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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

Page 2

by McKayla Jade

  He was beginning to understand now. “This realm is kept safe, by way of Alexandar’s magic? What happens if the persons arriving are not who they appear to be?”

  “Alexandar sends them on their way. They simply end up back in their own realm having been none the wiser. Alexandar is confusing and irritating if he is anything.” The man laughed. “By the by, my name is Gerard, and I am your overseer, unless and until you deem otherwise.”

  He was impressed with this man’s bravery. This man was built and looked the part of a warrior, and he claimed to be the overseer. Something here did not make sense. Was there no one else better suited to all the duties required of an overseer? This man belonged on the battlefield. Not directing the work within the keep. Perhaps he lacked skills with a sword. That did not make sense either, for here he was on the front lines of battle. This was a puzzle he would figure out later. For now, he had other matters to attend.

  “For now, if it pleases you, my liege, I will call forth the others from your army.” Gerard told him. “And before they get here, where is our queen?”

  Hawk turned back towards his men, knowing they would have hidden her from the supposed enemy. It finally struck him, his heart skipped a full beat and he let out his breath in a huff. She had fought by his side. She had been in the midst of battle. Had she been wounded? He sucked in a quick breath when Keith and Marcus moved aside. Cassidy stepped forward. She was covered in blood, but it was not her own. The smell told him that much. Since he had turned her immortal, her blood called to him. In fact, it was calling to him now. Its rich heady scent hit him like a punch to the gut. He reached out with his thoughts, quickly assessing her and assured himself she was not hurt. He opened his arms to her, and unlike the warrior she dressed as, she ran to him. Wrapping them tight around her, he closed his eyes, and inhaled her scent.

  Chapter 2

  Cassidy took a deep breath. She knew nothing of being a queen. What would be expected of her to lead these people, her people, as the wife of King Hawkins. If she had not been sweating before, she was now. Her heartbeat so fast, she thought she might choke. She needed control. She took a deep breath. Here she stood, wrapped in her king’s arms and covered in blood. A glance down at her sword hand reinforced her uncertainty and her fear. Her father had said her sword hand was her tell, gripping the handle so fiercely her knuckles turned white. She counted to herself, as finger by finger she made herself loosen her hold. She could do this. She was a warrior. She was trained to be ready for anything. Anything on the battlefield, not inside the keep. She had never been raised to be a queen, to lead her people in peaceful endeavors. She held on tightly to Hawk, fear keeping her from letting go.

  “They will treasure a warrior queen, as I treasure a warrior wife.” He whispered and squeezed her shoulders.

  Damn, this man knew just what to say to make her melt. Goose flesh raised on her arms and butterflies erupted in her belly. Her whole body tingled, starting at her hair and reaching all the way down to her toes. She took a deep steadying breath, inhaling his musky scent. It should be a sin to smell this good right after a battle. She couldn’t hide her joy when she asked. “Do you truly see me as a warrior?”

  Hawk nodded, set his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face the approaching riders. Many had already dismounted from their steeds and stood ready to greet them properly. They were an impressive sight to behold. All of them dressed for battle and carrying all manner of weapons. Not simply swords. Some carried swords the likes of which she had never seen, with curved thin blades. Some carried chains across their bodies that could be used. Some carried long bows, while others carried long spears or lances. Others carried weapons she was more familiar with, like broadswords, bows, and maces. There was no uniformity to them at all.

  “Let us continue to the castle, as I am sure you would all like to clean up and have a meal before we discuss any more of the many and varied details.” Gerard announced.

  He truly was exceptional at directing the crowd and he was right; they did have a lot of questions. Two large warriors dismounted in front of them. They bowed and offered their horses.

  “So that neither our king nor our queen must walk.” The first one introduced them. “My name is Kyle, and this is Gunther.”

  Hawk inclined his head to them and surprising her, stated. “We will only need the one, but I do thank you.”

  He pulled her into his arms and swung up into the saddle. Settling on his lap, she looked up to see everyone had fallen into ranks again and headed back the way they had come. Gods bones, the stench of the fallen was horrible. She covered her nose and mouth with the front of her tunic. It did not eliminate the smell, but it helped. She pitied those who would care for dead and grant them burial.

  Cresting the top of the hills she had only viewed from a distance, the sight that greeted her was jaw dropping. The castle looked to be carved from the side of the mountain, with no way in. They waited at the top for their men to catch up to them. She stayed quiet, wanting to hear what they thought first.

  “It is enormous. How many men does it take to man those walls?” Keith, beside them asked.

  As Gunther walked on past them, he quipped. “Not as many as you think.”

  Hawk exchanged a look with Keith, that said they did not for a second believe it. She had estimated there were one hundred men in this group. Did that mean more men and of course women were back at the keep? Gareth had gone back to get Megan from the other castle; would he be safe alone?

  “It seems odd but let us continue and see what awaits us.” Marcus spoke up as he too, walked right on past them, heading for the castle.

  “They must feel it too.” She murmured.

  “And just what is that love?” Pulling his arm tight around her waist he squeezed her to his chest.

  “It feels right. It feels like we belong here. Like here, in this place, I feel peace like I have not felt in a long time.” She sighed heavily, memories assaulting her. “It feels like home.” She turned her head back to look up at him, smiled, and rested her head on his chest.

  He bent his head and kissed her head. “I hope so, little one. I hope so.”

  HE WAS BY NO MEANS reluctant to see their new home and kingdom, but it felt too good. Too easy. As Cassidy had suggested, it felt like home. He wanted her to feel safe. What had he done to deserve such a gift? Yes. It did feel much that way. Like a gift had been placed at his feet. All he had to do was reach out and grab hold. No strings. No tricks. The men in this army already seemed to accept him as leader. He had reached out with his thoughts and had not heard one man refute what Gerard had stated as fact. These were all men of great skills and morals and character. Each had fought and won some hard battles to earn their own reputation as warriors. And he was their leader. It would take an even greater leader to lead great men. The thought humbled him for a moment.

  Perhaps this was the new beginning they had been hoping to find, but why did they have to fight their way in? Why did everything good come with such a cost? He wanted to make sure this place truly was safe. Safe for Cassidy, safe for their future children. His soul yearned for peace. He wanted it more than he wanted anything else. He followed the group, but a few men followed behind him. He hesitated, reining in his horse, but rejoined the group. It was an adjustment he would have to make. It had always been he, who had protected others. Now he was the one being protected.

  As the army came into the inner bailey they began to dismount, and Gareth stepped up to help Cassidy. Hawk nodded to him, but his attention was pulled away.

  “Sire!” Gerard waved at him. “Sire, if you will come with me, I can show you your keep.”

  He let Cassidy slide to the ground, and he dismounted. He took hold of Cassidy’s hand and stepped toward Gerard, but no more. Cassidy had remained where she was. He looked back at her, puzzled. “Little One?”

  She tugged his hand to her, pulling him back a step, whispered. “I wish to stay behind and talk with Megan. There are many thi
ngs I must learn, to be queen here.”

  He leaned in close and whispered. “There is no need to fret, you will be a great queen, but stay if you wish. Soon, m’ Love. I will come for you. Keep Marcus and Keith with you.”

  CASSIDY REFRAINED FROM rolling her eyes and watched him walk away. She turned back to their original group, looking for her friend. Gareth smiled at her and said. “Megan is behind us. I have Dalton and Calum guarding her.”

  She was so grateful to have a friend in this new land. “Gareth, what would I do without you? You always seem to know just what it is I need. Thank you.”

  He bowed low to her. “Of course, M’ Queen.”

  Her cheeks heated and she nodded. She made her way through the men, to Megan. She would need Megan’s help if she were to be queen here. Her racing heart told her she was more than a little nervous. She hoped she would not disappoint Hawk. It would break her heart if she somehow disappointed him. Not for the first time, she found herself wishing she had paid attention to all those lessons her mother had tried to teach her. All those times she had fought her mother seemed ridiculous now.

  After washing up a bit and grabbing an apple to eat, they spent the day planning as best they could. They walked through the kitchens and the gardens and the laundry house and even looked over the inner bailey and the stables. As they made their way through the stronghold, taking inventory and learning all the people who took care of the place already, Cassidy repeatedly assured those people none of them would be replaced. The only daunting aspect of it all was her word was final. If not, when they asked her a question and needed a decision, her word would make it so. What if she made a mistake? What if she chose wrong?

  It all went by so fast and there was so much to learn. For now, things were all set, the next few days would be fairly easy, thanks to the staff. Tonight would be for celebrating and everything had already been decided. From the menu to her attire, the staff had thought of everything. It was already time for the evening meal. From the balcony above the main hall, she and Megan watched as everyone made their way into the room and found their places. As the smell of food filled the air, music began playing. The servants started coming from the kitchen, with platters piled high with food. The head table of course was served first, then the remaining tables. She knew the order of things done. There was no surprise, so she followed the servant girl ahead of her and Megan. She was grateful she had at least some knowledge of how to run a large household. She imagined a king’s household would be much the same, just larger and grander. Dinner smelled divine and her stomach rumbled loudly.

  They stepped into the hall and were greeted by a woman of exotic looks. She stood taller than Cassidy, and her skin was a much darker tone than she had ever seen before. This woman looked like she came from the jungles of the south and carried a sword that looked more like a broad bladed, short sword. This truly was a mixed group living in this realm. Cassidy was glad now; she had decided to change her clothes for dinner. She would not have fit in with her blood covered battle gear.

  Chapter 3

  “As you can see, M’ Lord, we have prepared a feast and celebration, anticipating your arrival.”

  Hawk pulled his attention from the goings on around him to focus more closely on Gerard. It seemed apart from the battle this morn, this realm was under control, which was a notch in Gerard’s favor in continuing his role. Hawk allowed himself to lower his guard, slightly. At least for tonight, his men could rest, and they would regroup with these new allies in the morn. Tonight, they would celebrate and welcome new beginnings.

  “Now where is the queen, M’ Lord?” Gerard asked and Hawk turned to look for her. He glanced to his right and there across the room stood Gareth and Keith shoulder to shoulder. Behind them was Cassidy, although he could not see her clearly. His eyes met Gareth’s’. The deep concern he read there puzzled him and then Gareth stepped aside. Cassidy stood trembling, dressed in an evening dress of deep blue velvet. Her auburn hair showed its red undertones in the light of the hall. She was absolutely breathtaking.

  ‘What troubles you?’ Hawk questioned Gareth.

  ‘Cassidy’s dress is cut a bit low, for a queen. Tell me you did not notice.’ Gareth’s thoughts growled.

  ‘I had noticed, but she’s mine and everyone knows that.’ Hawk countered.

  ‘Indeed,’ was Gareth’s final comment before he turned away.

  She held herself well and looked to be all one would expect of a warrior queen. He was proud of her. It cost her a lot to compose herself well enough to stand so regally and be surrounded by unknown males, without her sword in her hand. He could hear her thoughts and feel her heart racing fast inside her chest. Her fingers itched to grab hold of her nonexistent weapon but knew it would make her look hostile. Showing her distrust would not do. He smiled when he heard her think of them as his people. They were hers as well, she just did not know it yet. It made him wish he could wrap his wings around her and hide her, as her thoughts suggested.

  Keith and Marcus stood just behind Cassidy and Megan, making an imposing show of their well-muscled physiques’. He could not be sure they were not showing off for the other ladies in the room. Juvenile’s. He shook his head and grinned. If Cassidy had ever doubted how protected she really was, she could not now. Only the bravest of men would dare approach her. Megan moved to the side with Gareth, lacing her fingers in his. As the rest of the group made its way into the great hall, he realized, they made quite the sight. Each one with strong well-muscled physiques. They stood well above most men, except these men. Most of the men gathered in this hall, were extraordinary in character as well as build. They had all spent years honing their skills and it showed in spectacular form tonight. Hawk was proud of his men.

  The hall was massive, with high arching beams. The walls were made thick with large boulders, the likes of which he had only seen used for corner stones. Here, the entire wall was made from them. The corridors leading from this room seemed just as massive. The head table was filled with every kind of food one could imagine. There was a chair for everyone, instead of the customary few chairs for the royalty and gentry and then benches for everyone else.

  As Cassidy finally stepped up close to him, he felt her grab the back of his shirt. Standing this way hid her partly from the many eyes in the hall. When her trembling fingers slid into his palm he wondered, if she realized how much the abuse from her uncle had affected her. Those two nights she was tortured and abused still haunted him. He knew they haunted her; her dreams were testament to that. If she were less of the woman she was, she never would have recovered. Her wounds were not just physical. Were it possible, he would kill the bastard again. He would spend the rest of his life making her forget the man ever existed.

  “M’ Lady, may I have the honor of officially introducing you to your warriors and your staff?” She startled, and taking a tentative step up next to him, she said to Gerard. “Of course, good sir.”

  She continued to use Hawk as her shield. He could not blame her. She had been through a lot in these last days, and now a battle to reach their new home. He shook his head slightly. Would it ever be easy? Would they ever find this place Alexandar had described as safe and free of intolerance?

  “First let me say. Welcome Home!” Gerard announced and everyone in the room cheered.

  “Yes, Welcome.” He turned his shoulder slightly and clapped along with the crowd. Turning back to Hawk and Cassidy he continued. “Welcome to Castle Rogue Stone. In the realm of H’LS V’N (Hells Vein). To you and yours, it is known as Blood Haven. To others, it is known by other names. It is whatever each of us needs it to be. The name is as magic as the realm.” He bowed to them again. “I am overseer here, unless and until you deem me unfit, or feel I am better suited elsewhere. I, as well as everyone here, is at your beck and call. Should there be anything you need or any questions you have, you need only ask.”

  He guided them to their seats at the high table. “You will sit here if you please. Each of t
hose chairs have been carved just for you.” While waiting for them to be seated, Gerard seemed to be looking over the group of men Hawk had brought with him. He seemed to be taking each one’s measure, he then asked. “Now then, do each of you have a Second?”

  “Gareth is my Second, but Cassidy needs no Second, as she is not a warrior.”

  Gerard looked surprised. “Forgive me. Alexandar had said...”

  Before he could say more Cassidy stood up and shoved her chair backward so hard it crashed to the floor. The deafening sound it made caused everyone in the room to stop. Turning to her brought him up short. Her skin was flushed, and her eyes showed her fury. A glance down showed him her empty hands were curled into tight fist. Her knuckles were turned white. “How dare you?” Her voice was less a snarl and more of a mournful howl. “You know I have trained my whole life for battle. I am well versed in the ways. You have seen me fight. We fought side by side just hours ago. I have skills you cannot deny. Skills with a bow. Skills with swords. Even skills with hunting falcons. It matters not that I am a woman.” She pounded her fist on the table in front of her. “You said, not hours ago, our people would treasure a warrior queen, as you treasure a warrior wife.”

  He stood up and took a step toward her. “Cassidy, my love, Tis not what I meant.” He chanced a peek around them. Every eye in the room was on them.

  “Why must I prove myself to you, repeatedly? Why do you refuse to trust my abilities?” She placed her trembling hands on the table in front of her, bowed her head and hid her face from him.

  “Please, love, do not turn from me,” he pleaded.

  HIS VOICE COMPELLED her. She could not make herself refuse him. Her face covered with her long thick mane of hair. She was grateful she had unbraided it and brushed it until it shined. She would not show weakness in this crowd. To their people she must be strong. Inside she could fall apart. Hawk was her everything and just when it had mattered most, he doubted her. A deep sense of loss swamped her. She gasped and held her hand to her chest, where her heart threatened to burst from her. How could he? A sea of new faces swam before her, as her anchor broke loose. Her breath left her in a whoosh, like she had been punched in the gut. She brought her hand up to her throat, her breaths coming fast now. He was all she had in this world. She had not even had time to find her place here.


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