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The Curse

Page 8

by Jaimi Wilson

  A tear falls down my cheek. I don’t even need to ask who he had spying on me, because there was only one person who ever got close enough to relay such information. Harry.

  "Stop the car." My voice sounds calm, but I am anything but in this instant.

  My father doesn't mess around, slamming on the brakes in the middle of the dirt road. He turns in his seat to look at me, sympathy in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Jasmine. I know you're probably thinking she wasn't your friend, but I guarantee Harriet and Ivy truly do love you."

  I rip my seat belt off and lunge at him, swinging my fist with the intention of punching him in his stupid face. When I miss after several attempts, my arms not long enough to make an impact with him dodging my punches, I resort to using magic and push him out of the car. Then I scramble over Benji's lap to get out onto the road.

  I face my father, the pathetic excuse for a human being that he is, and my fury rages inside me. I raise my hands in fists, determined to beat the crap out of him as he looks at me with a blank look on his face, devoid of any emotion. Lightning strikes a few feet from him and he jumps, a flash of fear in his eyes.

  "You messed with my life. You dropped me off with that vile woman and left me there to rot. Years later, you terrified me into thinking someone was out to get me. And then, you planted someone in my life to spy on me. Someone I love more than anything in this world. Do you have any idea how much this fucking hurts?!"

  Thunder rages around me and the flashes of far off lighting fill the sky as rain beats down on us. I sense Benji, Liam and Jenkins before I see them, but I ignore them, my attention solely on the person in front of me.

  "I should kill you." Then I cock my head, considering exactly that. I don't have to meet my mother. I don't have to go through with any of this. I could just kill him now and then go on living my life.

  "Jazzy bear, I know this hurts, but if you keep up with your power like this, lightning is going to strike you where you stand,” my father says, trying to calm me. “You need to control your magic and stop this nonsense. You wanted answers, but if you're just going to keep acting like a spoiled brat when I give them to you, then you'll have to wait until you see your mother."

  I breathe harshly, anger overwhelming me, but I can't seem to snuff it out. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to count to ten, to take in deep breaths, all the things I would do if I was having a rage-induced episode while I was younger, but it's no use.

  Warm hands come up and cradle my cheeks. I open my eyes to meet violet ones staring at me with sympathy. "Jasmine, I know you're in pain, but we're here with you. Don't deal with this alone. Trust us to help you," Liam says and I see Benji just a step behind him, smiling sadly at me.

  "Now, Benji," I hear whispered from behind me, right before hands grip my shoulders. Before I can react, Benji clasps his hand to Liam's shoulder and the world around me explodes in a white light.

  The jostling of the car wakes me and I groan, realizing my head was on someone's lap. "Ugh, what happened and why does my head hurt?" I ask when I sit up.

  I notice Liam’s now driving the car, with my father in the passenger seat. I frown, feeling like something significant happened, but I can’t quite remember what.

  Benji turns my head to meet his, analyzing my eyes for something and I realize my head was in his lap. Which means my feet had been in Jenkin’s.

  "What's the last thing you remember?" Benji asks me softly. I'm glad for his quiet tone, because my head feels like it's been split in half.

  I concentrate, trying to remember what happened. I think back to before I passed out and the last of my father's revelations hits me full force. Harry was a spy planted in my life. She didn't meet me by chance. No, my father made sure I would meet her and let her into my life. "I remember everything, up until I saw Liam's eyes. After that, it’s just white."

  Benji glances at Jenkins, who's on my other side. I turn to face him, and his expression is one of both nervousness and guilt. "What? What happened, Jenkins?"

  He fidgets with his hands as his brown eyes stare into mine. "Well, you were losing it and lightning was about to strike you, something I knew you wouldn't have survived without us. So... I bound Benji, Liam and I to your soul. The moment I did, the lightning hit."

  "Bound us, as in..."

  I look at Benji and then Liam, who's watching me carefully in the rear-view mirror as he drives. He gives one quick nod, acknowledging the conclusion I've come to.

  I lean back in the seat, my mind racing with so many different questions. How was he able to bind us? What does this mean for Josh? Will this have any effect on me and my ability to shift? What the fuck does all this mean?

  "Jazzy bear, there is something I haven't told you that might brighten your mood," my father says, turning around in his seat to look at me with eyes filled with mischief.

  "Yeah and what's that?" I ask weakly.

  "I killed Evan and disposed of his body before I came to get you. He will no longer be bothering you, that I can assure you. Unfortunately, your adoptive mother got away, but I will catch up to her soon, I promise you."

  I open and close my mouth, words failing me, then laughter bubbles out. "You killed Evan?"

  "Yep." He looks so proud of himself that I don't bother to reply. Instead I close my eyes, small chuckles escaping me as I imagine Evan's death. He really had no one but himself to blame for that, but I do wish my father had managed to catch up to bitch formally known as my mother. She's much more of a threat than Evan could ever be. She's a conniving snake and will do anything to get her hands on more power. Because of that, I suspect it's only a matter of time before she surfaces again.

  We drive for another ten minutes before I feel the gravel road under us start to smooth out. I open my eyes to see the trees thinning out and after a minute, we enter an open space that looks much the same as Benji’s pack lands, but astronomically bigger.

  How many people does Liam rule over? It looks like he has the space to house hundreds of people here without any fear of overcrowding. I assumed he had only around two hundred pack members, but there has to be almost twice that based on the number of cabins alone. Rows upon rows are placed next to each other, looking much more like a version of suburbia, not a hidden wolf pack in the middle of the Maine woods.

  Many people stop what they're doing when they see the car heading to the main house on the edge of the lake. People wave and Liam returns the greeting out the window. Even though I can't see his face, I can feel his joy at being back with his pack.

  We arrive at the massive pack house and I get my first up close look of the monstrosity before me. A three-story home sits overlooking a beautiful lake. It's the same color as the wood cabins, leading me to believe they used lumber from the trees here to build them, like they did in Benji’s pack.

  A bunch of pups are playing along the edge of the lake in their wolf forms. Their parents are sitting on plastic chairs, watching over them, although a few are splashing around with the pups. The sight brings a smile to my face.

  "Jasmine?" Liam calls and I jump, startled. I was so absorbed in watching the pack members at the lake, I didn't realize everyone had climbed out of the car. He smiles down at me and holds out a hand. "You ready to meet my pack?"

  I sigh nervously and return his smile, placing my hand in his. "Ready as I'll ever be."


  Liam holds my hand firmly as we walk up the front steps, as if he thinks I'm about to make a run for it and to be honest, the thought did cross my mind.

  Benji, Jenkins and my father are still at the car, getting our bags, but they said they’d meet us inside. I hold my breath as Liam opens the front door, excited to see what the inside of this massive house looks like.

  Based on his shocked expression, I don't think Liam was expecting to be greeted by a half naked woman, bent over the couch. Her ass wiggles as she pretends to clean, wearing but a flimsy lingerie maid outfit that leaves little to the imagination.

  Her chocolate hair
is tied up in a high ponytail, leaving her skin exposed from her neck all the way down to her waist. Her back is completely bare, except for the small knot holding the costume together.

  Liam is standing frozen and I turn to glare at him, wondering if he's going to deal with this floozy, but he looks at a complete loss for what to do. The girl either is completely shameless, or she hasn't realized yet that Liam brought someone inside with him.

  My father chooses that moment to step through the door, nudging his way past me to see what the hold up is. When he sees the girl and the provocative way she's positioned, he lets out a low whistle. Ew, that's just gross.

  At the sound, the girl stands up, flicking her hair and turning to face us. Her eyes widen slightly when she realizes that Liam is definitely not alone.

  "Who the hell are you?" she spits out, her glare directed at me. Then her gaze flicks to my father, followed by Benji and Jenkins as they too file in through the door, carrying our bags.

  At the sight of the woman before us, Benji drops the bags and turns to glare at Liam. "Seriously? You let her in here? Do you have a death wish?"

  Liam stammers out a response. "I, uh, I didn't. She's still banished. I don't know who the hell let her in here but it wasn't me. I swear, Benji, I have no fucking idea how she got in here without Mick seeing her."

  I tune out the sound of their argument, and focus instead on the smug smile on this woman's face. She is watching Benji and Liam argue with glee in her eyes and I don't like it one bit.

  I take a step into the room, smiling widely. "Oh wow, you must be the hooker Liam hired for us to have some fun with. Well, sorry to say but your services are no longer required. I kind of have a full plate as you can see, but if you leave your business card, I'll be sure to call you if we change our mind." I smile with fake sweetness, forcing myself to remain calm.

  "Hooker?!" She growls and takes a menacing step towards me. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Liam, Benji, tell this girl to piss off so we can have some fun together. Just like old times," she adds, her voice low and seductive, like she really expects them to kick me out in favor of her.

  "Alright, sweetheart, I'm getting angry now. And trust me, you do not want to see what happens when I get pissed off. As for who I am, well, I'm Benji and Liam's mate, so I'm going to give you exactly three seconds to get your skanky ass out of this house or I'm going to make you wish you’d never been born." My voice lowers with the threat of violence. It’s clear she gets the hint by way the woman quickly hurries to leave the house, but I see the longing glance she gives Benji and Liam and know it won't be the last time I see her trashy ass around my men.

  The moment the door slams behind her, I turn to Liam with naked hunger in my eyes. All I want right now is for him to fuck me, to claim me as his. I need him to drive the thoughts of him fucking her, or any other member of his pack, from my mind.

  "Take me to your room. Now," I growl out, my voice filled with desire.

  He nods enthusiastically, his eyes flaring brighter. Then he strides to me and picks me up by the ass so I can wrap my legs around his waist. I claim his lips with my own, groaning in eagerness at the feel of his hard cock straining through his jeans. I break the kiss as Liam takes us away from the others, calling over to Benji and Jenkins, "We'll be back soon."

  Benji’s lust-filled eyes follow us as Liam carries me away, kissing down my neck with the intensity a man dying of thirst getting his first taste of water. I wink at Benji and mouth the word 'soon.’ He grins broadly just before Liam carries me around a corner and up a set of stairs.

  I moan as Liam adjusts me so the hardness in his pants is rubbing right up against my pussy. "Liam, where the hell is your room?" I ask in irritation, needing to get my hands on his naked flesh.

  "Right here," he murmurs, removing one hand from my ass to open the door we've just arrived at. He carries me inside, using his free hand to swing the door closed. In two steps, he's lowering me down onto a mattress. He tries to take control of the kiss, but that's not what I want right now.

  I need the control. I use my magic to flip him onto his back beside me before straddling him with a cheeky grin. I lift my hand to waggle a finger in his face. "Uh, uh. Today, I'm in charge. You are going to do what I say, and if you don't, I will use my magic to hold you still while I finish myself."

  His eyes widen in shock but he nods slowly, swallowing audibly. I can tell this is a new experience for him. Giving up some of the control he maintains must be hard, especially for him as an Alpha, but I will reward him greatly for it.

  I lean forward, kissing him slowly, almost torturously and I can tell by his growl that he's already close to snapping. I pull back and slowly lift up my tee, before flinging it to the side, unsure where it lands. Next, I reach behind my back, unclipping my bra. I slowly lower the straps and watch the hunger in Liam's eyes build, but he doesn't touch me for fear of being restrained by my magic.

  My hands move to his, which are resting on my hips. I lift them slowly, letting him trail his fingers over my sensitive flesh before reaching my breasts. I guide his fingers, using them to tweak my hardened nipples in exactly the way I would if I were alone. When he seems to pick up on what I like, I let my own hands drop and he continues to play with my nipples. He pulls tight between his thumb and forefinger and I arch my back with a moan. Fuck!

  Like a mad woman, I descend on Liam, nipping his lip as I kiss him hungrily, completely forgetting about the control I wanted, just the need to be claimed by him riding me. He grins in triumph, sensing my desire, before flipping me onto my back and hurrying to rip my pants off.

  I watch as he hurries to strip off his jeans and boxers faster than a lightning strike. Then he climbs up my body and lines himself up at my entrance, but I put a hand on his chest to stop him. There is one thing I am not willing to let go of as far as my control of the situation goes, and that's the way I want him to fuck me.

  "Wait," I plead. He backs off enough to give me room to sit up and I move so I am on my hands and knees, with my ass facing him. I hear the rumble of a growl through the room, which just causes more moisture to pool between my legs. I look over my shoulder at him through my hair as it falls around my face. "I can't offer you a true mating as a wolf, but maybe this is enough?"

  My voice is filled with nerves and my heart hammers away in my chest. It's not like I haven't been fucked like this by them before, but acknowledging that if I could shift, I would be willing to be mounted and mated, I hope will be enough to satisfy his wolf.

  "Fuck, Jasmine. Are you sure? To be mounted like this while my wolf is riding the reins, it's going to be hard, fast and the bite is going to hurt. My canines will lengthen with him in charge. Are you really sure you want that?"

  I meet his gaze with one of determination. "Yes, I want to know what it will feel like to have your wolf take me. Obviously while in human form, but if this is as close as we ever get, I want it, Liam. Please." I look at him earnestly with tears glistening in my eyes. I want this more than words could ever say.

  He doesn't say anything for a moment, seeming deep in his thoughts. But then he smiles down at me with pure love in his eyes. "Okay Jasmine, but if we hurt you, use your magic to push us off you. I mean it!"

  He doesn't give me a chance to respond before he thrusts inside me. I cry out from the sudden intrusion, but don't get a chance to adjust because Liam is growling from behind me, driving into me in hurried movements. I groan, gripping onto the pillow in front of me. I pull it to my mouth so I can smother my scream as my orgasm crashes over me like a wave. It's like I'm drowning in pleasure, only coming back to the surface when I feel lips at my shoulder. Then a growling voice comes from Liam's throat. "Are you sure? We can't undo this once it’s been done."

  If I didn't know it was Liam behind me, I would freak the fuck out, because the voice sounds nothing like him right now. "Do it. Claim me as your mate for now and eternity."

  He doesn't hesitate, and the moment his teeth sink into me is
one I will remember for the rest of my life. Not because of the blinding pain, but because of what happens next.

  My magic rises inside me and my body starts shaking under Liam's. In seconds, his body is gone from mine and I realize I've collapsed back onto the bed, but I can't seem to stop shaking.

  "What the fuck did you do?" My father’s voice screams, as if from a tunnel but I can't seem to focus on anything but the agony I feel. Pain is building inside me and I have no way to stop it. What is happening to me?

  "Jasmine?" Liam asks worriedly, his face appearing above me. His brows furrow as he looks down at me with fear in his eyes.

  "Benjamin, get Jasmine dressed. Liam, throw something on then carry her downstairs. I’ll get Jenkins and then we need to leave. We can't delay this any longer," my father commands and although I can’t see him, I can just imagine the anger in his eyes as he glares at my mates.

  Benji puts a button up shirt on me and then pulls on a pair of tight shorts without underwear, all the while demanding answers from my father. "What's wrong with Jasmine and why is it so urgent we leave? Whatever this is could pass in a matter of moments."

  I want to kiss him for stating the obvious, but my body is frozen in this shaking state. I can't even seem to lift my hands from my sides. I feel like a helpless ragdoll while Benji ensures all my clothes are in place. Then Liam appears before me and scoops me up into his arms with a look of such regret. I wish I could reassure him I'm fine, despite the fact I'm really not.

  "What the hell do you think is wrong? Jasmine is the daughter of the earth. Liam just claimed her the way a wolf would in a binding ceremony. With any other witch, that would have been fine, but Jasmine is so much more than a witch. I want you two idiots to look at her right now as if you were seeing her for the first time. Forget that she's a witch and tell me what her symptoms would make you think if you come across her without any knowledge of what she is."


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