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Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3

Page 43

by Laura Burton

David’s head popped up past the breakfast bar and he puffed out the air in his cheeks.

  “Do you have any milk?”

  “No, I’m dairy-free.”

  “Got any dairy-free milk?”

  “David, what are you doing?” Emily repeated, this time her bafflement turned into irritation. He was behaving oddly. She couldn’t work out why.

  David’s shoulders slumped and he kicked the refrigerator door closed with his foot.

  “You know what, because you’re doing me a massive favor, I’m going to buy you a whole new wardrobe tomorrow. Just come as you are.” He eyed her up and down and Emily tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Are you sure? You really want me to move in?”

  “Well, just for now, at least. Until my grandmother….” He didn’t finish the sentence. But he didn’t need to. Until she died. So that was his plan? Is this his conscience kicking in? Lying to your terminally ill grandmother just to get your inheritance seemed pretty low. Yes, Emily lied too, but that was different. That was to pacify obnoxious, narrow-minded investors who thought it was the 1950s and a woman couldn’t run a successful matchmaking business without being married. Totally different. Emily rested her hands on her hips and looked down at her outfit.

  “I’ll have to change….”


  Emily’s head snapped back up and she looked at David who was staring at her with dark eyes. A smile etched on his face and her cheeks heated under his gaze.

  “No, I’m going to change out of this ridiculous—”

  “I like it,” his words were firm and final. Emily closed her mouth and sighed. Then she shrugged.

  “You have a car, I presume?” She arched her back and glanced out of the window at the streets below, but the window pane was black and she couldn’t see anything. She imagined Henry sitting in the limousine listening to classical music.

  “We’re a couple of hours into the weekend now,” David said as he took a step forward. Whatever traces of regret plagued his mind, were clearly long-forgotten. He took another step; he was standing so close now, Emily had to lean back to see his face. She automatically raised her hands to his arms and grasped his biceps. They flexed under her touch. There it was again, the chemistry swirling around them, emitting bolts of electricity in different parts of her body. Emily’s mouth became dry as she swallowed. She was thirsty, but it was the sort of thirst that couldn’t be satisfied with a drink.

  “We have a lot to do to get ready. I need to warn you my family are… intense.” David’s voice vibrated in Emily’s ears. She smiled drunkenly at him.

  “I can handle myself.”

  David cupped her face in his soft hands.

  I wonder if he uses moisturizer. Billionaire moisturizer, probably.

  “I know you can.” David lowered his face and Emily did her best impression of a sexy pout. Anticipating the kiss, her toes curled, and she clutched his arms, pulling him in closer. They were less than a hairsbreadth apart when the phone rang. Emily and David froze, their eyes locked onto each other. Neither of them moved for a few moments, in a strange standoff as the cheerful ringtone sounded. The moment fizzled away and the two of them stepped back, David pulled out his phone from his pants.

  “Sorry,” he murmured. Emily twirled her hair with her fingers and eyed the clock on the wall.

  “Who’s calling you at this hour?”

  “Henry, are you all right?”

  Emily crossed the room and squinted through the window with her hand to her brow. She could just make out the car.

  “Yes, everything is fine, we’ll be down in a minute.”

  Emily turned to look at David who clapped his hands.

  “Come on, let’s take you to your new home.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Ulterior Motives

  David stretched out on his back and stared up at the bedroom ceiling of his penthouse. He couldn’t sleep. Not with his imagination running wild, knowing that Emily was sleeping in the room across the hall. Or was she lying awake too? He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on an elbow, patting the empty space next to him. He balled his hand into a fist and sunk his head low with regret. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her the truth. The sight of her standing in her apartment, her hair a beautiful mess, wearing the most adorable pink pants and white sweater with the cartoon bunny on the front. She looked ten times more attractive dressed in comfortable clothes, than in her business dresses. She stared at him with such vulnerability, he lost all motivation to confess. How could he? Her face was flushed and he noticed excitement in her eyes. Her dreams were coming true. It was only a matter of time before his grandmother finally succumbed to the cancer in her frail body, and the legalities would be sorted out. He wondered how his motivations appeared to Emily. Did she think he was shallow? That he was just in this for the money? The truth was, he didn’t care about the money. He cared about doing what was right. And he made a promise to his father. He gritted his teeth as his mind replayed a conversation they shared a few weeks ago.

  “Her name is Emily Stewart,” Charles said, handing over a file to David. “She is key to this plan.” David looked down at the picture of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her confident smile, enchanting eyes framed with long black lashes and a cascade of dark hair flowing over one shoulder had him staring with his mouth open. He looked up at Charles.

  “What is the plan, exactly?”

  Charles cleared his throat and swirled the drink in his hand. “You need to marry her, before your grandmother passes, and you better do it soon. The doctors inform me that we may only have weeks.”

  “Who is she? How did you find out about her?” David’s mouth turned dry as he glanced at the photograph again.

  “You remember Harold? She set him up with his wife.”

  “How am I going to get a stranger to fall in love with me so quickly? I’ve never even had a girlfriend.”

  “This isn’t about love, David. This is about saving the family business.”

  David stood and walked across the room as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t like this. Why should we drag anyone else into our family politics?”

  Charles joined him near the window and placed a hand on his shoulder. “This is how we survive.”

  “What am I supposed to do? How do I get her to marry me so fast?”

  Charles straightened and looked out of the window. “Tell her you have to find a wife in thirty days… that’ll get her attention. Then play along. Go on a few dates.”

  “How is that going to help?”

  Charles turned to look steely at David. “Just stick with the plan and leave the rest to me.”

  David rolled onto his back and shut his eyes. The conversation still ringing in his ears. He should have told her the truth. But she is so happy. Now, she was in his penthouse suite… right where he needed her. David opened his eyes and stretched his arm over the empty side of the bed. No, she’s not where I need her. His heart raced at the thought. Was this what it was like to fall for someone? He had been so sheltered and protected all his life, then thrown into his work, that he never got the opportunity to meet someone. Anyone. Even making friends was difficult. Now, for the first time in his life, his marital status required his full attention. He just never expected it to turn out like this. Amongst the web of lies lay something warm and authentic. Like a beating heart. Emily looked so casual, with her usually tamed hair frizzing at the ends, her make-up smudged under her eyes… and that outfit. David swallowed, then grinned so wide he felt it in his eyebrows. She is adorable. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her. Kiss her. Confess everything. He sensed she had feelings too. But could he bring himself to go there while he hid the truth from her? No. Their initial meeting was built on a bed of lies. He didn’t want a relationship to develop, only for her to wonder if any of it was real.

  Maybe he could have it all? Emily was perfect. Of course, she’s perfect. His father scouted her out fo
r him. David wrestled with his thoughts, biting down on his knuckles with frustration. He thought about marching across the hall, barging into Emily’s room, getting down on his knees, and telling her everything. Begging for her forgiveness. Declare his true feelings and… and what? He scoffed. Wake her up, invade her privacy, force her to forgive him. Not a good plan.

  But maybe when the truth was out, the whole truth, along with his intense desire to make this relationship real… Maybe they could have it all? With that hopeful thought, David’s body finally relaxed, allowing him to sink into a dreamless sleep.

  David pressed the palms of his hands against the marble tile and closed his eyes, allowing the muscles in his back to loosen against the warm spray of the shower. He inhaled, filling the lungs with menthol steam and turned the faucet. The heat faded and cold splashes drenched his body, extinguishing the intense passion that had woken him up.

  Gritting his teeth, he stepped out of the shower and dried off. His brain wrestled with the thought of telling Emily about his father’s agreement, and how he’d heard of her. But not only that––more than anything––he wanted to admit the awkward truth, so he could tell her what he really wanted her to know. That my feelings are real. I need her.

  David pulled on a pair of dark pants and flung a towel over his right shoulder. His ruffled his damp hair and brushed his teeth, all the while trying not to guess what Emily was doing at that moment. Every time his brain settled on thoughts of her, the heat and tension in his body rose.

  “Omeba, schedule an emergency appointment with Noelle.”

  “Sending Noelle Sunderland a message now. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Tell the kitchen to prepare breakfast.”

  “Yes, Mr. Marks.”

  Jitters ran up and down David’s body and he threw himself on the floor into a plank pose. He huffed and puffed as he did a handful of push ups and stood again, his heart rate thumped against his eardrums and his arms tingled. He only had a couple of hours of actual sleep, but he was buzzing with adrenaline.

  After the quick fifteen-minute power workout, he strode across his room and pulled on a blue polo shirt. Taking a deep breath, he took a moment to compose himself, his hand hovering over the silver handle of his bedroom door. Then he pushed it open and walked out into the living area. The sunlight streamed through the large pane windows and cast a dreamy glow over the furniture in the room. His eyes darted around, searching for her. And there she was.

  Emily sat hunched over the breakfast bar, her long dark hair was damp and left wet patches down the back of her cotton shirt. She was chewing her bottom lip while reading her phone. The sight of her sent David’s senses running wild again. He wondered how many cold showers were in his future.

  He needed to tell her the truth, because he needed her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A Billionaire Makeover

  Emily looked up from her phone to see David standing across the room staring at her. His arms were bulging and his wet hair glistened.

  “Morning.” She tucked her hair behind an ear. “You don’t have a hairdryer do you? I forgot to pack mine.” She tried to towel dry her hair the best she could without making it frizz, but without a dryer she knew she was fighting a losing battle.

  David didn’t speak for a moment. Or move. Emily raised her brows and wondered whether he was in shock. Perhaps he had forgotten that she stayed over? Emily wasn’t sure. But something stopped him in his tracks and the look in his eyes was difficult to read. She jumped down from the high stool and placed her phone on the counter top.

  “Are you okay?”

  She walked barefoot across the floor, closing the space between them a little more with every step. Once she was close enough to see his pupils, he jumped into action.

  “Morning, sorry. I think I’m still half asleep.”

  His face transformed from a look of shock to a casual smile. He took a couple of steps forward and bent down to kiss Emily on the cheek. She touched his arm and turned her face to meet his lips but before they touched, David jumped back like he’d been electrocuted.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, everything is… I’m mean you’re… look at you.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed. She watched David awkwardly lean against the couch, stumbling as he slipped and swinging his arms to catch his balance. Is he nervous?

  “You’re being weird,” she said frankly as she crossed her arms. David’s cheeks grew pink.

  “If I’m honest, I’ve never had a woman… here.”

  “I was here the other night. You didn’t seem so shy, then.”

  David’s whole face was crimson now. Emily wasn’t sure whether the sight was adorable or irritating. Why wouldn’t he kiss her? She glanced at the couch and her mind replayed their kiss from the other night. He seemed so sure, confident, sexy. Now, he was floundering and appeared to have no idea what to do with his hands.

  “Having you here is… big for me.”

  “You asked me to come, though. I can leave if it makes you feel more comfortable.”

  “No,” David said quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly for his own liking because a faint look of horror crossed his face. Then he smiled in a feign attempt to look cool and austere.

  “I know you said you haven’t had a girlfriend before… but you’ve––you know––had women….”

  “Oh sure.” David was nodding with a knowing frown. “Loads.”

  “Loads?” Emily suppressed the urge to laugh.


  David squared his shoulders. Emily raised a hand to her mouth.

  “David Marks, you are a terrible liar.”

  David’s shoulders slumped and he exhaled. The act was over. Wow, he couldn’t keep that up for long. Just how does he think he can pretend to be married and convince his family?


  The word hit Emily somewhere in her midriff and stirred a flurry of excitement. His sincere gaze told her he was being honest. She gently took his hand.

  “No one? At your age?”

  “I just never found….”

  Emily rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t tell me, ‘the one’?” Emily studied David’s face. He just nodded intently. She squeezed his hand, her heart melting.

  “Well, I don’t know what to say about that.” She took a breath. “But If we are going to pull this off, you’re going to have to get comfortable with me fast.”

  “What did you have in mind?” David’s posture relaxed; Emily could see him returning to his normal self again. Talking to him seemed to be helping. “Well you can start”—she took his hand and placed it on the small of her back—“by getting used to touching me like I’m your wife, rather than an electric fence.” David’s lips curved upwards. She gently tugged on his shirt, pulling him in close. She could see dark rings underneath his eyes and wondered if he had slept at all. That would explain his odd behavior, she mused.

  Emily reached up and interlocked her fingers behind his neck, standing on tip-toes. David lowered to meet her and the two of them stared at each other lovingly. Emily caught sight of him licking his lips; she had butterflies in her stomach.

  “I can’t resist you,” David whispered to her.

  “Then don’t,” Emily whispered back. She leaned forward to meet his lips when a knock on the door had them break apart in a flash.

  “Yes,” David wheezed. He coughed like he had the air knocked out of him. The door opened and a short man wearing a perfectly pressed suit entered pushing a food cart.

  “Your breakfast, sir, ma’am.”

  Emily was startled at being addressed. She nodded to him and watched David stroll over and clap his hand on the man’s back.

  “Thank you, Jonathan. It is Jonathan, right?”

  The man stared up at him and a look of sheer delight flooded his face.

  “Yes, sir, you’re welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Jonathan clasped his hands toget

  “Could you have someone bring up a hair dryer?” David glanced at Emily. She grinned sheepishly and pointed to her hair. The man gave a crisp nod, then vacated the room. Once the door was closed David turned back to Emily. He scratched his neck sheepishly, perhaps considering whether to invite her to sit down and eat or throw her onto the couch and satisfy other appetites. For Emily, however, the moment was gone. The brief interruption reminded her to keep focused on the task. This was a temporary situation; soon enough, David’s grandmother will have passed away, the shares would be in his name and Emily would be free to move to LA and start her new life. Was it fair to lead him on and think this plan would turn out any differently? Did she want it to be any different? Emily realized she was staring into space and blinked as she brought herself back, then looked at David, who appeared to be lost in his own thoughts

  “What’s for breakfast?” Emily asked, David met her gaze, then shook his head and clapped.

  “Right, breakfast.” He lifted the metal lids of the plates.

  “Oh, how did you know I love croissants?” Emily said in a revered tone as she reached out to pick up the French pastry. The warm bread scent wafted over Emily’s nostrils and her stomach rumbled in response.

  “I’m starving.” Her focus was now completely on eating. Emily loved food. She thought that perhaps, she loved food more than people. She caught sight of David standing immobile in her peripheral vision, she swallowed and looked at him.

  “Are you not going to eat?”

  David poured a glass of orange juice and lifted the glass to his lips. “I’m not sure I’m feeling hungry.” He gulped down the entire drink.

  Emily picked up a clementine and mindlessly peeled it as she watched David take a seat at the table. As she went to take a seat next to him, a knock at the door stopped her in her tracks.

  “Shall I get that?” she whispered. David waved a hand aside.

  “Come in.”

  The door swung open and Emily jumped back in surprise. A huge curtain rail moved into the room, dresses swung side to side with the movement, and someone mumbled from behind the rail.


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