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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Chronicle: Episode Lyu

Page 6

by Fujino Omori, NIRITSU

  Lyu’s uncovered right eye narrowed, recognizing that her guess had been correct.

  “By the way, Lord Maximilian, I’ve heard that you’ve had considerable luck today. With that in mind, do you think you’d like to come to the VIP room over there?”

  Terry’s smile switched from an amiable owner’s to that of a salesman. He glanced toward the very doors in the back of the hall that Lyu had set her sights on.

  “VIP room, you say…?”

  “Ah, don’t worry, it’s simply a place where guests like you can enjoy even greater stakes. You’ll find people of similar wealth there, along with the ­highest-­class service and games that can only be played in that room. Plus, plenty of conversations and connections that can only be had with your peers. May I interest you in something like that?”

  As expected, he was naturally inclined to invite a prosperous guest with a large number of chips to spend to the VIP room. Pretending to think about it for a moment, Lyu shifted her gaze to Syr, who matched hers with a smile.

  “Dear, I’d really like to give it a try.”

  “If even my wife says so, then if you don’t mind…”

  “Ga-ha-ha, it’s decided, then!”

  With Terry leading them, they moved out, heading to the back of the hall while cutting through the crowds of guests.

  “By the way, that impressive eye patch…If you don’t mind my asking…did something happen?”

  “I don’t mind. The truth is, once my wife was attacked by monsters…I managed to save her, and the wound was healed with magic…but the eye the beast’s claws took did not return.” Lyu shared the story they had rehearsed beforehand.

  “I see, a badge of honor, then. You truly are a man among men.”

  Terry praised Lyu casually while examining her face from the side, as if searching for something.


  “I’ve had this nagging feeling that I’ve met you before somewhere…but I suppose it is merely my mistake. I’m sorry, please don’t mind me.”

  A hint of uneasiness floated across Terry’s face, but he immediately wiped it away with a smile as they arrived at the oaken doors that were flanked by stout gatekeepers.

  “Please, this way.”

  The tightly shut doors swung open. Following Terry, Lyu and Syr stepped into the enemy’s lair.


  The clamor of the hall faded to silence as the doors closed. A shadowy room lit by ­magic-­stone lamps greeted them. The room appeared as large as the main hall, but there were drastically fewer tables and people around, creating a uniquely grand atmosphere.

  Waiters in black suits and gorgeous women wrapped in magnificent gowns poured alcohol for the customers.

  “I thought it would be a bit more lively.”

  “Yes, it’s just like a salon.”

  Lyu and Syr exchanged whispers as they followed Terry.

  The VIP room of the Grand Casino of El Dorado Resort.

  Escorted in by the owner, Terry Cervantes, Lyu and Syr examined the wide room.

  As expected, none of the noise from the hall made it past the oaken doors.

  Faint conversations echoed in the spacious chamber. The tables were clearly ­high-­class mahogany, broad and solidly constructed. The guests surrounding them were also a clear cut above the rich and well-to-do outside in both make and manner. Many of them were playing cards with large stacks of chips in front of them. In addition to the guests, there were also handsome waiters moving with absolute precision as well as gorgeous young women in ­eye-­catching dresses. A great many of the latter.

  Lyu’s eyes narrowed when she caught sight of them.

  “Over here, this table.”

  Terry led them to a table where several guests were engaged in a card game.

  Four people. The ­demi-­humans in the seats are seemingly old acquaintances of Terry’s since they started speaking up without reservation.

  “Tonight’s been fun, as always. Thanks, owner.”

  “Speaking of, who are these two?”

  “Allow me to introduce them. Patronizing our establishment for the first time tonight, Lord Ariud Maximilian. And beside him is his wife, the Lady Sirène.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, everyone.”

  “Thanks to the owner’s kindness, we were able to come here. Please take care of us.”

  Greeted by smiles, Lyu and Syr finished their introductions, as a waiter neatly pulled a chair out at the table for Terry. As he sat down, an elf girl appeared, carefully setting a cocktail in front of him. Suppressing her feelings at watching a fellow elf treated like a pretty doll, Lyu turned to Terry and asked,

  “Mr. Cervantes, these beautiful people we’ve been seeing are…”

  “The girls are…well, it probably doesn’t make the best impression, but they are my mistresses. If I say so myself, I courted them quite passionately, and they did me the honor of responding in earnest.”

  Even if she had not heard it, Lyu had already been sure of the answer. Terry responded without hiding his pride as he settled into his seat.

  “Since so many maidens responded to my love, the Goddess of Beauty would surely scold me for keeping it all to myself. It might be a bit presumptuous, but in order to share the wealth, I have them help out with serving drinks.”

  He said it in a roundabout way, but these girls were in the same situation as Anna Kreiz. Terry took a liking to them after a glance, and then he did everything in his power to control them.

  “The owner’s a pervert who surrounds himself with ­crazy-­hot women. Likes to flaunt them in front of the VIPs.” In other words, the information Mord heard about the VIP room is correct. These people are a part of Terry’s collection.

  Each and every one of the girls was beautiful in their bold and erotic ­dresses—­and incredibly ­doll-­like. Against their will, they were here for various absurd reasons. Like Anna, all of them had been brought in through illicit channels, whether from inside or outside the city. Various colors of chokers adorned their necks, as if to show that the girls belonged to him.

  This room was a part of Orario that was actually beyond the law. Even things like this went unchecked. If there were no one to challenge the arrogant owner, then the guests would also enjoy, praise, or partake of the sweet nectar of his collection.

  She must also be here…

  Tamping down her righteous indignation after seeing the owner’s arrogant preening while the guests leered at the beauties around them, Lyu spoke up again.

  “Now that you mention it…on the way here, I happened to hear you recently got your hands on a ­siren-­like beauty.”

  She merely put it out there, but the others at the table quickly chimed in with excitement.

  “Ohhh, I had also heard that! Something or another about marrying a woman from some faraway country.”

  “Do you think you could let us see her?!”

  The elites chorused. It was another ­vomit-­inducing picture. Enjoying the attention, Terry grinned.

  “Ga-ha-ha! Everyone’s ears sure are quick! As you said, I’ve welcomed a new lover to my fold. Let’s have the ­long-­awaited introduction! Hey!”

  Whether it was because he felt gratified by their interest, or perhaps he had intended to show her off from the start, the dwarf quickly waved over one young waiter. He bowed respectfully and went through a door at the back of the VIP room to return with a human girl in a pure white dress.

  “Pleased to…meet you…My name is Anna.”

  Lifting the hem of her skirt politely, the girl introduced herself. She could not entirely suppress the fear seeping into her trembling voice. Without a doubt, this girl was the Kreiz daughter.

  I see…she is beautiful…

  Karen’s words hadn’t just been maternal pride. Anna was attractive enough that the men of great wealth and particular taste were nodding in appreciation. She had honest blue eyes, white skin, a slender jaw and neck, and a modest bust. From an objective view, hovering on the boundary
between a girl and a woman, she was more beautiful than the elf Lyu and was even a rival for goddesses. She had the same choker around her neck as all the other girls.

  Her flaxen hair that her mother had boasted about was tied back behind a gaudy hair band, lightly shaking in a way that seemed to reflect her true feelings. She triggered people’s protective impulses as her long eyelashes shaded her eyes when she looked downward. The starstruck elites sighed in admiration, lasciviously staring at her bare shoulders.

  “This one’s also…grade A.”

  “Yes, splendid. As if a goddess blessed the earth with beauty. Well done finding her.”

  “The truth is, I stumbled across her while wandering around foreign lands. It must have been divine guidance. With such beauty and charm, she entranced even me.”

  As Terry spun his lies, Lyu stared at Anna. Perhaps sensing something different about this gaze among all the inquisitive ones, or possibly perplexed, Anna lifted her head in wonder and locked eyes with Lyu. It was then Terry noticed where her attention was.

  “Lord Maximilian, is there something on her face?”

  “No…it’s only that I know a woman who resembles her.”

  The air around Lyu changed, as she stepped uncomfortably close to Terry.

  “According to my acquaintance’s story, he was lured into a gamble by some crooks and dirtied his hands…After having everything stolen, his beloved daughter was taken away from him.”


  Both Terry’s and Anna’s eyes flickered in recognition.

  “The girl’s father who took the bet was assuredly a fool…However, if you look closely, it appears that the events happened at a certain person’s instigation.”


  “That person set those criminals on the man in order to seize the lovely daughter, and after it was all over, he quietly made the girl his own, it seems…Quite the sad story for those who know her situation.”

  She had intended to stop herself, but she failed. Lyu realized she was more furious than she had thought. Her words carried a sharp undertone as she turned her gaze toward Terry.

  “Even now, I am searching for that girl…chasing down her whereabouts.”

  Without making it explicit, she made it clear that she knew the entire story and all of the details regarding Anna’s situation. The amiable dwarf let his mask slip and glared dangerously at Lyu. A mobster would not have a glare more brutal than his. Only someone who had trod this cruel path could wear such an expression.

  Sensing the change in atmosphere, the wealthy guests around the table became flustered, though the more clever ones realized what was happening. The center of the conversation, Anna, was totally dumbfounded. Syr was a noticeable anomaly, visibly unshaken as she maintained her placid smile while watching the proceedings.

  Lyu had effectively declared that she had come to take Anna back.

  “That’s a very interesting story, Lord Maximilian. Incidentally, it’s a bit sudden, but I heard that you were the Count of Felnas…”

  “Yes, no more than a rural aristocrat. An inflexible, hardheaded elf…one who can’t overlook someone on the wrong path.”

  She met Terry’s searching gaze head-on. The guests at the other tables, the waiters, and the mistresses all noticed something strange was happening and shifted their attention toward Lyu and the owner. Silence settled over the VIP room.

  “I’m not sure who or where the misunderstanding happened, Lord Maximilian…but it seems you’ve set aside your wife and become quite passionate about my Anna.”

  Still staring daggers, Terry finally spoke up, a smile forming above his beard.

  “Well then, shall we play a game?”


  “Yes. The person who loses has to fulfill one request made by the winner. It has to be something accessible to the loser, naturally. Also, we’ll play the game with the highest-value chips.”

  He snapped his finger and a waiter emerged pushing a cart holding a tremendous pile of the chips. The mountain of ­platinum-­colored pieces sparkled. The value of all the chips Lyu had collected in the main room could not begin to compare to what was on that cart.

  “We’ll play with this on loan. It won’t be much of a game with any less.”

  Which means the loser doesn’t simply owe a favor, they also take on a large debt, Lyu thought, already caught up in the extortion…Even so, I have no reason to let him go.

  Other than the man pushing the cart, several more men surrounded the table where Syr and Lyu were seated. Like their colleagues guarding the entrance, they were all muscular.

  One…no, two experts are in this group.

  Lyu recognized the human and catperson behind Terry in particular as a cut above the rest.

  She had not heard anything about a powerful familia being sent out by Santorio Vega. They were probably unaffiliated bodyguards employed directly by ­Terry—­strays who had no familia. They were no match for Ganesha Familia’s main branch, but in the VIP room, the owner’s henchmen were more than enough to handle any fights that might happen to break out.

  “For people like us, who have already achieved wealth, status, and prestige, what we really want…is the thrill of gambling with our lives on the line. Am I wrong?”

  As the ­black-­suited bodyguards exerted pressure with their presence, Terry laid out his challenge.

  Is he trying to taunt me while setting up a human shield, or is he trying to obfuscate Anna’s situation with this game? Well, his proposal is simple.

  All you have to do is win. That was all there was to it.

  I guess I’ll play along for now.

  Lyu did not have a special plan that called for letting loose now. Anna was too close to Terry and his bodyguards. And she would be helpless if he called Ganesha Familia in from the hall.

  Syr is here, too. I should wait and see for now…

  Glancing at the girl sitting next to her, Syr gently nodded back toward her.

  “…Of course. Let’s have that game.”

  The corners of Terry’s mouth turned up in a smile when Lyu accepted his proposition. He looked at the people gathered around the table.

  “How about all of you, ladies and gentlemen? This is the Grand Casino! There’s no flavor if it is just a one-on-one match between Lord Maximilian and myself! So let’s all play with the same conditions: I’ll fulfill any request of the winner! Oops, I’ll have to decline any dangerous requests like ‘I want your life,’ though, of course. Ga-ha-ha!”

  The flustered guests all looked at each other while Terry spread his arms and made his proposal. Smiles started to spread in the crowd as the owner played up his prestige while mixing in jokes, and in the end a few more guests agreed to the terms. It was practically proof they were hungering for the thrill of standing on the edge between glory and destruction, The preparations were adjusted to include the new players.

  “Do you have any preferences for the game? If not, I think we should go with poker.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “All right, then the match will be decided by knockout…when all the chips in front of someone are gone, that person has lost.”

  The dwarf owner’s eyes sparkled with amusement as the elf accepted the terms, her ­sky-­blue right eye shining with contained rage. In a flash, the prepared chips were spread across the tabletop. The waiters looked on with frozen expressions, while the mistresses watched with resignation and unease. Anna’s gaze wavered as the game began.

  “Well then, shall we start with a ­twenty-­chip bet?”

  “I’ll double that.”

  The game was flop poker. In addition to the cards in a player’s hand, there were communal cards placed faceup in the center of the table that everyone could use. Those shared cards were used to complete the hand. Even with a weak hand, sometimes it was possible to easily win a round by bluffing.

  For now, there are no irregularities.

  Lyu was obviously watching Terry, but she also focused on
the man dealing the cards for signs of cheating. As a former adventurer tempered in the Dungeon, she would not overlook even the smallest abnormality among the other guests. Likewise, the bodyguards were carefully watching her for any sign of ­trickery—­especially the human and catperson at Terry’s side.

  Other than Terry and Lyu, four other players joined: two humans, one affluent prum, and an elderly gentleman animal person. Without any exclamations, concern, or ­scene-­making, the sound of cards flipping and chips clacking resounded.

  Each mound of chips repeatedly grew and shrank. At first glance it seemed like a close ­contest—

  “Oh-ho, this senile old man won, eh?”


  The elderly animal person had won the hand and swept away the chips Lyu had bet.

  Even with an ­upper-­class adventurer’s tactics of avoiding unnecessary confrontation, the chips she had at hand were running out. She had already lost about half of her starting pile. And it was only Lyu. Only she had been unable to win a game. She could not get a read on her opponents. Her strategy wouldn’t come together.

  Terry sat across from her with the lead in chips, a bold smile creeping across his face. Syr was quietly watching the table next to her as Lyu reflected on what happened.

  I was careless…

  She shifted her gaze to her surroundings, to the guests. The animal person was sipping ­high-­quality liquor while the affluent prum played with some chips in his hand, a scornful sneer scrawled across his face.

  It’s not just the dealer. I should have expected the owner and the guests to work together, too.

  Their relationship was not merely that of a casino owner and his clients. They were accomplices.

  She watched them closely and was sure there had been absolutely no tricks. That meant they were using a method that Lyu could not detect to signal the contents of their hands.

  Hand signs, exchanging looks, some indication in how they spoke, or perhaps all of the above. They were passing messages in a way only they understood to share information about their cards. Then, when Lyu joined a hand, the person with the strongest hand beat her without fail.

  She had to minimize losses and only try when she had a chance to win.


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