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Cornering Carmen

Page 19

by S. E. Smith

  “No, you get around to telling, ordering, demanding later,” she added, daring him to tell her differently.

  “Yes,” he added as his hands moved up to her fuller breasts. “But, you love it when I am like that. Now before you go, remember you have your comlink and that Cree or Calo are with you. Just in case….” He added before he crushed his lips to hers to still the protests he could see forming on her lips.


  She was so going to get Cree and Calo back at the first opportunity she got after she delivered. Cree was snickering and making fun of her walk as she moved down the corridor. He was so going to be toast. She might even have to think up some things to do before she had the babies. Maybe she should talk to Cara about how to modify their cleansing unit or something.

  Another thing she noticed was the bigger she got, the more protective and annoying Creon became. She could barely go pee without him wanting someone to be there with her. If she heard one more, in case of… she was going to scream. It had finally gotten to the point that she spent most of the day down in the repair bay with Cal and Melina. Since the Pactor had been sent to a new home on the D’stroyer with Ariel, Melina had been feeling depressed.

  “Cal?” Carmen called out as she entered the repair bay.

  “I’m in here, Carmen,” Cal said, walking out of his and Melina’s living quarters.

  “Are you alright? You look a little pale,” Carmen asked with concern.

  “I’m fine. The soup I had for lunch isn’t agreeing with me, is all,” Cal said with a gruff snort. “God only knows what was in it. I quit even trying to figure it out years ago. Figured if I knew what was in the food I’d probably starve to death. I worry about Melina, though. She is real picky about what she eats.”

  Carmen laughed. “She isn’t the only one. You should have seen the warriors trying to figure out what to feed my sister. She’s a vegetarian. They had never heard of such a thing before. The only thing they could think to feed her was fruit. She was so sick of it by the time we got to Valdier I wasn’t sure she would ever eat any of it ever again,” Carmen replied as she moved to the chairs they had set out.

  “Hi Carmen,” Melina said quietly after she made sure that no one had followed her into the repair bay. “How are you doing? Have you talked to the girls that took you back at the Spaceport?”

  “Yes, I stopped on my way down here,” she answered. “Evetta and Hanine are helping the engineers and programmers on board the Horizon with some things. Hanine shared how she was able to bypass the shields on the Spaceport and Evetta is working on identifying some of the programming the Marastin Dow use to overtake the freighters. Aaron is almost as good as new and he and Ben are training with some of the warriors. I think they are going to settle on Curizan when we get back. Ha’ven mentioned a village that would welcome them all.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Melina said pushing a strand of dark brown hair back behind her ear. “I was able to listen in to some of their conversations. Ben and Aaron were from Kansas. They worked on one of the big farms out there.”

  Melina turned to her Granddad who was sitting quietly. “Gramps, why don’t you go lay down for a while. I think you should get the doc to come look at you. You weren’t feeling good last night either,” she said with soft concern.

  “I don’t need no doctor but I think I will go lie down for a while,” Cal said getting slowly to his feet. “Carmen, you stay and take care of my granddaughter. She needs some girl time.”

  “I will, Cal,” Carmen said smiling up at Cal. “I hope you feel better.”

  “Thanks,” Cal said with a genuine smile. He turned to look at Melina. “I love you, girl. Don’t you ever forget that.”

  “I won’t, Gramps,” Melina said standing up to help her granddad.

  She took a step toward him as he suddenly stiffened and grabbed at his chest. She barely had time to grab him before he collapsed to the floor. Her cry of fear echoed loudly in the repair bay.

  “Gramps!” Melina cried out as she frantically rolled him over onto his back. “Carmen, he’s not breathing! Gramps!”

  Carmen yelled for Cree as loud as she could as she moved over to where Cal lay on the floor. She bent over him, listening for a heartbeat and feeling for a breath. She didn’t feel or hear either one. She moved over him and began doing CPR. Melina moved to his head and tilted it back, waiting for Carmen’s signal to breath for him. The doors to the repair bay opened and Cree rushed in. He saw Cal’s prone figure and immediately called for immediate medical assistance. He knelt down next to the elderly human male and quickly assessed his condition. There was no pulse and his skin was turning a light shade of blue. He glanced up at his grandson and froze.

  Dark curls tumbled over Melina’s shoulders and down her back. She was whispering frantically for her grandfather to be all right, begging him to please not leave her alone. She ran her small hands over his cheeks.

  “Please Gramps, don’t leave me,” she cried softly. “Please don’t leave me here alone. We’re going to be home soon. We’ll go back to the farm. I’ll do the cooking and cleaning and we can go visit mommy, daddy, and grandma’s graves on Sundays after church. It will be just like before. I bet that old hound dog is still coming around looking for scraps. Please, please, please don’t leave me.”

  Melina looked up into the stunned eyes of Cree. “Please help me,” she whispered. “Please make him better.”

  Cree stared into the stunning green eyes filled with desperate fear and pleading and knew he was totally lost. He would have moved all the stars in the galaxy to do what she begged, if he had the power to do so; but he knew there was nothing to be done for the old human. His essence had already left his body.

  “I… There is nothing that can be done to save him,” he said, gently reaching out to touch Melina’s cheek in comfort. “He is gone.”

  Melina scrambled back before he could touch her. Hatred, pain, grief and despair burned in her vivid green eyes. She jumped to her feet when he rose to stand over her grandfather’s body. Carmen sat on the floor next to Cal, holding his hand and bowing her head.

  “No! You don’t want to help him,” she cried out looking down at her grandfather as tears overflowed down her cheeks. “I’ve seen what your gold creatures can do. They could save him if you told it to.”

  Cree shook his head, taking a step toward her. “No Mel…,” he said in resignation. “Even our symbiots cannot heal what age has wrought.”

  Melina’s cry of pain filled the repair bay. When Cree took another step toward her, she turned and fled to the crates scrambling between the narrow slits where he could not touch her. The doors opened again to admit Tandor and several other medical staff. Creon followed closely behind them.

  “Carmen,” he called out desperately.

  Carmen looked up as he called her name. Silent tears fell gently down her cheeks. In the far recesses of the crates, Melina’s jagged sobs filled the air. She carefully laid Cal’s wrinkled hand on his chest.

  “Goodbye, my dear, dear friend,” she said quietly before letting Creon help her to stand. “It was a heart attack, I think.”

  She turned into Creon’s arms and sobbed as Tandor nodded his head briefly to confirm what she suspected. “He was killed instantly. There would have been nothing we could have done to save him. It just gave out,” he confirmed.

  Carmen buried her head in Creon’s shoulder and sobbed quietly as the medics placed Cal’s body onto the portable med bed. Tandor looked over to the crate’s where Melina’s sobs could be heard. He shook his head sadly.

  “I’ll see to the boy,” he said.

  “Woman,” Cree said quietly, his eyes glued to the crates before he turned to look at Creon and Tandor. “The boy is a woman. What is her name?” He asked, looking at Carmen now.

  Carmen raised her head and looked with tear-filled eyes toward the crates where Melina’s sobs were growing quieter. “Melina,” she replied softly. “I’ll stay with her. She shouldn’t be left a

  “Melina,” Cree repeated softly as the door opened and his brother walked in. He looked at him in silent determination. “Her name is Melina.”

  Calo’s stride slowed as what his brother was saying sank in. His eyes immediately went to the crates where only an occasional whimper could be heard. His face tightened in concern and resolve. He looked at his brother and nodded once. They were in agreement.


  It had been a little over a week since Cal had passed away. Melina refused to leave the repair bay. It had taken days to finally get her to come out from the crates where she had created a hidden den. She had quietly piled bedding and the few things that belonged to her grandfather into the narrow opening. She only came out when Carmen was alone. Several times Cree and Calo had tried to remain but she wouldn’t even respond to Carmen if she sensed they were anywhere nearby. Both of their symbiots had divided and slipped into the narrow crack between the crates. The men were frustrated because they couldn’t even move the crates apart for fear of crushing her under them if they did. Their only contact was with their symbiot that had become her constant companion. The men went several times a day to leave food and drinks for her, as well as, fresh linens and articles of clothing.

  Carmen was waiting for her to finish with her shower. She had sworn Carmen to not let anyone, especially those two warriors who wouldn’t leave her alone, into the repair bay. Carmen turned when the door opened and both men entered with a defiant and determined look on their faces.

  “No,” she said, shaking her head and crossing her arms. “Don’t make me have to kick your asses!”

  “Lady Carmen, please,” Calo said in a strained voice. “You do not understand. She is our mate.”

  “Don’t you think she has enough to deal with?” Carmen asked as she let her hands slip to her hips. “She just lost her last family member, she is about to return home after being gone for the past four years, and you think having not one but two mates is supposed to help her feel better?”

  Cree’s face tightened. “We have no choice,” he growled out. His fists clenched tightly at his side. “She has us now. We will care for her.”

  “No,” said a voice from the doorway. “I want you to leave me alone. I’m taking Gramps back so he can be with grandma and my folks,” Melina said in a defiant voice. “I’m going home.”

  “Melina,” Cree choked out harshly. “You are our mate. We have claimed you,” he said as his eyes moved to the twin bands of gold wrapped around her wrists and her neck.

  “Our dragons and our symbiots have claimed you, as well. You are our true mate,” Calo said, taking a step forward.

  Melina determinedly shook her head. “No,” she said softly looking at the men with sad eyes. “I’m going home and will forget this ever happened to me. I’ll live my life back home in Georgia. I can’t be your mate,” she said, bowing her head until her hair hid her face.

  “Melina,” Cree and Calo said at the same time.

  Melina just shook her head and darted to the crates again before they could stop her. Their loud roars of frustration echoed around the repair bay. When the sound died down, Carmen could hear Melina’s soft sniffles as she cried.

  “Give her time,” Carmen encouraged both men quietly. “She needs to bury her Grandfather. Give her that before you do anything. Give her time to say goodbye.”

  “What if….” Calo asked hoarsely looking at the crates.

  Carmen laid a hand on each man’s arm. She waited until they turned to look at her before she said anything. She needed them to understand what she was trying to tell them.

  “She needs closure,” she whispered sadly as tears burned in her own eyes. “We have to say goodbye and accept there is no going back, only forward. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience.”

  Both men stared down at her intently before their eyes moved back to the crates and the soft whimpers. Pain flashed through both men’s eyes before understanding and resignation followed. They both nodded their reluctant acceptance.

  “Just know this,” Cree spoke in a voice filled with resolve. “She will not be remaining on her world when we leave,” he said before he nodded to his brother.

  Carmen watched as both men turned and left. Her heart went out to Melina but she also understood the men had no choice. To leave her behind would be a death sentence to not only the men, their dragons, and their symbiots but to Melina who unbeknown to her, had already accepted the men’s claim if the way she gently rubbed the gold bracelets wrapped around her wrists were an indication of how she felt.

  Chapter 22“It was nice to see Trisha and Paul again,” Carmen said as she sat in the living room of Paul’s ranch house. “Even if it was only on a holovid screen.”

  “They have their hands full,” Creon replied. “At least two of the warriors remained behind only because Kelan knew we were coming,” he said, moving closer so he could brush a kiss across her lips. “It was very nice of Paul to have set up this house as a base for us,” he continued as he sat next to her, pulling her onto his lap.

  “We’ll still have to be careful,” she whispered. “If the government finds out about aliens landing in the middle of Wyoming I don’t think they are going to be very happy with you.”

  “We will be very careful,” he promised. “We cannot deny our warriors a chance at finding their true mates. This is a rare chance. They will be very careful not to ruin it for others.”

  Carmen laid back against his arm, pulling his other hand around to cover her belly. She was definitely showing now. There was no denying or hiding that she was pregnant. She played with his fingers as she thought about what still needed to be done.

  “Who remained on the planet?” She asked huskily as she ran her fingers lightly over his hand which was making very arousing circles on her belly.

  “Jaguin and Gunner are still here,” he replied distractedly. “They are some of the best trackers on Valdier and know how to disappear when they need to.”

  “Trisha said that there were several other women on board that were not being very cooperative,” she said as she gripped his hand and moved it higher so it was closer to her breast.

  “Kor and Palto are returning to Valdier with their mates. Two men who were with Trisha also found mates, as well as, several other warriors. Kelan gave each warrior time to search before he was forced to return. Jaguin has yet to find his mate but Gunner has found his,” he murmured before he pushed her back into the cushions of the couch. “I would rather talk about my mate. Do you have any idea how long it has been since we have made love?”

  Carmen giggled and acted like she had to think hard for a minute. “Let me see, oh yeah!” She said, snapping her fingers. “I think it was this morning,” she laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Carmen reached up to press a kiss against his lips when her cell phone buzzed out with the ringtone she had set for her contact. She jerked back and stared at Creon silently for another ring before she pushed against his shoulder forcing him back as she scrambled to reach for the cell phone on the end table.

  “Speak,” she said tersely.

  “He’ll be at this location in two days,” the voice said on the other end. “Watch your back. I’ve uploaded additional information about the compound. This is the last time I can help you,” the voice growled out on the other end. “I think he is on to me,” the voice said before the line went silent.

  Carmen turned to look at Creon with cool, clear eyes. “We have him,” she said stonily.

  Creon nodded grimly. “You will do exactly what I say, Carmen, or I will tie your ass up until I get back,” he replied sternly.

  Carmen’s eyes softened and she let them drop to her swollen midsection. “I won’t let him take this away from me again,” she said quietly. “When this is over….”

  “When this is over,” he said gently, brushing his knuckles down her cheek before continuing. “Then this world will be a little safer for others such as yourself.”r />
  “Love me,” she whispered.

  “Always,” he replied as he pushed her back down into the cushions once again.


  Gunner and Jaguin looked on in silence as the symbiot transport glided over the terrain. They had returned late last night to Paul’s ranch. Both wore grim expressions when they were asked about their mates.

  “Mine is safely aboard the Horizon,” Gunner stated. “I hope,” he added in a low voice.

  While Jaguin added under his breath in a muttered, “I have not been successful in finding a mate.”

  Creon had recruited them to help with protecting Carmen on the mission to find and eliminate Javier Cuello. Cree and Calo had not returned with Melina yet. They had traveled with her to bury her grandfather in the family plot back on the small farm that they had owned outside of Clayton, Georgia.

  “Carmen is your first priority,” Creon was telling both men. They were traveling in Harvey who had formed into a sleek jet. Jaguin's symbiot and a smaller section of Gunner’s symbiot would travel along with them. Half of Gunner’s symbiot had remained on board the Horizon to ‘protect’ his new mate. Carmen suspected it was more to keep an eye on her since he seemed just a little stressed at the moment.

  Creon grinned at Carmen briefly over his shoulder. “You caused the same headache for me, in case you don’t remember,” he reminded her quietly.

  “Who? Me?” She teased back with a nervous smile.

  He raised one of her hands to his mouth. “Yes, and I would do it all over again to have you by my side,” he added softly.

  Carmen’s eyes shimmered for a moment before she blinked rapidly. “You’ve turned me into a wimp! I never used to cry,” she muttered, pulling her hand free and rubbing her eyes.

  “It is the hormones according to Dola,” he teased. “You will be back to kicking everyone’s ass including mine after the girls are born.”

  “You can bet your ass on that,” she grunted out.

  “How much further?” Gunner asked looking at the holovid image of the compound that Javier was hiding at.


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