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The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905

Page 187

by Demon Translations

With a ‘crack’ sound, Ning Cheng’s Profound Ice Spear Shadow was directly pulverized into nothingness, Ning Cheng whose body had still not yet healed completely, was once again struck by the lightning arcs. Immediately adding another serious injury to an already seriously injured body.

  Ning Cheng quickly departed from that place, he felt that at this time not changing robes was already a secondary matter, in this place, if he stopped to change his robes, those lightning arcs would once again descend on him quite quickly.

  After a change of position, Ning Cheng had only enjoyed a few breadths of peace when the next moment lightning arcs once again began raining down. Moreover, this time it was even more violent than before.

  After experiencing these kinds of things a few times, Ning Cheng summed up a rule about this place. One can only stop and stay at a place for no more than three to five breaths of time, otherwise they would have to deal with the lightning arcs that would fall on them. Moreover, if one continued to stay in that place to try to block the lightning arcs, then the bombardment of the lightning arcs would actually become even more intensive and more powerful than before.

  Even so, Ning Cheng still felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to resist them. It seemed that as long as he took even a single step forward, he would be ground to dust under the constant bombardment of these seemingly endless lightning arcs. He had even tried to take a step back, but found that once he back traced his steps, the lightning arcs that were streaking across the sky above the Thunder City would become even scarier. Moreover, the farther he went; the interval in which the lightning arcs did not fall was getting shorter and shorter, there were some places where he only found respite for just a single breath, before he was forced to once again change places.

  Ning Cheng’s injuries were also getting heavier and heavier, although he was able to recover a bit by swallowing a few healing pills, but he knew that he would not be able to go on like this. If he continued on this path, then he certainly would turn into slag eventually.

  As for hiding inside his ring, he more so did not want to think about it. He had already seen the remains of the bones outside the Thunder Domain City when he had just made his way in, but he was not even able to see a complete skeleton among them. Not to say mention about complete skeletons, even magical weapons, rings and the like, he was not able to see even the slightest trace of it.

  One can imagine that anything in this place, as long as it was something that came from the outside, would eventually turn into slag under the constant bombardment of the lightning arcs of the Thunder Domain City. Once he hid inside the ring, then the ring would be the one subjected to the bombardment and would ultimately disintegrated into slag.

  “Peng” Ning Cheng was once again sent flying by the bombardment of several lightning arcs, and hit the top of a white coloured thunder pillar. This white coloured thunder pillar had a completely white surface, but the inside of the pillar was actually filled with lingering thunder lights. It seems that in the Thunder Domain City, each piece in every place, all of them seemed to have this kind of terrifying thunder source inside of them.

  This time Ning Cheng actually decided to follow according to what Lu Fei had conveyed to him, as he turned right from this white pillar. Sure enough, although he was still bombarded after a few breaths, but the lightning arc’s intensity was actually a lot lighter than before. Not only had that, but he even had more than 10 breaths of time for rest.

  It appears that Lu Fei had not been lying about this at all, Ning Cheng thought during his short break. During this time, he started to organize his storage ring for defensive magical weapons. If he did not have a defensive magical weapon and just relied on the 36 Profound Ice Spear Technique, then he could very well imagine that, it would be very difficult for him to survive in the Thunder Domain City.

  Inside the ring, there were quite a few of defensive magical weapons, shields, seals, copper bells, sulphur fans and so on.

  However, because the level of these defensive magical weapons was not high, the highest being nothing more than a low-levelled Spiritual Artefact, Ning Cheng had not been much interested in refining them; however, at this moment he felt that these were incomparably precious and extremely useful.

  After avoiding the descent of the lightning arcs and gaining additional free time, Ning Cheng immediately began refining these defensive magical weapons. No matter how lousy was the defence provided by these defensive magical weapons, he did not give up.


  Lu Fei and Chai Chudie, at this time, had finally arrived at the entrance of the Thunder Domain City. The two of them teamed up and brought out a round shield each covering both of them up, while simultaneously also brought out their respective attack type magical weapons.

  However, what was different from Ning Cheng was that the people’s round shields and attack type magical weapons were perfectly countering the lightning net at the entrance of the Thunder Domain City.

  This lightning net had just a few moments before severely injured Ning Cheng, but for these two people, they only suffered a few minor injuries, while consuming a bit of their True Essence.

  “This kid really is quite tough, to actually see him run around in the depths of the Thunder Domain City. If I had not told him about the method to navigate in here, then this kid might have already perished inside the Thunder Domain City.” Lu Fei stared at Ning Cheng’s back that was far away from him with a vague sneer on his face.

  Chai Chudie suddenly spoke, “I thought that he does not have defensive magical weapons, so how come he now has so many defensive type magical weapons now? Moreover, he also seems to have suffered serious injuries, but is still able to move forwards, he really is a freak.”

  Seeing Ning Cheng from time to time bring out a variety of magical weapons to resist the bombardment of the lightning arcs, and then throwing them away when they were destroyed under the bombardment before bringing out another one, made Chai Chudie a bit surprised. She had also clearly seen how badly Ning Cheng was injured in the Thunder Domain Marsh, and had thought that Ning Cheng did not have any defensive magical weapon on him, but what she had not expected was that this guy would actually have so many defensive magical weapons on him.

  Lu Fei grunted and spoke, “I really don’t know how many people he had killed and robbed to have this many defensive magical weapons. It should be because he was afraid of being recognized outside, and as such did not dare to use them, but now that he is inside the Thunder Domain City, if he did not bring them out, then the only result would be his death. Let him open up a path in front of us, we will wait till he reaches the centre, by that time he would finally realize what is going on. Let’s just hope that he is able to last through the two days.”


  With the help of many defensive type magical weapons, Ning Cheng was more or less relaxed; at least he was not the same as he was before when he had just entered, even though his injury was continuously aggravating.

  However, Ning Cheng was also very clear in his heart, that this situation was only temporary. Once his stash of defensive magical weapons was finished, he would once again fall into the same situation like before. Before such a situation can occur, he must find a good way out of it.

  Ning Cheng simply did not dare to use the Profound Break Spear to directly clash against the lightning arcs, and only brought out spear shadows from time to time to block the lightning, otherwise his Profound Break Spear would have long since turned to fragments.

  Since he had already arrived at this place, Ning Cheng already had no way out. If he retreated even a small distance back, the lightning strikes would become even more aggravated. Because of which Ning Cheng had no other choice but to step forward, while continuously trying to come up with ways to block the lightning arcs of this Thunder Domain City in the most effortless manner.

  “Katcha…..” A frail yet brittle sound immediately sounded out, Ning Cheng’s facial expression immediately turned gloomy, as this wa
s his last defensive great seal, which was now completely torn open after being struck by the thunderbolt. Which also indicated, that from now on, he no longer had a defensive magical weapon available.

  From the time he had entered the Thunder Domain City, it had already been roughly two days, Ning Cheng felt that other than gaining a slight bit of skill in resisting lightning, although there some also a few other areas that had improved a bit, he was actually not able to obtain anything.

  Since it had already come to this point, then he now had to do everything in his power to resist the lightning in order to survive.

  “Ka Ka….” Once again, two lightning arcs streaked down, this time the lightning arcs were no longer the thickness of chopsticks, but rather these lightning arcs had the thickness that was slightly thicker than one’s thumb.

  Fortunately, this time there were only two lightning arcs, Ning Cheng was able to instigate his True Essence to use his Profound Break Spear to block it. The resulting backlash forced Ning Cheng directly to the side of a grey stonewall.

  “Crash…..” With a loud crash sound, Ning Cheng hurriedly moved to the side, he found that a stonewall that he had knocked into turned out to actually be a door that he had accidentally broken open. Moreover, this stonewall seems to have appeared out of thin air, completely without any previous sign.

  Ning Cheng stared at this door in puzzlement; he could feel a familiar sort of tugging coming from whatever was behind this door. Not waiting for Ning Cheng to continue to examine the inside, an intense explosive sound of thunder spread out from the inside, Ning Cheng even saw a lightning arc that was as thick as his arm that seemed to have jumped from the bottom of the door making its way to the top.

  “Brush….” Together with a majestic looking greyish glow that caught Ning Cheng’s attention before he split away from the stone door. Almost at the same time, Ning Cheng could also feel that it was aimed right at the top of his head.

  “Let you be the sacrifice for the city…..” Lu Fei’s sneering voice immediately spread out.

  Because Ning Cheng had bumped into the stone door, which had caught his attention, he in turn was not able to notice the arrival of Lu Fei. Not to say that he already was a spent force at the moment, even if would have been at his peak, if he wanted to kill Lu Fei then he would have to pay with his hand and feet to accomplish it.

  “You can also go in….” Just as Lu Fei attacked Ning Cheng, almost at the same time, a red light immediately blew up behind Lu Fei.

  What Lu Fei did not expect was that Chai Chudie would unexpectedly make a move on him. Looking at the change in temperament, he knew that this woman had put up a false front in front of him. If he had known about it beforehand, he would have never chosen to cooperate with Chai Chudie.

  Because of Chai Chudie’s attack, Lu Fei’s attack on Ning Cheng, the grey light had already dimmed down in just a twinkling of an eye, because of a lack of strength.

  “Boom……” True Essence bursting out, Ning Cheng immediately used his Profound Break Spear to block Lu Fei’s attack. Originally, Ning Cheng had intended to bring out his Soul Essence Puppet, but was stopped by his own thoughts when he saw Chai Chudie taking the initiative to attack Lu Fei.

  Chapter 0233 – Cyan Stone Sphere

  Translated By – DemonKiller

  Checked and Edited By – CurlyAdi and Livewidsmile

  Proofread By – SmartyMouth

  Please do not host our works anywhere else without our permission.

  Ning Cheng was also surprised in his heart; in his heart the impression of Chai Chudie was that she had a nature to follow other’s lead, and was not good at machinations or scheming. Although if Chai Chudie and Lu Fei cooperated, then the one who would certainly be at a loss would actually be Chai Chudie. Nevertheless, he had not thought that Chai Chudie would be the first person to actually initiate a surprise attack. This in turn gave him a wakeup call, that in this kind of a place, one must never go with the first impression of their opponents.

  “Bitch, die for me…” Lu Fei immediately released a dazzling white light, which immediately flashed towards Chai Chudie; Ning Cheng who was still on the side nearby could see it clearly. Unexpectedly Lu Fei did not use this dazzling white light to block Chai Chudie’s red light that was intent on splitting him. Because of which even though that red light passed through that dazzling white light, it reached Lu Fei in order to cleave him apart.


  That dazzling white light immediately exploded on Chai Chudie’s body, but just before the explosion, Chai Chudie’s robe suddenly rippled, immediately transforming into a huge round cocoon. When that dazzling white light and cocoon collided together, a terrible explosive sound erupted. Ning Cheng quickly casted out 36 Profound Ice Spear Shadows using it as a shield in front of his body.

  Even though Ning Cheng was relatively far away from them, the aftermath of the explosion almost disintegrated Ning Cheng’s 36 Profound Ice Spear Shield that he had put up in front of him. Fortunately, he just had to face the aftermath of the explosion. Just as Ning Cheng’s 36 Profound Ice Spear Shadows finally blew open, it soon dissipated without a trace.

  With another popping sound combined with a shot of white light, Ning Cheng then saw that Chai Chudie was now completely naked, exposing her pure white skin in all its glory. It looked like her clothes disintegrated into nothingness during that explosion.

  Although Ning Cheng was secretly on guard, but in his heart, he was thinking that while he was on Earth, he had seen many extremely beautiful women in advertisements, but he was certain that he had never seen a woman’s skin as beautiful and as mesmerizing as that of the woman in front of him.

  What made Ning Cheng unable to take his eyes off her was that there was a three-inch long cyan coloured crescent moon patterned tattoo just below her belly button. This blue crescent moon pattern was even flashing with a hint of lightning, which seemed quite similar to the lightning arcs that surrounded the outside of the Thunder Domain City.

  Although Ning Cheng had not seen many A-rated movies in his life, but it was also not the first time for him to see the splendour of a woman’s naked body. However, what he found even more amazing was the crescent moon pattern that was faintly flashing with lightning on Chai Chudie’s lower abdomen. His intuition told him that, this Crescent Moon was absolutely not something like a rune of some sorts.

  After taking a looking at the cyan coloured flashing lightning on the lower abdomen of Chai Chudie, Ning Cheng was shocked to discover that all the space around them, including the lightning arcs, had unexpectedly disappeared. Not only that, even the background also suddenly disappeared. It was as if the three people were now standing in a completely independent space that was neither too big nor too small.

  Just like a prick from an ice-cold thorn, eyes filled with dense killing intent swept over him. Ning Cheng knew that it was a gaze from Chai Chudie, but even so, he did not care about it. Chai Chudie was just a Profound Core 8th Level Cultivator; as such, he was not afraid of her in the slightest.

  Nevertheless, he did not continue to look at the lightning crescent moon pattern on Chai Chudie, because he found that Lu Fei was still able to block that red light, at least for the time being.

  That red light was just like a slowly moving guillotine in general, as such even though it had reached the centre point between Lu Fei’s eyebrows; it slowed down just at the end but actually did not stop. If anyone looked from the side, it would seem as if this red light had locked Lu Fei in place, while his face turned increasingly pale. There were even fine traces of steam coming out from the top of his head.

  “Chai Chudie, you slut, if it was not for me, would you have been able to come here? You unexpectedly want to pocket everything, even if I have to die, I will not let you go, slut, go rot in hell…” Lu Fei at this time completely stirred up every ounce of True Essence in his body. At the same time, the edge of the red light that he had been resisting with all his might had finally drawn a trace of
blood from between his eyebrows, as he simultaneously rained abuses and curses.

  Chai Chudie spoke out in a cold tone, “Lu Fei, keep your delusions to yourself. You had deliberately taken me on a rouse to find the Central Refining Array Diagram of the Thunder Domain City, but the fact was, that diagram was something that you had brought previously for your own personal use, don’t think that I am not aware of it? Just like how you wanted to sacrifice Sikong Kai, whom you considered as an ant, for obtaining the city. If not for him then I would have been the one to be offered as a sacrifice, right?”

  “Elder Brother Sikong. Let us join forces and deal with this slut Chai Chudie, you can even do her, you can begin whenever you want? I promise to give you half the benefits of the Thunder Domain City. Moreover you can also take this woman as your plaything.” Lu Fei on seeing Chai Chudie understand her intentions suddenly turned his vision towards Ning Cheng and spoke up.

  At this point, the edge of that red light had already penetrated his eyebrows by half a centimetre, and blood was starting to pour down his face, it was clear that he was enduring quite a huge amount of pain, moreover even if he wanted to move, he was not able to.

  Although Chai Chudie was completely naked, she had still not put on any clothes, but even so, one could still feel the agitated True Essence in her body. One did not even need to use their Spiritual Consciousness to scan her.

  Ning Cheng could easily see that the two people were going all out in order to control that red light. Lu Fei wanted to blow away the red light to escape, while Chai Chudie wanted to use this red light to split apart Lu Fei’s body.

  Ning Cheng calmly took out a healing pill as he leisurely swallowed it and spoke, “Whether I help you or not will depend on one thing, you said that you have the Central Refining Array Diagram of the Thunder Domain City, would you mind if I take a look at it? Just so as to confirm your words, once I see it only then will I think of helping you.”


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