Where Are You

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Where Are You Page 13

by Bella Donnis

  Erin was overcome with the sudden need to stop walking, her legs felt weak anyway. “Do you really mean all these things?” Assuming Gia had sent the signals, how had she missed them? Was she really that slow? Granted, Erin had not been exposed to the same level of socialisation as most people her age, but if Gia had been interested in her all this time, then she well and truly missed all the signs, or had been too much inside her own head to have noticed. Despite all Gia had done for her, in the end Erin’s introverted nature had obscured so much of the outside from her consciousness and had very nearly succeeded in preventing the coming moment from ever happing.

  “Come here.” Gia turned to face her, tenderly took her hand and pulled her closer.

  “What?” Dear God, what was she about to do?

  “Close your eyes.” Gia took hold of Erin’s other hand and held them between their breasts.

  “Yes.” Erin hissed, closing her eyes. Nothing happened for a few beats as the tension built, though she was completely aware she was holding both Gia’s hands, the soft sensation of her flesh heightened in the blackness. Then the beautiful scent of peach grew stronger until finally, she felt Gia’s lips on hers. She was so gentle, nothing like Erin expected yet at the same time, exactly what she’d hoped. Gia squeezed her hands and Erin responded in kind. Their tongues connected, slightly at first, then a little more – Heaven.

  Gia pulled away, releasing one hand, but keeping hold of the other. “Does that answer your question?”

  Erin needed a moment to gather her coherent thoughts. “No, um, I mean yes…Definitely yes.” Erin giggled and then Gia did the same.

  Then the tiny patters of rain flecked the Cam and a thousand drops created as many pretty swirls, forming the distinctive patterns on the water. Then came the sound as the intensity increased and Erin felt the summer rain’s warmth on her skin. Gia’s hair seemed to darken a shade as it absorbed the wetness, yet she just remained there and held Erin’s gaze as lines of water ran down her face.

  “We can’t run, not in our heels.” Erin said as she pulled Gia along the riverbank in the direction of the city.

  “I don’t think it makes any difference now anyway. Besides, it’s kind of nice.” She glanced at Erin’s dress as it constricted from the intake of water. “You look hot when you’re wet.”

  Erin blanched. Ditto, she thought, ogling Gia from the corner of her eye, the already tight cocktail dress clinging ever harder to her curves, particularly her breasts which led the way along the Cam.

  Gia’s hand felt like silk against her own clammy skin. Erin’s chest, tight almost to the point of suffocation. Her senses were heightened many times to the extent she heard rain hitting rooftops far into the distance, yet at the same time she was oblivious to the same sensations. Her skin was cold, evidenced by the many goose bumps up and down her arms, yet her heart pumped blood at some obscene rate.

  There was so much Erin wanted, needed to ask Gia, but couldn’t for the life of her remember any specifics at this moment.

  “Your hand is shaking. Do I really make you that nervous?” Gia asked.

  “Not usually, but I’m kind of taking it as a good thing. It’s not bad nerves. You seem your usual self.”

  “Erin, if only I could describe to you how I’m feeling right now.”

  Erin’s heart soared. Then she remembered one important question she’d had on her mind. “When are you heading back home for the summer? Will it be immediately after the exams or will you stay behind for a bit?” They passed under a tree, granting temporary respite from the rain, not that it made any difference to their already saturated forms.

  “I’ll have to go back at some point. I miss my mum and dad. But I’d miss you just as much if I was away for the full three months. I’ll probably remain in Cambridge for half the summer and return to Napoli for the other half.”

  That was all Erin needed to hear. “Well that obviously means I’m sticking behind too then. But I should definitely take you to Alnwick.” She sprang on her heels like an excited child as they stepped out from the tree’s shelter. “We have a holiday home in the Lake District. We could spend a week there, just the two of us.” Erin hoped she wasn’t thinking way too far ahead, but she just couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t stand the thought of being parted from Gia, even for a few days.

  “I’d love to…Yes, we should definitely do that. Perhaps also you can come to Napoli? You’re always talking about visiting Pompeii.”

  Erin could almost feel herself vibrating with excitement. What a summer it would be, just as soon as the exams were over in two weeks. Being freshers, the exams wouldn’t count toward their final grades but they both wanted to give their full effort regardless.

  “I’m sorry about earlier…About calling you Gianna and trying to make you jealous.”

  Gia laughed. “If it wasn’t for that little stunt we may not be holding hands right now.” She swung their arms with a little extra momentum for emphasis. “It’s just funny that in the end, it was you and not me who brought this about. You’re braver than you give yourself credit for.”

  “Well it was kind of both of us, with a little help from those two pesky Scots.”

  “I guess we got tired of waiting for each other.” Gia said as they neared Downing. “I’m curious…How long have you felt this way about me? I know for sure I was pretty much just your best friend for a long time.”

  Erin knew the answer, though still gave it some thought. “My feelings for you definitely developed over a period of months. You’re my best friend in the whole world and I just feel alive when I’m with you. But it I was to attribute a single event to it, then I’d say I realised my feeling over Christmas. When you weren’t around, I just felt empty, like a part of myself had been taken away. And you…” she squeezed the soft flesh of Gia’s hand, “…you had me all worried when you never replied to me. It felt like I’d lost you and it was unbearable. I guess you can say that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.”

  Gia laughed. “You really are one corny girl, but I totally love it.” They stopped outside the entrance to Gia’s Downing College residence, the thin fabric of their dresses along with their hair having absorbed as much rain as possible, their skin slippery with moisture.

  The moment was conspicuous by the tense silence that permeated the air between them. Like this was the moment something was supposed to happen, but didn’t. It always happened about now in the movies, at that moment when you and your date arrived at the front gate. The reality, as Erin now discovered, was not like the movies. She looked at Gia and froze, wanting so badly to kiss her; long and slow, then hard and serious with all the passion she could summon.

  “So…” Gia said, letting go of Erin’s hand. Damn, but this was awkward.

  “So…” Oh, this was bad. “I’ll see you around…” No – Erin did not want the night to end now. This was their special night.

  “Unless…” Gia said, a small glint of panic in her eyes – Panic that filled Erin with hope.

  “…Yes?” Please, please, please.

  “I had another Vivaldi CD sent from home. Perhaps we could…”

  “…Yes!” Erin shouted, cutting her off, startling both Gia and herself. “I love Vivaldi.”

  “Ok, well, let’s go inside then. Besides, you need to get out of that dress…” Gia said, slurring the final word as though she’d not thought about what she was saying. She looked down then back up, but avoided Erin’s eyes. “What I meant was…You’re all wet and…It’s not good to be in wet clothes.” She looked away again, rolling her eyes and stamped a foot on the ground.

  Erin smiled, taking pleasure in her friend’s slip of the tongue and subsequent discomfort.

  Gia saw the smile, “ok, I’ll shut up now.” She squeezed Erin’s hand. “But you’re such a meanie.”

  Erin returned the squeeze. “Let’s go inside.” And listen to Vivaldi and kiss some more.

  They entered the flat and Gia closed the door behind the
m, threw her bag on the desk and sauntered over to the CD player. “Make yourself at home.”

  Erin applied the chain to the door and placed her bag next to Gia’s. She watched her as she flipped through a stack of CDs. Those legs, the curvature of her calves that sent Erin over the edge, even from a distance. Her wide hips in that rain soaked red dress gifted her with an impossible hourglass look. Her slim waist, sculpted from hours and hours on the Cam gave way to breasts that, if Erin could see them, would taunt her relentlessly. When would the bloody music start? Say something – “Nice to see your room is still tidy.” Oh, that was so lame.


  Finally, the unmistakable sound of violin trilled from the speakers, overwhelming the rain as it pelted against the windows. Gia closed the blinds and smiled at Erin from across the room, her dark hair wild and unkempt. After a few seconds, she asked, “can I get you anything?”

  “No thanks, I’m good.” An annoying apprehension took form, like it was expected something was supposed to happen, but wasn’t. If it wasn’t for Vivaldi’s double-stop trills, the silence would have been painful. But damn it, someone had to make a move here and clearly the alcohol was wearing off. Erin took a seat on the edge of the bed, making brief eye contact with Gia as she did.

  “Here, let me get you a towel.” Gia delved into a drawer and pulled out two towels, placing one in Erin’s lap.

  Erin watched as Gia half turned away and patted her arms, neck then hair. Erin did the same from her seated position, though she still felt wet to the core. “Are you ok?” Erin asked.

  Gia took a perch on the window ledge and looked up with a sharp intake of air. “Yeah, I think so.” She opened her mouth, as if to say something more, but stopped herself.

  “Maybe I should go.” Erin said, standing. It pained her to leave, but if it wasn’t happening then it wasn’t happening. These things should come naturally – Shouldn’t they?

  “No!” Gia stood from the ledge. “I don’t want you to leave.” She took a step closer, her hands fidgeting in front. Again, there was something she wanted to say.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  Gia came closer and took both Erin’s hands. Finally, that touch and the comfort and feeling of wholeness that came with it. “I just get the impression you think I’ve been there and done that and have tonnes of experience with this.” Gia was actually nervous, very nervous. For a change it was her hands that felt clammy and not just because they were wet from the downpour. She took a deep breath, her breasts heaving against the tight confines of the dress. “Just because I’ve known for a few years that I like girls, doesn’t mean I’ve…” she hesitated, “…got experience. Remember where I’m from…Things are different there.”

  Erin’s eyes glazed over. “You mean…You’ve never been with another girl?” Wow, she really did have her friend all wrong. But it felt nice – Really nice.

  Gia shook her head. “I’m not saying this because I feel the need to make a big confession or anything. Well I guess maybe a little bit. The main reason is, I just don’t want you to be disappointed. I may not live up to your expectations.”

  Erin couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wanted to wrap Gia up in her arms and never let go. “I had no expectations whatsoever. And you already know my lack of history with girls, but then again, we are both only nineteen.” Erin just wanted to be with her, to feel close to her and to hold her. She laughed - Using each other’s bodies for practice could be fun. “I was actually afraid myself that I’d disappoint you.”

  Gia took a step back and looked Erin up and down. “Babe, I don’t think you and that body are going to disappoint me.” Her eyes glanced back over Erin’s breasts, then lingered over her hips.

  Erin giggled and closed the gap as though her life depended on it, wrapping her arms around Gia’s shoulders. “You are such a pervert.”

  They locked eyes, their smiles faded, Gia’s pupils dilated, peaches filled the world. Their lips met and Erin explored the inside of Gia’s mouth with her tongue while clasping hands down Gia’s sodden midriff. She grazed the edges of her breasts with thumbs before her hands came to rest on Gia’s shapely hips.

  Erin felt Gia’s hands around her back, searching for the zip. “Here, it’s at the side.” She moved Gia’s hand to the zip and then felt the cool air on her flesh as Gia ran the zip down the length of the dress.

  “Get me out of this thing.” Gia demanded, turning round.

  Erin didn’t need telling twice. She pulled the zip down the length of Gia’s back, exposing her deeply tanned flesh. As the dress hit the floor, she stepped out from it, revealing herself to Erin in only a matching red lace bra and underwear. The breath left Erin in a giant involuntary exhalation as she gazed upon, lusting for Gia. Her true form was all Erin could have imagined and more.

  Gia coughed, then nodded to Erin, still wearing her own dress.

  “Whoops.” Erin pulled the dress over her head, ruffling her hair. They’d frequently seen each other in only bra and underwear while in the boat club changing rooms, but this felt very different. And then the enormity of what was happening hit Erin, as they both stood facing each other, almost naked. Erin had wanted this for a long time, but now it was about to happen, she knew it would forever change things between them.

  “Are you sure you want this?” Gia asked, as though she could read Erin’s mind.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  Gia reached behind Erin’s back and fumbled with her bra strap. After a few seconds, she rolled her eyes. “Well I’ve never done it from this side before.”

  “That’s fine. Take your time.” Erin reached around the back of Gia for her bra strap. She found the hooks almost immediately and then both bras fell to the floor. “Oh, fuck.”

  Gia laughed because Erin’s response had been completely reflexive. “So you like what you see?”

  Erin brought her hands up, cupping Gia’s breasts, feeling their weight. “Now that is what I’m talking about.” She could scarcely believe the words came out from her own mouth.

  Gia wrapped her arms around Erin’s waist, lifted her from the ground and plonked her on the bed, falling on top. Their lips clashed again, red hot passion stirring within them, their breasts crushing together. Erin grinded upwards with her hips, rubbing her pussy against Gia’s thigh, a deep guttural sigh escaping from inside. Gia moved her hand in front of her thigh and caressed Erin’s most erotic part through the thin layer of underwear. “Holy crap, you’re soaking.”

  “Am I?” Erin panted, not quite knowing what else to say – Guilty as charged. Erin needed the underwear removed. She wanted Gia’s caresses on her true, without obstruction. She moved a hand down and tried to remove the barrier, but Gia’s hungry body prevented her from gaining any purchase. “Gia?”

  “Oh.” She realised what Erin was trying to do and so Gia slowly slid Erin’s underwear down the length of her legs. “I think that’s a little better.” Gia pressed her knee against the inside of Erin’s thigh while spreading the other leg apart with her free hand.

  Erin tried to gage Gia’s reaction as she looked at her damp folds. Did she like what she saw? Without realising, Erin brought her hands in front of her solar plexus, suddenly full of self-doubt. Then the sides of Gia’s mouth curled into some devilish grin, her teeth shining as did her bright eyes. “Gia?”

  “I want you.” She hissed and then slid a finger inside, the invasion filling Erin’s entire soul as she exhaled short, sharp breaths.

  Erin closed her eyes, wanting to experience the heightened sensations to their full. She felt another finger enter her and her back arched as she reached back for the bedpost. The feeling of being stretched by the girl she loved as Gia’s fingers worked away inside her, sliding slowly out and delving back inside over and over sent Erin into a near frenzy. Her legs widened further as Gia pressed down harder on her knee, she was close.

  And then Erin exploded as her buttocks lifted off the be
d, her head light, a haze, but a good one, clouding her vision. Erin had been so hungry for Gia, that hadn’t taken long at all. When she opened her eyes, Gia was already beside her. Erin pulled her hard against her own perspiring body. “Gia…That…Was…” she couldn’t finish the words.

  “There was other stuff I wanted to do too.” She said – All in good time.

  “I guess you just really turn me on.” Erin panted. “Your turn.” Erin said as she slid down Gia’s body. Although it actually felt like it was her turn all over again. She covered Gia’s breast with her hand, pressing, caressing firmly while she ran her tongue over her nipple. Gia bucked and then Erin felt a hand running through her hair. She kissed her way down Gia’s toned belly and then Erin’s eyes were level with her glistening folds. Erin’s legs ran off the end of the bed to gain a better angle and she gripped Gia’s legs and pulled her closer before pushing her feet in towards her buttocks, bending her legs. Erin gazed up at Gia’s most intimate of parts, saliva building in her mouth as though she’d not eaten in days. She breathed in Gia’s natural scent. This was it – After experiencing Gia’s essence, Erin would forever be a changed woman.

  She ran her tongue once over the entire length; from her opening to her clitoris, tasting raw Gia, her pre-juices now on Erin’s tongue. Gia shivered, a silent moan coming from somewhere deep inside. Erin covered Gia’s clit with her mouth, running her tongue over, across and around, feeling the bud with her tongue, sucking, nibbling and tasting. Gia shuddered and hissed something unintelligible in her native tongue. Erin felt the bud swell in her mouth as more blood rushed to the area and then Gia’s breathing increased in speed and depth. Gia’s back arched as a hand reached out and grabbed Erin’s.

  Silence for a second, the calm before the storm, then Gia’s entire body tensed up. Juices leaked from her opening as Erin collected the nectar with a hunger.

  Erin leapt back on the bed, wanting to be close to Gia and shuffled herself level. They held each other tight, panting, gazing into the other’s eyes. Erin had never felt closer to another person. She wanted to stay like this forever.


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