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Legally Hot

Page 16

by Leigh, Lora

  To Keri’s relief, her mother and father hadn’t appeared to be in any danger. Adam had made sure their house was under surveillance for the week after the attack in order to spot potential threats.

  She’d had her cousin Tessa check in on her parents, telling Tessa she’d had to go out of town unexpectedly. She’d had to reassure her cousin that everything was fine.

  Tomorrow she would visit her parents. The thought made her smile. She had missed seeing them.

  The back door of the house rattled.

  Keri’s heart started pounding.

  Her gaze went to the knife drawer and she pushed back her chair.

  Just as she rushed to her feet, Fred bounded into the kitchen.

  She had forgotten. Adam had taken Fred to the vet and she had told him to use the back door. Even after a week she was still so jumpy that she wasn’t thinking straight.

  “Thank God it’s you, Fred.” Keri plopped down, then sagged against the back of the chair in relief. She laughed when Fred jumped up, put his paws on her leg, and gave her cheek a sloppy kiss. She hugged him to her, giving him a big squeeze. Her arm twinged a little when she did it, but the pain wasn’t too bad.

  She raised her head and gave Fred a kiss on his muzzle. “What did the vet say about your leg?” she asked him, as if he could sit down and have a conversation with her.

  The golden retriever sat back on his haunches and gave a “woof” along with a toss of his head and a doggy smile. It was as if he was saying he was perfectly fine and to stop worrying about him.

  “Vet says Fred is healing amazingly well.” Adam came up to the doorway and hitched his shoulder against the doorframe. “How are you doing, Angel?”

  Warmth flowed through Keri. She loved the way he called her “angel.” When she had been referred to as the “Angel of New York” she had found the society-appointed title a little embarrassing. But coming from Adam it felt entirely different.

  “Feeling great,” she said with a smile. “My arm’s just a little sore, that’s all. How was work?”

  She wanted to ask about Edward, but let that question hang in the air unspoken.

  Adam shifted against the doorframe. “It looks like Carter is definitely in the process of moving to Florida. Surveillance reported that he’s having his belongings packed up in both his Manhattan apartment and the house he has in Jersey.”

  “Do you think he’s really going to go and leave us alone?” Keri asked as she looked up at Adam. “Did he really give up that easy?”

  Adam pulled out a chair at the table near her and sat. “There’s a lot I can’t tell you about what we’ve been doing, but all intel says he’s on his way out. Other than that, all we can do is be careful.”

  Keri nodded, not quite knowing what to say.

  Adam dragged his hand down his stubbled cheeks. “Just in case he is still a threat, I don’t like the idea of you putting yourself out in the open.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” Keri raised her hands as she spoke. “I can’t hide forever.” It was a conversation they’d had before, but one that apparently bore repeating.

  With a sigh he said, “I’m just concerned for your safety.”

  “I know.” She offered him a smile. “And thank you for that. But I’ll be okay.”

  He raised a pink duffel bag that she recognized as hers. “Stopped by your place and grabbed a little more of everything, like you wanted. Hope I got enough of what you need.”

  “Thanks.” Keri took the duffel bag from him, unzipped it, and dug through the clothing to see if he had remembered to bring a set of pajamas for her. A little heat burned in her cheeks when she saw her zebra-striped, leopard-spotted, and red with black lace panties along with matching camisoles in with everything else.

  “Well, I can see you don’t like pastels,” she said when she looked up at him. “A panty man?”

  Adam winked and smiled, and she wanted to melt into a pool of sweet chocolate at the sight of his adorable dimple and the whole package that made up the incredibly sexy Detective Adam Boyd.

  “Hold on a sec.” He scooted his chair back then and disappeared through the doorway. He reappeared again holding one of her little black dresses. “Feel like going out tonight? I promise not to spill any water on you. Maybe a drink, but no water.”

  She laughed. “You would pick out the shortest LBD that I have,” she said. “Yes, I’d love to go out with you.”

  “I’m guessing LBD is short for little black dress.” With a grin, Adam added, “Thought you might like the one with loose sleeves to cover up the bandage on your arm.”

  “Smart man,” she said. “I’ll need help with the zipper.”

  “Planned on that.” Adam took her pink duffel off of her lap and started up the stairs. “I’ll put these in your bedroom.”

  Keri trailed him and Fred tagged along. When they reached the master bedroom, Adam placed her things on the bed and Fred curled up at the foot of the bed.

  Adam faced her and settled his hands on her shoulders. He lightly squeezed before placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “You smell so good.” Adam’s voice was husky when he drew away.

  Keri’s pulse quickened and butterflies floated low in her belly.

  Adam squeezed her shoulders again. “We’ll leave in an hour. Sound good to you?”

  Putting aside the crazy feelings wreaking havoc on her, Keri nodded. “Sounds beyond great to me.”

  Keri spent a good forty-five minutes getting ready to go out on the town with Adam. When she moved it, the ache in her arm made her slower than normal. It was healing well, but the wound would leave a nasty scar.

  She left her hair down, loose around her shoulders, rather than make the effort it would have taken to put it up. When the only thing left to do was zip up the dress, she called to Adam.

  “You are so gorgeous,” he said as he looked at her. “Now turn around so I can take care of that zipper.”

  Keri moved so that she was in front of Adam. His fingers brushed over her skin as he zipped up her dress. A shiver trailed Keri’s spine.

  “Cold?” he asked as he leaned close and lightly rubbed her shoulders with his hands, careful to avoid the wound.

  She shook her head and turned to face him. “No, but I hope you brought something to put over my dress or I’m likely to freeze once we’re out of the house.”

  “I’ll get it.” Adam smiled and backed out of the room. “I left it out in the car.”

  The feeling of pleasure was something that warmed her inside and out whenever she was with Adam. She barely knew him, but she could feel herself falling for him, fast.

  She waited for him at the front door and watched as he started the SUV. White puffs rose from the exhaust in the cool night air. Goose bumps prickled her skin from the chill as she waited for him.

  The ride to the Manhattan restaurant was fun and Adam had her grinning and laughing from stories he told her about his brother and sister, when they were kids.

  Because Adam seemed interested, Keri shared a few of her funnier ballet experiences as well as telling him a little about her career.

  Despite the differences in their upbringings, she and Adam had no problem finding things to talk about.

  Her parents had never taken her camping or anything else outdoorsy when she was growing up, something she wished they would have. Adam’s family went to the Adirondacks and the Catskills a few times a year and they had traveled cross-country in the family van every summer.

  Keri had grown up a part of New York’s high society, and Adam talked about his blue-collar roots.

  Ever since her forced retirement, she had settled into a lifestyle she felt comfortable in, away from the glitz and glamour and wealth she had grown up with. It had been an easy change for her, and she had found that she loved it.

  When they reached the city, Adam chose a great seafood restaurant that they both enjoyed. Keri felt so comfortable with him that it wa
s easy to let herself just go.

  When she had dated Edward, the relationship had been superficial. What she had thought was genuine had turned out to be a farce. Nothing but a lie.

  After dinner, Keri and Adam decided to go to one of the more low-key jazz clubs in Manhattan.

  The saxophone was wailing a tune she didn’t recognize when they entered the club. Adam took her hand and together they walked through the dim interior, past the bar and round tables with little candles glowing on each one.

  It was still early enough that the club was probably not as crowded as it would be later on in the evening. Probably why they were able to find an unoccupied table off to the side, a little more secluded than other areas of the club.

  After Adam seated her, he pulled his chair close to hers, their knees touching. Thrills went through Keri’s abdomen. The nearness of him, the scent of him, made Keri heady in a way she had never experienced before. He didn’t wear cologne and she loved his natural masculine scent. She met his eyes, falling into the warmth of his gaze.

  She didn’t hear the server at first when he came to the table and asked what they’d like to drink. Keri chose a chardonnay while Adam ordered beer.

  A clarinet solo highlighted the next song and she raised her voice to talk over it when Adam asked her who her favorite jazz singer was.

  When their drinks came, Adam left the tab open and Keri sipped her chardonnay. When she set her glass on the table, Adam rested his hand over hers. She smiled and he moved close enough to brush her mouth with his.

  Tingles flushed over her body, starting from the touch of his lips and traveling to her toes. A soft sound escaped her, a sigh of pleasure.

  He raised his head and looked at her. From just that little contact she felt almost dizzy, intoxicated. As if she had had more than a sip of her wine.

  Adam brought his fingers to the side of her face and rubbed his thumb along her jaw.

  Keri swallowed and he traced the line of her neck with his fingers all the way down to the hollow at the base of her throat. She let her eyelids close as she listened to the soft tune the jazz band was playing and enjoyed the drift of Adam’s fingers over her skin. His hands were callused, but his touch so soft.

  She found herself getting lost in the music, lost in his caress. He brought his lips close to her ear. His breath was warm as he murmured, “You’re so beautiful, Keri. And I love what I see inside even more.”

  Her throat was dry as she opened her eyes and looked at him. “I like what I see in you, too.”

  “You’re an angel,” he said softly. “My angel.”

  “Yes.” The word came out without her even realizing she would say it. That she would agree so easily with his claim.

  She was his.

  Hair at her nape started to prickle as if she was being stared at. She turned her head.

  And saw Edward across the room. Staring at her and Adam.

  Keri didn’t know if she could breathe. “Oh, my God.”

  * * *

  Adam turned and looked in the same direction. He stiffened, his body going rigid the moment his eyes landed on Carter. The man stood with his back against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, his face drawn into a smirk.

  Anger pumped through Adam’s body, fierce, hot, and he shoved back his chair and stood. Somehow the bastard had followed them.

  It was as if his body was powered by a force other than his own. Adam’s legs and arms moved, carrying him across the room, straight for Carter.

  Carter gave a broad smile and nodded at Keri, then held out his arms as he stepped away from the wall.

  Adam fisted and unfisted his hands as he stopped in front of Carter. His jaw hurt from clenching it so tightly and he felt a muscle tic on his face. He was probably telegraphing loud and clear his desire to kill Carter.

  “What’s up, Detective?” Carter said. “As I suspected, you’re fucking Keri, aren’t you.”

  “Sonofabitch.” Adam drew back his arm and punched Carter in the face.

  The man stumbled back, his head striking the wall. The fury in Adam only increased. Before Carter could recover, he rammed his fist into the bastard’s gut.

  “Don’t you ever follow Keri again,” Adam growled.

  He went after Carter again, but his arms were grabbed and he was held back. He fought against whoever was holding him, but it had to have been two or three men who had him.

  “He’s crazy.” Carter wiped blood from his mouth and nose as he looked at the people now gathered around them. “Minding my own business and this lunatic cop punches me.”

  “I’m a police officer.” Adam shook off the men holding him and drew out his shield and showed it to those gathered around. They backed away. “I’d better never see you around Keri or me again, Carter.”

  “Did everyone hear this cop threaten me?” Carter said as he looked around. “I’m in a public place and I have a right to be here.”

  “You don’t have the right to stalk Keri.” Adam said, then ground his teeth.

  Carter wiped his nose with more napkins that were handed to him. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Detective. All I know is that I was minding my own business when you came out of nowhere and assaulted me.”

  Adam was about to go after Carter again when someone said, “I got it all on video on my phone.”

  “I got pictures,” someone else said.

  “Police brutality,” shouted another.

  “Guy wasn’t doing anything,” came another voice.


  “Stay away from Keri,” Adam said in a growl and turned away.

  He bumped into Keri who’d apparently come up behind him while he was dealing with Carter.

  “Come on.” She took his hand and led him through the nightclub. “Let’s go home.”

  Adam realized he was shaking from the amount of adrenaline pumping through him and his knuckles ached. He squeezed Keri’s fingers, silently thanking her for coming after him and pulling him away from what might have turned out badly for him.

  It was going to turn out a lot worse for Carter if he ever touched Keri.


  “That wasn’t necessary.” Keri waited until they got into the SUV to say anything to Adam about what had just happened. “I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

  Adam dragged his hand down his face. “I don’t know how the hell he found us.”

  “I was wondering the same thing.” The thought of Edward tracking them down like he had made her stomach sick. “I’m in a different house now and we’ve been so careful.”

  “Not careful enough.” Adam banged his palm on the steering wheel. “Damn.” His face tightened. “Carter must have found out where I live and then followed me to your place.”

  Keri tugged down her short dress, a nervous gesture because she really didn’t know what to do with her hands.

  “We need to take you to a hotel.” Adam looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry about this.”

  “A hotel is fine.” Keri gave him a little smile. “For a couple of nights anyway.”

  With clear frustration, Adam rubbed his face again with his palm. “Carter is supposed to be heading out of town for good. Possibly even this week was what we heard.”

  “Maybe he just wanted to harass us,” Keri said.


  After making arrangements for Fred, Adam picked a nice hotel and she waited in the lobby while he checked them in. Her room was on the twenty-second floor and the room had a great view of Times Square.

  Keri stood at the window, staring at the lights, the glitter, the people. Had it really been seven years since she was forced to retire from her life of performance after performance? Seven years since she left behind that craziness that she had loved.

  Still looking away from Adam, out the window, Keri said, “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  She felt Adam’s presence, then his warm hands on her sh
oulders. He began to massage her and she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

  His touch was strong, familiar, as if he had done this to her a thousand times before.

  “Mmmmm…” Keri sighed. “Wonderful.”

  Adam gripped her upper arms and turned her around to face him. His features were shadowed from the dimness of the room, but he looked so intense.

  He searched her face with his gaze. “You’re beautiful in so many ways,” he said quietly. “More ways than I can count.”

  A feeling like a wave surging inside her belly made her catch her breath as she stared up at him. His eyes, so dark. His lips, so close.

  Adam brought his mouth down on hers. A hard kiss that she met with equal intensity. She wrapped her arms around his neck and bit his lower lip, causing him to groan.

  “This should answer your question,” he said with another kiss. Then murmured, “Yes, I’ll stay with you.”

  She said nothing back, just kissed him deeper. She had known him just a week, but it felt like she had known him for so much longer than that. Known him and loved him.

  Loved him.

  He moved his hands from her shoulders, lightly down the sides of her waist, and rested them on her hips. He drew her to him so tightly that she felt his arousal against her belly.

  More waves crashed in her abdomen. Need. Desire. A reckless feeling of giving in to everything she wanted from Adam.

  He cupped her ass with his palms and moved his mouth from hers. With another groan, he trailed kisses to her ear where he lightly bit her earlobe.

  Keri gasped and tilted her head back. Adam kissed her along her jaw and his lips traveled down to the hollow of her throat. She felt herself start to dissolve into his arms. Fall into everything that was Adam Boyd.

  “Am I moving too fast for you?” he murmured in her ear. “Tell me if I am.”

  Keri decided the best response was to show him how fast she thought he should be moving. She reached down and clasped his hands and moved them up so that they were resting on her breasts.

  Adam made a sound of approval and palmed her breasts. When he pinched and pulled her nipples, Keri gave a loud gasp and a cry. She arched her back. All he had to do was touch her and she was going to go crazy.


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