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Love Will Find You

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You landed on your ass several times,” he teased.

  “Cut it out.” She gave his arm a shove then headed toward the other room. The three men followed.

  “What move?” Cab asked. Ortley told him the name of it and chuckled.

  “Try harder, York, and you’ll get it.”

  She shook her head, and he walked toward the other guys. She joined Genesis and Cherise.

  Marco gave his brother a tap to see if he wanted a bottle of water. They stood by the corner near the front entryway and watched Culter conducting the self-defense training session. There were only five women there, and York was one of them. “We’ll start working on the same moves as we did the other day. It’s a great move, and if executed correctly, can get you the time you need to escape and/or counterattack.”

  Cab’s cell phone rang, and he walked away to answer it just as a couple of the guys asked Culter if he needed any help.

  Culter looked around and spotted Marco. He waved him over. “Come help out to so everyone is matched up,” he said, and as Marco went to walk over toward York, Montana’s cousin Andrew started to head toward York.

  “Andrew,” Marco said his name loudly and everyone looked over. Marco shook his head and then he held out his hand. “Come with me over here,” He told York, and the expression on her face was priceless. She looked shy, shocked, and the comments and little whistles that went around the room annoyed him. Culter got things started up again and now everyone had a partner.

  “Okay, let’s begin,” Culter said.

  York stared up into Marco’s eyes and he couldn’t believe he was right here with her. Her stunning blue eyes held his, and then she narrowed them and got into position. She was very young, and also incredibly beautiful. He sensed her uneasiness being this close to him, and was maybe intimidated by the way he stopped Andrew from helping her, and basically ordered her to come with him, but he was annoyed from earlier. From the conversation between her and Isaac, and how after she turned around, Isaac and his friends talked about how hot she was and how sexy of a body she had. It hadn’t been the first time he was somewhere and some guys talked about York. It was his reaction that was getting worse, and trying to ignore the attraction and desire was coming to an end. He wanted her, and he knew she was interested, especially after she fooled around with his brothers.

  “How are you doing, York?” he asked her.

  “Fine,” she said to him, and then he made a move and she countered it. “Hmm, you seem a little tired. Sleep well?” he asked her calmly. He sure the fuck didn’t. Not when his brother called and explained what happened between her and him last night, or rather this morning.

  She took a shot and then grabbed his arm, pulled him forward, then prepared to do the move she was having difficulty with. He allowed her the control but then when she turned into him, she lost the position and he wrapped his one arm around her waist and the other was around her neck. He whispered close to her ear, letting his lips touch her skin. “You lost focus. Try it again,” he said, and released her.

  She fixed her top and her breasts moved. Even though it had a rounded collar, and was conservative, it was still tight, and tucked into her martial arts pants. He got into position again. He towered over her by more than a foot in a half, but she came at him again, and this time she succeeded. He grunted as she made the strike to his inner thigh and groin. She could have hit him where it really hurt, but she didn’t, and he was grateful. Culter cheered and Cab clapped.

  “Good job, York. You finally got it. Do it a few more times and then Marco can show you the next move we’re going to work on today,” Culter said.

  Marco locked gazes with York and remained straight-faced when really he wanted to chuckle.

  York couldn’t believe this was happening to her. It was like fate was playing some sort of game and had gotten together with cupid and decided she needed four men in her life. Well, maybe her bed, because that’s probably what they were after. She didn’t think she was willing to mess around, but after her encounter with Lotus, following the one she had with Finn, and now her curiosity about Marco and Cab’s capabilities couldn’t be ignored. How the hell did she get into this situation?

  Before long, the only thing she could focus on was the new move Marco taught her and that Cab assisted with. Having them place their hands on her constantly and then even maneuver her body so her hips were in the right position or some bullshit they made up, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t easy, and just because she totally let down her guard with Lotus, didn’t mean she would let it down with these two. She saw their moves back there in the other room. They were capable and intense. They avoided the bars, even coming into town except for this dojo, and she enjoyed meeting people and participating in town activities. Surely their personalities would clash.

  As the class ended, she grabbed her water bottle and her friends hurried out of the place. “Thanks for the help,” Culter told Marco and Cab.

  “No problem,” Marco said, and stared at York.

  “Any time you two want to join in and assist with a self-defense class, just let me know. I’m shocked you two stayed,” Culter said.

  “Why is that?” she asked Culter.

  “These two? They’re super serious competitors when they’re working out. What you saw earlier is a normal occurrence. They’re always pissing someone off and challenging them,” Culter said.

  “You’re full of crap. Those guys asked to be set in place. They were idiots,” Cab said. Both men looked serious even now as Culter teased them.

  “So I guess I was lucky I didn’t anger them or they would have wanted to spar with me,” she said, and grabbed her bag.

  “I mentioned sparring to you before, York, but you declined when the others did it,” Culter said to her.

  “It isn’t my thing. Well, have a good day,” she said, and started leaving.

  “We’ll walk you out,” Cab said, and he and Marco grabbed their bags, and Culter smirked.

  “See you tomorrow morning, York.” She waved good-bye and headed outside. Both men followed her, one on either side of her as she walked.

  “You need to get back home, or do you want to stop for some food?” Marco asked her.

  She stopped and so did they. She looked up at both men. “Listen, I’m not really looking to get involved with anyone. I know your brothers probably shared some things with you, but—"

  Marco placed his hand on her hip. Cab had his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “I think things went the way they were meant to go. Come have a drink with us. Coffee, maybe lunch, we don’t know you as well as Finn and Lotus do,” Marco said as he stroked her hip and ribs.

  She swallowed hard. “I just don’t want you two making some sort of assumption. I’m not easy, nor will I be another notch in your belts.”

  Marco raised one of his eyebrows up at her. “Notch in our belts, huh? Not going to happen.”

  Cab stared at her and he didn’t look happy.

  “What’s with you?” she asked with an attitude.

  He widened one of his eyes and didn’t uncross his arms until he was right next to her. He slid his arm to her lower back, and now she was pressed between the two of them. “We could skip food and coffee and just follow you back to your place and get to know one another.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, right, like that would happen. Thanks for helping in the class, but do me a favor and don’t make a habit of it,” she said and walked away.

  Marco chuckled and stared at Cab who appeared to be in shock.

  “I think you pissed her off, bro.”

  “Ya think?” Cab replied.


  “Well, we’re too old for fucking games. If we don’t get to know her, or hell, kiss her at least, then how will we know if she’s for us? We can’t, and she knows that and it’s a game. She’s too fucking young,” Cab said with attitude, and then turned around to head toward their truck.

  Marco watched where
York was heading, and it seemed like it was toward the shopping center. “Before we go home, we need to stop at the store for dinner.”

  “Shit,” Cab said, and exhaled. Marco hoped they got to see York again and could try again to make some plans.

  York was walking through the supermarket, grabbing what she needed to start meal prepping for the week. After tonight, she would start the day off cooking up a storm and then relaxing, maybe doing a little sunbathing. She was almost finished when she turned the corner of the next aisle and nearly bumped into Cab and Marco.

  “York.” Cab said her name and just looked at her like she was an immature teenager.

  “Cab,” she replied, and then went to move her cart when Marco grabbed onto the side of it. She paused as he looked in her cart.

  “Having a party?”

  “No, why would you say that?”

  “That’s a lot of food for one person.”

  “I meal prep,” she said, and then damned herself for being so intimidated by his bossiness. She straightened out her shoulders.

  “We do that, too,” he replied, and looked her over—and damn it, did she feel it.

  “It’s convenient, especially with my work schedule.”

  “When are you planning on cooking it all?”


  “Day off, right? Need some help?” Marco asked.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Got a lot of good recipes for chicken and vegetables,” he added, and gave a smile.

  “I think I have it covered.”

  “What are you doing afterwards?” Marco asked her.

  “It will take me a while to do.”

  “Not with help,” Cab added, and stared down at her. The two men were tall and big and filled with muscles. Throw in those tattoos, and intimidation didn’t quite define what she was feeling.

  “We could come over around eleven if you need to sleep in after work tonight,” Marco suggested.

  “That’s okay, I can handle it.”

  He reached out and stroked her arm. “We want to spend some more time with you, to get to know you. You asked for slow and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

  “Cab’s comment wasn’t slow,” she said, and glared at Cab.

  Cab looked right back at her and used his eyes to gaze slowly over her body. “I don’t beat around the bush. You shouldn’t either.”

  “What’s that’s supposed to mean, Cab? You want me to be one of your many whores? A woman who just spreads her legs and sighs in appreciation for landing such hot sexy, older Marines?”

  She went to move, and Cab was by her in a flash. He pulled her close, shocking her, and then whispered into her ear. “You think we’re sexy? Well, I think you’re pretty damn hot, too, but in need of discipline.” He slid his palm along her ass and gave it a squeeze as he suckled against her neck.

  She didn’t know what got her, but she was under his spell in a flash. Those firm hands, his deep, hard tone, the take control attitude did her in.

  “We’ll be by at eleven, and ready to help cook things up,” he said, leaving her mind wondering on what they would be cooking up besides food. He pressed his lips to her temple, then released her, and stepped back.

  Marco gave a nod. “See you tomorrow, darling,” he said and winked.

  She watched them walk away. York stood there feeling numb, and completely turned on. How in the world did that happen? Why did two men she really didn’t know well at all have the ability to take over her thoughts, and play her body like an instrument? They were experienced men. Older, and had their share of women, so surely they knew tricks younger men just didn’t know. Her breasts felt full and tight, and she could still feel the heat of Cab’s hand on her ass. She ran her fingers through her hair and felt frustrated as she headed to the checkout counter. Looks like she was going to have some company over tomorrow. It was hard enough resisting one McCuen man in her home, but two at once was going to be a battle.

  As she finished up at the register and headed to her jeep, she couldn’t help but wonder if she could take a chance and maybe let them in a little. She liked them, they liked her, but what if it was just sex for them? What if they started dating steadily and claimed guardianship of her, and then found out about her past, and her family? Her mom was calling again, pushing to meet up. York was pissed at her dad for pushing his way back into her mom’s life. She was worried about her mom and her safety, but also knew she had no control over her mom’s choices. A lot was going on in her head and it wouldn’t be a good time to take a chance like this. They wouldn’t understand what she did, and how she was forced to do it. To them, she would be a criminal. This was a total mess and she didn’t know how she would handle tomorrow. Not at all.

  Harper was excited to be back at work at Harper’s. She was still tired and sore, had some bruises on her skin, but she was determined to get back into the swing of things. Her men on the other hand, were not happy at all. Ferrion was standing by the bar with Snipe for the last hour. Lextin and Broaden were coming by to relieve them in a few hours. As she looked around the place, she was thrilled with the excellent job York had done, and also how hard Isla was working. She knew that Isla had her CPA exam coming up in another week or so, and that would mean they needed to hire another waitress or two. She would have to discuss things with York. Where was she anyway, Harper wondered, and then saw her coming from the hallway. She appearing annoyed as she put her cell phone on her hip. Harper wondered if her mom called her again. They hadn’t gotten a chance to talk for more than a week, and they were long overdue. She was going to ask her to come sit at one of the tables so they could talk, but then some guy stopped her by the bar.

  As the guy pulled her close, she shoved at his chest and stepped back. Harper didn’t like the look of things and immediately waved over Chance and Orlando, but before they could get over there Ferrion and Snipe stepped in. Harper walked over.

  “Mind your business. I’m just talking to my friend, York, and making plans. Isn’t that right, honey?” he asked her.

  “No, Clifford. We aren’t friends and we aren’t making plans. If you touch me again, I’m going to call the sheriff.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t do that. I know you’re just playing hard to get. You’re shy, and I intimidate you. It will work out. I’m not going anywhere.” The guy stared at York, and York narrowed her eyes at him, and then walked away and toward Harper.

  “Who is that?”

  “An asshole,” she replied.

  Harper chuckled. “I kind of figured that, but how do you know him?”

  “He lives in Benter and comes in when I’m working. He’s been trying to get me to go out with him and I keep saying no.”

  “Seems like he’s getting more aggressive, and perhaps that call to the sheriff is in order,” Harper said to her.

  “No, that’s the last thing I need right now.”

  Harper narrowed her eyes at her. “What else is going on?”

  York exhaled and looked around them.

  “You okay, York?” Ferrion asked, coming over with Snipe.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for helping out.”


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