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New Year's Quickie

Page 3

by Izzy Gomez

  After she finally settled, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and ran her toes up and down the backs of his legs. She caught a particularly sensitive spot on the back of his knee that he hadn’t known existed. That was all it took.

  One more thrust and he knew it was inevitable. A second and his body started to quake.

  The orgasm rolled up from somewhere down near his toes, surging through him in waves of sensation that were almost too sharp to be pleasure.

  He continued to rock against her until he could no longer move. His whole body went rigid and he exploded inside her. She was wrapped so tightly around him as he pulsed into her body, so completely joined with him. He’d never known he could be this close to a woman. Not just physically. She had already wrapped herself around his life as fully as she was wrapped around his body.

  After what had to be the longest orgasm of his life, Noah collapsed on top of Ellie. For long minutes he simply focused on the feel of her soft body, now sated and relaxed, beneath him. Absently she continued to stroke her feet along his legs and her hands over his back.

  Once he could move again, he rolled to the side, pulling her along with him and settling her in his arms. She immediately hooked her leg over his hip. He smiled. How quickly they had become familiar with each other.

  Noah pressed a kiss to her damp forehead, tasting the salty perspiration of their lovemaking. “That was...”

  “Yeah.” She placed an open-mouthed kiss on his chest, flicking her tongue over his nipple. Another pleasure he hadn’t experienced in years. He couldn’t remember Heather doing that to him even once.

  Ellie raised her head and looked up at him with drowsy eyes. “I know you want this to go on all night. And I’m definitely not opposed to that.” Her hand slid down his stomach, tracing the narrow line of hair that led to the patch between his legs.

  Already he felt himself stirring. The last time he’d been ready again this quickly had been high school. She really, truly was the most amazing woman he’d ever met.

  “But I think I might need a little nap first.” She bit her lip and frowned uncertainly. “Is that OK?”

  He smiled as he stroked her hair out of her face. He couldn’t stop touching her. It felt like he’d wanted this forever, and now that he had her he wanted it to last forever.

  “I think I can manage.”

  “Just a few minutes. I promise.” She sat up to pull the quilts over them.

  Noah watched the graceful way she moved, the same grace she had when she was onstage. She arranged her pillow, then settled back in against his chest, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

  “Just a quickie, I promise.”

  Noah couldn’t help laughing. “A quickie, huh?”

  Her foot knocked him in the shin.

  He slid down with her, wrapping himself around her from behind. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  She made a soft murmuring noise as she dozed off in his arms.

  Chapter Four

  Ellie woke to pressure between her legs. It only took her a few seconds to determine that the sensation was Noah’s hands.

  Memories came rushing back, a blur of images and words and sounds replaying the past few hours in her head. She opened her eyes and looked around. Noah was nowhere to be seen.

  What she did see was a large form underneath the quilts. A small roundish portion of the lump hovered directly above her crotch.

  Which was the same place a set of long, strong fingers were working complete and utter magic on her body. There was something incredibly sexy about feeling him but not being able to see.

  Ellie dropped back to the pillows, closed her eyes, and let herself drift away as he stroked her with first his fingers, then his tongue.

  Her orgasm was quick and sharp. For a long while afterward he lay with his head on her thigh, gently stroking the other leg. Finally, he slid back up to her, his head poking out from under the quilts.

  He smiled at her, his lips glistening. “Hi.”

  She rolled onto her side to face him. “Hi.”

  She could taste herself in his kiss. Could taste the tangy flavor of her arousal mixed with the warmth that was unique to Noah.

  She broke away from his lips and began to kiss and lick her way down his body. Wanting to give him the same pleasure, she slid beneath the blankets, moving down his chest, then between his legs.

  She wrapped her hands around him. Not surprising, his cock was solid, ready.

  She started with caresses, soft at first, then harder. When she first reached out and touched him with the tip of her tongue he jerked under her. She could hear his muffled groan through the layers of blankets.

  His hands slid down to tangle in her hair as she took him fully in her mouth. He was hard and smooth and salty. She inhaled deeply as she tasted him. She loved the raw scent of male arousal, so fresh, so earthy, so basic.

  Ellie continued to stroke and lick and suck and tease and kiss and pleasure him. It wasn’t long before he pulled his hands from her hair and grabbed fistfuls of the sheets. He thrust his hips up to meet her mouth. His grunts grew louder.

  The noise he made when he came was nearly a howl. A thrill shot through Ellie and she smiled, knowing she had reduced him to an animal.

  Sometime during the night she woke him. He was already hard, and she straddled his waist and rode him just as she’d promised. When it was done she again fell asleep curled in his arms.

  Knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep, Noah simply held her and enjoyed that for the first time in over four years he was curled up in bed with a naked woman. He’d been with a few women since his marriage fell apart, but no one he’d wanted to stay with, lingering after they were done. He was disgusted with himself each time, but he couldn’t bring himself to make the encounters more than one-night stands.

  Until he met Ellie. He could stay and linger with her forever.

  He buried his face in her hair, inhaled deeply. She smelled like sunshine, sang with a voice like slow, lazy lovemaking, looked like innocence and tasted like fire. And he couldn’t even try to find words to describe how she felt. How he felt with her.

  The closest thing he could come up with was home.

  Chapter Five

  It was barely dawn when Ellie opened her eyes. She rolled over to find Noah but he wasn’t there.

  The bed dipped on the other side of her. She turned to see him sitting on the side of the bed. Fully clothed. Tying the laces of his heavy boots.

  Well, didn’t she just feel like the idiot morning after girl.

  She was about to pull back, bury her head in a pillow and pretend she was still asleep, when he reached out and smoothed the hair off her face.

  His smile was tender. “Morning.”

  She started to sit up but the chill in the room had her sinking back into the warm bed and clutching the covers to her neck. What was he doing up and dressed when he should be in bed with her, keeping her warm?

  “Hi,” she croaked. Immediately her cheeks heated. At least one part of her was warm. She cleared her throat. “Hi,” she said more clearly.

  “I need to go do a few things.” His hand still stroked over her hair, which must have been a horrid mess given the gymnastics of only a few hours ago. She couldn’t seem to make herself care.

  “This early?” She glanced at one of the windows. It was still dark outside.

  “Occupational hazard. And I don’t want Kaye to know I was gone all night.”

  Ellie nodded, trying not to feel disappointed that he wanted to keep their–whatever it was, their thing quiet. She didn’t quite succeed.

  Noah turned her chin so she had to look up at him. “It’s not like that. I don’t care who knows we’re together. I don’t care if Kaye knows we’re together. I want people to know. But kids already grow up way too fast these days. She doesn’t need to know I’m sleeping in your bed every night.”

  Ellie’s heart skipped. Every night? “Every night?”

  One corner of his mou
th turned up in a smile. “Well, maybe not every night. But certainly as many as you’ll have me.”

  Braving the frigid air she pulled her arm out from the blankets and reached for his hand. She squeezed it. “I’ll have you as long as you’ll have me.”

  They remained like that for a moment, grinning at each other like fools. Finally he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her palm.

  “Go back to sleep. It’s only a little after five.” He put her arm back under the blankets and tucked them around her. “I should be done with chores and back in time for breakfast. Dad likes to make a big deal about New Year’s Day brunch. Start the year off right.”

  “No black eyed peas?”

  “That’s for dinner.”

  He brushed his lips over hers, sending tingles shooting through her body. “Also, I’d like it if you’d come hang out at Pete and Krissy’s with me today?”

  “Sure. And particular reason?”

  “CSU is in the Peach Bowl and Pete and I want to watch the game.”

  Ellie frowned at him. “What-huh is in the what now?”

  Noah grinned, the lines around his eyes deepening. He was breathtaking when he smiled like that. “Colorado State. My alma mater.”

  Ellie nodded, distracted by his smile.

  “Their football team is playing in one of the championship bowls. It’s a really big deal that they made it.”

  “Oh, like the Super Bowl.” That was about the extent of her football knowledge.

  “Kind of. But this is college, not professional.”

  “I’d love to go with you if you can overlook the fact that I know next to nothing about football.”

  “We’ll let it slide.”

  Again they lapsed into silence. This time they were only smiling like fools.

  Noah touched her cheek then stepped away. “I should go. Before I...don’t.” His gaze turned hot as it moved over her mummified body then returned to linger on her face. Instantly she was ready for him again. Apparently four orgasms wasn’t enough.

  She watched his broad frame as he walked across the room, pulled on his coat, settled his hat on his head. Not long ago, that body had been all hers. And would be again. And again.

  A blast of cold air blew in as Noah shut the door behind himself. Ellie pulled the covers over her head, curled into a ball, and fell asleep.

  Also by Izzy Gomez

  The Circle City Detectives Series



  Hunt—Coming December 2019

  Seek—Coming January 2020

  Holiday Short Stories

  Christmas Quickie

  New Year’s Quickie




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