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Tridia (The Poseidia Series Book 3)

Page 11

by J. L. Imhoff

Roman moved, running toward us.

  Defenseless, Eric had no weapon.

  In the milliseconds that passed, between the time Roman began moving and when he reached his destination, Eric filled my mind. Through our connection, my palm touching his shoulder, Eric transmitted his evolving perceptions of me, from the moment we met, to this moment, one he believed to be our last.

  He revealed to me his love.

  The instant before Roman’s blade reached Eric, he forcefully turned and shoved me. Our eyes met and his mind screamed, I’ll always love you.

  I fell backward, propelled by Eric’s strength, my mind too shocked to respond. In a contorted twist, Eric followed, but not before Roman brought his sword around in full swing, slicing Eric from his left shoulder to his right ear, completely severing Eric’s head from his body.

  As my back made contact with the hard, marble floor, the air gushed from my lungs. My head landed next, hitting the floor with a sickening thud.

  Eric’s dying body fell on top of mine. His decapitated head rolled to my left with the momentum of Roman’s strike. Hot, thick blood spurted with his heart’s final beats, drenching my face and chest in Eric’s life force.

  My mouth moved to scream, but no sound could escape the horror. Shock froze me, playing tricks on my mind.

  This can’t be real.

  This isn’t happening.

  My brain, desperate to maintain harmony, attempted to fool me.

  Recent images, from minutes ago, when Eric happily whispered sweet nothings into my ear, and gave me kisses along my neck, preoccupied my thoughts.

  Am I hallucinating?

  I am.

  Stop your games, brain.

  My mouth, unable to form words, continued to move, trying to communicate its confusion.

  Eric’s blood covered my face. The coppery liquid slid down the back of my throat.

  Roman appeared in my line of sight, his face a contorted twist of anger. Under his breath he muttered, “No woman of mine will whore with another man.”

  My mind wanted to respond, Wait, you gave me permission. Not only permission, but encouragement. My mouth moved, soundlessly forming the words I couldn’t voice.

  As he collapsed to his knees, guards rushed up behind Roman, grabbing him by his arms. Through the chaos, my mind registered he’d been shot.

  Slowly, I turned my head to the left, staring into Eric’s blank eyes as they took on the cloudy emptiness of death.

  The world—my world—went dark.

  Chapter 26

  Cocooned in a mound of luxurious pillows, I woke an immeasurable amount of time later. I’d dreamt of sunny, happy days. Memories of Eric and me, lying on a remote beach, sunning ourselves. A smile crossed my face before the memory’s horrifying truth clicked in.

  A bad dream.

  Yes, of course.

  Eric’s alive, and Roman’s hibernating.

  Memories I didn’t want came back in flashes.

  I must’ve been dreaming.

  I tried to push myself up, but my arms had no strength.

  Opening my eyes, I found no sun shone through any open windows.


  Where am I?

  Looking around, eventually recognition settled in.

  King Atlas’s bedroom.

  Wait—am I in his bed?

  What happened?

  Why am I here?

  Maybe Eric’s death truly was a bad dream.

  The mattress moved. “Are you awake?”

  Groggier than the morning after a bad hangover, I grumbled, “Eric?” My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, dry as cotton.

  “I’m sorry,” the voice answered. I recognized King Atlas, but remained in denial.

  Grief clenched my heart. “No,” I sobbed.

  “I am sorry, my dearest Anna, I’m beyond sorry for your loss.”

  “No. No. No.” I kicked. Throwing my arms into the mattress, I tried to turn over. “Nooooo,” I screamed into the pillow until my voice croaked from the exertion. “No.”

  The softest of touches caressed my shoulder as my body shook.

  I’m not sure if I cried myself to sleep, or simply passed out from exhaustion.

  Soft snores woke me.

  For the longest time, I simply lay there in the dark, listening. Pretending the body next to me was Eric. When I pretended, for a second, I could be happy.

  But reality wouldn’t go away.

  My mind replayed everything, in detailed slow motion.

  Roman’s sword slicing through the air.

  When my mind reached the point in time where Eric’s head rolled next to mine, I screamed without making a sound. His brutal end couldn’t possibly be true. This couldn’t happen in a peaceful Mer society.

  Confused, I no longer gauged how time passed. Days, weeks, none of it mattered.

  But the grief, which butchered my heart every time I woke, remained incredibly raw.

  I sat up without dizziness. A glass of water waited on the bedside table, and I guzzled the fresh Poseidian liquid down.

  Atlas slept, fully clothed, on the bed with me.

  Why am I here?

  What day is it?

  Staring at the ceiling, I waited for Atlas to wake.

  My mind churned through information, yearning to make sense of what had happened.

  After stewing for hours, the first few pieces fell into place.

  Roman had emerged from hibernation, without the mandatory transition period in a healing tank. That’s why my mind couldn’t make sense of how he randomly showed up in the Social Center. I should’ve had a week’s worth of warning, at least.

  What happened?

  Why wasn’t he placed in a healing tank?

  New to the Mer world, I didn’t understand what long-term hibernation did to the brain. Roman had appeared younger. There must have been changes on the inside too. His body, internally, and his mind.

  Did he forget me? No, he said “woman of mine.” He knew who I was.

  Did he forget what he told me? Did he forget everything we’ve been through?

  Something must have happened to wake him up prematurely.

  Is he dead too?

  Did they shoot him?

  I’ll never forgive him. How could I?

  If he is alive, do I ever want to see him again?

  My heart screamed No.

  Turning onto my side, I watched Atlas sleep. Tears drenched my cheeks.

  This can’t be real.

  But death is.

  All too real.

  Chapter 27

  Eventually, one day I awoke without screaming. While my heart still throbbed with agonizing pain, I regained the ability to function.

  I had to.

  For Laith.

  My thoughts cleared.

  The desire to understand weighed heavily on my every waking thought. I hoped that comprehending the inexplicable would allow me to properly grieve.

  Strength returned to my body, in accord with my mind’s resolution. I couldn’t change Eric’s death, nor go back in time. But I damn-sure intended to find out what part the High Council had most surely played.

  Not speaking from paranoia, but after so much meddling, I’d come to realize the High Council didn’t want me here. For those I love, my heart would do the impossible, and carry on.

  For BB whose love has brought me back to life.

  With all my heart.


  Without my editor, these books would never see the world. Thank you, Tara, endlessly, for all that you give, I am forever humbled and eternally grateful.



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