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The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905

Page 59

by Demon Translations

  Just as Ning Cheng left the place he was standing in, a huge lightning bolt as thick as his thighs fell in the same exact spot, immediately the sand around the impact area was completely disintegrated into an extremely fine powder. This created another giant whirlpool which connected with the previous whirlpool, immediately increasing its size.

  With that kind of formidable power that was emanating from the lightning strikes, not to mention a cultivator in the True Condensation Realm, even if it was a cultivator in the Essence Building Realm, if they were struck by even one of those lightning bolts, then the only outcome for them would be death.

  Ning Cheng immediately increased his speed to the maximum possible limit, as he rushed forward in a straight line along the yellow sands.

  When the third lightning strike stuck, it was very close to Ning Cheng’s feet, although Ning Cheng was able to get away from it in time, but the aftermath that the lightning strike brought instantly shredded his clothes into thin strips.

  As the third lightning strike struck the sand just below his feet, he found that the lightning was getting more and more intense, moreover it seemed to be getting even more difficult for him to evade them.

  Ning Cheng, while fleeing, finally understood something about these lightening, although the impact area of these lightening was huge, but they always moved in a straight line. This time Ning Cheng no longer fled along the same route that he was running on, but rather slightly changed his direction.

  “Boom Boom” sounds were unceasingly ringing behind Ning Cheng, although Ning Cheng was able to escape from those lightening, but he was not able to fully escape those sand whirlpools formed by it. Fortunately, Ning Cheng had prior experience in dealing with those sand whirlpools, although they were a bit unexpected, but they were not able to suck him inside. What truly made him afraid was the terrible lightning strikes behind him.

  After running for almost a full day, the rumblings of thunder behind him was getting smaller and smaller, and finally completely disappeared along a different direction.

  Ning Cheng finally stopped, as he continuously took in large mouthfuls of air and said to himself, “

  So this is the so called lightening that falls in this dessert, the most horrifying thing in this dessert are actually those lightning strikes.


  Ning Cheng had just started to relax, when he heard an extremely loud howl and a whistling noise, and immediately a white light was visible to him coming from the distant horizon.

  Someone? Ning Cheng quickly determined that this loud howl was actually artificial. At this time, he had once again lost his bearings because of those lightning strikes, so what he really wanted the most was to meet other people, he was afraid that he would miss this person, so he immediately hurried towards the white light.

  After half an hour, Ning Cheng finally appeared at the periphery of this place, and immediately determined that there really was a human settlement here.

  Not only was there humans here, but there even were several buildings similar to a yurt constructed here. Besides these yurts, there was even a vast swath of green vegetation, there was even a clear lake in it.

  There were several guards protecting these temporary housings, when Ning Cheng looked them, he found that the cultivations of these guards were really poor, in fact most of them were only ordinary people, who did not emit any Qi fluctuations. At best, they only looked tough and only had a small amount of Killing Intent around them.

  It is already extremely dangerous here, how did these people even get here?

  Ning Cheng was very surprised in his heart. In this place, even with his cultivation it was very difficult for him, he could be swallowed by the dessert anytime and anywhere, and yet he found that these guards staying here who did not even have any cultivation. Ning Cheng rubbed his eyes, and almost thought that he had seen it wrong.

  Ning Cheng decided to have a look, in the shortest possible time, discarded the shredded clothes on him, cleaned his dust covered body, and put on a set of clean cloths, he once again put the broken Spear on his back. Then slowly moved towards the closest yurt, while simultaneously concealing his cultivation to make it look like he was at Qi Gathering 7th Level.

  Although these people’s cultivation levels were not high, there were even people who did not cultivate, he just did not want to display too much of his power.

  Ning Cheng had just approached the nearest yurt, when two soldiers who were patrolling noticed Ning Cheng, and immediately walked towards him.

  “Excuse me, my two friends, I have become lost here, and am very thirsty and hungry, could I borrow a bed from you for a short while.” Ning Cheng did not wait for the two guard to approach him, and immediately walked over to them and spoke in a polite way while clasping his fist.

  These two people looked at Ning Cheng from head to toe, while thinking of how Ning Cheng did not seem to look like he was very thirsty or hungry. On the contrary, it looked more like Ning Cheng was a next door neighbour who dropped by for a visit.

  One of the two soldiers gave a meaningful wink to the other soldier, when the other soldier saw the wink, he quickly turned around and walked back.

  After the other person left, the remaining soldier said to Ning Cheng, “Please stay here for a while, this is the dwelling place of our King Wang Nian, we must have to first report this matter before saying anything.”

  Ning Cheng had already noticed the look in the soldier’s eyes, he immediately came to know that the opposite party was not someone simple. He casually relied, “Oh, in that case, I’ll go look for some other place to rest.”

  With that, Ning Cheng turned around to leave.

  When this soldier saw that Ning Cheng was leaving, he quickly arrived in front of Ning Cheng and stopped him and said, “My friend please stop, before we are able to clear up your background, you cannot leave here.”

  Ning Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, “Why, it’s not like I can’t find a place for myself? But when I came by here, you people did not even give me water to drink, do you think that I came to rob you?”

  This soldier who had stopped Ning Cheng was just about to speak, when a deep voice could be heard, “King Wang says, that now that you have come here, why don’t you just come in.”

  When Ning Cheng heard this voice, he knew that this speaker must at least be a cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level, it indicated that this yurt like building to appear here, was not a simple thing.

  “Yes.” The soldier gave a reverent cry before turning to Ning Cheng and said in a very polite manner, “My friend, come, follow me.”

  “Lead the way.” Ning Cheng originally did not intend to go inside, but he really wanted to inquire about the route. If he could not find anything about the correct route, then he was very likely to die in this Thunder Fall Dessert.

  These people dared to arrange so many temporary yurts, moreover there was even a desert oasis here, so the possibility of this being the correct route was more than 90%. This kind of opportunity, how could Ning Cheng pass it up?

  Entering the range of the yurts, Ning Cheng discovered that these yurts were arranged in a unique orientation, forming a Defensive Array Formation, which happened to encircle the oasis in the middle. Just next to the oasis, there was a particularly large yurt.

  The soldier led Ning Cheng to the front of this large yurt, and said, “Since our King Wang has summoned you, you can go in.”

  Ning Cheng used his Spiritual Sense to sweep around the surroundings, and found that there were no abnormalities, before gradually entered the yurt.

  This particular yurt was very large, Ning Cheng felt that he had entered a large hall, there was at least several hundred square meters of area inside.

  Sitting at the highest seat was a long haired barefooted girl, this girl looked very beautiful but looked extremely weak, the only uncomfortable thing that Ning Cheng felt was that her pupils were in a triangle shape, which made her beautiful face look somewhat disproporti

  In Ning Cheng’s view, she did not seem to possess any Qi fluctuations, so he could safely assume that she did not cultivate. But even if that was the case, this girl gave Ning Cheng a strange feeling.

  On the two sides of this girl, there was a man and a woman standing, the woman had a rough face, but when Ning Cheng glanced at her he was surprised that this woman had the cultivation of peak Qi Gathering 9th Level. On the other hand, the man looked very delicate and had fair skin, and looked like a toy boy, but his cultivation level was already at True Condensation 3rd Level. Going down, on both sides there were two rows of four soldiers each, and all of them had the cultivation level of at least early Qi Gathering 9th Level.

  In addition, in the corner of the hall there were three cultivators hanging from a rope, two men and a woman. This made Ning Cheng surprised, the three cultivators had the cultivation of True Condensation Realm, but the three of them did not even have the capacity to resist, as they hung there with their heads down, he could sense that the flow of True Essence in their bodies had become extremely sluggish. There were several soldiers standing beside them with a whip in their hand, from the scars on their bodies it could be seen that the wounds were inflicted on them by those soldiers.

  The most miserable was the female cultivator, although she was at the True Condensation 2nd Level, her clothes were already shredded revealing the fair skin beneath it. But even this fair skin was scarred again and again, the fair skin could only faintly be seen from these scars.

  These three people apparently still had a breath of life in them, when they heard the sound of Ning Cheng arriving, they immediately lifted their heads, and looked at Ning Cheng in a puzzled way.

  An extremely peculiar smell was spreading from them, when Ning Cheng took a whiff of this scent he immediately felt a bit strange, it was similar to the scent that he had smelled from the Monstrous Beasts that he had fought before, these two odours were somewhat similar. This smell made him extremely uncomfortable, but fortunately circulating the True Essence in his body, this uncomfortable feeling instantly dissipated.

  “My lord, this person trespassed into our King Wang Nian’s sanctuary.” The soldier who had brought Ning Cheng here immediately stepped forward and said while kneeling.

  This girl who was called as the lord just waved her hand and said, “I know, you can go.”

  Once the soldier went out, this girl looked at Ning Cheng from top to bottom but could not even detect a shred of tension in him, Ning Cheng’s cloths were very clean and was carrying a Spear wrapped in cloth behind him, and looked like he had actually come here for a walk, he did not seem the slightest bit uncomfortable. This girl frowned and said in a slow voice, “Who are you? For what reason did you charge into my North Jue Encampment.”

  North Jue? Ning Cheng did not know where this place called North Jue was, he had only come here to ask about the correct route that led to the Hua Continent, so he hastily bowed his head and cupped his fists in front of him and said, “My name is Ning Xiao Cheng, I was just passing through here, I really hope that me rushing through here might not have caused any misunderstandings.”

  The woman standing next to the girl, who had the cultivation of peak Qi Gathering 9th Level, suddenly shouted angrily at Ning Cheng, “You animal, speaking to the King in front of you and still not on your knees.”

  Ning Cheng’s face sank, he had come here to find the right route, not to beg for mercy. Inside Ning Cheng’s dictionary, there was no such thing as begging for mercy.

  Ning Cheng suddenly proceeded to take a few steps forward, all the people were thinking that he was coming forward to speak with proper etiquette, but then Ning Cheng with a flash appeared in front of the rough looking woman, lifted his hands and delivered two resounding slaps to her face.

  “Slap Slap….” two crisp sounds could be heard, the people then saw that Ning Cheng had already returned to his original position, but when they looked at the face of the rough looking woman who was just slapped, two purple hand prints could distinctly be seen on both of her cheeks.

  Chapter 0076 – Ning Cheng’s Strength

  Translated By – DemonKiller

  Checked and Edited By – CurlyAdi

  Proofread By – SmartyMouth

  Of the twenty people inside the yurt, the only person who could react to Ning Cheng who had slapped the rough looking woman was the only cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level. However, even though he was the only person who could react to Ning Cheng slapping the rough looking woman, he did not come up to block him.

  While Ning Cheng had gone out to slap this rough looking woman, at the same time he was also ready to face off against the man at the True Condensation 3rd Level, once this man decided to join the fray, he would have immediately sent out his Axe Fist towards him. He had not thought that this man at the True Condensation Realm would not come forward to stop him, which made Ning Cheng somewhat surprised, but then Ning Cheng immediately understood that there should be quite a gap in the status of him and that rough looking woman.

  When the people saw that this outsider dared to hit the personal guard of their king, moreover the personal guard that their king favoured the most, all the people inside the yurt were instantly shocked.

  The three cultivator who were hanging in the corner were looking at Ning Cheng in a surprised way, they did not know where Ning Cheng came from to have such a huge amount of courage.

  “You are courting death….” The rough looking woman did not think that Ning Cheng would actually dare to hit her, and suddenly became angry. With her whole body shaking in anger, she pounced towards Ning Cheng.

  The young girl sitting in the middle, who the people viewed as their master and king, immediately waved her hand, and the rough looking woman immediately stopped, although she still stared at Ning Cheng with extreme anger in her eyes, but she no longer continued to let her move towards Ning Cheng.

  The young girl stared at Ning Cheng, and said in a cold voice, “Could it be that you are relying on your little skill, to come to my North Jue Encampment and assault my people at will? My North Jue Encampment is always hospitable towards others, you are just an invited guest, so it would be better for you to not swagger yourself before us.”

  Then she pointed to the three cultivators who were hung up in the corner and said, “Do you know why they have been hung there? That is because they wanted to come to my North Jue Encampment and show off their strength to others.”

  “Bah! If you want to use such a method to plot against me, then let me tell you that you really are nothing in front of me, moreover I your father, can kill every single thrash here if I wanted to.” One of the men who was hung up, unable to use his cultivation, immediately said out with disdain.

  “Oh, in that case, I’ll put you down, then we can have a little spar, and see if whether or not you really have the guts to back up your words.” That cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level finally spoke something albeit apathetically.

  When the male cultivator who was being hung in the corner heard this cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level speak, he immediately fell silent, it was obvious that this person had suffered a huge loss against him before.

  Going with the philosophy of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, Ning Cheng just laughed and said, “It seems that they were the ones you people plotted against, looking at the state of these three people I can definitely say that you all really are garbage.”

  “You don’t seem to want to answer my question.” The Killing Intent in the eyes of this girl was getting more and more intense, but the surrounding people could not notice it, they were still thinking about why their master and king was still this patient with him, and was still speaking quite nicely towards Ning Cheng.

  Ning Cheng suddenly once again began to walk forward, this time when the cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level saw that Ning Cheng walking towards his king, he quickly stepped forward, blocking Ning Cheng’s path, while his en
tire body was surrounded with a heavy Killing Intent, as long as the young girl spoke just a few words, he would begin fighting immediately.

  Ning Cheng stopped, staring at the girl he said, “Guest? I have been standing here for a long time, but the fact is I haven’t been offered even a cup of tea? I have not even been offered a chair, but instead all that I got was barking from several dogs. It’s just bad luck, bad luck.”

  Saying that Ning Cheng clapped his hands, as if clapping his hands would dispel his bad luck.

  “Kill him.” The young girl could not endure it any longer, and with her anger finally bursting, she coldly spat out those two words.

  When the eight cultivators at the Qi Gathering 9th Level who were standing below her on either side heard her order, they immediately swarmed towards him. They had been waiting for their master to just say those words, now that they received their orders, they were not even half a beat slow to execute it.

  Ning Cheng did not even bring out the Spear that he had on his back, with his cultivation of True Condensation 1st Level if he had to use his Artefact to go against a few cultivators in the Qi Gathering Realm, it would really be a joke.

  Almost at the same time, he sent out four punches. Or rather than saying he sent out four punches, it would be better to say that he sent out four continuous axe strikes.

  Although these four axe strikes were sent out one after another, but when he really executed it, it seemed as if he sent out those four attacks simultaneously.

  An extremely violent Killing Intent momentarily enveloped the entire room, even the face of that cultivator at the True Condensation 3rd Level changed, he could sense the shadow of an axe in the punches of Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng was obviously empty handed, but it actually seemed that there were several axe shadows coming out towards him.

  This person absolutely was their enemy, thought this man at the True Condensation 3rd Level as he flicked his hands, and an octagonal sided hammer Type Artefact appeared in his hands. He had not even come forwards, when he heard “Puff Puff….” four continuous sounds erupting all around him.


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