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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

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by Pepper North

  When she looked confused and shook her head “no,” Benton continued. Age play is when adults choose to live their lives as a teenager, a child or an infant under the care of a person they have selected to take the role of Mommy or Daddy.”

  Charlotte looked confused and then asked, “So it’s like pretending on Halloween that you’re someone else?”

  “No, Charlotte. Our community members have been lucky enough to find their match and have either become the Mommy or Daddy or have become an adult child who is taken care of completely. Participants in age play live this lifestyle full time. Age play is not to be confused with sexual abuse of an underage minor. Age play is a long-lasting relationship between two consenting adults who love each other and who wish to care for a “Little” or being totally cared for every day.” He paused and watched Charlotte closely. Her emotions flashed across her expressive face. Now, he struggled to read her. “Was she repulsed or turned on?” he debated. “Please look at me, Charlotte.”

  When she raised her lovely deep brown eyes to his, he saw the blaze of lust shining plainly on her face, he felt the flare of desire burn hotter inside his body also. Charlotte froze as their eyes met and she saw the attraction in his eyes. She quickly rushed to cover herself, “You’re concerned that I would not treat the customers respectfully?”

  “I’m asking if you can accept people that have divergent relationships and loves. Will you be uncomfortable or can you accept people that act differently than you have chosen to live with grace and open mindedness?” Benton asked trying not to reveal how important her answer was to not only her receiving the job or to him personally.

  Charlotte sat the brownie back down on the plate and answered without any artifice, “All my life, I have been treated differently because I did not have the same type of family that other students had. I can’t imagine how meeting someone special and creating a family together that is happy and supportive could ever be wrong. It definitely is not my position to judge. I always try to treat everyone cheerfully and try to help them have a better day. That’s how I’d like everyone to treat me. I may not understand their decisions but they definitely have the right to choose whatever makes them happy.”

  “In that case, I would like to offer you a job as a full-time cashier. Could you start tomorrow?” Benton asked with a smile as he walked around his desk and extended his hand to shake hers. He smiled to see her redden slightly when their hands touched. She quickly nodded her head that she would be able to start the next day. She was very sensitive to him.

  Chapter Six

  “Welcome to the Gordon’s family. Now, let’s talk. Gordon’s always takes care of our employees. This store is deliberately located outside of the main shopping areas in our city. Do you have an apartment nearby?” He asked suspecting that her residence might not be the most desired atmosphere.

  “Um, I’ve been staying with a friend. I’ll start looking for an apartment near Gordon’s soon,” Charlotte tried to close this line of questioning. She hoped that if she told Suzanne, her former classmate, that she was moving soon. Suzanne would allow her to stay there a few more weeks until she had saved enough to rent an appointment. Charlotte crossed her fingers behind her back.

  “If you don’t mind a small space, there is a bedroom, bathroom and small kitchenette above this office. No one is living there currently. It would be very lonely around here in the evening but you would be very safe as there is a locked gate and security patrols on a regular schedule,” Benton mentioned casually. He wouldn’t tell her that the apartment existed for the nights that he worked late and simply stayed at the store instead of driving home.

  “Really, wow! I wouldn’t impose for too long but that would be awesome. How much is rent?” she asked cautiously.

  “It’s just an unused space, Charlotte. If you can use it, it’s yours for as long as you would like without charge. As I said, Gordon’s is a family. We take care of our own.” Benton ran his hand through his black hair streaked with grey. He had started growing a beard to try something different. It was coming in almost totally grey. He wasn’t sure if he liked it.

  “All right. Come with me and I’ll show you the apartment,” Benton suggested.

  “Would it be okay if I hurried to catch the bus back to my friend’s this afternoon so that I could get my belongings? Then, I can come back before you close to get back in the gate. That way I could start as early as you would like tomorrow morning,” Charlotte said haltingly.

  Just then, Beverly walked back into the office carrying a Gordon’s bag full of clothes and tennis shoes while carrying a separate pair of navy flats for Charlotte. “You should be all set to start tomorrow, Charlotte. I need to run to pick up some office supplies. I would be glad to take you over to your friend’s house and back here if you wouldn’t mind a quick stop to buy the supplies,” Beverly smiled. “Where does your friend live?”

  When Charlotte replied with the suburb where Suzanne lived, Beverly thought quickly before remembering an office supply store located close to that area of town. “Perfect. Amazingly, that’s where I was headed. It’s a little further from Gordon’s but they always are so pleasant. The extra drive is worthwhile. Boss, could you take these clothes up and put them in the apartment?” When Benton nodded, Beverly handed her the new dress shoes. Put these on and we’ll get going.” Before Charlotte could protest, Beverly had her new shoes on and she was escorting the thin, young lady out the door and toward her car.

  Benton shook his head and thought, “Thank you, Beverly.” His administrative assistant was very good at directing young ladies around. She’d had a lot of practice with her own daughters.

  Chapter Seven

  Beverly ushered Charlotte into her large, white SUV. Giving the direction to buckle her seatbelt, Beverly checked the rearview mirror and backed out of her reserved parking spot by the employees’ entrance. She heard the buckle click into place and smiled. Benton’s newest employee responded very well to following directions. She chatted calmly about the weather and the upcoming storm predicted for the weekend. Within a few minutes, she pulled up in front of the home where Charlotte had been staying. There at the curb was a battered suitcase.

  Charlotte’s heart dropped into her stomach. Suzanne had kicked her out. She was glad to see her suitcase. It had her limited collection of clothes and a very special resident inside. Nodding at Beverly, Charlotte let herself out of the SUV and walked with her head drooping to the front door. Ringing the bell, she waited to see if Suzanne would come to the door.

  “What do you want, Charlotte?” came the voice through the video doorbell. “I’m sorry, I can’t let you stay here anymore.”

  “Thank you for letting me stay so long,” Charlotte said softly. “Could I get my sleeping bag?”

  “Consider that your rent for staying here,” came the snippy response.

  “I really need that sleeping bag, Suzanne. Please, could you bring it to the door?” Charlotte asked desperately. “I won’t bother you again.”

  “Goodbye, Charlotte,” came the only response and the intercom clicked off.

  “Goodbye, Suzanne.” Charlotte walked back to her suitcase at the curb only to find that Beverly had already loaded it into the SUV and was waiting at the passenger door with it open for the devastated girl. Charlotte allowed herself to be bundled into the vehicle.

  Beverly walked around the SUV and climbed inside. She put the car in gear and drove away smoothly. Silence stretched between the two women. Both replayed the scene at the door. After a few minutes, Beverly broke the silence. “Well, I really hope karma exists and was watching that horrible woman from the inside of her house. She should be ashamed.”

  “Oh, no!” Charlotte rushed to defend Suzanne. “I stayed too long. I knew she was getting tired of having me there. I should have gone earlier. Suzanne was great for letting me stay for a few days.” Charlotte shook her head slowly and thought to herself, “I really should have learned a long time ago not to rely on anyone
. The sleeping bag would have been nice to have if I am forced to sleep outside again. At least, Hoot is safe.”

  “You are a very nice, young lady, Charlotte. I don’t know that I would be so gracious. But, you’ve got a new job now and a place to stay as long as you need it. Let’s get all my supplies that I need and we’ll get back to Gordon’s before they fall apart without us being there,” Beverly smiled at her.

  Chapter Eight

  After they gathered the supplies, Charlotte helped Beverly load them in the car. The two set out back to return to the store. Charlotte insisted on helping unload the supplies and place them in the storage room. On their final trip to the SUV, Charlotte opened the back to pull out her suitcase. The cargo area was empty. She looked around frantically before running into the building.

  “Beverly, did you bring in my suitcase? It’s not in the car,” Charlotte asked urgently trying not to panic.

  “No, I didn’t bring it in. Let’s go check in the apartment upstairs. Maybe, someone already carried it in for you,” Beverly answered calmly. She’d seen the look on Charlotte’s face on her daughters’ many before. The young lady was really upset and trying to not show it. “There’s a separate entrance from outside. Let’s go that way so you’ll know how to get in and out.” Beverly lead Charlotte outside and up a staircase on the back of the store. The door was unlocked as Beverly twisted the knob.

  “Hello, ladies. Did you get all the supplies we needed?” Benton Gordon asked with a smile. “I brought your suitcase up, Charlotte. It’s in the bedroom through that door.”

  “Thank you,” Charlotte said with relief written all over her face. She rushed into the bedroom to find her suitcase laying on a rack ready to be opened. She opened the bag just enough to slide her hand in and feel around. “There! Hoot is still there,” Charlotte thought with a happy smile spreading across her face. She returned to the main area of the apartment and looked around astonished.

  Benton and Beverly were standing next to each other talking seriously. Benton looked up as Charlotte walked back into the room. “Are you ready for the grand tour?” he asked the slender figure.

  “This is really too nice,” Charlotte answered. “Are you sure you want me to stay here? I could just sleep in the storage room downstairs. Or in the warehouse. I don’t need all this space.”

  “Of course, you’ll stay here for as long as you want. This is your apartment. Now, over here is the kitchen. We’ll get some food loaded in here for you. Just tell Beverly if you are allergic to anything. There are glasses, plates and pretty much anything that you need in the cabinets. Through this door is the bathroom. You’ll want to go in and out through the back door that you came in. There’s another door over here that leads down to the inside of the store. Just avoid using that door. This other door is the laundry room. Your new uniforms are washing right now. When the buzzer goes off, put them in the dryer and they’ll be ready for you to wear to work tomorrow. I’d like you to start training tomorrow at 9 am. Is that okay?” Benton asked the astonished young lady.

  “I could start tomorrow earlier if you would like. Thank you for letting me stay here. I’ll work very hard and save my money so that I can move out soon. I don’t want to impose.” Charlotte looked down at her new blue pumps. “You both are being so nice to me. Please let me know what I can do to repay your kindness. If you need me to work extra hours, come in late or start earlier, I’ll be glad to work.”

  “Charlotte, look at me,” Benton Gordon said firmly. “I am very glad that you came to interview for the job. I would only ask that you are reliable and friendly with all my customers. They are a special group of people and I like to think of them as family. Take good care of them, okay?”

  “Yes, sir. I promise,” Charlotte said earnestly.

  “Beverly and I are going to leave you to explore your new apartment. I have left both of our phone numbers on the refrigerator if you need us. There is a landline connected if you don’t have a cell phone and the WIFI password is on a note there as well. Help yourself to the food in the refrigerator and all the supplies throughout the apartment. I want you to be healthy and well fed or you won’t be able to work energetically. Any questions?” Benton asked as he walked to the door.

  “No, thank you again, Mr. Gordon. For everything,” Charlotte’s voice trembled a little.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at 9 am, Charlotte. Lock this outer door after me. Your key is on the kitchen table. Put it in your pocket or wear it around your neck.” Benton smiled as he pulled the door behind him.

  Chapter Nine

  Beverly descended the stairs in front of him. At the bottom, she turned to face her boss speaking softly. “What a life that little girl has led! When we got to her friend’s house, her suitcase was at the curb. Her friend refused to open the door and she told Charlotte that she was keeping her sleeping bag as a repayment for her stay. There’s something special in that suitcase. The only time I saw her really upset was when she thought her suitcase was missing. Did you see the relief on her face when you told her you’d already brought it up to the apartment?” Beverly asked with concern.

  Benton had opened the light suitcase after he’d brought it in to make sure that there were no weapons or drugs. He didn’t think he needed to worry about Charlotte doing anything illegal but he felt he needed to double check. He had been surprised when he’d seen the contents. Her diploma was sealed in a plastic bag to protect it. There were two pairs of very tattered panties, one bra with a broken strap tied in a knot, a pair of threadbare pants, a faded blue polo shirt and a scuffed-up pair of tennis shoes. There was a stained and mangled box of crackers that looked like they had been found in a dumpster. The last item was a brown stuffed owl with one eye missing and some stuffing poking out of a ripped seam on the side was wrapped carefully in an old towel. Charlotte was definitely not doing anything illegal. It looked like the life she lived had been very hard.

  Benton was glad he had called his private detective friend to investigate Charlotte Sanders. Neil Patterson was a good friend and customer. He was glad to hear from Benton and promised to see what he could find about Charlotte’s background. Neil and his Little girl, Sophie, had been together for many years. Before they met, Sophie had been very abused by a rotten stepfather. That same stepfather now rotted in jail thanks to the information about his criminal activities that Neil had been able to discover. Neil had a soft spot for Little girls that needed help. He would be very thorough.

  Saying goodnight to Beverly after thanking her for all her help, Benton watched her drive from the parking lot. He got in his car and looked up at the apartment shaking his head slowly. “What had happened today?” he questioned himself. Although he was a very kind man and a great boss, Benton didn’t usually rescue waifs who came to apply for a part time job. He really didn’t move them in to his private apartment or feed and clothe them. And on top of all that, a full-time position didn’t exist. He’d just made that up when he’d seen how desperate Charlotte was for a job. Something was making him take care of this overly slender, young lady. He was a little concerned that fate had sent Charlotte to him for a reason. He hated to even imagine that Charlotte would be attracted to him much less that she would be interested in living as his Little. Benton let out the breath he was holding suddenly. He shook his head as a warning to himself. “Time to go home, old man. You’re too tired when you’re letting yourself imagine such things.” He pulled out of the parking lot and watch the gates close behind him. “Charlotte will be safe tonight,” he thought as he drove home.

  Chapter Ten

  Charlotte turned and pressed her back against the outer door when Mr. Gordon left. She slowly pulled her new pumps off her feet and wiggled her feet in the plush carpet. “It’s so thick!” she said to herself. She didn’t need a sleeping bag. She could just lay on the carpet. She began wandering around the apartment. She looked longingly at the bathtub and shower in the bathroom before checking out the other rooms. She had just opened the re
frigerator when a loud buzzer sounded. Charlotte jumped a foot off the ground and whirled around. She laughed at herself. There wasn’t an alarm on the refrigerator. It was just the buzzer on the washer. Mr. Gordon had told her to eat. She wouldn’t get in trouble.

  Charlotte walked into the laundry room and laughed. Imagine a room for nothing but doing the laundry. She looked around the room. It was yellow and sunny. She would have been happy just sleeping in here. She didn’t need the whole apartment. Maybe Mr. Gordon had another employee that needed a place to stay. She would be glad to share. She would be sure to offer that tomorrow to Mr. Gordon.

  Charlotte didn’t have a lot of experience with washers and dryers. These looked like very new machines. She goggled at the fact they didn’t have a slot for money to be inserted like the laundry mat did. Charlotte hated to waste the electricity that Mr. Gordon was paying for but she knew if she hung up the clothes to dry, they wouldn’t be dry before she needed to report to work. Reluctantly, she transferred the wet clothes into the dryer. She had never owned so many clothes. “Well, I don’t really own them. Mr. Gordon just is letting me wear these while I’m at work,” Charlotte reminded herself. There were a couple of solid colored tee-shirts, cotton shorts, and a nightshirt decorated with a big cartoon dog in the washer, too. Those must belong to someone else. Charlotte put those in the dryer also. She saw there were some fabric softening sheets on the shelf above the dryer. She didn’t want to waste a dryer sheet on herself but if those extra clothes were for someone else, Charlotte wanted to take care of them and make them soft. She debated and finally was daring and threw one in the dryer before turning it on.


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