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Never Enough

Page 11

by Kristina M Sanchez

  He groaned again, leaning his forehead against hers. His fingers traced along her sides, up and down, sending thrills through her. “Please what, hmm? What do you want me to do to you? Dime, mija. Tell me. Dime que quieres, and I’ll give you anything you want. You want me to make you feel good? Hmm? I can make you feel so good.”

  “Oh, hell.” Hearing Val talk like that was a special kind of dirty.

  “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”

  Oh, he wanted an answer. Well, maybe he should’ve thought about that before he turned her brain to mush. Maybe he shouldn’t have been distracting her. She couldn’t concentrate on things like words and desires when his fingers teased along the inside of her thighs. “You know, I’m a… Oh.” He’d run a finger so fucking close to where she was most sensitive. It didn’t seem to matter that she was fully clothed. If anything, the touch was all the more erotic. “I’m an easygoing kind of person.”

  His lips played with hers, teasing. Every time she tilted her head to kiss him in full, he ghosted away the barest fraction of an inch. “You’re easygoing, baby? Up for anything?”

  “Flexible’s fun.” She grinned, trying to tease him back, but she didn’t know how well it could’ve have worked. She was so breathless by then.

  “Mmhmm.” The noise vibrated against her skin as he nipped at her lips. Mina let out a startled cry when he spun her around so she was facing the wall. He grabbed her wrists and placed her hands on the wall, then moved one hand to run his finger down the cloth-clad crease of her ass. She whimpered, and he threaded the fingers of their hands together, pinning her against the wall with his hips. “So you’d let me do this to you, yeah?”

  A thrill of excitement tinged with fear went down her spine, and her heart picked up speed. “I, uh… I mean… I…”

  He chuckled, the sound rich and low in her ear. “Calm down.” He thrust his hips, his body against hers again, but in a much gentler, sensual way. He pulled her away from the wall, wrapping both their arms low around her body as he brought her up against him. “You think I would play you that way, morena bonita?”

  Mina scoffed, tilting her head to the side as his lips sought her earlobe. She searched for her bearings. Maybe she was overwhelmed, but this was still her Val, teasing her, playful even while his hands and lips did very serious, delicious things to her body. Maybe he wasn’t always dependable, but she’d always felt safe when she was in his arms. “I didn’t say no, Valentin.”

  He froze, and the moan he muffled against her hair was downright pornographic. She could feel his hardness pressed against her ass. “Fuck. Damn. You know the things I’m going to do to you? You and that filthy mouth?”

  “So far, you’re all talk. Though, if you want some suggestions about the things I can do with my filthy mouth…”

  His growl turned feral. He spun her again and pressed her back against the wall, his mouth hard on hers as his fingers hiked up her dress. “Is this where you want me?” He rubbed two fingers along her slit, over her panties.

  That he was touching her there had her tongue-tied and twitterpated all over again. Her nipples tightened to the point of pain, and she gave a little cry.

  “Shhh.” He took her mouth again, running his fingers along the line of her panties. He slipped one finger inside the hemline, and they both groaned into each other’s mouths. “Oh, hell, Mina. You’re so wet.”

  She knew she was blushing. How she could feel this way—like she was shy and soaring at the same time, debauched and just so right—she didn’t understand. “Val, please.” She tugged at his shirt, needing to feel skin and muscle.

  He took a step back from her, pulling his shirt off. She explored the hard lines of his chest—his shoulders, Jesus damn—as he reached behind her to tug one end of the bow that held her dress together.

  Holding her breath, Mina closed her eyes tightly shut as the fabric fell away from her shoulders, falling to a puddle at her feet. She heard him suck in a breath but couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes.

  It wasn’t that she was so self-conscious. Mina liked her body, liked her curves. She liked the size of her breasts and the roundness of her ass. She liked the way her legs looked in dresses.

  But for the first time in her life, she found she cared about what the man undressing her thought of her body. She knew Val thought she was smart, brave, and funny. Now she wanted to be beautiful in his eyes.

  “Mina,” he whispered, as though awed. He drew the backs of his knuckles down one shoulder and fingered the lace and mesh design of her bra. “I like this.”

  She laughed—a shaky, breathless noise. “You like purple?”

  He brushed his lips against her cheek and then her chin, tickling her skin. “I like you.” He ran his hands down her back and cupped her ass, feeling all of her.

  Done with waiting, she splayed her hands over his chest. Raising her chin, she caught his kiss as she pushed him backward. He stepped back for each step she took forward. When the backs of his knees came up against the bed, Mina took a deep breath. She unbuttoned his jeans and began to reach for him when he caught her wrist in a firm grip.

  She gasped, breaking their kiss and raising her eyes to his. There was turmoil written all over his face. He swallowed hard. “Mina…” He slid his fingers down to hers, twining them, and brushed her cheek with his free hand. There was such vulnerability in his gaze it knocked the breath from her body. “I need to know,” he whispered.

  “Need to know what?”

  His eyes searched hers. “That I’m making the right choice. I can never tell. Please. I need you to tell me if I’m doing right by you.”

  She had to smile then. He was rough around the edges, this man, but sweet at his core. “You’ve always done right by me.” She kissed him, a tiny peck to his lips. “Even if I didn’t think so at the time. And besides, I’m the one who came in here.”

  “Yeah, you did.” He looped both his hands around her and ducked his head to rest his forehead against hers. As he spoke, he swayed them gently. “You know I’ve messed up every damn thing I’ve ever cared about. I know what it’s like to have you look at me the way everyone else does. I don’t want to see that look on your face ever again. Never.”

  She brushed her nose against his. “Never,” she promised. “I see you, Valentin.”

  He kissed her, a brush of the lips. “You see me?”

  “I do.”

  This time, when she reached for him, lowering his zipper and then cupping him through his boxers, he didn’t stop her. He let out this little noise that was half-moan and half-sigh. It was one of the sweetest sounds she’d ever heard. She rubbed him, feeling the shape of his hard length. His tongue swept over her bottom lip, and she opened to him.

  As she took his balls in her palm, still fondling him through the soft cotton of his boxers, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slid them down.

  He pulled back then, but his eyes didn’t wander downward. He was looking into hers, his expression tender enough that the look was all she needed to feel, as though his arms were wrapped around her. The butterflies of nerves in her stomach quieted somewhat.

  Val’s eyes danced as he shimmied and stepped out of his jeans. She laughed, marveling at how familiar this all felt, as though he’d always been her lover.

  A rush of heat went through her at the thought. Her idle teenage fantasies had seemed so filthy at the time. She’d imagined him touching her, being with her, and each time, she’d burned, caught between shame and elation. The thought of it had been so impossible, yet here he was. When he pulled his boxers down, she touched him, taking his cock in her hands, in a way she’d never let her adolescent fantasies wander.

  He made that noise again and kissed her once more before he sat on the bed. He scooted back, his eyes not leaving hers until he turned, craning, stretching so he could rifle in the drawer of his nightstand. She was momentarily distracted, watching the tug and flex of his muscles as he c
ontorted himself. His cock pressed up against his belly. It was possibly the most erotic thing Mina had ever seen.

  When he straightened up again, she snapped to attention. He was watching her, waiting. She climbed onto the bed, crawling up beside him. She pressed herself to his side, propping herself up on one elbow so her free hand was left to roam along his skin. As she kissed him, he stroked himself and rolled the condom he’d retrieved onto his cock.

  Val moved as if to roll her onto her back, but she stopped him by splaying a hand over his shoulder. She pushed him back and threw a leg over him, straddling him as she sat up. Because he was right there, his hard heat so close to where she really wanted him, she slid over him.

  His eyes rolled back into his head. “Oh, Christ. Mia, that’s so goddamn filthy.”

  “Shh…” She leaned down and smothered his moan with her lips as she slid over him again. “Are you trying to get one of us killed?”

  He snorted. His fingers traced up her spine, and he undid her bra with a quick motion. He grinned as she straightened up to slip out of it. “I haven’t had to be quiet since I was seventeen.”

  She took a hold of his cock, giving his base a squeeze. “Well, if you’re up for the challenge…”

  “Ah.” He glanced down. “I’m up for it.”

  “I thought you might be.” She lifted her hips and took him inside her. His hand spread wide at her hip.

  “Mina.” He spoke her name with such reverence, throwing his head back onto the pillow. He ran his hands up her body, palming her breasts, but quickly shot back down to grab her by the hips as she began to move on him. “Mija.” His face was so flushed. “It’s been…” He swallowed hard. “It’s been a hot minute, and you’re so… God, Mina… You’re so…”

  She fought a grin. She didn’t have words for what this felt like to her either. He was thick. He filled her, stretched her, and if she didn’t move soon, she was going to go out of her mind. She rocked, watching his face contort as he moaned soundlessly. “Don’t worry, stud.” She leaned down and kissed him. It was a kiss that was all brushing lips and open mouths, as though they were trying to breathe each other’s breath. “You’ll just have to owe me.’

  “Fuuuuuck,” he hissed under his breath. When she rolled her hips again, he raised his to meet her and panted. “I just… This isn’t… Ungh.”

  They both cried out quietly as he thrust up into her, hitting a sweet spot. His hands were back up at her breasts, running a thumb over her nipple. Her body was so receptive to his touch, like there was lightening on his skin.

  Their eyes connected, and it was almost too much. Such a thrill went through her. Why was this so different with him?

  She didn’t stop to think about it. Instead, she locked eyes with him, watching the way his face twisted and relaxed, the way his mouth fell open in response to the quick rhythm she set. He grabbed her hand from where she’d rested it on his body and moved it to the place where they were connected.

  “You feel that? You feel us? Christ, Mia. You have no idea.”

  She raised her head, looking up at the ceiling, his words running over and through her. The feel of them, of him slipping in and out and back into her over and over again… An oddly desperate—desperate in the sweetest, most mind-bending way—feeling came over her, like she knew then and there she’d never get enough of this, of him.

  Like she’d found a home with him inside her, his hands on her body, and that look in his eyes.

  The coil at the center of her hit unexpectedly, a combination of his hands on her, his fingers running over her, and what she felt when she looked in his eyes. It was pure emotion. No words could’ve described it. It was fire in her veins. And perfect sunshine, and electricity, and cool water. It was everything, and she was overwhelmed.

  The first moan hit her by surprise. She really had been content with the idea of just watching him. She wanted to see him fall apart, wanted to see the power she had over him as she rode his cock hard. But…



  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Oh, God. Mina.” With a movement so quick Mina barely could process it, Val had her on her back, and it was him over her. “Shhhh. You’re going to get me killed.”

  He thrust in her, hard and deep. She raised her legs, crossing them behind his back, urging him closer, harder. “Faster,” she breathed against his lips.

  He grunted and moved, and her whole world was just the way their bodies moved together. She was climbing, coiling.

  “Oh, fuck. Val… I…”

  “Come with me. I want to feel you.” He took her hands, pinning them above her head, threading their fingers together and squeezing hard. “Mina, please,” he whispered and took her lips.

  Her moan vibrated against his lips. Her walls seized around him. She shrieked into his mouth, and he traded her a hoarse cry as he thrust, thrust, thrust.

  And the stars realigned.

  When she came back to herself, she was hot. Yeah. Superheated. She also didn’t care. She welcomed his weight on her, the sticky slickness of his sweat mingling with hers and his ragged breath near her ear.

  With a groan, Val flopped to the side, his arm thrown over his eyes. She rolled to the side and raised herself on shaking arms, looking down on him.

  She couldn’t see his eyes, but he was grinning—hard—like a fool.

  And that was fine, because she was too.

  Mina rested her head on his chest. He lowered his arms, settling them around her, and for that minute, the world made perfect sense.

  Chapter 15

  Why did people have to look so innocent when they slept? Also, was it creepy that he was watching Mina while she slept? She was sleeping right next to him. His eyes were open. Was he supposed to close his eyes and not stare at her just because she was unconscious?

  Anyway, creeper factor or not, she looked like a damn teenager when she was asleep. Hell, she’d been a teenager only three years before. He hadn’t been a teenager for twenty years, not counting those last two years since he’d been in prison. He really didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, but he knew it was one of those things he had to think about.

  Great. He was in his late thirties, and he’d at least figured out what he was supposed to think about before he slept with a woman. Of course, this was after he slept with her. Had it been seven times? Nine? Did that one thing count as two things because there’d been a decent twenty-five-minute interval in between?


  Damn, she was pretty. She sighed in her sleep, and he smiled at the sound. His fingers twitched with the strangest urge to smooth her hair back—so pretty—and he kind of wanted to kiss her awake. Maybe he could roll her onto her back and have her halfway to orgasm before she opened her eyes.

  He reached carefully over her, grabbing his phone from the nightstand. He made a face. No time for that much fun, but on the plus side, he really did have to wake her up.

  Giving in to his urge, he brushed her hair back away from her eyes. She was on her back, one arm thrown up at her hairline, and her head turned toward him. Her lips pursed slightly. That was an invitation he wasn’t going to pass up.

  He moved closer to her, resting his head on her pillow so they were nose to nose. In the early hours of the morning, he had the most ridiculous ideas, like how it might be nice to take her somewhere. People did that. They went away for the weekend. Hotels? Cabins? Hell, he had no idea. He’d never done anything like that, but it would be nice. It would be nice to wake up next to her like this and not have to get out of bed or, more accurately, because they were in his room today and needed to get her out of his bed.

  Closing his eyes, he tilted his head that last inch, pressing his lips to hers. “Mia.” He drew his fingertips down, rubbing her stomach.

  “Hmm?” Her lips moved ever so slightly, seeking his.

  “Wake up, mija.” He kissed her again, the kind of kiss she always responded to.
  It worked. She made cute little noises, chasing his kiss. She rolled over onto her side and pushed her leg through his so they were all tangled up.

  He laughed but tightened his hold on her. “You have to wake up.” He kissed her. “Take a walk.” He kissed her. “Pretend you’ve been in your bed all night.”

  She grumbled. He loved the way it vibrated against his mouth. She snuggled up tighter to him, and he groaned. “Mina.” Christ, her kisses were addictive. Also, how the hell was he the responsible one here? “You know what’s going to happen, right? We’re going to keep doing this until there’s no more time. Then, the second you step outside my room, you know who’s going to be in the hallway?”

  “Mmm… Santa Claus?” She took his face in her hands, stroking his cheek the way he liked as she rolled him onto his back.

  “It’s September.”

  She straddled him. Her hair tickled his face as she leaned in to kiss him. “Then Jack Skellington.”

  “It’s September.” He cupped her ass, one cheek in each hand, and gave it a little squeeze.

  “Halloween comes on August 31st these days. Haven’t you heard?”

  “Mija, I thought that you liked my face. Your father’s going to rearrange it if he finds you in here.”

  She grunted, straightening up with her hand splayed on his chest. “Being a grown-ass woman, I don’t ask my father permission before I do stupid things like you.” She flashed a devilish grin at him.

  “Brat.” He gave his hips a thrust, bouncing her off him, though he kept his hands on her waist to guide her down. “Get the hell out of my house. It’s the walk of shame for you.”

  “Uh-huh.” She stood up, waggling her panty-clad bottom as she shimmied into her pajama bottoms. “Right across the hall.”

  “Hey.” Val caught her by the waistband and pulled her back to him. He looped his hands around her waist, looking up at her. She smiled down, rubbing her thumb behind his ear. “I don’t blame you for just using me for sex, but it’s been a week since our first date. You had fun, right?”


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