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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 2)

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Cover Design by Jennifer Munswami

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  Editing by

  Ms. Correct All's Editing and Proofreading Services

  Format: Yumoyori Wilson





  1. Locate My Mistress

  2. To Be Loved

  3. Reunited And Permanent

  4. My Loving Mistress

  5. Hot Springs Loving And Research

  6. Roasted Marshmallows And Night Alone

  7. Sex 101 And Previous Master

  8. Bittersweet Night Festival

  9. Adventurous Double Date

  10. Surprise And Double Surprise

  11. My Mistress' Calling And Unexpected Battle






  Also By Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing ARIELLE RAINBOW 2.

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day.

  Special thanks to my Ninja Wifey who always keeps me motivated no matter what I’m going through. Your friendship means the world to me and I’m thankful to have you in my life.

  I have to say thank you to all the authors who sprinted with me to keep me motivated <3~

  Special thanks to my inner circle and true friends who are always there to push/motivate me to be better. You know who you are, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your continuous love and support <3~

  Special thanks to my amazing Alpha Team. You continue to work marvellously together, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you on my publishing team.

  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



  A quest to find her Mistress leads to the discovery of hope, love, and happiness…

  When Arielle decided to join in on the journey to find her Mistress, she never predicted her six familiar boyfriends would join her for the ride. She also didn't believe such a journey would wind up putting together the broken pieces of her Mistress' past.

  With Celestia trying to enjoy more time with her men and attempting to fit into the new role she had in Aslan, Arielle started to understand the lonely side of being a partner in battle.

  Her boyfriends, however, wouldn’t allow Arielle to continue shedding tears, vowing to fill her lonely void with love, compassion, and adventure. Sleepovers, familiar adventures, and the truth of the pool of Forgotten Familiars filled the void of not being with her Mistress all the time.

  As Arielle reached her twentieth birthday, it was time for her to take the starring role in her life while enjoying the men who would do anything to love and protect her happiness.

  "Bru. Bru. Bru."

  "Ariellleeee. Where are youuuu?"

  I stayed in my hidden spot in the trees above, watching Celestia from far below.

  "Are you two playing Hide and Seek?"

  Peeking out from my hiding spot, I saw Magnor walking towards Celestia, who turned around and crossed her arms.

  "No!" Celestia replies with a pout. "We got into an argument."


  Celestia fidgeted on her feet, and I didn't need to see her facial expression to know how hesitant she was.

  "We were talking about boys… and Arielle said I'd get a boyfriend one day and that she'd have to leave. I didn't want her to leave, but she said when I get a family, I wouldn't need her."

  "And who said that?" Magnor asked.

  I quietly maneuvered down the tree and moved closer so I could see their facial expressions now; Celestia's mismatched eyes stared up at Magnor.

  "The traveler mage in town. He has a familiar, and the familiar told Arielle I'd abandon her. We got into an argument and I told Arielle to leave me alone… but now I'm hungry and she's probably hungry… and I'm scared she's going to run away now."

  The more Celestia explained, the glossier her eyes got and, soon enough, tears were rolling down her flushed cheeks.

  "Why does Arielle have to leave when I get a family? I don't want a family or boyfriend then. I want Arielle to stay with me forever, Magnor!" Celestia cried out. She began to sob uncontrollably.

  "Bru..." I whispered.

  Don't cry, Mistress.

  I wanted to hop out of my hiding place, but Magnor's silver eyes locked onto me, and he gave me a wink, which meant I should wait. It didn't surprise me that he knew where I was, but I did wonder what he was planning.

  Magnor looked down at Celestia and took two steps so he stood before her. Leaning down, he picked her right up, and let her cry on his shoulder.

  "You're only nine. Why are you guys talking about boyfriends?"

  "Because all the fairy tales have boyfriends. They have princes, and I want one too, but not if Arielle won't be there." Celestia leaned back and pressed her hands on Magnor's cheeks. "Arielle's my best friend and familiar! She can't go away. What if she gets a prince, Magnor?! Does that mean I have to go away? I don't like this." Celestia sobbed harder, her little shoulders moving up and down as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

  "No one is going away when they get their prince," Magnor reassured her. She continued to cry and lowered her head back to his shoulder.

  "But Arielle isn't here. I want Arielle," Celestia begged.

  Magnor looked at me again and he moved his head to usher me to leave my hiding spot.

  I flew out and landed on Celestia's shoulder.

  "BRU! BRU!" I exclaimed.

  Don't cry, Celestia. I'm here. I'm here.

  I rubbed my head against her wet cheek, hoping it would stop her tears that continued to fall.

  She lifted her head and turned it slightly to see me. "Arielle!" she exclaimed.

  "BRU!" I replied.

  I'm sorry, Celestia. I won't go away.

  "But… but… I want you to be happy!" Celestia cried. She picked me up from her shoulder and hugged me to her chest.

  Magnor sighed and lifted his hand to stroke Celestia's long hair. "Celestia. What this mage said is totally false. No matter whether you or Arielle get your own princes, you can still be Mistress and Familiar. Neither of you has to leave."

  Celestia began to calm down, and Magnor lowered us back to the ground before he knelt on one knee. He reached out and used the sleeve of his coat to wipe away Celestia's tears a
s she sniffled.

  "No one has to go away? I can stay with Arielle forever?" Celestia asked with wide eyes.

  "Bru-Ree?" I asked.

  Forever and ever?

  Magnor smiled and nodded his head. "Forever and ever. There may be times where you get busy and Arielle can't always be around. The same goes for Arielle. However, just because you two are apart, doesn't mean you can't come back to one another."

  "Bru? Bru-Ree?" I asked as I wiggled in Celestia's hold.

  What if I need Celestia?

  "Then you reach out to her in your mind. The more trust you have in your Mistress, the stronger the bond will become. You two love each other, and I know that it will only continue to grow. Distance is nothing but an obstacle. All you have to do is go over it, and that’s easy to do with magic," Magnor explained.

  Celestia lifted me level to her face and rubbed her cheek against my body. "I'm gonna get stronger and stronger so even if we're dimensions apart, I'll be able to talk to Arielle!"

  "BRU-REE!" I chirped.


  "Are you two going to apologize to one another so we can go home?" Magnor asked.

  "I'm sorry, Arielle." Celestia apologized as she rapidly blinked her green-purple eyes.

  "Bru, Bru-Ree!" I replied.

  I'm sorry, Celestia.

  She hugged me once more and Magnor rand his hand over Celestia's head in a comforting manner.

  "Now that you two have made up, do you want milkshakes?"

  "YES!" Celestia cheered.

  "BRU!" I replied happily.

  Yes, Please.

  Magnor rose up and offered his hand to Celestia who took it with a broad smile. I outstretched my wings, fluttering my feathers for a second before flying up onto Celestia's shoulder.

  "Magnor! When Arielle and I get older and have princes, we're going to fight forsaken and kill stuff."

  "Oh really?" Magnor chuckled. "Then you have to train more."

  Celestia groaned. "Maybe after milkshakes and a good nap."

  "Bru!" I added.

  And a hug!

  "Oh yes! Magnor, I want a hug!" Celestia jumped up and down.

  "If I hug you, that means you're going to want me to carry you all the way back home," Magnor pointed out.

  "Uh… maybe?" Celestia replied with a mischievous grin.

  "Bru. Bru. Bru." I chirped at them, knowing that Magnor's assumption was on point.

  Magnor sighed, but a wide grin formed on his lips. Celestia outstretched her arms and he gave her a tight squeeze before he lifted her up.

  "I have to stop spoiling the both of you." Magnor reached out with his free hand to pet my head.

  "Never." Celestia giggled.

  "Bru!" I replied and rubbed my head against Magnor's hand.

  Never ever.

  Magnor smiled and began to carry us through the forest and back to our home.

  "We're going to be together forever," Celestia sang.

  I glanced at Magnor who was still smiling, appearing perfectly content with Celestia’s singing that most likely wouldn't stop until we got home. Watching Celestia sing away and Magnor's happy expression reminded me of how glad I was to have a new family. Celestia wouldn't abandon me, and the thought of always having someone who loved you made me happy to be alive.

  I continued to think that all the way home, excited for what a future would be like alongside my Mistress, Celestia Rainbow.

  Together forever, Bru.

  "Can't sleep?"

  I looked over my shoulder and a smile formed on my lips.

  "Evening Magnor, Bru," I replied. "And not really. Just remembering stuff."

  I turned back to look at the vast view of the forest far below from the mountain top we were currently resting on for the night.

  We'd set out on our journey to find my Mistress Celestia and one of her lovers, Orion Meadow. They were in the midst of the last trial when they somehow landed outside of the barrier and were confronted by something.

  Cairus and Caio, twin shifters who were a part of my Mistress’ harem, sought them out but came back with nothing.

  After some investigation, we found out the real culprit of what was going on, and now we were off to be reunited with Celestia and Orion.

  In order to get to my Mistress, Magnor and Hellsin led us to a mountain on the west side of the forest in Aslan. The climb up the mountain took a good day and a half. Thankfully, we familiars had stamina, but the next step of the journey would require us to fly. Rest was necessary, especially for Axel as he would be the one helping us cut our travel time.

  The expedition so far hadn't been bad. The guys, or I guess "soon to be boyfriends," were doing their best to keep me distracted.

  Magnor had yet to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, what was going on. The only exception was Finn Charm, who was also dating my Mistress. Faelia, Miolana, Othello, and Celestia's remaining lovers remained at Aslan to deal with the weirdness going on with the exams.

  I didn't have time to linger on it because of our swift decision making and prompt exit to get to Celestia faster and, to be honest, it was the least of my concern.

  What I was worried about was how Celestia was doing. I didn't sense that she was in danger, which I'm sure I would have, but even after multiple times, it was far too difficult for me even to reach her telepathically, which only added to my anxiety.

  We'd always been able to communicate with one another, and now that we couldn't, it was making me picture the worst.

  Even with the guys' frequent reminders and Finn's calmness with the situation overall, I wouldn't be able to relax until I knew Celestia was okay, which meant me seeing her face to face.

  Seeing as we still had a two days journey, I doubted I'd get much sleep. The others were all resting, and Asher was on watch, hooting away in his familiar form. He'd been sleeping throughout the day, so none of us were surprised when he offered to be on the lookout.

  Magnor and Hellsin assured us that this place was rather safe and the risk of being jumped by Forsaken was close to none. We still kept our guard up.

  Since I couldn't sleep, I decided that staring at the beautiful forest below and embracing the starry sky and wonderful full moon above would help the time go by faster.

  Magnor made his way to where I stood and lifted his hand to stroke my head in greeting.

  "Bruuuu," I accidentally hummed, forgetting I was in human form.

  Magnor clearly didn't mind; his calm, loving smile remained on his face as his silver eyes stared at me with delight. "Are you still worried?"

  "Yes… I tried not to be. You wouldn't be calm if Celestia were in serious danger, but I'm still concerned. I've always been able to reach her. Even when she went shopping in another dimension with you, I was able to check in. I've tried and tried, and I get nothing. Makes me scared, Bru. I miss her," I admitted.

  Magnor patted my shoulder. "Why don't I help relieve your worry?" He pointed to a row of large rocks that were perfect to sit on. I nodded, and the two of us headed over and tried to get as comfortable as we could while sitting on hard rocks.

  Once situated, he took a deep breath and glanced up at the starry sky. "Celestia and Orion are safe at Alpha Pure."

  "Safe at Alpha Pure? Isn't that the place where they kidnap and experiment on shifters?! How is that safe, Bru?" I questioned, my heart already beginning to speed up as I did my best not to envision the worse.

  "Alpha Pure isn't like the rumors say. Those are all made up," Magnor revealed.

  "Made up? Why would they make it up, Bru?" I asked.

  "To protect what their real purpose is." Magnor grinned and continued to gaze at the sky. "Alpha Pure is actually a sanctuary for endangered shifters."

  I blinked a few times, taking in his words before I gawked at him. "W-" I had to stop to cover my mouth and then whispered, "What, Bru?!"

  He smiled and nodded his head. "Yes. It's a long story and Celestia will explain to you in detail about everything she discovered, but Alph
a Pure is safe, and Celestia and Orion should be in the good hands of Harrison until their commander arrives."

  "Harrison? Who's that?" I asked.

  I swear that name is familiar?

  "A dear friend of mine. Again, you'll have to talk to your Mistress about that."

  "Hmmm. Is there a reason I can't reach Celestia?"

  "There's a barrier around the property. It's to ensure no one with evil intentions stumbles upon it and of course to ward off any Forsaken."

  "I guess that makes sense, Bru," I mumbled, and then I yawned. "I can't wait to see Mistress."

  Magnor chuckled and placed his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me over to rest against him and I allowed my head to lay on his shoulder.

  "Why don't you close your eyes for a few minutes?"

  "Is that okay? Just a few minutes, Bru." I yawned again and let my eyes close.

  "Fine with me, Arielle," Magnor replied.

  I smiled and whispered, "I wish you were Celestia's Dad. You're better at it."

  "Oh, really?" Magnor quietly chuckled. "That's good to know."

  "Ya… Bru..." I mumbled, my consciousness beginning to fade. Something stroked my head soothingly, and I smiled at the comforting touch.

  "Sleep well, Arielle," Magnor said softly.

  That's the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


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