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Ruin & Reliance

Page 96

by Jeremy Dwyer

  Prince Istvan, Gilroy and Colonel Abirad were in the wheelhouse of the Marshland Wolf, and a young man was at the wheel.

  “Drop the anchor and lower the boarding ramp,” Prince Istvan said and the young man at the ship’s wheel pulled levers to comply with the orders.

  “Gilroy, go ahead into Count Nemanja’s territory and bring me a report,” Prince Istvan said.


  Gilroy drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean and was energized with the power of darkness. He cloaked himself and then exited the vessel. Under the cover of darkness, he walked onto the substantially damaged fields of Count Nemanja and approached the castle. He watched the guards, coming and going, and managed to infiltrate the fortress. Within, he found no sign of the Count, but he did overhear the reports of the movement into the valley. Gilroy waited for the opportune moment and then exited the castle. He walked back across the ruined fields and returned to the Marshland Wolf. He eased his powers of darkness and reappeared inside the wheelhouse.

  “What is your report, Gilroy?” Prince Istvan asked.

  “Count Nemanja has moved into Cinder Valley with five (5) brigades of his soldiers. He has standing orders to defend the entrance into the valley. He was recently visited by several guests – peasant workers. During the visit, three (3) of his scouts were assassinated and the guests vanished. He has plans to avenge the act while still defending the valley. I only counted two (2) brigades guarding the castle, although more may have been deployed elsewhere,” Gilroy said.

  “We can take his land while he is away. Our forces are strong and quick, my lord,” Colonel Abirad said.

  “No, Colonel Abirad. We first need to kill Count Nemanja to dismantle his army. Only then can we take his land,” Prince Istvan said.

  “There is significant crop damage. I noticed as I was crossing the fields to enter the castle. I returned a different way and saw that even more farmland was spoiled,” Gilroy said.

  “I will take what is good, after killing Count Nemanja,” Prince Istvan said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Gilroy said.

  “Take us into the valley,” Prince Istvan said.

  The young man at the ship’s wheel pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and raise the anchor. He steered the Marshland Wolf westward along the river and entered the gray-blue lake in Cinder Valley. The two (2) other ships accompanied them.

  “We will wait on this lake until our scouts see them,” Prince Istvan said.

  A young man – a scout – entered the wheelhouse and said: “My lord, we are alone on this lake. Count Nemanja is on the land, guarding the roadway that enters the valley from the east. He has twenty thousand six hundred fifty (20650) soldiers with him. Additionally, I count three hundred eighty-four (384) warships and two (2) other vessels, all docked on dry land.”

  A loud crackling sound could be heard.

  “What was that?” Prince Istvan asked.

  “I see no cannon fire, my lord,” the scout said, looking out the window into the distance and around corners.

  The loud crackling sound was heard again, even louder.

  “I still see no cannon fire, my lord,” the scout said, again looking out the window into the distance and around corners.

  The crackling sound was heard again, much louder than before, and the Marshland Wolf began sinking.

  “Get us out of here! Onto dry land! Now!” Prince Istvan said.

  The young man at the wheel pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails of the ship to the sides and elevated the Marshland Wolf to thirty (30) feet of altitude. He steered it over a patch of dry land and lowered it next to another vessel. One (1) of the two (2) other vessels followed. “My lord, only one (1) of the other ships followed us. The other ship sank into the lake,” the scout said, looking out the window into the distance, and around corners.

  “What happened? I need answers!” Prince Istvan said.

  The scout drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to refresh his powers of light and far sight. He looked out the window and then bent light around to see the hull of the ship. “My lord, the hull has been breached in seven (7) separate locations. This vessel cannot sail on the waters. The same can be said for the remaining ship,” the scout said.

  “Prepare for battle. We cannot show weakness. We must not miss this opportunity to kill Count Nemanja. Regardless of his force strength, they will flee when he is destroyed,” Prince Istvan said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Colonel Abirad said.


  The Griffon’s Fangs was a two hundred thirty (230) foot long warship with three (3) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. Inside the wheelhouse, Baron Vizakrid and Climaco looked out the window and watched as the vessel sailed westward along the river, which emptied out onto a gray-blue lake ahead. Nineteen (19) nearly-identical ships followed them, and all the vessels had two hundred fifty (250) soldiers on board.

  A young man – a scout – hurried into the wheelhouse and said: “My lord, we need to move the ships onto dry land before entering the lake ahead. The waters in the lake have destroyed a ship, burning through its hull. I can see far enough ahead that other ships have been damaged by the gray-blue waters and need repairs.”

  “Rise just above the water level before entering the valley. Then, move in, and find dry land,” Baron Vizakrid said.

  “Yes, my lord,” the young man at the wheel said.

  “Count Nemanja is ahead, my lord. He has twenty thousand six hundred fifty (20650) soldiers with him,” the scout said.

  “Nemanja had better be prepared for battle. He is well-paid by the central bank. I won’t put out more effort than he does, or tolerate more losses,” Baron Vizakrid said.

  “Should we negotiate a better deal for your services, my lord?” Climaco asked.

  “After this, I will demand a better deal. I wouldn’t mind if Count Nemanja received a worse deal. I can do what he does, and better. I know how to handle peasant workers. I know how to work them hard and turn a profit,” Baron Vizakrid said.

  The young man at the wheel sailed the Griffon’s Fangs westward along the river until reaching the entrance of Cinder Valley. Just before the river emptied into the gray-blue lake, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to thirty (30) feet of altitude. The nineteen (19) other vessels followed their lead and they all settled down on the nearby dry ground of the valley floor, in between the lava flows.

  “I see no battle. Has the enemy not arrived yet?” Baron Vizakrid asked.

  “I see no sign of a battle, or of an enemy hiding in the darkness. There are three hundred eighty-eight (388) other ships here besides yours. Yet, not every ship is allied with the central bank. Their markings indicate otherwise, my lord,” the scout said.

  “We don’t know everyone the central bank does business with. Until the battle begins, we can’t be sure who is with us or against us. Climaco, let the Premier Governors know that we have arrived in Cinder Valley. We await further instructions, and we anticipate full payment for our services and any losses,” Baron Vizakrid said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Climaco said. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He made contact with a familiar spirit and passed along the information. He soon received a response and said: “We have a response from the Premier Governors, my lord. We are to wait until the enemy takes action or attempts to plant the seeds. Payment is dependent upon success. The market prices fluctuate, so pay increases cannot be guaranteed.”

  “Then I make no guarantees,” Baron Vizakrid said.


  The Riches of the Albatross was a three hundred sixteen (316) foot long frigate with four (4) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. The ship sailed westward along the river network, heading toward Cinder Valley. Nine (9) ships – each two hundred seventy-four (294) feet in length with three (3) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails
– followed closely behind it. Each of the ten (10) vessels had four hundred (400) soldiers standing on deck, ready for battle.

  Inside the wheelhouse of the Riches of the Albatross, Duke Rhys, Duchess Siana, Quianna and Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael watched through the window as the vessel approached the point where the river passed between mountains and entered the valley.

  A young female scout rushed into the wheelhouse and said: “My lord! My lady! We cannot sail into the lake ahead. The waters are like lava and will burn the ship. I watched as another vessel sank, and others were damaged. We must elevate the ship and dock on the dry ground nearby.”

  “What is your name?” Duke Rhys asked.

  “I am Lovise, my lord,” the young female scout said.

  Duke Rhys placed his hands on Lovise’s shoulders and said: “I want you to stay close to me, Lovise. Very close. You’re my personal assistant and lookout for this journey. Keep your eyes wide open and inform me of everything, immediately. I’m going to take good care of you, especially when we get back.”

  Duchess Siana placed her hands on the shoulders of the young man at the wheel and said: “You heard her. We need a big lift right before we get into the valley. Get ready to rise quickly.” She ran her hands down the man’s back, slowly and suggestively.

  “Yes, my lady,” the young man at the ship’s wheel said. He sailed the Riches of the Albatross westward along the river. Just before it entered the gray-blue lake, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to thirty (30) feet of altitude. The other nine (9) ships followed his example, and all of them steered toward safe, open spots on the valley floor – away from the lava flows – and returned to the ground.

  “You do quick work. What’s your name?” Duchess Siana asked the young man at the ship’s wheel. Her hands were still moving along his shoulders and sides, gently massaging him.

  “Yrian,” the young man said.

  “Stay close to me, Yrian, and you’ll learn what I like. Next time, when it’s just us, I’ll have you go a little slower. Sometimes, I like it fast so I can get to the finish line. But other times, I need to enjoy a longer ride,” Duchess Siana said.

  “Lovise, what is our situation? Who else is here in the valley with us?” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael asked, not wishing to lose sight of the danger.

  Lovise drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. She examined the valley floor by bending light around corners and said: “It looks like Count Nemanja is here. He has twenty thousand six hundred fifty (20650) troops. There are four hundred eight (408) other ships here, besides our ships. Some are from allies of the central bank, but not all of them.”

  “The central bank is expecting a war,” Lieutenant Colonel Arthfael said.

  “I’d rather make love than war,” Duchess Siana said.

  “I am here for your love,” Duke Rhys said.

  “So is Quianna. Take her when you feel the need,” Duchess Siana said.

  “Perhaps we should let the central bank know that we’re here. I believe that is what you said before, my lord,” Quianna said. She was afraid now that she was in the battlefield. She drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. She reached out to communicate with a familiar spirit and reported on their arrival. Moments later, she received a reply and said: “We are to wait here and provide reinforcement if an enemy takes action, or if anyone tries to plant seeds within this valley.”

  “Who would try to plant anything here? This valley is a wasteland. How could anything grow?” Duke Rhys asked.


  “Armies are gathering in this valley. I heard tens of thousands of soldiers and dozens of ships arriving,” Elise said.

  “I thought your hearing was starting to fade,” Ruth said.

  “Starting to fade…I can still hear some things within maybe three (3) or four (4) miles. It’s not as good or long range as before, but I’m paying attention, and I can still hear faint sounds that are close,” Elise said.

  “If even ten (10) soldiers get close, we’re dead,” Ruth said.

  “Maybe we need to leave,” Sophie said.

  “Not maybe. We do need to leave. They’re going to spot us,” Ruth said.

  “It’s cold. And I think I’m going to be sick,” Molly said. She started coughing from the volcanic ash that was swept around by a chill breeze.

  Sean took hold of Molly and said: “Breathe easy, Molly.” He then coughed to clear his own throat.

  “I feel the same. It comes and goes,” Ruth said. She cleared her throat without coughing and then spit out the bits of ash she had breathed in.

  “The soldiers are not far away – four (4) miles at the most. They are standing still for now,” Elise said.

  “Armies have scouts. They can see around corners. As close as we are, they should have seen us by now. In fact, we should have seen them. Four (4) miles is within the range of ordinary sight,” Odhran said. He cleared his throat and coughed up the small bit of volcanic ash that he breathed in.

  “They probably see each other. They might not know that they’re looking for us,” Patrick said. He coughed to clear his throat of the bit of volcanic ash that he breathed in.

  “The volcanic ash might be clouding their vision. The air is very unclean – almost like a fog. That’s why we’re choking on it,” Ciaran said. He coughed to clear his own throat.

  “We’d be killed or captured if they were looking for us and could see us,” Ruth said.

  “Killed. Definitely killed. No one is capturing me,” Sophie said.

  “You say that now, Sophie. But I think you’d rather work and have a chance to live,” Ruth said.

  “We have no weapons. I suspect we would be used to work the fields and quarries if the intention is to capture us,” Odhran said.

  “If God wants us to be free, we will remain free,” Elise said.

  “Where’s this God of yours? Why hasn’t He gotten us out of this place? We’re getting sick just by standing here. Where is He?” Sophie asked. She coughed up some of the volcanic ash that had been blown about in the swirling cold air of Cinder Valley.

  “God will provide. I have faith that He will take care of us,” Elise said.

  “We’re still here. I don’t need faith to see that,” Sophie said.

  “Then take my hands in prayer,” Elise said. She held out her hands. Ruth, Ciaran and Odhran held her hands. The other fifty-six (56) farmers joined them, having nothing else to do at the moment.

  “Molly, just try. We’ve got to do something,” Ruth said.

  Molly joined hands with Ruth and Ciaran. “Both of you believe this?” she asked.

  “I’m willing to believe,” Ciaran said.

  “I’m trying. Believe me, I’m trying,” Ruth said.

  “Even if you don’t believe, just open your heart to God, and He can hear your prayers,” Elise said.

  “Are you with us Sophie?” Ruth asked.

  “You pray. When something good happens, then I’ll believe. Not before,” Sophie said.

  “What about you, Patrick?” Ruth asked.

  “No. We need a real plan – something that makes logical sense,” Patrick said.

  “Patrick, she’s helped us through a lot. Her songs saved us. I’m willing to try to believe – or at least, hope – that something good can happen. I don’t know what prayer means, but we have to do everything we can,” Ruth said.

  “False hope isn’t going to help us. A song might, but not a prayer,” Patrick said.

  “Sean, do you want to pray with us?” Ruth asked.

  “I’m not convinced. Superstitions don’t work for me,” Sean said.

  Elise began praying: “We pray to Thee, Our One True God, to protect us and give us peace. Let not our enemies destroy or capture us. Please remember Your Love for us. We are Your Creation, and we turn to Thee, Our C
reator, in this time of danger.” She then released her handhold and waited, praying silently.

  “Nothing happened. And now I can hear the soldiers moving, without having any kind of power of music or sound. Just regular hearing,” Sophie said.

  “So can I,” Patrick said.

  “I can too,” Molly said.

  “There must be thousands of soldiers,” Ciaran said.

  “Elise told us before. She said there were tens of thousands. We need to get out of here,” Sean said.

  “If we move, they’ll definitely see us,” Patrick said.

  “Just be patient,” Elise said.

  “I’m running out of patience,” Sophie said.

  “We’re running out of options,” Sean said.

  Ruth drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power to control crystals and stones. She examined the low-level structure of some of the floating volcanic ash and found the composition she expected. It then occurred to her what she was really seeing. She said: “This is volcanic ash, like before. But it’s worse than before. The particles have the same material, but they are larger, and denser. That’s why it’s bothering us.”

  “What are you saying? Does this mean the volcanic activity is increasing?” Ciaran asked.

  “If it is acting up, everything is going to be over real fast! For all of us!” Sophie said.

  “What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?” Molly asked.

  “How’s that prayer working out? Anybody see anything good?” Sophie asked.


  In the spirit world, Lavakara summoned spirits of confusion, chaos and spectacle to move about the valley near the peasants he had rescued from Count Nemanja’s castle. The ghostly entities had physical presence, and they stirred up volcanic ash to create a cloud which reflected light oddly. It obscured the appearance of the peasants from anyone gazing in their direction.


  Under the cover of false light, Rexana watched from the distance as the ships and armies arrived in the eastern quadrant of Cinder Valley. She became convinced that this was extraordinary and urgent, so she hurried back to the castle of Duke Jovan. She eased her powers of light and appeared before the castle’s lord. Fenella and Massa stood on either side of Jovan’s throne. Zoe and Brant were still there.


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