Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 7

by McKayla Jade

  “Everything is fine. It is just a feeling of unease, from past horrible memories. I will work through it. I must.” She told her second. Her second. Yes, that sounded wonderful. She was important enough to warrant having a warrior to command.

  Jenna simply smiled. “You and I will work well together, M’ Lady.”

  She heard Lucifer. ‘So, you have become a beast as well.’

  “Lucifer! You can tell?” She exclaimed out loud and realizing her mistake slapped her hand over her mouth. With wide eyes, she looked around, but Jenna did not seem to have heard.

  ‘Of course, I can. You smell different. And if you can hear other humans’ thoughts then you are indeed a beast.’ He explained in his matter-of-fact way. Jenna looked sideways at her, but she did not ask.

  They had not traveled far from the castle when they stopped near the tree line. Jenna slid to the ground next to her horse and quickly drew her sword and stalked toward her. Lucifer stomped the ground, snorted. The moment Cassidy’s feet hit the ground she realized her mistake. She leapt from the saddle without her great sword. From down here she could not reach it. All she had on her person was her short sword and dagger.

  She sucked in a breath and exclaimed, “Jenna! What is the meaning of this?”

  “Lesson one. Always be ready.” Jenna told her and Lucifer prance sideways, keeping her great sword out of reach. Traitor.

  “Jenna, you are not foe, you are a friend!”

  Jenna swung her sword toward her once. Landing a blow to her own short sword, almost knocking it from her hand.

  “Are you sure?”

  She pushed her back and turned sideways, making herself a smaller target.

  “Good stance. If I can teach you one thing, it will be, not everyone is friend.” Jenna coached her. “Not everyone or everything is who or what they seem.” Jenna struck again. “And no one, I mean absolutely no one, fights fair. There is no such thing. So, get that out of your pretty little head right now.”

  She fought Jenna back and called to Lucifer out loud. “Lucifer, kneel.” The big horse did as she commanded, and she was able to reach her great sword. Sliding it from its scabbard she kept her eyes on Jenna. Did she just hesitate? She thought she saw Jenna take a fraction of a step back. Her father’s words to her whispered through her head. ‘Hesitation will get you killed.’ So, her large sword made people hesitate, but only for a moment. That was when she needed to strike. None of these things were part of what she had learned in her father’s army. Hawk was right. She had never truly trained. Her sword and Jenna’s clashed again, the sound echoing over the hills. She would never admit it to Hawk, but now she was more determined than ever to prove herself.

  Strike after strike, move after practiced move it went on. Jenna teaching. Cassidy learning. They took a break at midday. Jenna was still instructing her when Lucifer pushed his head between them. Without hearing Lucifer, she was surprised to hear Jenna tell him. “That’s a good idea, big guy.” She leaned around his head and gave Jenna a look. “What?”

  “He suggested we use him for helping teach you.”

  Cassidy eyed him. ‘Traitor!’

  ‘Brat.’ He replied and snorted on her.

  “Yuk! Could you mind your manners?”

  ‘I’m a beast. We have none.’ Lucifer shook his head.

  Then it dawned on her. “Hey wait a moment. Jenna. You can hear Lucifer?”

  Jenna nodded ever so slightly. If she had not been paying attention, she would have missed it.

  “Do you hear all animals, as I do?”

  A terse nod was the girl’s only response. Jenna quickly stood up and dusted off her trousers. Her offered hand up, effectively changed the subject. “Well, if you two are done, let us get back to training. I cannot have you unprepared.”

  She got to her feet a bit slower than Jenna. Her body ached, but it was a good ache. Her muscles were sore. It meant she had worked hard today.

  “Unprepared for what?” Cassidy asked her.

  “Anything.” Jenna swung her around by the arm and held her up tight against her own body. In a flash Jenna had her arm wrapped tight around her throat.

  Cassidy struggled but was ready for this. Or thought she was. Her heart started racing and her breath gushed out, letting Jenna get a tighter hold. She struggled harder and reached for her boot knife. Jenna anticipated her move and kicked her legs out from under her. “Now what?”

  She struggled more and Jenna tightened her hold on her neck.

  “Find a weak point.” Jenna growled in her ear. “Find a way to get out. Struggling against someone stronger will only tire you. It serves no purpose.”

  She realized what Jenna meant. She stomped on Jenna’s booted foot with her own and at the same time jabbed her elbows into Jenna’s ribs. Jenna almost bent over double. Her grip loosened just enough. She pushed back hard against Jenna making them both fall to the ground.

  Still holding her neck in the crook of her arm Jenna rolled, pinning her to the ground beneath her. She took a breath and let her body go completely still. Just as she had hoped, Jenna eased up on her grip.

  “Cassidy? M’ Lady?”

  She quietly sucked air in past her lips, waiting for the right moment. Jenna eased her weight off just a bit, then a bit more. Cassidy sprang up from the ground and put the point of her boot knife to Jenna’s throat. Jenna stepped back and bowed to her queen.

  “Well done, M’ Lady.”

  They were both breathing heavily when they heard horses approaching. Lucifer moved in front of her. She picked up her great sword and slid it into the sheath and mounted the saddle. Jenna had done the same.

  “To the keep! Ride fast!” Jenna shouted and kicked her horse into a gallop.

  Lucifer followed and then passed Jenna. She took a deep breath. She was so tired. It had been almost a year since she had trained for battle. Her body was exhausted. She was not sure she had enough energy to fight anymore today.

  ‘You are smart. You are strong. You are queen here.’ She heard Jenna’s voice in her head.

  ‘Then why do we hide?’ She wanted to know.

  She heard Lucifer then. ‘Open your heart and feel, what comes this way feels evil.’

  She was shocked to be reprimanded by her horse, but she listened. She took a deep calming breath; all her senses were screaming at her. What little breeze there was, was ice cold. It brought with it the smell of rot. It burned her nose. She looked over her shoulder to see if she could make out what threat chased them. A sense of dread crept over her when she saw a large group of riders. Fear slammed into her, as not so distant memories assaulted her.

  The thunder of the horse’s hooves was getting louder and the earth around them began to tremble. Lucifer was quickly leaving Jenna and her horse behind.

  ‘She will be fine.’ Lucifer told her.

  She leaned down low over his neck and let him fly across the ground.

  ‘I am with you. Look ahead. We can see the gates!’

  She took a deep breath and listened to his breathing and his hooves pounding upon the ground. The thundering hooves behind her, brought her out of her mind and into the now. They were getting closer. She tried not to panic, but she had no idea if Jenna was safe. She had no idea if this army was friend or foe. She had no idea how to fight so many at once. Her heart raced and thumped hard in her chest. She needed Hawk.

  If this army was friend, it surely did not act like one. Nor did it feel like one. Something was wrong. She glanced back again to see Jenna riding hard to catch up to her. Her little horse was indeed agile, dodging arrows from both sides. The fact it was keeping ahead of the advancing army proved its swiftness. Jenna had somehow managed to stay a few paces ahead of the army, but arrows were landing all around them. The scar on her hand itched, reminding her of the last arrow that was shot at her.

  A large shadow crossed her path. Then another. She tried to look up, but her hair blew across her eyes, blocking her view. She could not see what those shadows were. She
brushed the hair from her eyes and looked back at the castle gate. There was her army riding hard toward her, coming to her defense.

  ‘That was Hawk and Gareth you saw fly overhead.’ Lucifer did not slow his pace. His mission was to get her to safety.

  “Then let us turn back and help him.” She yelled over the thundering hooves. “I need to be with him!”

  ‘Not yet. You don’t have the proper armor.’ Lucifer kept going, finally reaching the gates. His hooves dug deep in the earth as they slid to a stop. There were three men waiting with armor ready for her. Each of them helped her dress as if they had done it a hundred times before. She blinked and she was fully dressed in shining silver battle gear. From her head to her boots, she was covered. She reached for the saddle just as Jenna rode through the gates and jumped off her horse while it was still moving.

  “Our men are giving them hell! We need armor and we need to get back out there!” She yelled. Cassidy blinked. Jenna seemed excited for battle.

  A fresh horse was brought to Jenna, this one with a saddle. She jumped into the saddle, grabbing only her chest plate armor, and tossed it over her head. She spun the horse around and hesitated only long enough to make sure she was ready. Together they thundered out the gate. Hearts and hooves pounding hard. They were not alone. Hawk’s personal guards, Keith and Marcus, were flanking them. It would not be long, and they would be joining the battle. She could see Hawk. On the ground, his wings tucked behind him. His sword slashed downward, decapitating his challenger. Blood spurted from the man’s neck upward like a geyser. She almost turned away, as her stomach twisted in knots. That was certainly more than she was ready for.

  Jenna was beside her, moving her horse close she reached out to her.

  “M’ Lady?” The moment Jenna touched her she felt a jolt. She looked up into Jenna’s terror filled eyes. She had no time to process her reaction. Arrows were landing all around them and Hawk was battling a large group of men. They needed more swords on their side. She nodded her head, not sure if she was telling Jenna or reassuring herself.

  “I am needed. Let us go.”

  Hawk took to the sky and she realized the demon, or dragon, as it were, next to him was Gareth. Of course, it was. They had been fighting side by side for decades. Gareth was a dragon now as well? It could not be. How was that possible? Suddenly Jenna’s sword clashed with another, bringing her out of her thoughts. Battle was raging all around her. Swords swinging and arrows flying. Her wandering thoughts would get her killed.

  A man attacked her right side, making Lucifer sidestep. She pulled her great sword and swung through the man’s neck. His head fell gruesomely to the ground, sending blood spraying. She tried to wipe her face with her arm, but forgot she wore armor, so all it did was smear it across her face. She urged Lucifer onward, toward the center of the battle. Closer to Hawk. Her head throbbing, her vision began to blur. Everything was happening so fast. Large hands reached to pull her from the saddle. She kicked out with her now metal tipped boots.

  Her boot connected with his chin, knocking his teeth out. He stumbled back and fell to the ground, holding his smashed and bloody jaw. A second later Keith’s sword ended his suffering. She glanced back and nodded her thanks. She tried to get Jenna’s attention. She was in trouble. She was fading quickly. She did not want to tell Keith. He would insist she hide until he could get her to safety. She was a warrior. Warriors did not hide or run from battle. Lucifer was already moving her away and quickly. This had been a mistake. She knew it.

  She tried for Hawk. ‘Hawk I need you. I am not wounded, but this ache is intense. I cannot see clearly. Lucifer guides me, now. Please come for me.’

  ‘Use your wings, you can do this.’ His thoughts came back to her, calm and completely in control. She smiled. That was Hawk. Steady and confident. Someone she could always count on. A man in complete control, even in the chaos of a bloody battlefield.

  She swung her sword with all the strength she had left, fending off her newest attacker. She tried to imagine her wings, but they would not appear. It was too new a thing for her to grasp quickly. Then large arms wrap around her, picking her up off Lucifer. His wings flapped once, and they were high above the battle. Cassidy glanced over to her right and there, flying next to them was Gareth. How could that be? Gareth was no demon.

  ‘We can explain later once we get you back.’ She relaxed into the safe haven of Hawk’s arms.

  Chapter 10

  Hawk pulled Cassidy close, kissing her on the lips and then her chin. He needed her as much as she needed him. His heart was in his throat. He could not take a deep breath. She had to be alright. If she had been wounded, he would be lost. Watching her sword strike another had made his heart stop, almost knocking him from the sky. It was not a sight he wanted to ever see again. He needed to know she was alright. He licked his dry lips again. His heart still pounded inside him, threatening to burst from him. She had to be alright. Desperate to know the extent of her injuries he reached for her thoughts he found her exhausted. Blood covered her, but it was not hers. Since the night she had become immortal her blood had a scent to it that his inner beast recognized and actively searched for. His beast always knew before he did, Cassidy needed him. He just needed to learn to listen to it. Returning to the castle with her and answering questions about why she hadn’t used her wings took precedence.

  Not once had he willingly left the field of battle, but this time her safety overrode everything. Nothing else mattered, not why this battle was happening, why the peace had been shattered, just protecting her. His instincts demanded it. His mate needed to be safe above all else. Let the world be damned, as long as she was safe. He had never left a battle before it was done, but now he was king. Remaining safe for the good of the kingdom, was not something he was accustom to. He was a warrior, and he would be damned if he would hide. His men were winning, but Alexandar had said this realm was peaceful. Where had this attack come from then?

  Small, jagged rocks poked into his bare feet. He did not falter as he carried Cassidy to the front doors.

  To his relief, Gareth met him. “Go and help where you can. We are safe enough here. We need to know why they threatened the queen.”

  Gareth nodded to acknowledge his orders and rode off to join the battle. Gareth would now be his eyes and ears on the front line. He had complete confidence in his men. They had been with him through some dark days when he was cursed and after as he learned to live with his demon. He knew Gareth would be fine, for now his concentration needed to be on his mate.

  She lay in his arms, limp and unmoving. The sight and feel of her in his arms this way triggered memories of the night he had rescued her. He could not lose her. It did not happen then, and he wouldn’t let it now. He had never seen the battle armor she wore, and though it was covered in blood, it wasn’t hers.

  ‘I’m tired. Not weak.’ Cassidy’s voice trickled into his mind, even as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  ‘If that is so, lift your arm, little one.’ The grimace on her face told him what he already knew. ‘You were weak before entering the battle?’ He could not believe his men had let her go back out the gates. Heads would roll for this. She should have never been allowed to cross through the gates in her weakened state. He would have that damned horse’s head, too. Damn animal could communicate telepathically but did not have the loyalty to keep her out of a battle. He would take his head off himself.

  ‘My armor was ready. I did not stop to think. I wanted to help.’ She protested weakly. ‘Touch my horse and you will be the first to taste my blade. Mate or not.’

  He reached the landing at the top of the stairs and stopped to kiss her. ‘It has been a long time since you trained for battle, little one.’ He took a deep breath. The tension in his body relaxed somewhat. He stepped through the door to their bedchamber, the stone cool on his feet, he let out his breath in a deep sigh, she was safe. Her safety was all that mattered to him. He was being a bit overprotective, but he did not
care. As soon as she was settled, he would go back and help his men. He laid her down upon the bed and in the quiet cool darkness of their chamber. “My love, are you just tired or do you need me?”

  She smiled at him, with her eyes closed. He loved her impish smile. “I think training before actual battle is a bad idea.”

  He shook his head. “It does not usually work too well.” He kissed the tip of her nose and then her lips once more. The magic hit him then. He threw his head back and gritted his teeth as the magic flowed through him. His fangs extended in his mouth, and his entire body reacted. He took a deep breath, bent his lips to her neck and before he sunk his fangs deep, he growled her name. He let the magic guide him and took the poison from her blood. It eased the aches in her body and filled his with a lethal poison. He pulled back and softly kissed her. He loved seeing the rosy color fill her cheeks.

  “We need to get you out of this battle gear and cleaned up.” Still holding her head in the palm of his hand, he murmured against her lips.

  She nodded and sat up with a groan. “Just do not hurt Lucifer. He knew I would get another horse and join the battle anyway.”

  He could only shake his head. He knew one day he would be saving her from herself, and her pets. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and let him help her. First, he unlaced her tall boots. The weight of her gaze sent waves of fire coursing through him. He slowed his movements. He unlaced her boots strings one deliberate loop at a time. When her boots finally fell to the floor, he helped her to stand. He kissed her and she fumbled with the ties on her breeches. His hands somehow finding the buttons to her tunic. Together they managed to get her undressed. Neither wanting to end their fun, but as he slid his hands around her waist to lift her onto the bed she whimpered.

  “Where does it hurt?” He asked her.

  She grinned when she told him. “Everywhere.”

  “Then might I suggest, you lay here in this bed and await my return?”


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