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Winter Boys: Todd

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  Wrapping his arms around Simon, he held on tight. They both opened their mouths, tongues meeting, and this was like coming home, the taste of Simon familiar and wild. It warmed him from his toes to his head, and everything else faded away. Nothing else mattered as he kissed Simon.

  Simon held his face, feasting from him. He’d forgotten that little detail, how Simon did these little things that made him feel like the center of the universe.

  “God, you taste so good…”

  “You too. Like apples with Simon spice.” He dove back in for more of that flavor, for more of the heat and need he tasted there.

  One hand wrapped around his head, holding him close as Simon opened up for him. He dove into the kiss, giving Simon everything he had, everything he’d been holding back and missing since they broke up.

  Simon took it all, took it and fed it back to him in spades.

  All they were doing was kissing and he felt like he could come from it—it lit up his body. His entire body. He was on fire, and Simon’s steady motions against him didn’t help.

  He felt like he could come from this. He wanted to, but the survival part of his brain reminded him that he didn’t want to get his pants wet.

  “Gotta get naked.”

  “Fuck yes. Please.” Simon worked the zipper of his light coat down.

  He tried to return the favor, but his fingers were trembling, fumbling. God, he was ramped up, eager for this.

  “It’s okay. We have time. Relax.”

  “I know.” Potentially days. Still, it had been years, and he wanted this so badly. He pressed his forehead against Simon’s and breathed.

  “I…You make me hard as nails.”

  “Ditto. Only I’m hard as wood. You know what that means?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Simon’s laugh made him want to sob. “You could show me…”

  “I can. But I think all know that nails get pounded into wood.”

  “I do like pounding you. Hell, I like you pounding me.”

  “A little jolt goes through me every time you say pound.” He finally got his fingers working enough to tug down the zipper to Simon’s coat. Of course, that was just the beginning—there were many layers, as there should be.

  “I want sucking too. Stroking. I want…. Babe, I want everything I’ve missed.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, that all sounds amazing. Let’s make this tent rock.” He pushed the coat off Simon’s shoulders and Simon tugged his arms out of it. That gave him an opportunity to work on Simon’s shirts. Simon helped, pulling off layer after layer, until finally they could get to skin.

  As soon as he had a chance, he put his hands on Simon’s chest, feeling the little nipples tickle his palms.

  Simon breathed in deep, forcing his chest over Todd’s palms.

  “I remember this. How responsive you are. It makes me even harder, knowing how much you want it. Want me.” God, why had they broken up? Oh, right. He pushed that from his head. He wasn’t allowing it here. They had however long the storm and hike home gave them, and he was going to revel in it, to let everything else but right here go.

  “I do. Every fucking second.” Simon slammed their mouths together, shutting them both up. Good choice.

  He explored Simon’s torso, coming back again and again to those pretty little nipples. He rubbed them, and he pinched them lightly.

  Simon responded like a dream, arching and rolling, rocking them together, before taking his fingers and pinching hard. Oh yeah, his Simon had a little streak of pain slut in him. He made sure to give them a twist now and then too.

  Then he worked on Simon’s snow pants, his pants, his long underwear. It was like unwrapping the best gift ever. God, Simon was tiny, had lost a ton of weight, and his immediate urge was to growl.

  He pushed it down—this was their time to just enjoy, to be together. He would worry about details later.

  He kept kissing, working on his own clothing now. There was just so fucking much of it, and while it had been fun to unwrap Simon, getting himself naked just seemed long.

  Simon helped, pushing and nuzzling, lips finding his nipple and latching on.

  Fuck. He jerked, his fingers finding Simon’s head and holding on, holding Simon in place. His pant layers could wait. Simon curled in, humming softly and sucking with a steady, maddening rhythm.

  “Babe, gonna make me shoot.”

  When Simon’s answer was to suck harder, he shoved at his lower layers, needing them off right now. Right now.

  Simon grabbed his cock, pulling hard, thumb working the tip.

  This sound came out of him, deep and heavy and full of need. He closed his eyes and held onto Simon’s shoulders, the pleasure overtaking him.

  “Yeah. Todd.” Simon pushed up, the kiss sloppy and wonderful and wild.

  He let himself go, let Simon pull his climax right out of him. He hadn’t had an orgasm that good in a long time.

  “Pretty pretty.” Simon shivered and snuggled close.

  He chuckled and nuzzled the top of Simon’s head. “Yeah? Not crazy o face?”

  “I love your crazy o face.”

  That turned his chuckles into outright laughter, and it was muffled as he gave Simon a kiss. He drew back to rub their noses together.

  “Well, I’m up by one crazy o face, so it’s your turn.” Once they’d evened things out, they could see what they could do about the pounding situation.

  “Tag. You’re it.” Simon was so hot against him.

  “You want a handy?” He grabbed Simon’s cock. It was so damn hot in his hand. And hard. Oh, it was like a fire. “Or I could blow you. Or I could give you the handy and then blow you.”

  “Touch me. Please. Touch me.” Simon arched into his touch, as big a slut as anyone.

  “I am touching you.” He squeezed and dragged his thumb along Simon’s cockhead, letting it linger over the slit. Simon used to like that, a little burn right there.

  “Yes…” The hiss was sweet, heated, and Simon snuggled into his arms.

  He kept pulling, kept working that sweet little slit, knowing it would drive Simon crazy—drive him right over the edge. He used his other hand to play with Simon’s nipples, pinching them fairly hard.

  “Can’t last. Not like this. Damn. Can’t…” Simon sure didn’t seem to want him to stop. No way.

  “Give me your o face, babe. Then we’ll be even and can talk about round two.” And three and four and however many they could fit in for as long as they were stuck here.

  “Uh-huh… God, I miss you.” Simon sobbed softly, reaching for Todd.

  He pressed harder against Simon’s slit. “Wanna smell you now.”

  The demand pushed Simon over the edge, spunk spreading over Todd’s fingers. Groaning, he brought his hand to his mouth and licked at his fingers. He loved the way Simon’s pleasure tasted and he planned on licking his fingers clean.

  Simon’s tongue joined his, both of them groaning madly as they licked together. The cleaning of his fingers turned into mad kissing, their tongues tangled together, pushing from his mouth to Simon’s and back again.

  He pressed their bodies together as they kissed, rubbing.

  Simon curled around him, clinging to him like a limpet. “I’m not ready to stop.”

  “I don’t think we’re stopping until we’re dried-up husks in the middle of the woods, buried under a ton of snow.” He could hear it, beginning to fall, hitting the tent with gentle shushing sounds. It was blanketing them, and it would keep them warm, guard them against the wind. Cocoon them in their very own little pleasuredome.

  “Sounds amazing. We’re so lucky that they left.”

  “Yeah. We’re so lucky, period.” It made him grin. He couldn’t think of anyone else he knew who would agree that getting caught out in the storm, having to wait it out, was lucky. But his Simon did, just like he did.

  He brought their mouths together again and rolled them so Simon was beneath him. That gave him enough leverage to press their groins together and rock. T
heir cocks bumped and slid together, the touches soft and hard and easy and not, all randomly.

  Simon was still mostly hard, body rippling with need. His own cock was back to full like he’d never come in the first place. Simon was that inspiring.

  He kept moving, sliding their bodies together, starting a sweet fire between them. They enjoyed kiss after kiss, and he could do this forever, hearing those sweet noises from Simon.

  He didn’t know how they could have walked away from this heat, this need. Clearly, they’d both lost their minds.

  They were here now, though, and he reveled in the feeling of Simon’s sweet body against his own. He found an angle where it felt the best and drove hard against Simon.

  Simon’s hand was hard on his ass, fingers digging in, holding him tight enough to leave marks. He liked the thought of that. He liked to know that he’d have souvenirs.

  Groaning at the thought, he bent and sucked on Simon’s neck, pulling up a mark of his own. He wanted to leave them all over Simon’s body. A whole plethora of marks that said Todd was here.

  To his shock, Simon didn’t stop him. Instead, he lifted that sweet pointed chin and offered him more.

  More throat.

  More skin.

  More Simon.

  “Never wore anyone’s marks, babe. Never.”

  He knew. Simon had never let him do this before, when they were together. But he was now.

  Todd took it, took as much of Simon as he could get.


  Simon woke up, and it was pitch black and he was wrapped around Todd’s body, chest hard under his cheek.

  He should be asking what the hell he was doing, but he knew.

  He knew full well what he was doing.

  He was taking what he needed.

  Todd patted his back, long strokes that were soothing. Was Todd even awake? He thought maybe Todd was just soothing him in his sleep, offering comfort and ease.

  He turned his head, lips finding one nipple. He began to suck, just a soft, gentle pull that he could feel, deep in his belly.

  Todd’s groan was sweet and so full of need and the hand on his back found his ass. Todd squeezed tight, pulling him closer against the strong body.

  Smokey whined softly and Todd snorted. “I bet she needs to go out. Unzip the tent enough for her to go.”

  “Poor pup. Come on, baby girl.” He stuck his head out, shivering as he unzipped the tent, just enough for her to escape. She gave him a lick, then pushed her way out, tail the last thing he saw. Only a little bit of snow came back into the tent.

  “Zip it back up—she’ll be okay wandering for a couple hours out there on her own.”

  Hell, she was built for this weather—she’d be fine if they left her out there ’til tomorrow.

  “She’ll probably bring us a bunny to eat. She’s a provider.” He zipped up and snuggled back in.

  “Hopefully, she won’t actually bring it in.”

  He knew Todd wasn’t squeamish, but he was right about that being potentially gross.

  “It’ll stink the world up. I’ll watch.”

  “She won’t be back for ages. Let’s get back to what we were doing.” Todd wrapped his hand around Simon’s head and encouraged him back to one slightly swollen nipple.

  “Mmm…” They both loved nipple play. Todd liked it steady and slow. Simon wanted it hard, but they were both into it.

  “Damn, that’s sweet, babe.” Todd’s hand went back down to his ass and clamped on, resulting in his hard-on pressing against Todd’s thigh.

  Simon closed his eyes and relaxed, humming softly as he sucked. It was hypnotic, steady, and he sank into it.

  Todd hummed and moaned, fingers opening and closing on his ass, massaging him as he sucked. “Oh yeah, don’t stop. Just don’t stop.”

  Why would he stop? He was happy, warm, surrounded in Todd.

  Using his free hand, Todd felt him up, from his head to his chest, stopping to twist his nipples.

  He groaned, sucking in a sharp breath. God yes.

  “Don’t stop now, or I’ll stop too.” There was a smile in Todd’s voice as he said it.

  He bit a little bit, making it sting. Butthead.

  “Ow!” Todd jerked, then he settled back and chuckled. “Two can play that game.” Todd touched his nipple, a barely there touch.

  “Cheater,” he whispered, and then started sucking again.

  Todd laughed, and the sound filled the tent with joy. “You started it.”

  “Don’t stop then.” He reached down and cupped Todd’s balls.

  Todd’s moan was music to his ears, and Todd gave his right nipple a pinch, then a lingering twist and tug. He arched and pulled harder on that pretty nip.

  Bucking, Todd pinched his other nipple next, sending a thrill all through him.

  “Fuck!” He lifted a face for a kiss. “Please.”

  Todd grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into it. The kiss was hard and hot and made him believe they were going to melt all the snow in the area.

  “Mmm…better. Hey.” He held Todd close.

  “Hey. I was going to say good morning, but I’m not sure it is. Morning, I mean. It’s definitely good.”

  He loved how Todd would forget how to put words together.

  “Yeah. Happy snow.” It worked.

  “Very happy snow.” Todd licked his lips, then slid his tongue between them, tasting Simon’s mouth.

  He slipped one hand around to Todd’s ass, holding on tight.

  “I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside me, filling me up.” Todd’s words wrapped around him, holding him close, just like Todd’s arms.

  He fought back the sob that wanted out. “I’d love to. I’ve waited…” So long. He’d waited so long.

  “Shh.” Todd followed that up with a kiss, ensuring that he couldn’t have said more even if he’d been so inclined. Todd’s kiss was hard and eager.

  That shattered his thoughts, leaving him with nothing but need.

  Todd’s tongue danced in his mouth, flicking in between his lips. When Todd groaned, he knew it was from tasting him. God, Todd made him feel so hot, so sexy.

  “Slick? Do we have anything?”

  “Uh…. There’s some olive oil in with the food stuff!”

  Simon began to chuckle. “Assuming it didn’t solidify!”

  “We can warm it up in our hands.” Todd gave him a look. “I really want you to do me. Like really, really. You didn’t bring lube, did you?”

  “I want to. I didn’t. I didn’t figure I could get hard around Arthur…” There had to be something. “Is the oil in here?”

  “Pack up to your left. Smokey was lying on it, so maybe.” The need in Todd’s eyes was inspiring.

  “Maybe.” He sat up and started searching, his need making his hands shake.

  Todd’s hands on his butt weren’t helping.

  “I’d let you do me dry, babe.” The husky note in Todd’s voice said he wasn’t kidding, that he really would.

  “I won’t hurt you. I…. Bingo. Found it.” He curled back toward Todd, oil in hand.

  “Oh, thank God. I really, really want this, Simon. I need it.” The look in Todd’s eyes was as serious as a heart attack.

  He knew how Todd felt; he wanted it so badly.

  “I’ll give you what you need, babe. I swear. I’ll make you come on my cock.”

  “Love it when you talk dirty to me.” Todd rubbed his back, hands heading unerringly down to his ass, to squeeze, fingers digging into him, leaving more marks. He was going to look like a leper when he left here.

  He didn’t want to think about that. “You want to get on your side, babe?”

  “You don’t want to do it face-to-face.” Todd touched his cheek. “I want to see you while you’re inside me.”

  “Oh God…” So sweet. So fucking dear. “Yes. Please. Get the bottle open, babe.”

  “Are your hands not working?” Todd opened the bottle, the oil sluggish from the cold but
still liquid enough it would drip out.

  “My hands work just fine, turkey.” He pushed Todd back. “I want your ass.”

  “It’s right here, waiting for you.” Todd passed him the bottle of olive oil, then lay back and grabbed his knees. Spreading himself open, Todd offered himself up.

  He moved in close, slicking his fingers to pet Todd’s tiny hole. “Look at you.”

  “Look all you want, just make sure you touch too.” Todd spread himself even wider, ass open for him. “Please. Please, Simon. I haven’t—not since you.”

  “Me either. No one but you.” He swooped down, lapping at Todd’s hole for a few quick swipes.

  “Simon!” Todd’s strangled scream was gratifying. “Oh fuck. Oh damn. Simon. Simon.” The words were followed up by a couple of whimpers.

  Yes. Mine. He groaned and licked again, head swimming. Todd whimpered again and shifted, ass pushing toward him, clearly begging for more. So he gave it, licking and laving before moving to take Todd’s balls in his lips and sliding slick fingers in the tight hole.

  Todd was making the best noises, part groans, part moans, mixed with whimpers. It was all given over to him—it felt like Todd wasn’t holding back in the slightest. One finger became two became three and he pushed in deeper, sucking hard.

  Todd’s hands dropped to his head, fingers opening and closing on his scalp. “Babe. Gonna. Real soon. Please. I want you inside me.”

  He groaned and nodded. He got it. “Yeah. Yeah, babe. Need you.”

  Todd grabbed the back of his neck and stared into his eyes. “I’m open. You’ve stretched me. You got me ready already. Need it to be your cock. Need you to make love to me.”

  He climbed up Todd’s body, shaking from need. “I need you, babe.”

  His cock nudged Todd’s hole. Todd immediately wrapped his legs around Simon’s body, heels digging in.

  “Come on in.” Todd pulled, encouraging him.

  “I missed you.” He whispered the words and pressed in, the tip of his cock popping into that tight hole.

  “Yes!” Todd shouted and held him in, heels digging into his ass, fingers digging into his biceps. “So good, babe. So good.” Todd met his gaze.

  “Uh-huh.” He backed up, pushed in, rocking good and hard, working his way in.


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