Book Read Free

Ruin & Reliance

Page 27

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Yes, my master. It is with pleasure that I look forward to serving you,” Razmig said. Beige robes hung on a hook made of human bones that protruded from the walls of the hut. He took the robes and placed them over his blood-stained pants and shirt, concealing the mess of a previous sacrifice. He walked slowly out of the hut, as his knees and back ached with each step. Razmig then trekked through the swamp, repelling the venomous creatures by commanding their inferior spirits to move away. His pace was slow and required six (6) hours of painful and deliberate movement to reach the port city.


  After one (1) day of travel, the Molded Gem arrived in the Port of Glatavius and docked alongside another vessel, at the far end of a pier.

  Captain Frascuelo and Teobaldo exited the wheelhouse to go out on deck. From there, they directed the crew to lower the anchor and extend the boarding ramp.

  “We need security, as always. Guards, drink up,” Captain Frascuelo said.

  Nine (9) men each drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from their vials and were energized with the powers of strength and speed. They readied swords and shields, then awaited the cargo.

  Two (2) men carried a crate up a flight of stairs leading from the cargo hold and onto the deck. The nine (9) guards surrounded them.

  Captain Frascuelo walked to the center of the group and opened the crate to see for himself that the contents appeared intact. As he expected, the crate contained a written manifest and thousands of diamonds, but he did not count them all, because they had been counted earlier and he trusted his crew. He replaced the lid of the crate and said: “Deliver these quickly and return. First mate Teobaldo will accompany you.”


  Teobaldo accompanied the nine (9) armed guards, who escorted the two (2) men holding the diamond-filled crate as they walked down the boarding ramp of the Molded Gem and onto the pier. They walked along the pier and entered the Port of Glatavius, passing hundreds of other people moving in various directions.


  Razmig was tired and walked through the port city only with great difficulty. He watched the merchants and crew members of various ships as they were moving crates of goods through the port and visiting the trading depot. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized again and ready for the crucial moment. He only needed to find the ship that the spirit had indicated. Despite the spiritual guidance he received, Razmig had neither the power of telepathy to read the minds of the travelers, nor the power of far sight to see which ship at the end of which pier was the vessel he sought. Not wishing to miss an opportunity, he followed a group of twelve (12) men into the trading depot – a large square stone building, measuring eighty-five (85) feet on each side and thirty-two (32) feet in height.


  Teobaldo led the nine (9) armed guards and the two (2) men holding the diamond-filled crate into the trading depot. The wide open room contained dozens of tables with accountants, bankers and merchants seated or standing around them, busily exchanging goods and payments. He directed his subordinate crew members to carry the crate to the back of the room and place it on the floor beside a table that was less crowded than all the others. Three (3) men and five (5) women were seated around the table, counting precious gems and recording them into a set of books. One of the women looked up from her gem-counting work and said: “Identify yourself. And please give me the manifest so that I can validate this delivery.”

  “Teobaldo, first mate on board the Molded Gem,” he said.


  Razmig walked up behind the group of twelve (12) men and watched as two (2) of them dropped a crate on the floor near the table where the accountants were seated. He heard the man identify himself as a first mate and give the name of the ship: Molded Gem. Razmig now knew that this was the man to follow.


  Teobaldo opened up the crate and removed the piece of paper which was resting on top of the diamonds. He handed the paper to the woman.

  The woman read the paper and said: “Six thousand eight hundred ninety-four (6894) diamonds, seventy-one (71) percent average purity. We have to count these.” She drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized with the power of light. She looked into the crate, bending light around corners, and carefully counted out all of the diamonds. “You’re fifteen (15) diamonds short. The manifest is wrong. This is fraud. I could have you arrested for any discrepancy,” she said.

  “Don’t threaten them, Nousha. Just call in the guards and have them arrested. False manifests are a crime. They know that. There’s no need for a warning,” one of the men seated at the table said.

  The forty-seven (47) year old woman – Nousha – said: “No. I want this corrected. There are costs to arresting people, and we need to make a profit. I’d rather have an accurate manifest accompany each shipment. The manifest indicates that these diamonds – assuming they’re not actually a different variety of crystal, which we shall soon see – were transported by Captain Frascuelo. Bring your captain here to answer for this error. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to write out the order to arrest him and his entire crew, impound your vessel and confiscate all cargo.”

  “I will summon Captain Frascuelo at once,” Teobaldo said.


  Teobaldo hurried out of the trading depot and made his way back to the pier where the Molded Gem was anchored.


  Razmig moved slowly, pushing through aches and pains, and exited the building behind the first mate named Teobaldo, who had just been threatened by the female accountant named Nousha. Razmig could not keep up with first mate Teobaldo, but he watched the general direction of his movement so that he knew which pier to walk along.


  Teobaldo walked out to the end of the pier and climbed up the boarding ramp to the deck of the Molded Gem.

  Captain Frascuelo was standing on deck along with eighty-five (85) crew members, including twenty-one (21) armed guards. When the captain saw his first mate return alone, he asked: “Teobaldo, where are the guards and the deck hands?”

  “Captain, the manifest was incorrect, short by fifteen (15) diamonds. The accountants have ordered you to appear before them in the trading depot to answer for this,” Teobaldo said.

  “We need to search the ship, high and low, to find them. There’s no sense in showing up empty-handed. Scour this ship for any diamonds that might have been dropped. Look in the cargo hold and every cabin,” Captain Frascuelo said.

  First mate Teobaldo and the crew of eighty-five (85) men all went below deck and into the cabins, searching every corner for signs of missing diamonds.


  Razmig called into the spirit world to summon a spirit of confusion and a spirit of anger to serve him. He sent the spirits forth, moving ahead as he climbed up the boarding ramp of the Molded Gem. The spirit of confusion entered various crew members, and the spirit of anger entered others, until they turned against each other violently.


  As the Zovvin waters still flowed through first mate Teobaldo, he exerted his powers and reached out to fend off the spiritual attack, so that his own spirit was unaffected and his mind remained clear. However, the soldiers around him did not have such powers and were misled by the haunts, who overrode the intentions of their inborn spirits. With their swords, they killed each other and Teobaldo, who was outnumbered. Only Captain Frascuelo was still alive after the attack.


  The spirits of Teobaldo and the other eighty-five (85) men found themselves confined in a strange realm that was a deep shade of blue. They were weak and restful, having none of their former strength, speed, power or purpose. Their energy nearly completely left them, and they did not have any understanding of what this meant.


  Captain Frascuelo was lying on the floor of the cargo hold, confused and bloodied. “Who are you?” he asked when he saw the dirty, bearded man in the beige robes standing over him. />
  Razmig drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He then said: “Master, accept this blood sacrifice, and by his blood, show me the way.” He drew a small dagger from a pocket in his robes and thrust it into Captain Frascuelo repeatedly, splattering his blood and killing the man.

  The pattern of blood formed a series of arrows on the floor of the cargo hold, and Razmig read them carefully. He then climbed the steps leading up out of the cargo hold and back on deck. It was agonizing and slow, but he pushed against his pain. He noticed that the anchor had been dropped and raising it manually would be far beyond his strength. Razmig entered the wheelhouse where he found that the vessel had a lever to cut the anchor in an emergency. He pulled that lever, allowing the anchor to drop to the sea floor. He pulled another lever to retract the boarding ramp. Razmig pulled a third lever and the Molded Gem began sailing out to sea. Recalling the pattern of splattered blood, he tilted the ship’s wheel in that direction, sailing eastward across the Zovvin Ocean.

  After two (2) days of travel, he saw another vessel and steered the Molded Gem alongside it. He pulled a lever to lower the sails and halt the ship’s movement.


  Kobus stood on the deck of the Staunch Carriage Five and saw another vessel pull alongside of it. He drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of speed and strength. Then, he said “Go forth!” and tapped the staff onto the deck of the ship, but nothing happened.

  He watched as a dirty, bearded man in beige robes walked across the deck of the other ship and approached the edge.


  Razmig drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He spoke into the spirit world and said: “Master Besattoken, I have traveled in the direction shown by the spilled blood of the sacrifice.”

  The voice of Besattoken spoke into his spirit and said: “Board the other ship – the Staunch Carriage Five. Tell this man – who goes by the name Kobus – that the crystal atop the staff has the power of a swarm of spirits under my command. As each new spirit is sacrificed to me, the swarm of spirits grows larger and more powerful. These can be used for battle, as he already knows. Yet, he will need you to travel with him and perform the ritual, so that the power increases, and my appetite for spirits is sated. I hunger for new souls and must be fed often. Whatever treasure you gain by using the staff is yours to keep, so long as I am satisfied.”

  Razmig called out and said: “I must come on board your ship and speak to you, Kobus. I know about the power of the staff, and the swarm of spirits it holds. I know the greater spirit that commands them.”


  Kobus heard the bearded man’s claim and wondered if it might just be true, especially since the man knew his name despite never having seen him. The spirit swarm in the staff had never failed him before, but now they refused to appear. Kobus realized that it was time to cooperate, rather than to attack. Having no other good choice but to listen to what the dirty old man had to say, he pulled the lever that extended the boarding ramp of the Staunch Carriage Five so that it reached the deck of the other vessel.


  Razmig walked across the extended boarding ramp and stepped onto the deck of the Staunch Carriage Five. There, he saw a much younger and stronger man, who was holding a staff with a lapis lazuli at the tip.

  “I am Razmig, and I know the secrets of the staff you hold,” he said.

  “What are those secrets?” Kobus asked.

  “The master of the swarm of spirits is the greater spirit whose name is Besattoken. Each time a life is sacrificed to him according to a certain ritual, the spirit leaves the body and enters into the lapis lazuli at the tip of that staff. By this, the swarm of spirits grows larger and more powerful. I know that ritual, and I drink the Zovvin waters, which enable me to perform it,” Razmig said.

  “Why did you come here?” Kobus asked.

  “The master of the swarm of spirits must be kept satisfied. He hungers for new souls to be captured. Their strength is then under the command of whomever holds the staff, which can be used in battle. Whatever treasure is thereby gained is ours to keep. However, I must perform the ritual to please Besattoken and satisfy his spiritual hunger. Otherwise, the power to control the swarm of spirits will be taken from us,” Razmig said.

  “Is that why they didn’t attack you?” Kobus asked.

  “Yes. The master wishes for me to travel with you, and provide him with new souls upon which to feed,” Razmig said.


  Lunete exited the bedroom of the northwestern tower of her castle and descended the steps to the first floor, where Kauko was waiting.

  “You have your wedding portrait, my lady?” Kauko asked.

  Lunete held up the lightkeeper crystal that contained the image of her with the eleven (11) most recent grooms, including Duke Ruupeni. “Yes, Kauko. The portrait is complete, capturing both the beauty and the truth of the moment. This should be placed in the library, like all the others. Where is Torhilda? That is her job,” she said.

  “I have not seen Torhilda in several days, my lady. Shall I find and summon her?” Kauko asked.


  “My lady, I have been searching for Torhilda throughout every tower and hallway. She is not inside your castle or in the courtyard,” Rufino said from under the cover of darkness.


  “Torhilda knows too much! Unless she is dead, she is a danger to me and to my good purpose. How did she escape? I want that question answered, Rufino! Appear before me immediately!” Lunete said, both fearfully and furiously.

  The dark scout accompanying Rufino eased his power of darkness so that both he and Rufino appeared before Lunete.

  “It was your responsibility to prevent Torhilda from leaving this castle, Rufino,” Lunete said.

  “Yes, my lady. I apologize sincerely for failing in this duty. I last saw Torhilda before the battle against Duke Lodovico, when I hurried to your side to defend you. Yet, I will not rest until I find her. Please give me permission to leave this castle and go in search of her. I can make Torhilda serve you again if she is alive, or verify that she is dead,” Rufino said.

  “There is great danger outside this castle, Rufino. The world is filled with greedy, lustful and arrogant warlords. In their unending pursuit of power, they bring ruin to the poor and the vulnerable,” Lunete said.

  “Yes, my lady. I will face any danger to serve you and bring back your servant, Torhilda, or proof of her death. You can rely upon me to never rest until this task is completed,” Rufino said.

  “You are so loyal, brave and bold, Rufino. I want you to marry me,” Lunete said.

  CHAPTER 17: Corruption of Money and Spirit

  Romey sailed the Iron Grip westward across the Zovvin Ocean until reaching the Way of Raza’Deptorum land bridge. At that point, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and sails to the sides of the ship and elevate the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Gradaken Ocean. From there, she sailed the vessel southeastward along the southwestern coast of the continent of Ihalik until reaching Western District Nineteen (19). Romey steered the Iron Grip into port and pulled levers to drop the anchor and lower the boarding ramp.

  “After we meet with Commissioner Hannah, we’re all going to Havinalka City. I need you to testify about your business dealings with the central bank,” Commissioner Wallace said.

  “Great! I get to meet more bureaucrats. Listen! All I can tell them is what I know. The gems, their quality and their pricing are decided by the central bank,” Captain Gijsbert said.

  “Details make all the difference, Captain. That’s what the financial council needs. Follow me,” Commissioner Wallace said. Accompanied by his twenty (20) armed guards, he led Romey and Captain Gijsbert off of the Iron Grip and o
nto the pier. They walked into the port city that was the gateway into Western District Nineteen (19) and followed the main road until reaching a small stone building. The structure measured one hundred fifty (150) feet on each side and twenty-one (21) feet in height. A six (6) foot tall obelisk marker outside was inscribed with signs and symbols indicating that this was the commissioner’s office.

  The commissioner’s office building was made of granite but the door was made of sandstone, and Wallace tapped on the door knocker.

  Commissioner Hannah opened the door and said: “Commissioner Wallace, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon, if at all. I was left with the impression that you distrusted me.”

  “I’m surprised as well, Commissioner Hannah, but an urgent matter needs our cooperation,” Commissioner Wallace said.

  “Please, come in and take a seat so we can discuss this urgent matter,” Commissioner Hannah said.

  Commissioner Wallace, his twenty (20) armed guards, Captain Gijsbert and Romey all entered the building.

  Commissioner Hannah closed the door behind them and led them to seats around a large desk. She sat in her own chair behind the desk and asked: “Now, what business brings you here? And why is it urgent?”

  “Captain Gijsbert, whom you see is here with me, brought his ship into my port, in Northern District Eleven (11). He was delivering a shipment of gems from the central bank, and I inspected it personally. I drink the Kazofen waters, so I know very well how to examine crystals and assess their quality correctly. These gems were sixty-three (63) percent below the quality and purity levels required by the precious gems contracts,” Commissioner Wallace said.

  “How large was your sample size?” Commissioner Hannah asked.

  “There were one thousand gems in that crate. Citrines, all of them substandard,” Commissioner Wallace said.

  “The sixty-three (63) percent quality reduction is definitely not within tolerances, and statistically unlikely to be a chance event, given that you tested a thousand (1000) of them. That would be a breach of contract by the central bank,” Commissioner Hannah said.


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