Where Are You

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Where Are You Page 12

by Bella Donnis

  She didn’t know what to expect tonight, other than collecting a prize medal and hanging out with other rowers, perhaps with a nice spread and lots of alcohol. It was everything else that a big fat question mark hung over. Possibly, technically, in all reality, could this potentially be labelled Gia and Mikey’s third date? Ugh. Then she realised that possibly, technically, in all reality, this could potentially be her third date with Scruffy too. She should just put a stop to this. Scruffy was a dear, adorable man – But to see him naked, Erin most certainly did not desire.

  No – The one person she wanted to see naked was her best friend, who right now was at home dolling herself up in God only knew what, waiting for her prince and saviour of our Fairbairns to pick her up and take her to the ball. Ugh.

  Erin slipped on her black backless halter necked dress. It was the one she saved for only very special occasions, the one she knew attracted attention for it clung to her figure, emphasised her curves and pushed up her breasts. Yes, it was a work of brilliance, “and you will notice me Gia lest I doubt your whole coming out story.” She said to herself, while pinning her hair up, exposing her long neck and delicate collar bones. “Damn it but we could be so perfect for each other, if only you’d bloody look at me that way.” She sprayed on some perfume. Ouch but she looked good – She didn’t often make such an effort, but when she did - “I’m just sorry for you Scruffy. I really don’t like doing this, but what choice do I have? Damn it, Gia, but look what you’re doing to me…And it’s you who’s supposed to be the bloody lesbian.”

  Her phone vibrated. ‘I’m outside. Hurry, looks like it’s about to rain.’ The text from Scruffy read.

  “Shit.” Rain was one thing she didn’t want right now. Erin grabbed her clutch and dashed for the outside.

  Scruffy stood halfway between the front door and the taxi. “Oh, holy shit!” His mouth very nearly hit the soon to be rain soaked floor. “I mean, oh wow…You look…Holy shit!” To give Scruffy credit, when in a tux, he scrubbed up reasonably well.

  Her heels clip-clapped on the cobbles and she worried about slipping. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I should make an effort more often, right?”

  Scruffy didn’t reply, but as she entered the taxi she could more than feel his eyes burning into her rear end. He piled in after her and closed the door. “Jesus College Boat House.” He said as the taxi rumbled along the cobbles.

  “So is your brother picking Gia up?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess so.” He said, still dumbstruck by his date.

  “Do you know if they’ve already arrived or if we’re likely to arrive first?”

  “Well you’ll find out in a few minutes, won’t you.” His response was most uncaring, almost infuriatingly so.

  “Has Mikey told you what Gia’s wearing?”

  He laughed, “no, why would he?” He shook his head with a smirk.

  “But she’s gone to a lot of effort right?”

  “Aye, well she’s celebrating tonight isn’t she.” He not so subtly stole a glance at her breasts, at the small heart shaped pendant that hung between them. When he turned to look outside the window, Erin’s hand on his shoulder brought his attention back to her.

  “Do you know if they’ve kissed?” She held her breath for his answer.

  He scratched his head. “You’re full of the questions tonight, lass. How about you pause for breath for a wee bit…Maybe take on some oxygen, I hear it’s essential for survival.”

  She punched him on the arm.

  As it turned out, Gia and Mikey had arrived first. They stood over by the drinks table, each holding a glass of Champagne. They were talking about something, or rather, Mikey was saying something to Gia as he gesticulated with his arm.

  Gia – In the words of Scruffy – Holy shit!

  She wore an impossibly tight red single strapped cocktail dress that emphasised her Mediterranean curves, the side view Erin had highlighted her buttocks, yet it was her breasts that completely stole the show, at least from Erin’s angle as they stretched out the fabric while still maintaining an elegant look. The single strapped nature of the dress exposed the tender flesh of one shoulder, while both arms were uncovered, her tanned skin complimented by the red. The dress ended at her knees which, Erin knew, would be a problem with her legs being on display all night, especially considering she wore heels. Erin was beginning to wonder if she had a leg fetish – Holy shit indeed.

  But then – Mikey looked ok too, which may also prove to be a problem if Gia was after all, that way inclined. Let’s face it – Erin wasn’t convinced either way.

  Gia glanced over in Erin’s direction, who was still standing hopeless by the door, then Gia turned back to Mikey without even so much as an acknowledgement. What the fuck? Um – Hello? It wasn’t until a full two seconds later that her head shot back to Erin, her eyes widened. A second after, Mikey followed her lead, realising the rest of the group had arrived and he beckoned them over with a hand.

  “Hello, Mikey.” Erin said as he kissed her cheek. “You look good.” She glanced to Gia and spoke casually, “Hello, Gianna, you look nice tonight.”

  “Hello to you too, Erin.” Her voice remained surprisingly monotone for the usually expressive Italian.

  Erin turned back to Scruffy. “Let’s get ourselves a drink, shall we?” She held out her elbow in some overly showy way for Scruffy to link with, for the two metre walk to the drinks table.


  Had Erin noticed Gia following their movement with her head? She couldn’t be certain either way. “Champagne, champagne, champagne.”

  “You sure you’re all right?” Scruffy glanced at his brother and shrugged. “Did you really just win the Fairbairns’ Cup or do you have a death sentence approaching?”

  Erin took a gulp from her glass. “I’m just a little nervous to be receiving a medal. You know how I’m not keen on being the centre of attention, even for a second.” Well it was the half-truth.

  “Aye.” But he bought it fully.

  Jazz played low enough in the background for the hundred or so attendees to converse without the need to shout. The evening was only thirty minutes old and some idiot had already spread rumours that several of the coxed eight gold medallists from the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney would be making an appearance. This prompted several committee members to descend into a state of near hysteria.

  “There goes their evening.” Scruffy said with his usual cheeky smirk. Erin had no need to ask who’d spread the rumours. Honestly, it was the rowing equivalent of spiking the punch.

  The winners in all the classes and events, as well as the runners up were honoured and had their medals presented to them not by multiple Olympic gold medallist Sir Steve Redgrave, as was the chatter making its way around the venue, but instead by a Solomon Smythe-de la Haye, Treasurer of the Jesus College Boat Club. The aura of disappointment was tangible.

  Erin and Gia had their photos taken together while holding up their medals, and then with the Oxford runners up. Mikey insisted on having a group photo of the four of them together and so Erin, Gia, Scruffy and Mikey posed in front of the trophy cabinet, each holding up their medals while one of the Oxford girls took the photo.

  For the next twenty minutes, while taking advantage of the buffet, they had numerous people congratulate them on their victories. “You two could go all the way, maybe even to the Olympics if you’re intending on carrying on with it…Which you really should.” Solomon Smythe-de la Haye had the accent of one born in Windsor Castle.

  “Yeah, the one problem is, I’m Italian.” Gia said, bursting his bubble.

  “Ah, pity that.” He looked up, as though in deep thought. “I don’t think there’s a way around that. Oh well, there’s always the Henley Royal Regatta. Aim high.” He said walking away.

  Erin realised Gia hadn’t answered his query. Was she intending to continue rowing next year or not? Erin knew for sure that she most definitely did want to continue. It had enriched her life in many ways and there
was no telling how far she could take it. She wanted to ask Gia for confirmation of her intentions. But Erin was well aware they hadn’t exactly spoken since she entered the building over an hour ago, just a few brief moments of eye contact here and there. Ugh – What was going on?

  “It doesn’t look like Sir Steve’s going to turn up, Scruff.” Mikey said to his brother, fluidly sliding his arm around Gia’s midriff.

  Gia momentarily placed more weight on one leg, then shuffled back to equilibrium, making brief eye contact with Erin. Her face remained poker. But more to the bloody point – Mikey was advancing. Erin could do nothing other than watch mortified as he laid on his smooth moves, most notably his hand that was even now stroking the crease of flesh between her hips and waist.

  “Oh come on, Erin, that was a funny gag.” Scruffy said, startling her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I was on another planet there.” Erin said, not so smoothly wrapping her arm around Scruffy’s waist. She noticed Gia’s head jerk back in surprise. Scruffy, more than happy to return the gesture, rubbed Erin’s hip through the thin layer of black halter necked dress. What had she started?

  Gia gave Mikey a sideward glance, before turning her attention to Scruffy. “It was kind of funny, if not a little juvenile.” She wrapped her arm around her date, the sides of his mouth subtly turning upwards.

  “Well they’re only twenty. Let them have their fun. There’ll be plenty of time for being prudish after they graduate.” Erin said, making a point of giving a comforting smile to Scruffy and bumping her hip against his as she did.

  Gia’s eyes narrowed as she pulled Mikey closer. “So you’re finally speaking to me are you, Erin?”

  “I was not under the impression, Gianna, that I was not speaking to you.” Erin clumsily shuffled closer to Scruffy and wondered if Gia’s eye flickered at the use of the full version of her name.

  Scruffy glanced at his brother and gave a small shake of his head. “Honestly, I wish I’d never made the bloody joke now.”

  “You’ve not been speaking to me all night, and you know it!” Gia retorted.

  “Well you have not been speaking to me!” Erin defended, prompting Gia to gawp open mouthed at Mikey, as Erin took the brief opportunity to steal a glance at her cleavage. There wasn’t a great deal of breast on display, at least not from above. It was more through the damn material where they expanded the fabric outwards that proved a distraction.

  Gia made an extravagant spectacle of dropping her tightly gripped arm from around Mikey’s side and instead grabbed his hand and interlinked her fingers in his. “You called me Gianna the moment you entered. You’ve never once called me Gianna.” She whispered something in Mikey’s ear. The sides of his mouth curled into a near demonic grin, displaying his Scottish pearly whites.

  Erin clenched her fists, not realising that…

  “…Ow.” Scruffy yelped, rubbing his side.

  “Sorry.” She said, not bothering to look at him. She released her arm from Scruffy’s side and took his hand, mimicking what Gia had done a few seconds earlier. “And you’ve never once…” she checked her words. You coward, Erin; but now was probably not the time to accuse Gia of never showing any interest in her, at least not of the sexual kind, “…never mind.” Instead she reached across her body in some awkward gesture that felt strange, placing her opposing hand on top of Scruffy’s as he held hers.

  “Do you even know your date’s real name, Erin?” Gia smiled with satisfaction. “I mean, it’s usually the first thing you ask, you know, out of politeness.”

  Erin froze. She didn’t have a clue. She looked to Scruffy who just shrugged – No help there.

  “Mikey…” Gia said, standing upright, pushing out her breasts to some agonising degree, “…let’s find a nice table in some quiet room and have our first proper kiss.”

  Erin’s jaw nearly hit the floor as she squeezed Scruffy’s hand painfully tight; she felt him wince. “Scruffy, let’s get out of here.” She headed toward the door only to be yanked back.

  “Enough!” Scruffy demanded, throwing down Erin’s hand.

  When she turned around, Mikey had also discarded Gia. “Do you really think we can’t see what’s going on?” He drained his champagne and slammed the empty glass down on the table, then turned to his date. “Gia, who do you think you’re bloody fooling?”

  “What?” She said wide eyed, like a fox caught in the headlights, daring not look at Erin or Mikey.

  “The other day, while feeding the ducks…All you bloody spoke about was Erin. Erin this…Erin that. I didn’t think it was possible to make a connection between feeding ducks and Erin, between going for sushi and Erin, but you bloody managed it. Erin, Erin, Erin…All the time, bloody Erin.” He made a talking mouth gesture with his hand. “And then on the way here…What’s Erin wearing?…Like I’d have a bloody clue. Have Erin and Scruffy kissed yet? What does Scruffy think of Erin…Blah, blah, blah.”

  Erin gaped at her in disbelief, not yet knowing what to think of the tirade coming from Mikey’s mouth – Was he drunk? Her legs shook, “I think I need to sit down.”

  “And you…” Mikey pointed to Erin. “I’ve been stood opposite you most of the bloody evening and I’ve lost count of the times you’ve ogled my date. Quite honestly, you’re more perverted than I am.” He chuckled to himself, but it wasn’t funny – Well, not really.

  Erin looked to the floor, taking a sudden interest in some hardened chewing gum stuck to the carpet. She wondered how long it had been there for – Months probably. Why did the cleaners not scrape it up? Was it even possible to remove squashed gum from a carpet after it’d been trampled over hundreds of times? Was it getting hot in here?

  “Oh, Mikey, I’ve had the exact same from this one.” Scruffy said from somewhere close by. She assumed he pointed to her as he spoke. “Can we stay close enough to keep an eye on Mikey and Gia.” He said, mimicking Erin’s Northumbrian accent – He had it down. “I’d like to see what Mikey and Gia are doing. Gia would love to see this Kingfisher nest. What does Mikey think of Gia? And you…” he turned his attention to the Italian, “I know my date is hot, but if you keep staring at her breasts like that, you’ll stare a hole right through them.”

  It was Gia’s turn to look at the floor, taking a sudden interest in what appeared to be some other piece of gum. Really – What did the cleaners even do around here?

  “Here,” Mikey delved into his pocket, pulling out his wallet, “here’s your fiver back, plus another five. Looks like you won the fucking bet.”

  “Aye, winning five quid has never been so fucking painful.”

  “What bet was that?” Erin squeaked, finally looking up, but daring not look at Gia.

  “That she was a lesbian.” Mikey said, pointing to Gia.

  “But neither of us thought you were one as well.” Scruffy nudged Erin’s shoulder.

  Talk about ripping off the band aid - Ouch.

  A silence carried for a few long, painful seconds, before Mikey exhaled deep and spoke. “Look, girls…This is your special day. Maybe you should both be enjoying it together.”

  “Maybe those Oxford girls are single.” Scruffy added.

  Mikey hugged Gia, whispering something in her ear, then kissed her on the cheek. “We’re still friends. You ain’t getting rid of us.”

  Scruffy pulled Erin in tight and whispered, “Go for it. Make yourself happy. I’ll see you on the Cam.”

  Scruffy and Mikey grabbed a glass of champagne then walked to the other side of the room toward a large group of rowers from Corpus Christi.

  Erin and Gia made brief eye contact before breaking it, then smiled. It was still hot, even Gia had turned a redder shade of brown.

  “Looks like they caught us.” Gia sighed. “Are you ok?”

  It was weird, like a huge crushing weight had been lifted from Erin. “Well, that I wasn’t expecting. But yes, I’m quite all right thanks.”

  “Let’s go for a walk.”

  “Was that the truth
back there, what Mikey said?” Gia asked.

  “Um, I guess he did catch me a few times staring at your breasts.” Thank God for alcohol. “I tried to be subtle, I really did.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Gia sighed. “They were really into us…Both of us. I feel bad.”

  “Yeah, me too. I love those guys, but if it’s not right…” Erin trailed off. “So, what about the rest of what he said?” Erin slowed her already slow stroll, turning inwards slightly. “Did you, um, talk about me when I wasn’t there?”

  Gia laughed, matching Erin’s pace on the path alongside the Cam. The twilight cast a serene glow over the river as several geese skidded across the water. It was a miracle it hadn’t yet rained. The smell of the imminent downpour was present in the air; it would only be a matter of time before the heavens opened. “I think you already know that I was. And you were too? You were talking about me?”

  “I think I pissed Scruffy off with it all.” Erin cringed. “Oh God, he must think I was the worst date ever.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, you have strong competition for that title.”

  Erin kicked a pebble into the river, the splash was satisfying. “Why’d you give him your number then? If you’re into women, then you shouldn’t be giving your number to guys, especially if you’re aware they have romantic intentions.”

  “Oh, Erin, you know, for a Cambridge girl, you really can be an idiot sometimes.” Gia softly bumped her hip.

  “As I’m discovering.” She hesitated for a moment. “You did it to make me jealous didn’t you?”

  “It’s not that I wanted to make you jealous. Damn it, girl, I wanted you to get a move on. Granted I could have chosen differently, but they were both there at the time and they just kept on pushing. Ideally Mikey would have had nice shiny long red hair, big round boobs, soft smooth skin and be my best friend as well, but damn it, I wasn’t going to wait forever for you to decide if you liked me that way.”


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