Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 80

by Jeremy Dwyer

  While still cradled in Wavel’Josek’s left arm, the baby girl opened her eyes and cried. He gently rocked his daughter, but she continued crying.

  “Mommy wants you to drink this now. Please sip this for mommy, and you can go back to sleep,” En’Leva said.

  The baby girl continued crying and Wavel’Josek looked out into the distance. “One hundred twenty (120) miles west of here,” he said.

  “Don’t cry, baby girl. Please drink this for mommy,” En’Leva said.

  The baby girl continued crying and En’Leva lost her patience, so she poured some of the water into the girl’s mouth. The baby started coughing and spat much of the water on the floor.

  “She has to swallow a few drops for a waterbinding! Did she spit it all out?” Wavel’Josek asked.

  “I don’t know! I don’t know!” En’Leva said.

  “Give her a few minutes. We can’t force this. We need to know for sure if she drank it,” Wavel’Josek said.

  “A few minutes might be all we have! If she naps again, we’ll never get her to drink in time!” En’Leva said.

  “Let me walk her around. That will make her thirsty. Then she’ll have to drink,” Wavel’Josek said. He stood up and put Myn’Teva on the floor. “Daddy wants to take a walk with you,” he said. The girl fidgeted but found her footing and took a walk.

  En’Leva paced nervously for ten (10) minutes and asked: “Where is it?”

  Wavel’Josek looked out into the distance and said: “Eighty-six (86) miles west of here. Now moving in at two hundred sixty-five (265) miles per hour. I have no idea why it’s moving faster.”

  “Come on, little girl! Come on! Get thirsty!” En’Leva said.

  “Send a message of where the red mist is. We need to warn everyone we can that it’s closing in. The other outposts can warn the ships that sail nearby,” Wavel’Josek said. He then gazed out in other directions near the trajectory of the red mist and near the coast of the island and said: “No ships are in its current path. They all seem to be moving out of the way.”

  “But we can’t move out of the way!” En’Leva said.

  “We’ll do everything that we can to notify the other outposts of what we see. Then, they can protect the travelers by warning them away,” Wavel’Josek said and he continued walking around the lantern room with his daughter.

  En’Leva focused her powers and transmitted the report about the location and speed of the red mist through the red suns. “I sent the report!” she said.

  “Drink for mommy and daddy!” Wavel’Josek said.

  En’Leva held out the vial of Trerada waters and put it up to the girl’s mouth, but she closed it and put her hand up to push it away.

  “Drink! Please! Now!” En’Leva screamed.


  While anchored in the Port of Hithagredil, inside the wheelhouse of the Blazing Payback, Rafael detected a message through the red suns. He ran out on deck and approached Captain Fernao.

  “Captain! I’m hearing a message from the Redfire Sentinels. They spotted a dangerous red mist moving eastward. The first sighting was from Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean, then Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean, now Cradana Island in the Pirovalen Ocean. It’s moving eastward at two hundred sixty-five (265) miles per hour, more than triple its starting speed,” Rafael said.

  “So what exactly does dangerous mean?” Captain Fernao asked.

  “It’s destroying crops and making people violently ill – coughing up blood – as it passes through,” Rafael said.

  “If we’re lucky, it kills the pirates before us, and then skips us,” Bartel said.

  “I’m not counting on luck. I’ll keep a watch for it personally,” Captain Fernao said. He drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of light and far sight. He gazed westward and searched for any sign of a red mist. “I don’t see it yet. And I don’t see any signs of the gale that would have to be pushing it to move at that high speed,” he said.


  Inside the wheelhouse of the Incisive – which was also anchored in the Port of Hithagredil – Agent Noach and Agent Prudencia both spoke up at once and said: “Admiral!”

  “Yes?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “I’m receiving messages from the Redfire Sentinels. A dangerous red mist – destroying crops, making people cough up blood – is moving eastward. First detected on Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean, then Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean, now Cradana Island in the Pirovalen Ocean. It’s accelerated to triple its earlier speed, now moving at two hundred sixty-five (265) miles per hour eastward,” Agent Noach said.

  “Agent Gavriela, watch for it!” Admiral Tiede said.

  Agent Gavriela drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of light and far sight. She gazed westward over the Pirovalen Ocean and said: “I don’t see it…yet. But I can say this much – the wind speed around here is not even fifteen (15) miles per hour, so I have no idea why it would move that fast unless it’s being pushed by a hurricane.”


  Inside the wheelhouse of the Resolute Traverser – which was anchored nearby in the Port of Hithagredil – Jolene probed for signs of hostile intentions. “Captain! We have a new problem,” she said.

  “Tell me,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “On ships nearby, their navigators can hear messages from the Redfire Sentinels. They’re reporting a poisonous red mist, moving eastward at two hundred sixty-five (265) miles per hour. The first sighting was in Quendagil Island in the Gradaken Ocean, then Fintomieth Island in the Trerada Ocean. Now it’s traveled as far as Cradana Island in the Pirovalen Ocean,” she said.

  “That’s the middle of this ocean. Massimo, look for it!” Captain Pradrock said.

  Massimo drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. He gazed westward over the Pirovalen Ocean and looked for any indication of a red mist moving in any direction near them. “No sign of it. The wind speeds can’t be above maybe twelve (12) miles per hour. Nothing around here would account for it moving like that,” he said.

  “I wish I could hear their messages. I never did get good at that technique,” Akylas said.

  “Neither did I. I tried listening to the red suns, but all I can ever hear are the sounds of their movements and positions,” Torin said.

  Jolene reached out and hugged Torin. She held him close, and thought about the movements and positions she wanted to try out with him later. “Don’t worry about it. We’re going to be fine, Torin,” she said.

  “I hope so. But none of us drinks the Trerada waters, so we do kind of have to worry about poison,” Akantha said.

  “We still have to wait for that ship,” Captain Pradrock said. He peered through the cloak penetration crystal he was given to see if there was any sign of the Silver Jackal.

  Fritz looked through his own cloak penetration crystal, pointing it at various angles, to see if there was any sign of a hidden ship sailing the nearby waters. “Nothing…yet,” he said.

  Alonso looked over Pradrock’s shoulder to peer through the crystal, but he saw nothing of interest. Then, he looked through the crystal that Fritz held, and still saw no sign of a concealed vessel. He recorded the attempted observation, as well as this conversation, into his book. He could not hear the messages from the Redfire Sentinels, nor could he telepathically detect the thoughts of navigators on nearby ships who supposedly heard those messages. Alonso only heard the conversations of Captain Pradrock and crew discussing the matter.


  A red mist sped westward across the Duchy of Yutaka in the continent of Waderav.

  Jakov and Mergim hid behind a tree and watched it wither and die. They felt the mist enter their lungs and they began choking and coughing, then spewing blood.


  Three (3) young men ran into the castle of Baron Amidio and the guards brought the
m before the baron in his throne room. The first young man said: “Baron! The crops are failing! A red mist has poisoned the fields and sickened the workers! A fire is burning and destroying the fields where the poison hasn’t!” The other two (2) young men then fell to their knees and coughed up blood.

  “Sickened them like this?” Baron Amidio asked.

  “Yes, my lord!” the first young man said.

  “How did you not become ill?” Baron Amidio asked.

  “I drink the Trerada waters, my lord,” the first young man said.

  “What is your name?” Baron Amidio asked.

  “I am Rordan,” the first young man said.

  “I have work for you, Rordan. Go back out into the fields, put out the fire and do whatever harvesting you can. Anyone who isn’t sick will have to help you. Save the crops that aren’t ruined and bring them into my castle. If that ship comes from the central bank, tell them we have nothing to sell. It’s a good thing they didn’t arrive when they were scheduled, or there might be no good food remaining for us,” Baron Amidio said. He immediately drank anew of the waters of the Trerada Ocean from his own vial to be energized with the power of health and vitality. Because of this, he didn’t fear the poison for himself, but he didn’t want his army or his farmers to be killed or disabled by it.

  “Yes, my lord,” Rordan said. He exited the throne room and left the castle.

  “Guards! Take these sick men out of my sight!” Baron Amidio said.

  Six (6) of his armed guards picked up the two (2) bleeding young men and dragged them out of the castle, then returned.

  “Leocadio, I need you to research answers for me. Consult the central bank on these matters. What is this poisonous red mist? What can be done about it? And why has that ship from the central bank not arrived?” Baron Amidio asked.

  “Yes, my lord,” Leocadio said and he exited the throne room, walked through the castle hallways and entered his private chambers.

  The Chronicler Caemgen stood in the throne room and recorded all that he witnessed into his book.


  From under the cover of false light, Derek watched all of this and considered whether it was best to remain here and wait for Amidio’s next move. There was nothing to be gained by going outside and risking illness or getting burned by the fire in the field. He drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to refresh his powers of light. He continued bending light around himself to maintain his cover.


  Baron Vizakrid stood on the deck of his riverboat. He was surrounded by twenty (20) armed guards while he oversaw his farmers working the fields along the shore. Climaco stood on the edge of the deck and watched the laborers harvesting the crops.

  “Where are they, Climaco? We have harvested the crops, but the central bank has not sent a ship to pay us for them. Why, Climaco? You said they were coming. How can I ever trust you again?” Baron Vizakrid asked.

  Climaco turned to face Baron Vizakrid and said: “My lord, I was very cautious about the message, and expressed my doubts. I always keep all my promises to you, but I could never give a promise on their behalf. The central bank is no ally to you.”

  “I deserve to be treated better, Climaco. I destroy people who lie to me,” Baron Vizakrid said.

  “My lord, I was prompt to tell you my doubts,” Climaco said.

  “If you doubted the message, why did you deliver it?” Baron Vizakrid asked.

  “If I didn’t tell you what the central bank’s message was, and if – by some chance – it were true, then that would be a different sort of lie. I would never hide something from you, my lord,” Climaco said.

  “What is that, Climaco? Look! What is it?” Baron Vizakrid asked and he pointed out toward the east.

  Climaco squinted to see what was in the direction the baron pointed. “I do not know, my lord. It could be a storm cloud. It is a deep red, though, so I can’t say what kind of storm it is,” he said.

  Only two (2) minutes later, the red mist tumbled over the fields and destroyed the crops. The farmers fell to their knees and began coughing up blood.

  “My fields are ruined! Get us out of here!” Baron Vizakrid said. The crew of the riverboat raised the anchor and steered the vessel eastward, back towards the baron’s castle. The river meandered away from the red mist, so that Baron Vizakrid and his crew did not personally encounter it.


  Prince Istvan watched in disgust as the red mist raced across his newly acquired farmland, turning fields of wheat into dead grass. His disgust turned to horror as the red mist entered his solders and sickened them to the point of coughing up blood. He fell to his own knees and tried to scream, but only blood came forth.


  The red mist swept across the Duchy of Rhys and decimated the crops. Farmers fell sick by the hundreds, then by the thousands.

  Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael received the report from his men and hurried into the castle. He entered the throne room and said: “My lord, Duke Rhys! My lady, Duchess Siana! We are under attack! A storm cloud – a sickening red mist – is moving swiftly across the fields, ruining the crops and sickening the farmers.”

  “If the crops fail, we’ll be ruined! We’ll be forced to occupy other territory and seize their fields!” Duke Rhys said. Though alarmed, he remained seated on his throne.

  “Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael, I have no fear of this storm as you call it. If I have to go out there and harvest the crops myself, I will,” Duchess Siana said. She stood up and walked across the throne room toward the exit, passing the lieutenant colonel along the way.

  “My lady, I trust you will be well, of course, but the fields have already been ruined. The red mist has spoiled them quickly. I warned you when my soldiers notified me,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  “I will see this for myself,” Duchess Siana said.


  Duchess Siana drank anew of the waters of the Trerada Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of health and beauty. She walked out of the throne room and exited the castle, followed closely by Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael. They crossed the bridge leading from the castle’s main entrance to the surrounding lands.

  The red mist passed over them, and Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael fell down, coughing up blood.

  “You are pathetic, Lieutenant Colonel. This storm will soon pass over us. When it has gone, you are to get back to work. Have the farmers plant new seeds and cultivate them quickly,” Duchess Siana said.

  It was all Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael could do to gasp and cough up more blood.

  “If you can’t follow orders, you’ll be replaced,” Duchess Siana said.


  Duchess Siana walked past the ailing lieutenant colonel, went back across the bridge and entered the castle. She returned to the throne room and said: “The harvest has failed. We shall have to plant more seeds when the storm passes over us.”

  “You are well, of course, Siana. However, I want to know – was Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael affected?” Duke Rhys asked.

  “He was an inferior man, so it was no great loss. We have a number of robust, energetic young men ready to replace him,” Duchess Siana said. She eyed up the thirty-six (36) guards in the throne room and looked for her next conquest.

  Quianna entered the throne room and said: “My lord, I have no further messages from the central bank. I cannot explain why they didn’t send a ship to purchase our crops.”

  “Disappointing, Quianna. However, our immediate concern is that we have few, if any, crops to sell them. A storm of some kind has destroyed the harvest. New seeds will have to be planted as soon as we can,” Duke Rhys said.

  “What is happening, my lord?” Quianna asked.

  “You tell us, Quianna,” Duke Rhys said.

  Quianna drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. She reached out and sensed the danger. “The sickness is powerful. Some of the f
armers and soldiers are dying because their bodies are too weak to withstand the poison. Others may not survive for much longer, but I can’t be sure,” she said.

  “We may be ruined after all!” Duke Rhys said, yet he remained sitting on his throne despite being alarmed.

  “Not likely. I can always hire more help. I know how to put men to work and get them to keep working, real hard, for long hours, planting as much seed as I want, exactly where I want,” Duchess Siana said.

  “Quianna, wait for me in my private chambers. I want to discuss something with you,” Duke Rhys said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Quianna said and she exited the throne room and walked through the castle hallway toward the bedroom of Duke Rhys.

  “It seems you are also eager to plant more seeds,” Duchess Siana said.

  “I need to consult with my assistant. She can ease my mind, as well as my body,” Duke Rhys said. He then stood up from his throne, exited the throne room and walked through the castle hallway toward his bedroom.


  The red mist accelerated and enveloped the fields across the Duchy of Jovan. The crops died, and the farmers fell ill.

  A woman appeared in Duke Jovan’s throne room, out from under a cover of false light. “My beloved lord, a great danger has arrived. A red mist – worse than a plague of locusts – has devastated the crops. The farmers have fallen ill, coughing and bleeding,” she said.

  “You’ve just described every day of my life, Rexana. I fall down, bleed and die, over and over again,” Duke Jovan said, still sitting on his throne. Massa stood on his left side and Fenella stood on his right.

  “My beloved lord, I will shield you from this if I must, but I beg you not to go outside until this passes. I will continue watching the danger, and report when it leaves us,” the now-visible thirty-five (35) year old woman – Rexana – said.


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