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Winter Boys: Todd

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  Simon wiggled, spreading and pushing that sweet, round ass back at him.

  He gave it a bit of a swat, watching the water bouncing off it, the flesh going white for a moment before the color came rushing back into it. Groaning, he grabbed the lube and managed to get some onto his fingers.

  “I want you. So badly.” Simon went up on tiptoe, rocking toward him. He could appreciate that, because he wanted Simon just as badly.

  Todd pressed two of his fingers into Simon, opening him quickly. They’d made love a lot in the last few days, and he knew Simon wouldn’t need a whole lot of prep. Just some stretching and some lube and then it could be him.

  “Mmm… that’s sweet. I want you, love.” Simon’s voice was sweet, husky, hotter than the water.

  “Right here, babe. Be me in a second.” He stretched his fingers out wide, then twisted them together and pushed them deep. He knew he’d hit the mark when Simon cried out and went up onto his tiptoes. He didn’t tease or try to hit it again, happy with that first touch.

  He pulled his fingers out and slicked up his cock. He pushed close, feeling Simon trembling with anticipation. Simon loved him so well—how could he have given this up? How could he have not fought harder to keep this in his life, even long-distance, even only seeing him for a few days out of the year. Fuck, he was an idiot. They both were. Still, they were right here, right now, together, and he was about to sink into Simon’s amazing heat.

  And when Simon had reached for him, he’d reached back. Needing him as badly as he’d hungered for Simon.

  He pressed his cock right against Simon’s hole, his lover bucking back against him. He pushed forward, the head of his cock breaching that tiny hole. Fuck, yes.

  It scraped his cock, in the best way, and he moaned as he went up, pushing deeper.

  “Heaven,” he whispered, going in as deep as he could, Simon’s body wrapped tight around his cock.

  “Yeah. Fuck, yeah. I need this.” Simon stretched up, entire body clenching.

  Todd nodded. “You. Need you. This.” Yeah, Simon was it, was perfect.

  They rocked together, working to get to their orgasms before the hot water ran out. When Todd could feel he was right on the edge, he grabbed Simon’s cock and jacked him hard.

  Simon pushed back hard, slamming them together, a low groan on the air.

  “Can’t hold off much longer, babe.” And he wasn’t going to leave Simon hanging. He changed his angle slightly as he slammed in, hoping to hit Simon’s gland.

  It took a few thrusts, and then Simon grunted, arched, and shot, ass milking his cock. Todd let himself go, let the motions of that sweet ass pull his own orgasm out of him.

  He bit down on Simon’s shoulder and cried out, come pushing out of him and into Simon.

  “Damn. Damn, you’re fine.” Simon reached back, hand trailing on his thigh.

  “Love you, too, babe.” He kissed the teeth marks he’d left on Simon’s shoulder, then came out with a groan. “I don’t want to come out, but we don’t want to run out of hot.”

  “No. No, that would…” The hot water started to die. “Go! Go!”

  He hit the tap, cutting off the flow as they fled the shower. Grabbing the towel, he wrapped it around Simon’s shoulders. He’d use it once Simon was dry.

  “Ooh, I’m awake. I’m awake.” Simon was laughing, red-faced and wide-eyed.

  “And here I was going to suggest taking you to bed.” He patted Simon down with the towel. “Although venison steaks in front of the fire with you sounds amazing.”

  “Oh. Hot food. Hot food with a table. I’m in.” Simon smooched him right on the mouth.

  He kissed Simon back before grabbing the towel and making quick work of drying himself off. “I’ve got clean sweatpants that should stay on if you pull the ties in the waistband tight.”

  “Thanks. You want me to wrap some potatoes in foil?” It was so much easier with two.

  “Yeah, that’d be great. I think there’s some canned green beans we can warm up too.” The only thing he missed, living out here, was fresh produce in the winter. But he didn’t miss it that much.

  “You should get a bigger freezer and bag some veg for the winter, love.”

  “It’s a good idea. I do want to get a bigger one or a second freezer. It would mean getting the veg delivered a couple times over the summer, but it just might be worth it. I’ve slowly been renovating, making the place more livable.” He’d been building a home for Simon, if he was honest about it. That was who he always imagined when he made improvements.

  “I’ll bring a bunch when I come up.” The offer was casual, easy.

  “Even just a couple weeks supply at Easter. I know you folks in the city have fresh veg and fruits year-round.” He added the tease, but he was almost holding his breath to hear Simon’s response to being invited back for a specific date, and one that was only a couple months away.

  “Totally. I get two weeks vacation—this didn’t count, plus all the regular holidays. Easter sounds perfect. You’ll have to make a list, and we’ll Skype about it.”

  He wanted to cheer at Simon’s response. A few months wasn’t that long really, especially if they could talk in between. “That sounds perfect.”

  “You have a lot of tours scheduled?”

  “Another one for January, three in February, and two in March. All one-week tours.”

  “Whoa. Busy.” Simon took the wrapped potatoes to the fire and got them under the coals. “Anything cool?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got a group of Scouts during spring break. That one’s going to rock.” He enjoyed it when people were engaged and wanted to learn.

  “Oh, that’ll be neat, and it won’t be as cold.”

  “Yeah. They’re being smart about and there’s been a lot of communication. I’m looking forward to it.” And now it would be the last group before Simon came back for a long weekend. Who knew, maybe Simon would take a day or two of his vacation to make it a slightly longer visit.

  “Well, I’ll bring goodies with me when I come and we’ll feast and play.” Oh. Goodies. He remembered Simon’s goodies.

  “It’s a plan, babe.” He gave Simon a kiss, lingering longer than he’d meant to, but damn they only had two days left.

  “It’s not a good plan, but it’s a plan, right?”

  “I think it’s a good plan. Fruit, veg, goodies, and you for three or four days? I am down. I’m going to go close off those days on the calendar now so no one tries to book them. Well, okay, after the whole steak thing.” He didn’t want to overcook anything.

  “Fair enough. I’ll put in for a day or two off when I get in.”

  “I’ll make sure Bill can fly you in.” He wasn’t leaving anything to chance; he wanted Simon back here as soon as it could happen.

  Simon’s answer was a happy, laughing kiss that made him beam, deep down.

  He had the presence of mind to turn the steaks. “These are going to be ready long before the potatoes. You want to just have steak and beer?”

  “Sure. We can have the potatoes as a snack.”

  “Works for me. Wanna go light the fire? Everything should be set up already. I’ll bring the food over soon as these steaks are done.”

  “Sure, love. I’m on it.” He loved it, how Simon was capable, functional.

  The man looked good in his home too. Like Simon belonged here. Todd wanted to beg him to stay, but he wouldn’t do that. He knew how important Simon’s job was to him. He put the steaks on a couple of plates and balanced them together before grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge.

  “Don’t start missing me yet. I’m here for two more days.”

  “Are you reading my mind?”

  “Your eyes. I know you, remember?”

  He did. That’s part of why they worked. “I remember. And I promise not to miss you before you’re gone.” He set their plates and bottles on the little side table by the couch. “Steak and beer—the dinner of champions. Or at least two guys who have been living on s
tew and jerky for the last ten days.”

  “You know it. It’s been a feast.”

  “You’re skinny as hell, but you’re right, you’ve gained weight on the trip.” And how crazy was that? Todd didn’t think Simon was taking care of himself. No, he knew Simon wasn’t taking care of himself. He looked so much better now than when he’d first arrived. And Todd was loath to send him back. It wasn’t his choice, though.

  “You have high-calorie food and I can’t train in this snow. It’s been a great break.” Simon rested one cheek on his shoulder.

  “You work too hard and train too hard. And what’s wrong with high-calorie food? Isn’t that what fuels you?” He used to be able to keep feeding Simon, but now he’d have to do it in fits and starts.

  “It is. I’m not starving, love. I promise.” Simon grabbed his steak knife and started eating, moaning softly.

  No, not starving, but the man ate like he hadn’t had good, decent food in far too long. His steaks were good but not that good. He enjoyed watching Simon eat for a few moments before digging in himself.

  “Oh, I can’t tell you the last time I had steak…”

  “And this is venison—food of the gods.” He touched Simon’s shoulder, caressing his lover because he couldn’t not touch.

  “It’s so good. No one makes them like you.” The praise made him flush.

  He leaned in and licked Simon’s lips, gathering the flavor of the steak and of Simon before sitting back. “Flattery will get you more steak.”

  “Mmm…. Later. I’m stuffed.” Simon winked at him, eyebrows waggling.

  “There’s dessert too. I think.” There was in the freezer, but that didn’t mean it would be defrosted anytime soon. Of course the eyebrow waggling could be turned into them having dessert much later.

  Simon cracked up, leaning in his lap, head heavy on his leg. He ran his hands through Simon’s hair. He loved Simon’s laughter—he loved being the one to cause it. Doubling over, he kissed Simon.

  Simon pushed up toward him, one hand wrapping around his neck.

  “You need to finish your steak.” He didn’t let that keep him from taking another kiss, though.

  “Mmhmm. My yummy steak.” He took another kiss.

  “You had a few bites, right?” It wasn’t like Simon was starving. He shifted to a more comfortable position for the next kiss.

  “I’ve had plenty.” Simon curled around him.

  “It reheats. If Smokey doesn’t eat it first.” He laughed and took another kiss, then another. God, he wanted Simon again. Again.

  “Our balls are going to fall off.”

  “We’ll have a couple of months to sew them back on.”

  Simon stared at him, wide-eyed. “Todd! That’s a terrible visual!”

  Then he laughed hard.

  “You started it with the falling-off balls.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You came onto me!”

  “But that’s a good thing!” And he still wanted Simon. Again.

  “It is. It’s sort of a magical thing, dork.”

  “Then stop worrying about our balls and make love with me.” He didn’t let Simon answer, kissing the man breathless instead. Simon climbed up on his lap, prick hard against his belly.

  Groaning, he fed from Simon’s lips. His own cock was hard, rubbing against Simon’s ass. God, damn, he wanted in.


  He pulled one of Simon’s legs up, cock begging in.

  Simon nodded. “Yes. Please, Todd. Fill me.”

  Groaning, he pushed, Simon still swollen and hot and slick from earlier. Simon held onto his shoulders, eyes rolling back. He grabbed hold of Simon’s hips and pulled him down onto his cock and damn. Once again, the best sheath in the entire world.

  “Feel you. Every inch.” Simon arched, body rolling hard.

  “Uh-huh. That’s a lot of inches.” He winked up at Simon and pushed in hard.

  “Butthe—oh fuck…” Oh, he liked that look.

  He slammed in again, loving the way Simon just lost all sense when he was being fucked. “Gonna love you so good.”

  “You do.”


  Oh, those words made him dizzy.

  He helped Simon rise up, his hands hard on Simon’s hips as he pulled him down into the next thrust. He didn’t ever want to stop because if they did this forever, Simon would never leave.

  “Love you. Do it again.” Simon stared down at him. “I want to feel you in me forever.”

  That Simon’s words echoed his thoughts had him catching his breath. He brought them together with even more strength, finding a fast, hard rhythm.

  Simon moaned, grinding onto him with a wild cry. Every time Simon came down, Simon’s hard cock slapped his belly, making it more real. They were wild together, driving each other harder, faster. More.

  He sat up and flipped them, putting Simon on the couch and using the extra leverage to pound away at Simon’s ass. To pound himself into Simon’s soul.

  Simon took and took, begging him for everything he had. He gave it, putting all of himself into Simon.

  He could feel his orgasm barreling down on him. He tried to stop it, to slow it down, but he couldn’t. Simon demanded it. All of it. All of him.

  He grunted hard, coming deep inside Simon’s body as pleasure moved through him. Fuck, it felt so good, so right. So very right.

  He grabbed Simon’s cock, jacking fast and hard, Simon’s expression utterly lost.

  “Come for me, babe.” He wanted to watch it happen.

  “Love. Love you. Jesus. The tip, huh?”

  “Always so pushy.” He laughed, but he pressed against Simon’s slit, letting his fingernail rub.

  Simon moaned, sighing in a long, slow exhale as come slipped from that pretty cock.

  “You’re beautiful.” Todd kept stroking, letting Simon shudder through several aftershocks before he bent to lick the come from Simon’s belly. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Miss me the day after tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” He would try not to think of Simon going back to Toronto and not being here with him. He pulled out reluctantly, which meant he could lie on top of Simon, rest his head next to Simon’s.

  “I love the way you smell. It’s home.”

  Smokey came in through the doggy door and settled in front of the fire.

  “Ah, there we go, now it smells like wet dog.” He laughed softly, shifting against Simon.

  Simon popped his butt. “The romance is dead.”

  “Hey! I didn’t come in and smell like wet dog—that was Smokey. If anyone should have their butt popped, it’s her. But then your hand would smell like wet dog and that would be gross.”

  Simon started laughing, happy little giggles that drove him nuts in the best way possible.

  He loved Simon. He truly did. And this time, he wasn’t letting go, no matter how much distance lay between them.


  Simon got in from his run and made himself a mug of hot cocoa.

  He was tired, his head hurt, and he was lonely—but he had a Skype call with Todd planned tonight.

  First one since he got back four days ago. He was excited and slightly nervous—what if it was weird?

  No, it wouldn’t be weird. He just wanted to see Todd’s face again, say hi. He cleaned up, grabbed his tablet and sat, ready to say hi.

  His Skype sounded, indicating a call was coming in. This was it.

  He answered, bouncing and waving. “Babe! Hey!”

  Todd came into view, laughing. “What are you doing? You goof. God, I’ve missed you.”

  “Hey! I missed you. You been busy?” Todd looked good, hale.

  “Yeah. I’ve got everything set up for my next tour. Been keeping busy, you know? I tell myself that makes it easier. God, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Thanks.” He curled up in his blanket, tentatively sipping a cup of hot cocoa. “I miss you. I went for a long run today.”

  “Yeah? Have you carb loaded recently?” God,
Todd could be a worrywart. It was part annoying, part charming.

  “I’m having cocoa.” That was carbs.

  Todd snorted. “Are you having cookies with that cocoa? No? I didn’t think so. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me forever.”

  Todd didn’t even hesitate, not even for a second. “Done.”

  Oh… He melted. Just melted. “Then we’re good.”

  “That’s a good look on you, babe.” Todd adjusted his laptop. “So how was it, going back to work?”

  “It was work.” He didn’t want to talk about it. Everyone had heard about how he’d stayed. Arthur had made some comment about no wonder the guide hadn’t minded him being in the tent with him.

  Todd made a face, then very deliberately smiled at him. “Smokey misses you. She keeps glaring at me.”

  “Does she? Smokey! I love you, too, stinky dog!” He was going to have to mail treats up.

  Smokey barked and appeared behind Todd, one paw coming over a shoulder, head hanging next to the other, her tongue lolling out.

  “God, her breath is bad. B. A. D. Bad.” Todd pushed her down.

  “Smokey! Give Daddy kisses!”

  Smokey jumped up and licked Todd, right in the face.

  “Gross! Smokey, down! Stop that. Get down!” Todd wiped his face and grabbed a tissue, rubbing it over his beard. “You are an evil man, Simon Lord.”

  “I do my best.” He started laughing, and soon he was rolling with giggles.

  God, he’d missed this—the giggling and happiness, the way they could tease each other.

  “Now I believe you’re okay.” Todd pushed Smokey away as she tried to give him more kisses.

  “She loves you so bad.”

  “Almost as much as she loves you. Of course, I’d rather have your kisses than hers too.” Todd smiled at him, fingers reaching to touch his screen. “I miss the feeling of your skin.”

  “I know. I miss you too. This is better than no contact, than believing you hate me.”

  Todd shook his head. “You knew I didn’t hate you.”

  “I wanted to believe that you wanted me back.”

  “Well, now you know. We both do. And we both know it’s worth putting up with being long-distance. God, it’s hard, though. I want to touch you so badly.”


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