Claimed Beauty (The Cubi Book 2)
Page 9
“Booths are for quickies,” Caledon said, leaning against the frame. Daniel tightened in Seldon’s arms.
“He’s tight, let me open him before I dose him.”
“He’s not dosed yet?”
“Damn. Dose and get done.” Caledon left. Seldon ignored Daniel’s disapproving murmur and thrust in and out of him a few more times, slowly, before reaching around Daniel to pull him in close.
“Ready for a dose and a quickie?”
“Sure. I prefer us home and with a good amount of time. I love watching you,” Daniel said and arched his back enough to steal a kiss. Seldon growled and gave into the kiss, happy to at least feel an appetite stir as the dose released into Daniel’s ass. They continued to kiss for the seconds it took the dose to work. But then Daniel had other things in mind. He groaned loudly and thrust his ass back onto Seldon’s cock. Seldon didn’t mind—he had to feed the boy, and he had. Now he just had to let himself be worked too excruciatingly full. Daniel kept pushing back, and Seldon felt the tingle to his spine.
“Oh, shit, I can’t see you. I love watching you,” Daniel panted, twisting his upper body. Once the eye-contact was in place, Seldon’s appetite awoke. He pulled out and turned Daniel to have his back against the side with no shelves. Seldon then lifted the boy to hook his arms under Daniel’s knees and struggled a few tries to position himself again.
“Now you can see me,” Seldon said and thrust into Daniel who cried out. Oh, shit, those sounds were sweet. Daniel clasped his hands behind Seldon’s neck and locked gazes with him.
“Come on, give me that quickie. Give me what you got.”
Seldon complied, but he still held back, not sure if Daniel could really take a pounding like his heavy-hitter, Alex. Fuck. He needed to talk to Caledon about him. But Daniel definitely responded to the pounding.
“Oh, man, dinner’s gonna be good. You could take me in the kitchen. Or I could totally snack out on your cock at the dinner table. Tastes so good when you come in my mouth. I’m gonna be good someday. You’re gonna fucking love my tongue.”
“I fucking love your mouth already,” Seldon said, diving in for a bruising and demanding kiss. But it was the things coming out of Daniel’s mouth he loved. The things he said could drive him crazy. Seldon hadn’t pushed feeding like this for at least fifty years. One reason was not having a need to feed and another was to open a new cycle of feeding.
Daniel released the kiss and gasped into the air. “Oh, yeah, you love my ass, too, don’t you?”
“Find that good spot, oh you’re good at finding that spot,” Daniel cooed, and Seldon leaned back, digging in for Daniel’s prostate. The moans and tension in the boy’s body changed, and Daniel’s arms flailed for something to hang onto. Once he found it, he screamed into the air for more cock, and Seldon’s new cycle of hunger ignited into a frenzied fuck. Hunger crashed over him, setting his skin ablaze from the need for release. If they hadn’t needed to get this done because it was just a feeding break, he would have dosed the boy again and fucked it out of him. Daniel hit orgasm first, and his ass muscles clamping down on Seldon’s cock.
“Fuck, boy!” Seldon roared and stilled a second, trapped, but it felt so good. Two more thrusts and Seldon’s orgasm rolled over him, pumping his semen into Daniel. The orgasm ebbed away, and Seldon stared into Daniel’s face as he surfaced, the red mist slowly evaporating from his eyes.
Daniel finally focused on Seldon, grinning. “Screw McDonalds.”
Seldon laughed and slipped out of the boy, kneeling to lick the spunk from Daniel’s chest. Daniel plucked wet wipes from the dispenser and handed them to Seldon as he got to his feet to dry off his own stomach. Seldon used the wipes and straightened his clothes, finishing about the same time as Daniel finished wiping his ass.
“Ready to go clean?”
“Sure. Why is the stuff in the blue bottle for windows but not for surfaces? What’s the difference?” Daniel asked as they left the enclosure to head back to the wagon.
“Soap and alcohol.
“You two done?” Caledon asked.
“Yeah.” And the thought of Alex hit him. “Before I forget again, please remind me I have a matter of a breeder named Alex to talk to you about.”
“Tell me now because you’re done for today.”
“The stuff? Should we get that?” Daniel pointed toward the wagon they had worked in.
“No, others will take over. Did you learn something?”
“Yeah,” Daniel said, shoving his hands into his pockets only to find he hadn’t tied the laces and thus pulled his pants down. He struggled with pulling them back up and tying the laces as they went. “I learned a lot about the things to use, but…” Daniel stopped halfway up the stairs and looked out over the platform where around fifty people worked. “Cooperation was taught in groups at school. Stuff like passing buckets of water from one end of a room to the other and imagining a fire we had to work together to put out. Or standing in a row and passing boiled eggs from one spoon to another from one end of a line to the other. Winners got a prize. So did the losers, just a smaller one.” Daniel leaned his arms on the railing and stared at everything going on below him. Deep thoughts roamed behind his eyes. “I may not like that I cleaned the rooms of the people who held me captive and brought me here, but I see the point. I see all these people working as one for a common goal. Common goals at my house were spending three hours together without an argument. Not sure I cooperated too well on that one.”
Seldon glanced at Caledon who brushed a finger across his chin, lost in thought.
“Daniel, I’d like you to write me an essay,” Caledon said, getting Daniel’s attention. “I’ll get you a computer. You won’t be able to log onto the internet, that’s just a rule we have, but I want you to think long and hard about this and write me an essay. The specifications will be in a document on the computer when you get it. Get you ready for school.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
Seldon put an arm around Daniel’s waist to get him moving, and the boy began climbing the stairs. The silence left Seldon to get a sense of the day’s schedule, and it wasn’t exactly welcome thoughts.
This was it. A shower and Jonah’s trial. And Seldon would be out for the count for several days in pain. He’d been able to keep it out his mind as long as he had something to do, but the number of things to be done before that time was trickling down to a number so low he couldn’t keep his thoughts off if any longer.
What he couldn’t wait for was to get rid of this fucking shirt. Normally, when walking the halls of the compound, there were a few turned heads, winks, smiles. Today there were a lot of turned heads, but they were accompanied by scowls, snorts, and even a few rude comments, labeling him a loser, a fuck-up, and a disgrace.
“What? Sorry,” Seldon said, looking at Caledon whose eyes revealed more compassion than he had expected. “Yeah, I was lost in thought.”
“You said something about Alex.”
“Guess I don’t really have a say anymore. At least not for the next year. Hope they’re still mine after that.”
“Unless they rotate out or are claimed they are. So, what’s up?”
“Did you notice Alex had a shiner at the dinner party?” Seldon asked, glancing Daniel’s way, but he was as lost to the world as he had been on the way down. Caledon nodded. “Elias did that because we had a really late night feeding, and we overslept. He missed an appointment, so I wrote a note for the blue-eye. He apparently didn’t care and took it out on the breeder.”
A ruthless expression ghosted across Caledon’s face, and had Seldon not stared right at him, he would have missed it.
“How fond are you of this breeder?”
“You mean enough to claim him? I can’t for a year, and even if I wanted to, my responsibilities lie with Daniel.”
“Is it the first time this has happened?”
“No. Alex isn’t
the first breeder I’ve heard or even seen grow pale at the sound of Elias’ name. He’s just…cruel.”
“You aren’t the first to complain, either. But I keep getting some mixed signals because the breeders he surrounds himself with are the ones who like it rough when dosed. You know the guilt in breeders and Changelings, and it doesn’t exactly make my job easier.”
“One thing is a rough fuck, another is being slapped around. I’m not trying to make you come to any specific conclusion here. But I felt like I needed to make you aware of a situation since Alex likes a rough fuck but nothing physically hard other than that. My aim is to inform you since you can’t run a House blind.”
“Every breeder who holds their own in my House has a quota of feedings, so we at least need to find another top to keep Alex in his own apartment.”
“Can’t help you there. I don’t know who or what unless I go through the schedules, and I only have the breeders compatible with me. Other than Daniel.”
“Hmm?” Daniel looked up.
“A top. We’re talking about a breeder,” Seldon explained.
“And you finished his classification,” Caledon said, nodding, his eyes giving away excitement.
“But he can only feed from me for a year. Daniel, walk a bit faster.”
Daniel looked surprised but did, turning his head to look at them while Caledon slowed to a halt. Once Daniel was out of hearing range, Caledon turned to face Seldon.
“He’s dominant, too,” Seldon said, smiling a bit.
“While dosed?”
“A dominant verse?” Caledon looked like a kid the day before Christmas.
“I’ll tell you later. For now…let’s get you two ready for Jonah’s trial. You’ll be wearing that.” Caledon pointed to the shirt. “And I’ll look into the business with Elias.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
They made their way back to Seldon’s apartment for a quick shower, and Seldon opted to not wear a shirt under the humiliating red thing since he had to be shirtless the next few days anyway. Daniel was given fifteen minutes to eat before they had to leave, and Seldon’s nerves were picking up. But he needed to play it cool because he had a job to do, first.
Chapter Eight
Standing next to Seldon in the courtroom again had Daniel restless. The guy, Jonah, had groped him. Seldon had gotten the brunt of the punishment, and Daniel still found it really unfair that he was punished for an accident, but it was the way of the Cubi, and he had to learn to deal with it.
Daniel and Seldon were the first ones there. Caledon led them through the room and into a back room where the eight Grand Lords and Ladies from yesterday sat and talked.
“Hello, everyone,” Caledon said and motioned for Daniel and Seldon to sit.
“Ah, you’re here early. Thank you.” The Grand Lady, who had presided over Seldon’s case, stood and came to where Daniel and Seldon sat, bringing her chair. She sat and studied Daniel openly. “You’re very beautiful.”
“Thank you, Grand Lady.” Daniel couldn’t help the blush. And he’d barely had time to do his makeup, settling with eyeliner, a bit of eye-shadow and mascara.
“Can you keep up with him?” she asked Seldon, who chuckled.
“Barely. Forcing feeding cycles was something I had happily forgotten was a possibility.”
“What does that mean,” Daniel asked.
“It means my body tries to keep up by producing more of that hormone. It increases hunger, the tingle, and can result in headaches, light-headedness, and nausea after feeding until it levels out to your need. In short, I’m going to be as horny as a newborn in less than a month.”
“I’m making you sick?” Daniel asked, thinking he just found one more reason why all of this wasn’t fair to Seldon. These people were so strict. Now he knew why Seldon was, too.
“I said it can result in it.”
“How do you feel now?” Daniel turned on his chair to face Seldon who smiled at him.
“Nauseous, but that’s probably just nerves.”
“But when it goes away, I won’t be force feeding you anymore, right?”
“No, you won’t.” Seldon put a hand on his shoulder. Daniel smiled a bit, thinking that if Seldon became generally hungrier, Daniel wouldn’t feel so bad about needing to feed more than Seldon would like. He wanted that look. He wanted to feel craved and desired. “Jesus, boy, are you hungry again.”
“No, I’m good. Really.” And he was.
“Promise me, if you’re even the slightest bit hungry, then you feed before I receive my punishment.”
Well, that killed the fun thoughts of how sex could be when Seldon’s hunger matched Daniel’s. “Promise. However, it’s easiest for you while you’re not hurt.”
“Good thing you’re a verse.” Not even a smile formed on Seldon's face when he said that. Daniel took his hand, apparently surprising Seldon by the gesture. But it made him smile and squeeze Daniel’s hand.
“I see this is going well,” the Grand Lady said and smiled. But she was staring, and Daniel didn’t really know what to think about the look she gave him.
“Yeah,” Seldon said, looking like he was still surprised by it. As was Daniel. There were still so many little kinks to be worked out, but he was happy Seldon thought they had to get to know each other and learn from each other. There really was a noticeable difference between being trained as a slave or future Cubi partner than being taught as a Changeling. The morning’s lesson had shown they worked quite well together, and Seldon hadn’t just stood in a corner and barked orders at him as he’d feared.
Either way, Daniel was going to be on his best behavior to not cause Seldon any more humiliation than he was already subjected to because of the red Fuck-up shirt and the whipping he had to endure later. And the remarks of people passing in the hallways. They set Daniel’s teeth on edge.
A purple-eyed man came in. “It’s time. Jonah and the breeders are here.”
Everybody got up and walked into the adjoining room where everyone from yesterday sat on the chairs lined up against the wall. Jonah sat in the chair by the table where Seldon had sat while getting his punishment read to him. The eight Grand Ladies and Lords took a seat, and Caledon guided Daniel to sit at the table opposite Jonah. He wondered why.
Seldon took a stand next to Caledon between the two tables.
“Jonah, you gave your statement yesterday,” Caledon began. “So did everyone else, and Seldon’s punishment has been set. Do you have anything to add to your statement now that you have read the ones given by the other people present?”
“No, everybody seems to agree,” Jonah said.
Seldon got that irritated look on his face, and Daniel thought he knew why. Jonah spoke in a disrespectful manner to Lord Caledon. He wondered how old Jonah was. By the name, it was clear he was a Changeling.
“Daniel, do you have anything to add to the statement you gave yesterday?”
“No, My Lord, I don’t.”
Seldon looked pleased, giving Daniel a bit more confidence and easing the nervous hold on him.
“I promised Seldon that he could dish out what he thought fair if anyone touched Daniel,” Caledon continued. “Because of the way things unfolded, you are responsible for setting in motion what led to Seldon’s dosing of the Untouchable. The consequences of your actions led to more consequences, and you will be convicted of your hand in it.”
“You’re seriously letting him come up with the punishment?” Jonah asked and pointed at Seldon.
“Take care with how you address me,” Caledon growled. “You will not speak out of turn to me or anyone else in this room.”
“But he’s gonna get all vindictive!” Jonah pointed at Seldon.
“The lack of faith you have in our ability to run the Houses is staggering, even for a red-eyed Changeling your age,” Grand Lady Geodin said and stood—her authority clear t
o everyone. “We have heard Seldon’s chosen punishment and found it lenient. This, I can assure you, will no longer be the case, and we expect Lord Caledon to take the matters of your disrespectful nature under his care.”
“You can be sure I will, Grand Lady.”
She sat down again, and Daniel looked at a gaping Jonah who still sent hateful glares at Seldon. It pissed Daniel off because the guy seemed to think he was the only one getting punished. Did he even see the shirt Seldon had to wear? Did he know what it meant? With that came the thought whether he even knew what Seldon’s punishment was. Didn’t matter, Jonah was pissing on Seldon, and it pissed Daniel off. Being at the trial didn’t allow Daniel to contemplate the reasons behind it further, though, as the trial commenced.
“Sire Seldon, please go through your decision,” Caledon said and stepped to a side.
Seldon stepped forward looking calm, collected, and authoritarian. “The night it happened I had already come up with the punishment. I haven’t changed it because of what it led me to do. I’ve even taken into consideration how young you are. Had it been Gordon, it would have been double because he’s stronger at his age compared to you. Three days public starvation and thirty lashes before three days of public feeding with three overdoses a day. To get your energy back up.”
“Would you change that with the lack of respect and trust he has shown in your abilities to run your home?” Caledon asked.
“I’d raise it to fifty lashes.”
“And the disrespect he has shown the Grand Houses and my House?”
“That one is not for me to measure out, My Lord.”
Caledon nodded, looking pleased, and Daniel felt proud of Seldon, but Jonah’s glares pissed him off.
“We will convene. Daniel, stay in your seat,” the Grand Lady said.
“Yes, Grand Lady,” Daniel said, feeling a bit alone when he saw Seldon leave with them and Caledon.
“This is not fair, you’re not hurt,” Jonah complained to Daniel.
“You don’t know shit, so shut the fuck up!” Daniel said.
The purple-eye stepped forward and grabbed Jonah’s shoulder, squeezing it hard enough for Jonah to scream. The purple-eye sent Daniel a pointed stare as if telling him to take his own advice.