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The Watchman

Page 8

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I started to try to say something, but at the very moment, Viola repeated her attempt to deep throat me, and succeeded just as she had the previous time.

  Yuki said, “He’s having trouble expressing himself. But he looks agreeable. I think that he thinks that a husband would like them well enough.”

  Tanya lifted and pulled at them again and said, “Do you think so?”

  Yuki said, “Here, let me see.” Yuki went and stood behind Tanya and, reaching around her, began to fondle and play with Tanya’s breasts through the fabric of her dress.

  Tanya leaned farther through the window and said, “I do hope that he likes them. Not because I want him to particularly like them, but I want his opinion about if he thinks Paul would still find them attractive enough.”

  Yuki, standing behind Tanya, began thrusting her hips against Tanya’s rear slowly so that she bounced against the wall a bit below the window. It was slightly less than a bounce, but slightly more than a sway.

  Tanya made a very small sound and closed her eyes as if she were enjoying it as Yuki said, “You have a fine ass, Tanya. Perhaps you should ask him about that too. Wouldn’t it be wicked if Paul were here instead of me. He would be banging your pretty butt and the two of you would carry on a conversation as if nothing were going on below the edge of the window.”

  Tanya smiled at me and said, “Oh, wouldn’t that be something? Me hanging through the window with my tits out and all the while my husband giving me a big orgasm while Joshua eats his breakfast, none the wiser.”

  I groaned as Viola began to bob up and down on me in earnest, apparently trying to make me come as quickly as she could now. She would plunge up and down several times and then go deep and slide me all the way in. She held me there for a few seconds and then pulled back and bobbed furiously again, repeating the process over and over.

  I was sure that my face must be red and I was breathing heavily as I tried unsuccessfully to maintain the appearance that nothing was happening.

  Just as I could take it no more, Tanya said with an exaggerated huskiness in her voice, “Joshua, please, oh for pity sake, please, tell me…are my tits firm and juicy? Will my husband want to suck me to climax, filling me with his pole? Tell me, what can I do to get my man to feed me his meat so that I can enjoy his love again? Unless you tell me yes, I’ll scream for Paul and spread my thighs right here and beg him to love me! What do you say? Do my tits still have what it takes?”

  I lost it. Viola was relentless and I lost it. I nearly screamed as I exclaimed, “Yes, oh hell yes.” I grunted as quietly as I could manage, “Oh yes yes yes!” I put my hands under the table and grabbed the sides of Viola’s head to have something to hold onto as I grimaced in pleasure and held my breath. I was left panting and it took me a minute before I could look up at Tanya’s face in the window a few feet away.

  When I did, she said, “That’s all I wanted to know. Well, we’d better be going. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about us. Thank you for your opinion. It’s funny; I thought that Viola said that she was with you and wanted Yuki and I to come by the window and see something. No matter. We’ll check again another day.”

  Yuki said, “Perhaps we should come by every morning at this time and see if Viola has something that she wants us to see.”

  Tanya said, “What do you think? Should we take turns having Paul fuck us with our tits out through our apartment window? We could look out at the garden and chat with whoever was working in the garden.”

  Yuki said, “It sounds like a fine idea. You see if you can get Paul to do it. But we better go now. We have chores. Tell Viola that we were sorry to have missed her,” and the women winked at me and walked away hand in hand.

  Viola crawled out from under the table and I pushed my chair back and made her sit facing me on my lap.

  She said quickly, “Joshua, before you say anything, let me say something. Joshua, I promise, I swear to you as my husband that I will never do anything like that in public. We have joked about it as your women, but I will never do it unless you tell me to. This was just a game. I love you and I won’t humiliate you and I will never allow the others to do it either. Mother Tanya went farther than we had agreed and when she did, I got excited and kept going. I swear to you, I asked them to pass by the window and say hello, nothing more. I hadn’t intended for them stop and talk and tease you the way that they did.”

  I said, “Viola, I’m glad to hear it. I felt a bit ambushed by that. It’s one thing for us to joke and tease, but I didn’t enjoy that as much as you might think. I was embarrassed and somewhat humiliated. And I felt trapped and like my choices had been taken away.”

  She said, “I’m very sorry. I promise that it will never happen again.”

  I said, “Unless I make it happen.”

  She said, “Of course!”

  I said, “And I don’t think that I ever would.”

  She said, “As you wish.”

  The two of us dressed and I tried to think of a way to move us beyond what had turned out to be a less pleasant experience than Viola had hoped for.

  Chapter 9 - Do Over

  When Viola and I left the apartment, we found Paul, Tanya, and Yuki sitting in the living room.

  Paul said, “Ah, Joshua, come sit down for a moment.”

  I felt embarrassed again, but Viola and I sat down on a sofa and Paul continued.

  He said, “Tanya and Yuki have told me about their morning and they have something to say to you.”

  Tanya said, “Son, I want to apologize to you for how wicked I was. Your dear Viola asked us only to pass by the window. She said that she had a surprise for you, and wanted us to say good morning, but not to stop. It was me that decided to stop and provoke you. I said things that I shouldn’t have.”

  Yuki said, “Joshua, we joke mercilessly when we’re together as a family, but we think that this was too far and we regret what we did.”

  Tanya said, “Um, you were having what should have been a special time with your beautiful mate and I humiliated you and I am very sorry and very contrite and I promise that I will never treat you like that again. We love you and we want you to be…to be happy to be here with us as family and we…I mean that I have been wicked and hope that you can forgive me.”

  Yuki said, “And I took part in it more than I should have and I didn’t put a stop to it.”

  I sighed and waited for an instant before I responded. I said, “Ladies, Viola told me what her intention was, but she has also said that, even as it went too far, she found herself caught up in the game and didn’t stop herself. I could have stopped it as well…perhaps. I’m glad that we all agree that we will be more respectful of each other. We will all be fine. It was a game that went too far. It was our first time playing it.”

  I stood up and said, “Family, will you excuse us now? I need a bit more time this morning to get ready for my day. Viola, will you go back to our apartment and straighten up a bit and I’ll come and relax there in a moment.”

  Viola looked saddened by the events of the morning now and quickly ran toward our rooms.

  I said, “Paul, may I speak to you for a moment?”

  Paul said, “Of course. You two go about your chores now,” and Yuki and Tanya left chagrined as well.

  I said, “Paul, are you upset by this?”

  He said “I’m upset in as far as it humiliated you.”

  I asked, “But about the teasing at my window? And I assume that the women told you what was happening under my table?”

  Paul said, “Oh, the teasing doesn’t upset me. Even what Tanya said to you, under different circumstances wouldn’t truly embarrass me so much. I’m concerned now that there’ll be an awkwardness that we can’t overcome.”

  I said, “I think that I have a way. I’m going to go to my apartment and sit in my window again. In a few minutes, take both Tanya and Yuki to the garden and I’ll have a word with you as you pass by.”

  Paul said, “As you wish. I will w
ait for a few minutes and then we’ll walk through the garden. What you do is up to you and I will follow your lead.”

  I smiled and rushed to the apartment and found Viola crying slightly and making our bed. I sat back down at the little table and undid my pants.

  I called out, “Viola, come here!”

  The lovely girl ran into the room and said, “Joshua, are you angry with me? I am sorry…”

  I interrupted her and said reassuringly, “Viola, we will be fine. It was a game. I love you and always will. But do me a small favor.”

  She said, “Of course, Master!”

  I said, “I have dropped something under the table and I can’t reach it. Would you get it for me?”

  Viola quickly got down onto her knees beside me and started to crawl under the table. When her head was under the table, but her rear end was still at the side of my chair, I reached down with my right hand and ran it all the way down her back and then between her cheeks. I pushed it firmly against her skin through her dress and pressed a finger into the slit and rubbed it up and down. I grabbed the hem of the dress and pulled it up over her back and started rubbing her pussy with three fingers.

  Viola gasped and stayed where she was, letting me feel her fleshy mound. She moaned and lowered her head and raised her bottom toward my hand.

  I said, “Viola, I love you. Be a dear though and find the thing under the table.”

  She crawled farther under and I continued to stroked her as long as my hand still reached her.

  She said, “Master, what I am looking for? I’m not seeing it.”

  I said, “Turn around. Maybe it rolled under my chair. It’s about as long as your hand and fingers, and round.”

  Viola said, “Um, Master, is it this?” and I felt her take my stiffened penis gently in her hand. She said timidly, “What do you want me to do with it?”

  I said, “I love you. You could kiss it if you want to.”

  She said, “Master, I do love you! Is that OK? Even after this morning? Joshua, I would love to, but do you forgive me?”

  I said, “I do forgive you. It was a game. And we didn’t know how to play it. Let’s play again. I love it when you kiss and suck on me. Viola, when you were under the table before, I was so aroused. It felt so wonderful. I would like you to do it again if you want to. If you want, then we can move to the sofa, but I did like the excitement of it being under the table, like you planned for me.”

  She said enthusiastically, “Yes, Master. I wanted to do it and pretend that we were being secret. I’ll do it again and this time it will be even more wonderful. Thank you for loving me and making it OK again.

  I said, “But this time, I won’t be in so much of a hurry. And when it’s time, I’m going to lay you down on the table and have my way with you.”

  She stroked me and said, “Oh yes, Master. I want you to,” and she began to suck on me and make love to me with her lips.

  A minute later I called out, “Paul, good morning! Come here and say hello.”

  Viola paused for a second and chuckled and said, “You teaser,” and she went back to work on me beneath the table.

  Paul and Yuki and Amanda approached the window, and Paul said, “Good morning, Joshua! How are you today?”

  I felt Viola freeze in mid-stroke. She stopped and stayed motionless. I put my left hand slowly under the table, placing it lightly on the back of her head and gently encouraged her to continue. She slowly began to move her lips up and down in my lap again and was soon back into a nice rhythm.

  I said, “And Tanya and Yuki. How are my father and mothers this morning?”

  Paul said, “We are all very well. And yourself and your lovely Viola?”

  I said, “I’m very happy this morning. Viola has been taking very good care of me and we are having a pleasant morning. Tanya, I have meant to tell you that you have looked especially lovely lately. Paul is a very lucky man to have such attractive and gracious women in his house. You are a terrible tease, of course, but I enjoy it. And you have taught my girls so much and I am grateful. Paul, you’re a lucky man.”

  Paul said, “Oh, I am in deed. Have you noticed? Yuki and Tanya look somewhat trimmer in the past few weeks. I like it. They’re both beautiful as always, but I think that we are healthier and I do like how they look. Their waists are a bit slimmer, but their fine breasts are as luscious as always.”

  I said, “I’ll take your word for it,” and I encouraged Viola with my hand to go a bit faster under the table.

  I continued, “You’re a lucky husband and I am a blessed son. As for how attractive my mothers are, I won’t say more.”

  Paul said, “Say what you like. Can a grown son say that his mothers are fine women or not?”

  I said, “Well, if you press me, I blush to say it, but yes, Tanya and Yuki are both very fine looking women and if I found a nice widow who looked as good, I would think hard about taking her as a bedmate myself. I think that a mature woman, such as these mothers of mine, may have very pretty tits under their dresses and a good handful of firm bottom in the rear. Not every women is as well-proportioned.”

  Tanya squealed suddenly and seemed startled as Paul said, “They do have very fine rears. I’m enjoying a nice one right now. Tanya, show Joshua your tits for a moment. He seems curious about them. Don’t worry, it is just a boy’s healthy curiosity. Oh, but never mind that. He sees you all the time when we bathe, so he knows well enough. I guess that if he says that you have pretty tits that he knows what he’s talking about.”

  Tanya look relieved, but was turning a slight red color as she blushed at being handled by Paul where I couldn’t see it.

  She got a funny look on her face and squirmed a bit and said, “Husband, please!”

  Paul smiled and said, “Please what? I can certainly tickle you like this, but if you’re begging me for more, I think that we’ll have to go somewhere that we won’t bother Joshua and Viola with our randy lovemaking. Oh, is Viola nearby? Can we see her for a moment?”

  I said, “Oh, I’m afraid not. She’s under the table, doing me a very private favor at the moment. I’m afraid that she won’t be able to talk right now.”

  As I said this, I pushed a bit more firmly on Viola’s head and she easily slid me more deeply into her throat.

  Paul smiled and said, “Oh, well, it was nothing. Viola, come to the shop today if you want to, when you are finished with your chores. Tanya and Yuki, perhaps there’s a very private favor that you should do for me as well. Why don’t we go to our apartment and see about it?”

  They turned to walk away and I heard Paul say, “No, Tanya, I think that I will leave my hand where it is. It’s warm and I like the feel of it. Yes, I know it’s awkward to walk this way, but you can do it if you try. We’ll go slowly. Oh, you don’t want to go slowly? Then run to the picnic table and we can look out at the river for a bit.” Then he called out louder, “Joshua, your pretty mothers and I will be using the cove and the picnic area for a private favor for a while. We’ll see you later.”

  I laughed and pushed my chair back from the table. Viola crawled forward, trying to keep her mouth on me as we moved. I looked down and pulled her head away and then encouraged her to her feet.

  I asked, “How many times did you climax?”

  She was breathless as she tried to answer, saying, “Perhaps nine or ten…I don’t know Master, perhaps more. It was almost continuous at times. Oh Master, let me finish you!”

  I took hold of her waist and turned her away from me. She braced her hands against the table and I eased her dress down her shoulders. I pulled her up and her arms hung at her sides as the dress fell to her ankles. Taking hold of her wrists, I placed her hands back on the table and pushed her legs apart with my foot. Viola responded by spreading her legs and lying her chest flat on the wood with her face turned to the side so that her cheek lie on the surface of the table as well. I smiled and pushed in between her thighs, sliding all the way in.

  Viola moaned and climaxed, ch
urning her hips and working my shaft within herself. I put my hands on her waist and began to fuck my pretty bride slowly and deeply. My movements were loving, but forceful as I pressed her against the table edge with every plunge of my member.

  Viola groaned, “Master?”

  I didn’t slow down as I said, “Yes my princess?”

  She said, “You aren’t angry with me?”

  I said, “No, princess. I’m not angry with you.”

  She said, “Master?”

  I said “Yes, Princess?”

  She said, “The game was better this time, wasn’t it?”

  I said, “It was wonderful this time.”

  She said, “Master?”

  I said, “Yes, Princess?”

  She said, “I love you. Will you fuck me hard? Please?”

  I said, “I will,” and I drove myself as deep into her as I could go.

  I pulled back until I was only an inch or two inside her lovely pussy. And then I began pounding her tail hard and fast. The table banged against the wall loudly, ‘bam bam bam’. Viola turned her head forward and opened her mouth wide in a silent scream as I grabbed her shoulders and rammed her with my pole.

  I yelled “Squeeze me!” and I felt her pussy tighten on my cock.

  I pumped her several my times and demanded, “Harder!”

  As she groaned and I felt her squeeze me hard, another orgasm wracked her body and I drove forward, starting my own massive climax. I continued my pounding against her bottom as my orgasm ran its course. When it was done, I pulled out briefly and flipped my now limp lover onto her back and reentered her before my stiffness subsided. I leaned my face down to her chest and sucked at her breasts as our aftershocks convulsed our bodies occasionally.

  After a few minutes, I stood up, my penis still within her vagina and my hands on her waist. Viola looked up at me and smiled.

  She said, “Master?”

  I said, “Yes, Princess?”

  She said, “That was nice. I love you. I wasn’t humiliated by our game.”

  I smiled and said, “You weren’t? That’s good. I didn’t want to humiliate you at all.”


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