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Demand to Submit

Page 4

by Jaci Burton

  "Spread your legs."

  She did as she was told, her legs quivering as he reached into the deep wooden chest next to the wall and pulled out a thin disk of some clear substance, two small red balls and an item that looked like a thin, short cock with a base at the end.

  He lubricated the balls and moved his hand between her legs, parting her folds. He slid the balls deep inside her pussy. "Squeeze your muscles tight and hold these inside you."

  She nodded, feeling the balls shift of their own volition. "What are these?"

  "Pleasure balls. They will move around inside your cunt and give you enjoyment."

  "Oh." Not bloody likely, but she didn't tell him that.

  "Now turn around and bend over."

  When she did, she craned her neck to watch him. He took a bottle of a clear, thick gel-like substance and coated the thin cock, then parted her buttocks, sliding more of the lubricant against her anus. With slow, measured movements, he inserted the rubbery cock into her ass. The balls shifted, striking a pleasurable spot inside her at the same time. Pressure filled her anus, yet it wasn't at all unpleasant as the cock began to warm inside her.


  Jaci Burton

  "Now face me again."

  The base of the anal cock prevented it from moving, her muscles so tight there was no fear of the object falling out. She was completely filled. When the anal cock began to shift back and forth, she uttered a gasp of surprise.

  "Yes, it will fuck you and also self-lubricate so you aren't irritated by having the object inside you all day."

  All day? She blinked, sure she hadn't heard him right. "I am to wear these all day?"

  He cocked a half grin and nodded. "We're not finished yet. Spread your legs again."

  When she did, he placed the small, clear patch directly above her clit. No bigger than the palm of her hand, it attached to her as if it were a gel. As soon as it melted over her clit, it began to vibrate. The sensations were indescribable. It was like being fucked in two places and licked all at one time.

  She hadn't been able to feel pleasure since they'd changed her. Yet the tingling she felt now was undeniable. It felt...good.

  "Your lesson for today is to leave those objects attached to you. Do not remove them. As we go about our day, tune in to your own body, Waia. Allow yourself to feel pleasure. I will remove them by nightfall and I will expect you to give me a detailed explanation of how they felt."

  "Will you fuck me then?" she asked, anticipation already roaring through her. If she could get through this task, surely he would want his cock inside her.

  "If you ask me that question again, I'll have to punish you. We're not going to discuss my pleasure. Your lesson is your own pleasure."

  "But I do not feel--"

  He cut her off with a stern look. She had pushed too much, so desperate to fulfill the duties ingrained in her. Afraid he'd never fuck her and she'd die from the need, she nodded and didn't speak again.


  Demand to Submit

  "Let's begin our tour of the castle. I have much to show you."

  And she had much to learn. She hoped Kyr wasn't wasting his time on her, for despite the pleasant sensations of the devices, her one burning desire right now was to suck and fuck him until he came, until he was satisfied.

  Her nonexistent pleasure was the last thing on her mind.


  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Four

  Dargon was breathtaking--at least the palace and surrounding grounds, which was all she'd seen so far. Kyr led her through the intricate hallways and spacious rooms around the castle. Both the men and the women bowed their heads to him as they passed by. She didn't yet understand his capacity here, other than some kind of head master, but it was easy to tell he commanded a considerable amount of respect.

  His quarters occupied the middle floors. Above them were guest rooms--hundreds of them, all seemingly filled to capacity. Couples roamed the halls outside the guest rooms, moving in and out of larger, open areas filled with strange devices. Kyr led her into a few that contained tables with straps, chairs suspended from the ceiling with holes for legs and arms to slip into, rows of whips, floggers and other bondage items.

  Curious, she longed to linger and watch what the couples did with them, but Kyr moved her quickly out of the room, mumbling something about her time coming later.

  With every movement she made, the devices inside her moved too. They couldn't be ignored as the anal cock fucked her ass and the balls tumbled over and over in her pussy. The clit patch warmed and vibrated every few minutes. At first it was strange and she could barely walk, but now they seemed part of her.

  She tried her best to focus on her body's response, but her thoughts centered on Kyr. The way he moved, the way his leather pants shifted and hugged his sculpted ass and legs. His body was all muscle, his shoulders and back broad and defined. She itched to run her hands over every inch of him, kissing him, touching him, pleasuring him. Her pussy moistened and when small quakes fluttered inside her, they seemed to make all the devices work in tandem--undulating, vibrating, fucking her.

  "Do you feel the objects, Waia?" Kyr asked.



  Demand to Submit

  He motioned her through a doorway and onto a trail that led to magnificent gardens. Willowy trees swayed in the light breeze as they walked the narrow trail.

  Bushes with fruits and berries of amazing colors lined each side of the walkway. They stopped at a clearing containing pale stone tables. They'd no sooner sat than two naked women hurried over to serve them platters of food and tall glasses of a cool liquid.

  "Tell me about the objects inside you, Waia."

  "They're strange. They vibrate and tingle. How do they do that?"

  "The objects are sensitive to your touch, but also obey my psychic commands."

  "You're psychic?"

  He smiled and took a long swallow of drink. She was mesmerized by his throat. A slight beard had formed on his lower jaw and neck, the unshaved hair a dark black and incredibly sexy. It made him look dangerous, like a pirate of old with his stubbly face and long, flowing black hair.

  "As it relates to the woman I'm training, yes. I can sense every one of your feelings."

  At her wide-eyed look, he nodded and smiled. "Yes, I also know when you're aroused."

  Silken fluids trickled down her thighs. She couldn't help it. But it wasn't the devices that stirred her; it was the way Kyr looked at her. She read the need in his eyes, the desire for her. That drove her arousal, nothing else.

  Though the fact she had any desire at all was astounding.

  He'd spent the better part of the day looking at her just like he was now, his lips curling into a hint of a smile that suggested sensual secrets could be uncovered if she'd only ask the right question. His dark gaze stimulated her much more than the devices ever could. As excited as she'd been all day, she thought Kyr had been the same. Was there a time she glanced over at him that his cock wasn't erect and straining the confines of his pants? She didn't think so. Yet he hadn't once touched her.


  Jaci Burton

  He was stimulated, but he obviously didn't want her to pleasure him. Was she unappealing, or was this part of her so-called training?

  As soon as her emotions changed, Kyr picked it up.

  Strange. Only seconds before, he'd caught the aroused scent of her sweet pussy, knew it was wet and aching. Now all he felt was despair. Her sexual excitement had nearly disappeared.

  What had changed?

  "Tell me what you're feeling right now."

  She blinked and he knew she didn't want to tell him. But he waited, allowing her time to respond.

  "I'm feeling quite fine. I've eaten a wonderful meal in this beautiful garden. The devices inside me are very stimulating," she added.

  "No, I said tell me what you're feeling, what you're thinking. Not what you think I want to hear."

  "I don
't understand."

  He refused to allow her fear to rule her. "Yes, you do understand. I want to know why you went from aroused to upset so quickly. What were you thinking that caused this?"

  "You don't want me," she blurted.

  Arching a brow, he asked, "And what do you base that assumption on?"

  "You've had an erection all day, yet you haven't asked me to relieve you."

  "Doesn't the fact I've been hard all day tell you that I do, in fact, want you?"

  "No, not really. I just assumed..."

  He waited for her to finish her sentence. She didn't. "Don't ever assume. If you have a question, ask. You will never be punished for curiosity. Now tell me what you assumed."


  Demand to Submit

  "That you were aroused by the sight of all the naked and half-naked women we encountered today."

  He stood and circled the table, keeping his gaze fixed on her. "You need to understand that I can have any woman I want here. Or any submissive male, for that matter. Any time and in any place. If I stepped into the training room and a Dom was fucking his submissive, I could order him to step out of my way so I could fuck her. If a woman passed by in the hall, I could order her to drop and suck my cock right there.

  Any woman or man I want, I can have. As master, I am allowed these privileges."

  He waited for her to grasp the information before telling her, "The woman I want is you. I've been hard all day because I've been next to you, listening to the devices fucking you where I want to fuck you and inhaling the sweet scent of your wet cunt. I want to bury my shaft so far inside you that you scream in pain and pleasure. I want you to suck my cock so deeply that it disappears between your lips. I want to come in you. In your pussy, your mouth, your ass, over and over again. That is why I've been hard all day."

  Her mouth opened in surprise, her lips forming an "O" that he simply couldn't resist. He stepped toward her, desire ready to erupt in a savage release he'd craved far too long. But as he required discipline from his submissives, he required the same of himself. Still, he had to have at least this much right now. "Get on your knees in the grass."

  She quickly complied and he moved in front of her, keeping his gaze trained on her face as he pulled the closure of his pants apart and tugged them over his hips. Her eyes turned a molten amber as he revealed his cock, and she licked her lips.

  "I will allow you to touch and taste me, but I will not come for you until you've learned your own capacity for pleasure. Now suck me."

  She reached for him, her hands warm and soft just as he knew they'd be. She wrapped both hands around his length and moved slowly over his shaft, drawing down and then up and over the engorged head of his cock. Keeping her hand 41

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  movements rhythmic, she leaned in and laved her tongue over the tip, lapping up the drops of creamy pre-cum that spilled there.

  He shuddered at her little pink tongue darting and swirling around the head of his cock, his balls tightening sharply. How easy it would be to come right now, to watch his fluids spill on her sweet tongue. But she had a lesson to learn. She had to be made to understand that it was her pleasure that drove her master's. That without her response, he would not achieve ultimate satisfaction.

  So he gritted his teeth and allowed her this brief glimpse into how it could be. As soon as her full lips engulfed his shaft, drawing it deeper and deeper into her hot mouth, he sensed an awakening within her. Strong and passionate, her body thrummed to life. He held her head with his hands and pumped his cock between her lips, thrusting fast and hard. His movements were punishing, meant to force her submission.

  She took every inch of him, her mouth moist, hot and burning him alive.

  Waia had an inherent passion that had nothing to do with genetic alteration. She enjoyed giving him pleasure. He sensed it was a part of her nature without the submissive DNA. The added genetics only confused her, tore away her natural tendencies.

  The key would be in helping her find her own pleasure. But right now it was his pleasure that was paramount. The smell of her sex, the way her nipples beaded tight and hard against her gown only added to his frenzied need to possess her. He drove hard between her lips and she held firm, her mouth suctioning his throbbing shaft. Her moan vibrated against his cock and he knew if he didn't pull away from her now, he'd be shooting cum down her throat in seconds.

  Stars, how much did he crave doing just that?

  With a sharp oath of regret he stepped back, watching each inch of his cock reappear as he drew it from her mouth. She sat on her heels, her lips as wet as his shaft, and looked up at him. "I felt...something."


  Demand to Submit

  So did he. And his balls still throbbed with the violent need to empty their contents between her willing lips. He had a difficult time shoving his erect cock back into his pants and refastening them when all he really wanted to do was burst inside her mouth.

  But not yet. "Tell me what you felt."

  "It's as it always has been since they changed me. My pleasure is derived from servicing you. But this time was different. Instead of feeling only relief that I was allowed to touch you, I felt things inside me. Strange things. My belly warmed, my pussy tingled and those devices moved. I grew wetter and my nipples ached."

  It was a start. A very good start. But it was only a beginning. He held out his hand and helped her stand, wishing he could kiss her swollen lips and drive his tongue inside her mouth as he had with his cock.

  But kissing was intimacy, and she wasn't yet ready for that. "Good. It's a beginning.

  Now let's go back to the rooms to bathe and dress. We're going to a party tonight."

  A very special party, where the next phase of Waia's lessons would begin.


  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Five

  Kyr led Waia into the ballroom, which was filled with men and women of all species and cultures. The women's clothing was amazing. Some wore transparent gowns while others wore only beautiful jewels over their nipples and attached to their sexes. She glanced at Kyr to assess his reaction to the scantily clad women, but he seemed oblivious to the sounds and scents of sex surrounding them.

  She inhaled, her nipples scraping the silken material of her red sheath. This one covered a bit more of her than the see-through one she'd worn earlier in the day but was still cut to her navel in front. The back draped so low the crack of her buttocks was visible. Slits on either side parted as she walked, revealing her legs, thighs and hips.

  Still, she was covered more than most of the women in attendance.

  But Kyr had seemed pleased when she put on the gown. He'd given her a jeweled clip to pull her hair up on top of her head. Several wisps escaped and blew softly against her cheek.

  For the first time in a very long time, she felt beautiful. Maybe that had to do with how Kyr looked at her. The same way he'd been looking at her since they returned to the chambers after their tour. He'd removed the anal plug, the balls and the clit patch, taking time to caress her pussy and buttocks as he did so. His gaze was hard, his eyes a stormy gray, his cock still erect, and yet he hadn't asked her to finish what she'd started in the gardens.

  His self-control was much stronger than hers. Then again, he didn't have a blasted genetic alteration forcing him to be something he wasn't, either.

  They'd bathed together afterward. Kyr insisted on having his hands on her at all times. He'd washed her body, lingering at her breasts and pussy, but only long enough 44

  Demand to Submit

  for her to be aware of it. Then he moved on and they finished so they could dress for the party.

  Round tables were set up throughout the room with the exception of a cleared area in the center, currently filled with couples entwined and swaying together to the music.

  Kyr stopped at a table in the center of the room and pulled out a chair for her. She sat, her gaze fixed on those couples dancing right in front of her. Kyr h
anded her a glass containing a steaming red liquid. She sipped it, surprised at its tart flavor. But it warmed her insides and she consumed it quickly.

  "Careful. The alcohol content in the rulari cocktail is very high. I want you to keep your senses about you tonight."

  She nodded and set the empty glass down, turning again to the dance floor. It seemed as if sexuality was publicly celebrated here. Couples kissed and groped each other, heedless of anyone around them.

  This was not a typical party. At least not the kind she'd ever attended.

  "Are all parties at the castle like this?" she asked Kyr, watching as a woman bent over one of the tables, lifted her dress and presented her bare buttocks for her master to flog. The long tails of a black whip whooshed through the air before landing on one already red buttock. The woman closed her eyes and let out a pleasured moan.

  "Yes. The Doms like to show off their subs, especially with new couplings. In addition, many of our guests enjoy voyeurism or exhibitionism."

  Waia's experience with sexuality had been limited before she'd been taken and altered. After the change in her genetics, she had craved sex. They had experimented on her in many ways, trying different ways to coax a response from her. The scientists had pronounced her inability to respond a failure, had claimed she wouldn't be

  "marketable". They'd locked her up, periodically attempting more sexual exploits, studying her, running tests, then testing her again. They'd finally given up.

  Since she'd been unable to respond sexually to any man, she gave up pleasuring herself too. Whatever they'd done to her had diminished her ability to experience her 45

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  own orgasm. Though since she'd been with Kyr, she'd felt a slow awakening of her libido once again--no doubt due to his teasing and refusing to allow her to pleasure him. Once he fucked her, once she had the chance to stimulate him and give him an orgasm, she knew she'd be satisfied and the pain ravaging within her would subside for a while, but it had nothing to do with her own excitement. She was dead there.

  They ate and drank for a while, until Kyr decided they'd take a walk around the room, making his way slowly through the throng of tangled bodies. Whenever they reached a couple engaged in sex, he would pause. They'd watch for a few minutes, then move on. It was almost as if he was looking for something in particular.


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