Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 79

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Yes, my lord,” Allegria said. She drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course. “I have the course, my lord,” she said.

  “Sail the ship there without delay. I intend to bring relief to my city, so that the citizens know my beneficence and do not look to religion for hope, which will only disappoint them,” Grand Duke Braden said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Allegria said. She pulled levers to raise the anchor and retract the boarding ramp. She then steered the Plenteous out of port and sailed it northwestward across the Gradaken Ocean.

  Duke Rowan continued stroking Allegria’s hair to relax her while she steered the vessel. He also massaged her shoulders, calming her fears. She purred with pleasure and struggled to focus her mind on sailing the ship because her desire for intimacy with the duke was growing with each passing moment. He fear was forgotten, replaced almost entirely with lust.


  Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean was home to another outpost of Redfire Sentinels.

  Inside the lantern room of a thirty-eight (38) foot tall lighthouse situated atop a seventy-two (72) foot tall hill on that island, Dez’Teratus drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. He gazed out over the ocean, turning to face each direction, observing to a distance of one hundred fifty-five (155) miles. He caught sight of a red mist moving toward the island very quickly. The forty-eight (48) year old man hurried down the staircase to the first floor and saw a woman holding a basket filled with tulips, roses and orchids. She was smelling the flowers and smiling, with her eyes closed.

  “Nij’Nid, I need you to focus on our duties to the Order of Redfire Sentinels. You’re lost in reverie, instead of being ready to help those lost at sea,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Have you ever loved someone, Dez’Teratus? I’m thirty-six (36) and I’ve loved many. You’re forty-eight (48), so you must have had someone close – someone worth remembering, right?” the woman – Nij’Nid – asked.

  “This isn’t about us, or about our love lives. This is about protecting travelers at sea. Something is approaching this island – a cloud of red mist. It moves strangely for what it seems to be,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “What does it seem to be? And what do you mean by it moving strangely?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “The texture of it appears to be lava, as if from a volcanic eruption. Yet, lava should have fallen to the ground and flowed down hill. This cloud is suspended, fifty-three (53) feet above sea level. It is one hundred fifty-five (155) miles west of here, moving at seventy-nine (79) miles per hour. The wind speed does not account for that,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Have you ever loved someone, Dez’Teratus?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “We need to send a warning signal, not discuss past relationships!” Dez’Teratus said.

  “If you’ve never loved, this may be your last chance,” Nij’Nid said. She approached Dez’Teratus and kissed him. “Do you want to take that chance?” she asked.

  “I can’t stand by without giving a warning of the unknown weather pattern that is approaching. We have to do at least that much. If this mist or cloud or whatever it might be is a threat to life or health, everyone needs to know. We’re sworn protectors,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “I’ll send a warning,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Now! It’s heading eastward!” Dez’Teratus said.

  Nij’Nid drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to connect to the red suns. She communicated through the red suns, transmitting the report to other outposts, for them to share with travelers. “I sent the warning about the movement of the red mist,” she said.

  “Good. We had to do that much. At least they know the speed and direction,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Where is this red mist now?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “Let’s go see,” Dez’Teratus said. He walked up the stairs into the lantern room and Nij’Nid followed him.

  Dez’Teratus focused his power of far sight and looked toward the west. “Now it’s only one hundred forty-eight (148) miles to the west and on course to strike us here,” he said.

  “It’s closer. Does that make it clearer? Have you figured out what it is?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “Not yet,” Dez’Teratus asked.

  “You don’t know if we’re in danger or safe, do you?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “I don’t know the alchemical properties of that mist. Until I see evidence that it’s safe, I have to assume the worst,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Why are you so morbid? Why can’t you believe the best?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “I’m too realistic to believe anything good until there’s proof. The mist is traveling eastward. Listen for messages from the other outposts, on the islands located west of here. Does anyone else know anything?” Dez’Teratus asked.

  Nij’Nid concentrated and detected a signal from another outpost. “I’ve detected a message from the outpost on Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean. The red mist causes severe illness – people are vomiting blood and crops are destroyed – as it passes through. We are in danger, as is everyone in its path,” she said.

  “I was right to assume the worst,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “We’re surrounded by the waters of the Trerada Ocean, which could protect us from whatever this red mist is. Yet, we’re both waterbound to something else, unable to defend ourselves,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Each of us has to make the most of our chosen water’s powers. That’s the law of the oceans,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “We have to make the most of our opportunities, whenever and wherever they occur,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Yes, we do. And we just did, by sending the warning. Now, some travelers can have a chance to avoid this weather pattern,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “And some can get closer, to study it,” Nij’Nid said, stepping forward as she spoke.

  “Hopefully someone does that, and can determine a cure for the illness,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “The closer, the better,” Nij’Nid said, stepping closer still.

  “You’re a lovesick woman,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Love isn’t what makes us sick. Love is what heals,” Nij’Nid said and then she kissed Dez’Teratus.

  “Stop! Did it ever occur to you that I’m married?” Dez’Teratus asked and stepped backward.

  “Where is your wife? You’re always here. What kind of marriage is that?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “I see her…when I can. It’s not often, but we have our moments,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Why can’t you see her more often?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “She travels a lot for her job,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “You’re well paid as a Redfire Sentinel. Why does she need to work so much, and so far away, that you can’t live together?” Nij’Nid asked.

  “Some things are private. Let’s focus on our job here,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Your wife sounds mysterious. I’m easy to understand. You’ll always know where I am…and what I’m doing,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Then you need to find the man that’s right for you,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “That’s not easy. Some men are afraid to open up to me. They can’t believe I’m so forward and transparent. They think I’m hiding something,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Marry a telepath. He won’t have any such doubts,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “Believe me, I’ve tried. Mind readers cause a completely different set of problems,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Don’t tell me. Tell your next date about what you need,” Dez’Teratus said.

  “How close is the red mist now?” Nij’Nid asked.

  Dez’Teratus focused his far sight and looked again. “One hundred thirty-two (132) miles,” he said.

  “I want to spend my final minutes with someone who loves me,” Nij’Nid said.

  “Then you shouldn’t have come here,” Dez’Teratus said.


  The Consecration of the Hopeful was docked at the Port of Reliance along the eastern coast of the continent of Meridianus. Inside the wheelhouse, Annaliisa waited for Kaija’s return. She drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars and to communicate with them. She overheard messages transmitted from the Redfire Sentinel outposts on Quendagil Island and Fintomieth Island and learned of the red mist that was moving swiftly eastward across the Gradaken and Trerada Oceans.

  Annaliisa exited the wheelhouse and met with her companions on deck: Reko, Juho, Tija and Saku. She said to them: “I must go into the city and warn Kaija. I’ve overheard a message from the Redfire Sentinels. They have detected a cloud of toxic red mist heading eastward across the Gradaken and Trerada Oceans. The poison causes vomiting, bleeding and passing out. It also destroys crops. The red mist appears to be headed this way.”

  “Someone should go with you, for protection,” Tija said.

  “You’re right, Tija. I think Saku should escort me,” Annaliisa said.

  “I’m ready,” Saku said. He drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power of darkness.


  Saku exerted his power and cloaked himself and Annaliisa in the darkness. They climbed down the ship’s boarding ramp, stepped onto the pier and walked into the crystal city. They made their way to its center and found Lady Onora, Romana and Kaija together. Taesa was also there.

  Saku eased his powers of darkness so that he and Annaliisa became visible again.

  “Annaliisa, why are you here? You should be on the ship, ready to chart a course for our next mission. What is it?” Kaija asked.

  “I’ve detected messages from the Redfire Sentinels on Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean and Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean. A poisonous red mist is traveling eastward, and heading in this direction. It causes a severe sickness – vomiting, bleeding and passing out – and it destroys crops as it passes through,” Annaliisa said.

  “This city has the blessing of God. It will be protected, and no one here should be afraid,” Lady Onora said.

  “The rest of the world is not so blessed, my friend. When sickness strikes, they will not turn to God to heal them, although they may blame God. Something needs to be done,” Kaija said.

  “If it’s a poison, the greatest medicine is made in the Provincial Isles in the Gradaken Ocean. The skills of the herbalists there are unmatched,” Romana said.

  “Then that’s where we will go,” Kaija said.

  “Why not just pray to God to give you a cure? I thought you believed in Him? I’m not saying that to be nasty. I mean, we don’t have much time to travel to those islands, wait for someone to find a cure and then take it everywhere it’s needed. If your God is real and good and He can make a miracle, we need one now, right?” Taesa asked.

  “Take my hands,” Kaija said, extending her hands.

  Romana, Lady Onora, Annaliisa and Saku joined hands with her.

  “Taesa, pray with us,” Kaija said.

  “I can only say words I believe in. I still don’t believe in your God,” Taesa said.

  “Just take our hands and we will pray for you to be blessed as well,” Kaija said.

  Taesa joined hands with them, standing between Kaija and Lady Onora.

  “We pray to Thee, Our One True God, to heal this sick and sin-filled world. Guide us on a mission to serve You, and to come closer to You in love according to Your Divine Plan. If we can be put to righteous work at this very moment, we stand ready to receive Your Commands and Your Graces to fulfill Your Purpose for us,” Kaija said. She then released her handhold.

  “And? What’s next?” Taesa asked.

  “Romana, drinker of the Gradaken waters, I need you to come with us to help find and prepare the medicine to cure this poison. I know that you have an obligation to remain here and report on the financial status of this city. However, you also have an obligation to do what is in the best interest of this seaport and its residents. That obligation can only be met by protecting the surrounding farmland so that the food supply is defended against poison. Taesa, drinker of the Pirovalen waters, get your family – your mother, your child, the father – and bring them with us. I need the power of your voice, given to you by God. Your music has healed the sick, protected the innocent and also discovered the unseen. Lady Onora, you are the sworn protector and founder of this city, so it is your place to remain here and pray for continued blessings on the residents,” Kaija said.

  “My mother will never agree to going on this search, not even to make medicine,” Taesa said.

  “Yes she will. Give your child a Trerada waterbinding – the vital ocean waters of wellness, provided by God – in order to protect the boy’s health, and your mother need not fear for his safety,” Kaija said.

  “You don’t know my mother,” Taesa said.

  “God does know her and He guides me. Meet us at the Consecration of the Hopeful in three (3) hours,” Kaija said.

  “I want to help you. I really do. I’ll tell my mother everything you just told me and see what she says. I can’t make any promises,” Taesa said. She walked through the city’s center and approached the building where she lived.

  “Annaliisa, begin charting a course to the Provincial Isles. Saku, be our hidden defender and escort us back to the ship, in case this poison was created by an enemy now hiding within this very city. Romana, you should come with us now,” Kaija said.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” Romana said.


  Saku drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to refresh his powers of darkness. He exerted his powers to create a cloak of darkness, but only around himself. He walked alongside Romana, Annaliisa and Kaija as they hiked across the Port of Reliance and went back to the docks where the Consecration of the Hopeful was moored.

  Along the way, Annaliisa drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. She concentrated to learn their paths and positions and thereby charted a course. “I have our course charted,” she said.

  “As soon as our guests arrive, we need to leave,” Kaija said. The group kept walking until they arrived at the pier where the Consecration of the Hopeful was anchored.

  “Saku, escort them onto the ship. Annaliisa, go to the wheelhouse and refer to your maps of the Provincial Isles. We’ll need to identify the most suitable individual island when we arrive in the region. Romana, I need you to get a cabin ready for yourself and another for the expecting mother and her family. I’ll wait here. Have Juho bring me a vial of Trerada waters,” Kaija said.


  From under the cover of darkness, Saku escorted Romana and Annaliisa up the boarding ramp of the ship. Annaliisa walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse where she consulted her detailed maps. Romana began tidying up the cabins and moving chairs around to make the quarters hospitable.

  Saku approached Juho and said: “Take a vial of Trerada waters to Kaija. She’s waiting down on the pier.”


  Juho went into the supply cabin and retrieved a vial of Trerada waters. He walked down the boarding ramp, handed the vial to Kaija and said: “These are Trerada waters, purified to seven (7) iterations of the virtuous cycle.”

  “Thank you, Juho. Please return to your post. I’ll be waiting at the edge of the city until our guests arrive,” Kaija said. Juho walked back up the boarding ramp and returned to the supply cabin, where he purified more waters.

  Kaija drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to refresh her powers of telepathy. She walked along the pier and returned to the eastern edge of the Port of Reliance, where she waited for Taesa and her family.
br />   CHAPTER 49: Ruin of Territory and Authority

  Cradana Island in the Pirovalen Ocean was home to another outpost of Redfire Sentinels. En’Leva sat on a cushioned bench inside the lantern room of the lighthouse where she made her home with Wavel’Josek. She held her two (2) year old daughter in her arms and nursed the child.

  Her husband, Wavel’Josek, stood nearby and watched the child grow tired and then said: “I’ll take her so you can listen to the stars.” He reached out to En’Leva and received the child. He then sat down on the cushioned bench and gently rocked the baby girl.

  En’Leva drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars and to communicate through them. She then heard the messages and said: “No! We’re not safe! I’m hearing messages from other outposts. Gil’Arix from Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean has sent out a warning about a dangerous red mist destroying crops and making people violently ill, coughing up blood. There’s another message from Nij’Nid on Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean, warning that the red mist or cloud has moved eastward and is in their sight, moving at seventy-nine (79) miles per hour.”

  Wavel’Josek held his sleeping daughter in his left arm and drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial in his right hand. He was thus energized with the powers of light and far sight, and used this to gaze out into the distance. “I see it! The red cloud is close: only one hundred thirty-seven (137) miles west of here now. It is moving very quickly – at two hundred eight (208) miles per hour eastward – and the wind speed doesn’t account for that,” he said.

  “We have less than an hour! I’m not waiting for that red mist to come here and make her sick!” En’Leva said.

  “Then we have only one choice. In case distressed travelers come here for assistance, we have supplies of all waters. We need to give her a Trerada waterbinding, right now,” Wavel’Josek said.

  “Then we will,” En’Leva said. She ran down the steps of the lighthouse and entered the first floor supply room. There, she opened a barrel marked with the symbol for the Trerada Ocean waters, took an empty vial from a shelf and filled it with the ‘vitality’ waters. She ran back upstairs to the lantern room and rubbed her child’s forehead. “Sweet little Myn’Teva! Open your eyes!” she said.


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