Book Read Free

A Common Language

Page 19

by Caitlyn Bogart

Chapter nineteen


  “Is my bow-tie straight? Masashi? Hello?”

  “It looks fine, Percy. Masashi is busy wondering about Lupe, isn’t it obvious on his face?” The twins said. Sasha straightened Percy’s bow tie and Demitri slapped him hard on the shoulder. Dragen went and spoke with Masashi for a moment--their conversation was more of facial expressions and body language than words--it was no wonder they got along so well. They all stood in silence for several minutes. Bored, Percy went to sit on is bed next to the twins.

  “Do you think we should have been less demanding Sasha? Perhaps she felt threatened,” Percy sat on the other side of Sasha and listened in.

  “No. I don’t think that was it. Perhaps she is immune to the ‘we’re twins so all the girls fall for us’ rays we’ve been sending. Or perhaps she is going with someone else and wanted to let us down easy?”

  “While that sounds like her, she would have told us. Maybe she was keeping herself open for someone else and didn’t want to close her choices. Dragen taught her how to dance, perhaps she wanted to go with him and he never asked.”

  “Or he asked and she never answered, or said no. Maybe that’s why he’s so out of it today.”

  “What if they were interrupted before he could even ask? What are your thoughts Percy?” Percy wasn’t even sure what they were talking about, much less what he thought of it all.

  “Who?” He asked dumbly.

  “Kalli! Of course!” They both bellowed, but then hushed their voices.

  “Oh. Wait. I’m confused. What happened again? Sorry,” the twins groaned.

  “In short, we asked Kalli to the dance but she turned us down saying ‘she wasn’t ready’. We were wondering what that meant. Did she want to go with someone else and want to let us down easy? Or did she already have a date?” Percy winced; they had the courage to ask her out, while he just pissed her off when he had an opportunity. Never before had he felt like such an idiot.

  “I think it means she wasn’t ready. I am almost positive she doesn’t have a date because she promised me a dance. I imagine she did the same for the two of you. Correct?” they nodded. “think about it, her father just died, she ran away from home--from everything she knows--to be here. She is in a foreign country where school is brand new, her dad just died, she got attacked in town; she got broken up with by her boyfriend back home, probably cheated on, then he came back. And on top of all this, she is getting swept up by a bunch of European guys. I think she is slightly shaken. So, I don’t think she is ready to be accepting any offers, not after everything she’s been through,” Percy spoke softly, until he said it aloud he hadn’t realized just how much she had gone through. It’s no wonder why she was so on edge about herself. Her entire world was being torn apart around her and the only constant thing in her life is disaster.

  “Ah. We see. That does make sense. It’s not that she doesn’t like us. It’s just she can barely handle herself at the moment, much less us. So she wants to wait until she can have a meaningful relationship,” the twins seemed more determined than ever.

  “Wait. That’s not really what I...”

  “Percy old pal thanks. We owe you a lot.”

  “But I...oh forget it,” Percy gave up as they fixed their hair in the full length mirror admiring themselves.

  Lupe opened the dorm door to see Masashi, long hair slicked back and standing straight in a black tux. He opened his mouth to complement her appearance but she interrupted him. “You have to see Kalli!” She dragged him by the arm and around the corner to see Kalli checking her shoes, “Tada! I must say I have out-done myself,” Lupe was dancing with happiness.

  “Can you not make such a huge deal out of this? Please? I’m embarrassed enough!”

  “You shouldn’t be. You look wonderful,” Masashi spoke up. “And I know of at least four guys who will be very pleased with your work, my dear,” he said, taking Lupe’s hand.

  “Who?!” Kalli screamed, careful not to mess up her pristine hair.

  “She’s helpless,” Lupe sighed. “She has no idea.”

  “It’s alright. I’m not so sure they do either,” Masashi said staying calm as usual. Kalli sighed and grabbed her handbag.

  “Since you two are talking about me like I’m not here, I might as well not be,” she left down the hall wobbling slightly in her heels.

  “Shall we?” Masashi asked Lupe and offered his arm. She smiled and took it. They followed Kalli down the hallway but they kept their distance.

  “Do you think we should catch up with Kalli?”

  “She’ll be fine,” Masashi winked at her.

  “I know that look.”

  “What look?” he said acting completely innocent. If Lupe didn’t know him better she would have fallen for the act.

  “The ‘I’m-a-stereotypical-evil-Japanese-mastermind-and-I-just-used-my-superior-intelligence-to-do-something-manipulative-that-will-cause-massive-unnecessary-drama’ look.”

  “I have no idea what in the world you are talking about,” Masashi said keeping a straight face but she saw that little spark in his eye that told her she was right.


  “Fine. Guilty as charged.”

  “What did you do?” She stopped and faced him.

  “All I did is that I suggested to Dragen that Kalli needs someone to walk her in.”

  “You didn’t! Kalli won’t accept it!” her hands flew to her face.

  “I believe she will. Dragen can be very convincing.”

  “You are a horrible person,” Lupe said plainly. “I still love you, but I disagree with your tactics.”

  Masashi smiled slightly as they turned their attentions to the unsuspecting Kalli.

  “So, Percy. Are you going to pick up Kalli?” The twins asked. Percy felt like he had been though an entire interrogation.

  “I wasn’t planning on it. Why? It’s not like I asked her.” Percy sighed.

  “Why don’t you?”

  “What?!” Percy turned to them, shocked. They just shrugged innocently

  “Ask Kalli to go to the dance with you. You sure are deaf today.”

  “Why…?” Percy was suspicious. He didn't know the twins very well but he knew enough about them to know they never did anything without an alternative motive.

  “Because it would be entertaining. Besides, do you really want her to have to walk in alone, do you? Some friend you are,” The thought of Kalli walking around alone at night all dressed up did worry him.

  “If you two are so concerned, why don’t you go escort her?”

  “Are you saying you don’t want Kalli to be comfortable? You want her to walk down the staircase alone and insecure because everyone is staring at her, because she is alone…”

  “Of course not!” Percy nearly screamed. “But since my plan to ask her to the dance kind of backfired…” He admitted shamefully.

  “You were going to ask her? Man, what happened?!”

  “Well, she got angry because I called her gorgeous.”

  The twins looked confused. “Shouldn’t that make her happy? Did you say it with the sarcasm?”

  Percy laughed at their English blunder. “It should make her happy. And, no, I didn’t use ‘the sarcasm.’ I was completely serious. She told me I was lying,” he shrugged wishing desperately to drop the subject.

  “Hmm, puzzling. Well, you should go ask her why she was so upset. While you’re there ask to escort her as a peace treaty of sorts.”

  “That is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard! Why don’t you two just leave me alone about Kalli? Alright?”

  The twins raised their hands in surrender to a fuming Percy. “Very well, we’ll go escort her. You walk in alone,” the twins left the room, waving as they left. Despite their seemingly diamond outer core, Percy had found a weakness. They always seemed to annoy people when they didn’t mean to. It was just one of the few things they disliked about themselves. He made a mental note to use for later.

ercy was left standing alone in the middle of his and Masashi’s room. “Idiot!” he cursed himself. “What’s the big deal? Why shouldn’t I escort her? It’s just a walk down the stairs. What am I so afraid of?” he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the room. He had made his decision. Whatever his fear, he had to face it…head on.

  “Dr…Dragen? What’s wrong? You look a tad pale,” to be quite honest his normally dark skin was as white as copied sheet music. He opened his mouth to answer but he closed it immediately and looked down allowing his chin length black hair to fall into his eyes. She stepped towards him. “Dragen, you’re scaring me. Talk to me,” he looked into her eyes. She was right. He could see the obvious fear in her irises. She urged him on with those chocolate eyes of hers.

  “Kalli, I…I…I was just wondering if maybe you…”

  “Kalli! Dragen! Hey guys what’s up?” The twins interrupted with perfect timing, as usual.

  “Hey. I was just talking to Dragen…” Kalli tried to wave them off.

  “Cool, so you don’t mind if we ask you something?”

  “That’s not exactly what I meant--I guess if you make it fast--I really would like to get back to our conversation,” she said gesturing to herself and Dragen.

  “Of course,” they said gesturing to Dragen, like they were saying hello without actually looking at him. “We were wondering if you would do us the honor of allowing us to…”

  “Kalli!” two voices interrupted at once. Kalli had not seen Percy come up behind Dragen. They all turned to see him. Apparently she was not the only one who had overlooked his presence.

  Percy was surprised that Dragen spoke with him to interrupt the twins. His silent and calm face was twisted with urgency. “I wish to speak with you. Please, it is a matter of great importance to me,” Percy said quickly, hyperventilating slightly.

  “Gee, I’m popular tonight. What gives?” Kalli was very concerned; they all looked like they would burst in ten seconds if the words didn’t escape their shaking bodies. “What’s wrong with all of you?”

  “Well that plan backfired…” Masashi and Lupe were watching the scene from afar.

  “What did you expect would happen? Genius,” Lupe rolled her eyes. She didn’t like the look of this. Kalli was cornered by four guys, all of which wanted something from her. Not a good situation for anyone to be in. And Kalli had been through enough.

  “Well, one I didn’t expect the twins to show up at all, and I expected either Percy or Dragen would chicken, so only one would attempt to escort her. That was the plan. But now everything is all screwy.”

  “And now we have four guys silently fighting for one girl. How do you think this is going to turn out?” Lupe was displeased. She felt sorry for Kalli. She hated attention as it was. With these four--it was like a bright yellow spotlight on her. Everyone would notice. “See, Masashi, why did you have to meddle? What was the point?”

  “Interesting. I imagine. I wonder who will win,” Masashi was caught up in his own little world.

  “I know one thing: Kalli will lose.”

  “What the heck is going on? Can someone talk to me? Please?”

  “Boys, are we all here for the same reason?” Demitri asked addressing the entire group.

  “I do believe so,” Percy said quietly, glancing around the circle quickly.

  “Then shall we clue her in? Shall I?”

  “Go ahead Sasha,” Demitri said

  “We all, apparently, came to ask you if you would allow us to escort you to the formal.”

  “It’s a little late for that. Besides, I’ve already turned you two down,” she gestured to the twins. “And you both had opportunities to ask me before this point and you didn’t. Which I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, because I’m not ready. I told the twins that! So all of you need to go away! Please take a couple of steps back, all of you.”


  “Percy, stop! You know me better than anyone else here! You shouldn’t even be here. You already know my answer! I’m not ready,” Kalli turned. “And Dragen, I’m sorry, but I’m not ready,” she left for the hall that the dance was being held in, taking in deep breaths to counter the slight claustrophobia.



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