obstructed his eyes just slightly. He noticed a small blue paperback book he held between his middle and fore finger with his ring finger holding a page about halfway through. “What are you reading?”

  “Music and Theory, author unknown,” Masashi sat back down, giving Percy a chance to stop talking and unpack. He didn’t take the social cue.

  “So you’re really into music?” Percy wasn’t sure if he should sit and get to know this guy or just leave.

  “I am here am I not? Are you not ‘into’ music as well?”

  “I love music. It is my life! And I’m good too! One of the best!”

  Masashi looked up from his book suddenly interested. “How good?”

  “I got a scholarship,” Percy said suddenly self-conscious.

  “How big of a scholarship?” Masashi’s voice was all business; he needed to figure out what this guy could do. A lot of kids get scholarships. Masashi gets scholarships. Money is nothing to sneeze at but they don’t mean you’re the best of the best.

  “Full 5-year.”

  “You are one of the two?” Masashi couldn’t believe his luck.

  “Uh…. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.”

  Without a word Masashi grabbed Percy and hauled him out the door.

  “So all your mangy kids are back I see,” Luke Stanley said, sipping his tea.

  “Oh don’t go Scooby Doo on me. They aren’t bad kids. You just don’t like people,” Thomas Allen countered.

  “Honestly, Thomas, I don’t know why you let those kids behave the way they do. Just this morning I caught two of your esteemed ‘Data Venia members’ nearly making children on school grounds. I mean, what is that? Why do you allow that?”

  “I’m guessing by ‘making children’ you mean Mr. Sao’s hands were on Miss Gonzales’ waist.”

  “Thank the powers that be that I stepped in when I did, before things got too far developed.”

  Thomas laughed. “Oh, Luke. Why don’t you just worry about your frisky little dance kids?”

  “Because your kids are far more out of control. Besides, my kids are focused on bringing prestige to this University.”

  “Well they do need to focus on that because mine obviously do that without trying--as they have for the past 20 years. How long have I been working here?”

  “21 years,” he sighed.

  “So with all due respect, Mr. Stanley, put a little sugar in that tea, take your pills, and leave my kids to do what they do best: making glorious award winning music.”

  “Where are you?” Masashi was wondering about a garden talking on his cell phone. He kicked small stones off the path. “Coming to see me? I’m coming to see you… I have someone I want to introduce to you… what? Who?... Fine, just tell me where you are… I’m in the gardens by the guy’s dorms… Yes that one… Ok give me five minutes…Alright, great, I’ll see you soon,” He closed the phone. Percy was still confused as to why he was here and was even more puzzled after only hearing Masashi’s side of the conversation.

  “Who was that?” He tried desperately to sound disinterested.

  “A friend of mine. We have a group of friends that I think you might fit well into. Apparently she wants me to meet her roommate. She’s ‘spectacular’ apparently,” Masashi rolled his eyes remembering all her word antics last year. She used to yell at him because he had such an expansive English vocabulary but he never used it.

  “Cool. This is exciting. I never expected my first day here would be this busy. I thought I would just unpack and get settled like any other first year. But no, I get to be drug around by a guy I barely know to a girl I don’t know at all on an unfamiliar campus. How fun,” Percy’s voice was dripping with sarcasm by the end of his statement but Masashi paid no mind.

  “Wait until you meet the twins.”

  “Are they fun?”

  “I guess you could say that. All I can say is that you will get used to not planning of your day ahead of time because they will do all in their power to make…havoc in your life,” Masashi smiled about how annoying they were last year. Maybe they grew up over the summer, but he doubted it. “There she is,” Percy turned to see a short girl with chin-length spiky black hair with lavender highlights. Behind her, trying to keep up was--surprise, surprise--‘In-A-Hurry’. He couldn’t stifle his hysterical laughter.

  “What is so humorous, are you alright?” Masashi asked one eyebrow lifting slightly.

  “I’m just fine,” He managed a bright grin at ‘In-A-Hurry’

  “Are you following me?!” Kalli yelled at him in frustration. She thought she had lost him at the main building but no, here he was showing up again. Why was nothing easy anymore?

  Percy shook his head and broke out into hysterical laughter again. “You two know each other?” Both Lupe and Masashi demanded at the same time, glancing only briefly at each other.

  “No,” Kalli said dismissively. But, at the same time Percy said: “Yup. Met on the bus here.”

  “So, technically we have met,” Kalli admitted, emphasizing the ‘met’ to show they were not friends nor did she have any desire to become so.

  “But she won’t even tell me her name.”

  “And he refuses to leave me alone!”

  Percy fell silent for a moment. He was shocked at how strong her dislike was towards him. His voice lowered to a slight whisper. “Can we start over?”

  Something about his bright, hope filled blue eyes made her a little sorry that she had been so harsh on him today but only a little sorry. “Whatever.”

  “Hello, my name is Percy,” he said holding out a pale, thin hand. She swore his fingers went on for miles.

  “Kalli,” she took it and shook it wanting to get her hand back as soon as possible but he held onto it far too long for comfort.

  “That’s a good name. I like it m
uch better then ‘In-A-Hurry’,” a smile crept onto his face, but he tried to suppress it.

  “Thanks,” she tried on her hand again, but his grip was firm.

  “You are very welcome, Kalli,” He smiled charmingly and Kalli couldn’t help herself. She smiled back. The way he said her name was musical.

  “Well, now that that’s all sorted. I’m Lupe and this Masashi. We are part of a group at this school. It’s not an official group but most of the students and faculty treat us like one. We call ourselves Data Venia. Basically, we are the best of the best. We don’t mean to brag but it’s the truth. We have the talent, we have the experience, and,” she smiled coyly. “We have the look. We think we have found our two new members for this year… We have heard what the two of you have accomplished.”

  “The two of us?” Kalli asked, slightly confused by all of this. It had been a long day; she was pretty done with people being vague.

  “You are the two full scholarships. A first for UA.”

  Percy and Kalli looked at each other incredulously silently saying. “No way.”

  “It is the truth,” Masashi said in a calm ‘duh’ kind of way.

  “What are your focuses?” Kalli asked suddenly excited she found someone who actually could be of use to her as a friend here, despite how irritating he had been up to this point.

  “Piano and music composition, what about you?” His sapphire eyes were sparkling with excitement.

  “Piano and vocal performance.”

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a singer, I can’t sing to save my life,” he admitted bashfully.

  “Really? Wow.”

  “Masashi?” Lupe interrupted the conversation.

  “Yes, Lupe?” He answered just on principle because he knew exactly what her thought process was. After a year plotting with her, he knew what she had in mind.

  “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”

  “Yes,” he said. He smiled and pushed up his glasses. “Yes, I do believe I am.”

  “You two,” Lupe said, harshly pointing at Percy and Kalli. “We shall hold a contest of talent. You are both focusing on piano, but who is better?” Both Percy and Kalli were suddenly very scared of the short-statured young woman. Lupe had a way of doing that to people.

  Percy and Kalli tried to speak but they were again interrupted but this time by the quiet, and also terrifying, Masashi. “You don’t know. You have never heard one another play,” his supreme logic and calmness was outstanding to Kalli. He had the same bored, neutral expression on all the time.

  “I don’t really care who is more talented,” Percy interjected his long, thin hands up in surrender.

  “We do,” Lupe said, grinning wildly. She loved this kind of game. It was entertaining. Lupe grabbed Percy and Masashi grabbed Kalli. Percy eventually just decided it was useless to fight it. Kalli however, was a complete pain in Masashi’s side, literally, kicking and screaming the entire time. “Who wants to go first?” Lupe asked standing in front of a grand piano on a stage.

  “I’ll go,” Kalli said reluctantly after a short silence. “Um… this is something I wrote for my audition tape,” she sat at the beautiful piano and spread her fingers over the keys. After that she didn’t have to think; her hands took over. That was part of her gift. She didn’t have to think about the music: it just flowed out of her like water from a pitcher.

  Percy listened as the musical chords filled the room in a sweet softness that was the piano. Suddenly changed into a quick-paced, light and bouncy melody mixed with arpeggios and scales with an obvious melodic line through the entire piece it ended with a reprise of the soft beginning slowing to a soft ending. He couldn’t remember the last time he had heard something so beautiful. He looked at her face--it was happy and calm--no stress lines like he normally saw her plagued with. She was nowhere near this hall in her mind. In her music she was somewhere where she could just be happy and live.

  Kalli finished before she knew she had started. Her fingers served her well. They knew the piano like she knew her old house in California: she could walk around in the dark and not hit anything. She stood slowly and jumped off the stage. Masashi wiped his eyes discreetly and said. “Your turn kid,” he pushed Percy forward lightly and he stumbled.

  “You expect me to play after that?” Percy said.

  Kalli walked over to where they were standing towards the back of the magnificent hall.

  “I-- I just--ugh never mind,” he stammered and finally jumped onto the stage with amazing grace and ease.

  “What was all that about?” Lupe asked Kalli, confused.

  “I have no idea” Kalli replied quietly. She turned back around to see Percy sitting at the grand piano. He began playing what sounded to her like a lullaby; slow and peaceful; she felt like she was flying. She could see his lips moving as if he was singing to himself. He looked so unmistakably happy. He finished in a low cord that almost made Kalli cry of sadness because it was over.

  Percy came off the stage and they all stood in silence proving one thing:

  It was a tie.



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