Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 8

by McKayla Jade

  She bowed her head, “Of course, Sire.”

  Every single time she said that word, in that way his heartbeat faster. He loved hearing her call him ‘Sire’.

  He brought his hand down over his face in an attempt to hide his smile. “I need to go back out there. You will tell me when you need me.”

  She snuggled down into the blankets and pillows and murmured to him. “Yes, Sire.” She smiled and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 11

  Gareth, Keith, and Marcus met Hawk at the bottom of the steps.

  “We are awaiting Gerard’s return. No one is sure of why or how the women were attacked.” Gareth told him. “No one has seen these men before and no one had heard of any raiding parties or the like.”

  Keith spoke up then. “One of the others here told me this realm has been quiet and peaceful until we arrived. May haps we triggered something when we traveled here, but no one is certain of anything.”

  Hawk looked to Marcus. This man had been his head tracker and man in charge of the security of each place they stayed or called home. He was a master strategist. “It truly makes no sense, Sire. These men were pure evil. Before the bodies could be buried, they rotted within our hands, leaving naught but soot. I have no knowledge to combat such monsters.”

  Hawk spotted Gerard in his wolf form and called him over.

  ‘M’ Lord. I am sorry. Until I can control my rage I cannot transition back.’

  ‘I understand, more than you realize, I’m sure. Now tell me. Do you know anything at all about this?’ Hawk stood there with his men, all of them had their arms crossed, unsure of how to proceed. They needed answers. Their thoughts were as confused as his.

  Gerard shook his head. ‘No, M’ Lord. However, from all the information gathered it seems they were just purely evil. They were just meant to kill everything within their sight. They had no reason to attack. It was not done for sport, nor gain. They smell of rot, but it leaves no trail. My trackers and I have nothing to follow.’

  Hawk put his hand on the other man’s fur covered shoulder. ‘Perhaps Alexandar can answer our questions.’

  Gerard shifted back to his human form and tilted his neck from side to side, making a cracking sound. “That would be a good idea, as I too would like to find out how evil came to our realm. Since I was brought here, there has been only good happenings. Nothing of this sort.”

  He was truly perplexed. “I too would like to know, for Alexandar had said this realm was peaceful.”

  “I will send out patrols this day and into the night.” Keith informed Hawk.

  “Has anyone seen Jenna? She was with Cassidy this day.” Gareth wanted to know.

  “I have not seen her since that once upon the field. Her horse is here in the bailey, so perhaps she is as well.” Keith replied.

  “When she is found bring her to me, or King Hawkins.” Gareth ordered Keith and the other men.

  Hawk could only watch as his men followed orders like the well-oiled machine, he had trained them to be. It felt strange to stand by and watch the battle. Today had been full of strange things. The most perplexing being, while training Gareth had shifted into a winged demon like himself. No spell or trick involved, as far as they could tell. In the middle of figuring out the why and how of it, Lucifer had warned him telepathically. Had the damned horse not reached out, who knows if they would have made it in time to save her. That shook him. He took a deep breath and clenched his jaw so hard he thought he might break a tooth. He had promised her, he would keep her safe. He would not lose her. He let his breath out through his nose, unable to unclench his jaw.

  Hawk could hear the rumbles coming from deep in Gareth’s chest. He knew why Gareth was engaged. Gareth was just as protective of Cassidy as he was. Gareth thought of Cassidy as a sister. Who and why would anyone here in this realm want Cassidy? They had only been here a couple of days. And the ceremony to make them king and queen happened only just last evening. No one, other than their own warriors, knew her here. No one knew him, for that matter. That was about to change. No one threatened his mate. No one.

  He and Gareth were removing their armor when Jenna was directed to a chair across from them. They continued on in silence. Hawk reached for his cup to quench his thirst. Jenna was handed a cup as well. She nodded to him, but never met his eyes, raised her cup to him and asked.

  “How fares our queen?” And took a long drink.

  “She is well.” He told her. “However, I was told, she was weary from training and was sent back out into battle?”

  Jenna shook her head. “Sire, never would I have sent her into battle. If she had said anything, I would not have allowed it. You must know that. We had just rested, a short time before. I thought she was fine. Did she not fare well?”

  He could not fault Jenna. He knew Cassidy. He knew she was stubborn. He knew from Lucifer things were just as Jenna had said. “She fared well enough. I just wanted to make sure you are aware next time. She will fight until her last breath and will never admit she is tired. I am surprised she called to me, although she waited too long.” He could see regret in Jenna’s eyes and disappointment. He knew she was disappointed in herself. So, he took pity on her. “How did my queen do in training today?”

  “She was amazing! I have never seen a woman so small lift a Great Sword! I was impressed! She has skills! She just needs to learn to use her weaknesses to her advantage instead of hiding them.” Jenna’s voice rose as she shared this news. She truly was, proud of her queen. He should tell Jenna the secret to Cassidy’s sword. Gerard had told them, in this realm, in this army, there could be no secrets.

  “Jenna. Come here. Sit next to me.” He indicated Gareth’s seat, which he had recently vacated. The smile disappeared from her face and she physically hesitated. He was curious now. What was wrong? All he had asked of her was for her to come sit next to him. Why was she having such a hard time? He could see her body start to tremble. “Do I frighten you?” He asked her.

  “NO! M’ lord. I am just, perhaps weary from the battle. I was not thinking clearly.” She stood and moved cautiously around the table. She eased herself down into the chair next to him, as if there were pins in the cushion. On her other side sat Keith. He oversaw the army and strategy. She smiled at Keith and turned back to him to say.

  “What can I do for you, M’ Lord?”

  This woman would not look at him. “I need to know what you saw. What you know. You two women were the first to see these invaders.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “There really isn’t much to tell. As soon as Lucifer warned us, we were ridin’ back here. I made sure the queen was in front of me. I didn’t even mount up until Lucifer had her flyin’ ‘cross the ground.”

  “Your speech is strange, but I understand. Is there anything you can tell us about the army? Did you hear them say anything as to why they attacked in the first place?” He hoped there was a clue somewhere. “Anything we might use. Did they carry any colors?”

  Again, she would not look at him when she said. “Sire, I wish I had some answers for you, but I just don’t. All we saw was a cloud of black smoke rolling over the hill and the riders crest it. We turned and ran for the horses. Those who attacked us were just pure evil. They felt strange. There was no emotion in them. Like they fought because they were told to, not because they were to gain from it. There was no passion in their fight.”

  He nodded in understanding, but he was still uneasy about Jenna. “Thank you for keeping Cassidy safe, but I must ask one more question. Why do you never look me in the eye? Are you hiding something?”

  Her eyes grew large, but she still did not look at him directly. “No, Sire! It’s how I was raised. It has nothing to do with being dishonest.” She took a deep breath. “It has only to do with the manners and customs I was raised with.”

  He was curious now and he noticed a few others in the great hall were listening. “Do explain this to me. It sounds intriguing.”

  She took a deep breath. “If a
woman looks upon a man boldly, she is saying without words, she is ready to marry. It can also mean she wants that particular man, no matter if he is already married or not.” She had his attention now. “So, you see, I am actually showing you and Cassidy much respect.”

  “That is indeed a different culture, but not offensive, now that I know more, I can understand your mannerism.” He tried to reassure her. He did not want her to fear him, but if her demeanor was any clue, she was less than trustworthy of men.

  “Thank you, Sire.” Jenna took another deep breath. His instincts said she had survived something horrid. Just as Cassidy had. No wonder they were matched so well. May haps Alexandar knew what he was doing after all.

  “Now, I am about to tell you something not many know. I only tell you because we now live in this realm, where there are no secrets.” He watched her closely. “The Great Sword, that is Cassidy’s, is like no other you will ever see or hold. It was made especially for her, with either magic or a new foreign metal. I personally have never learned the secret. It is known only to Cassidy. It weighs only half as much as any other warrior’s but looks the same and is the same in strength.”

  Jenna smacked her hand on the table. “I’ll be damned!” She blushed and lowered her head. “Forgive me, M’ Lord.”

  He smiled. “There is no need.”

  “So that’s why she can control it so well. I figured she had just trained herself to hold such a weapon.” Jenna marveled. “It looks to weigh the same as she does!”

  “Make no mistake. It is still as deadly, but nowhere near as heavy as mine or my men’s swords. It does a good job making the enemy hesitate.” He told her.

  A loud boom echoed through the chamber. The front door to the keep slammed against the wall. Gareth, having just returned, put his hand on Jenna’s shoulder. She jumped up from his chair and before Hawk had blinked, she held a knife to Gareth’s throat. She looked up into Gareth’s face and just as quickly withdrew the blade. Before he could say more or jump to aide Gareth, a man was brought before them. Hawk looked from the men in front of him back to Gareth, and Jenna was gone. Completely cloaked in black, the man looked menacing. He looked as though he was ready to kill anyone and everyone as soon as he was freed. “What is this? Do I finally get answers about today’s battle?” He asked the men who had brought the stranger forth.

  “He was found stalking the outer walls of Rogue Stone, Sire.” The first man reported. “He has the same look and stench as the demons we fought today.”

  He nodded to his man. Then stepped forward and spoke to the prisoner. “Why did you attack us today and why do you stalk my castle?”

  The man raised his eyes to stare at him. Hawk could sense evil. This man reeked of it, making him wonder if a mage or witch was at play here. The man remained silent. He gave him another chance. “I ask again. Who are you and what is your mission?” The man raised his head only to spit on Hawk’s cloak. The crowd in the hall gasped. No one treated a king that way without knowing they would suffer for it. He stepped back from the man, hunched his shoulders, and let his wings explode from his back. His fangs lengthened. His tail flicked out dangerously close to the man’s face. His chest heaved and bunched with muscle and he roared. The sound echoed off the walls.

  The time for talking was over. He had had enough. He wanted answers. He reached out with his clawed hand and lifted the man off the floor. Bringing the man’s face close to his, he growled. “You will tell me why you are here and who you are, or I will rip you apart one limb at a time. I promise you; it will not be an easy death.”

  The man still did not waver. He held his menacing stare and refused to speak. Gareth stepped up next to him. The man blinked. “There is more than one of you?” The man asked, seemingly confused, looking from Hawk to Gareth and back again.

  “So, you do speak.”

  The man seemed astonished. “This cannot be. The mage said there was only one and the lady needed our protection.” He whispered, clearly not speaking to Hawk or anyone in present company. He and Gareth exchanged looks.

  Gerard stepped up then and put his hand on Hawk’s shoulder. “I can read his thoughts and they are definitely controlled by a Mage.”

  This was new territory for him. “Gareth, can a Mage be powerful enough to control another human, from another Realm?”

  Gareth shook his head. “Not one I have ever heard of.”

  Having also shifted to demon form, his logic was twisted with rage. There was no need to intrude upon Gareth’s thoughts. “Does it matter? He has threatened Cassidy. It is enough to kill him.”

  Gareth could not control his protective urges toward Cassidy. He would protect her at all cost. Hawk needed advice from Alexandar. Only he knew the answers they needed. Perhaps he would know which mage had attacked them today and why. Just as before, when Hawk’s thoughts turned to Alexandar, he somehow appeared. Seemingly from nowhere, he glided across the floor of the great hall toward them. He reached out to touch the prisoner, and the man instantly went still. His head dropped down, his chin resting on his armor-clad chest.

  “He is fine.” Alexandar informed the men. “I simply put him in a trance so we may speak without the Mage hearing us.”

  Hawk sat down on the table as Alexandar had indicated, leaving the man on the floor. His men followed suit, all of them seemed as curious as he was about what the sorcerer knew. All of them seemed too anxious to sit properly in their seats.

  “This man is controlled by a powerful Mage. The Mage is here, in this realm. She seeks to destroy all that is good.”

  He was confused. Alexandar had told them only days ago, this realm was peaceful. “How does a Mage control an army here? You said this realm was safe.”

  “Ah no. That, my friend, is what you heard. I said this realm is the same as the other except here, demon’s, as you call yourselves, are normal. No one here will harm you or yours for simply being what you are. This realm is like the other. There is evil that must be destroyed everywhere.”

  So now he would have his kingdom to run and he would need to keep the previous one protected. The task before him seemed daunting. He crossed his arms across his chest and lifting one hand, leaned his head into it. His fingers messaged his brow. Alexandar had given him a task no man could accomplish. How was he to keep Cassidy safe, if he had two realms to protect and in neither she was safe? He laughed at himself. How could he have been so naive to think there would be a place he could stash Cassidy away while he fought to keep her safe? Even if such a place existed, she would never stay behind. She was warrior born and warrior trained.

  Alexandar showed him some mercy and said. “That is exactly why I am building you a great army of elite warriors. None of them are mere mortal men or women. They are all here to serve you as you see fit.”

  “Alexandar, I am just overwhelmed now. You are truly correct. I have elite warriors. I have a new and fantastic army of all manner of creatures. I know we can handle anything that comes our way. It will just take learning to strategize with an army and a world twice the size to which I am accustom.” He stood and turned to the men standing over the prisoner. “Take the prisoner to the dungeons and chain him inside a cell with silver chains. We do not know what the mage is capable of and we will not take chances.”

  The instant the words left his mouth, the prisoners face contorted and he began screaming words Hawk had never heard before. Then the words became a chant. All at once Alexandar began chanting and wind blew through every window and door. They watched as Alexandar put his hands up and chanted louder and more forcefully. As quickly as it started, the wind and the screaming from the solider stopped and he seemed to be in a trance again.

  “What was that?” Hawk asked Alexandar.

  “That was the power of the mage. She is more powerful than I suspected.”

  “We will take precautions.” Hawk said to his men and leaned close to Alexandar to whisper. “What can we do?”

  “I do not know, yet.” The old seer replied.
“But I will soon, and I will tell you all I know.”

  Chapter 12

  Hawk stood there in the hall and watched as two men took the prisoner to the dungeon below stairs. He was at a loss as to what to say or do. Fighting a mage through another person was new to them all. Gareth put his hand on Hawk’s shoulder. “I go to my chambers now; you should seek your bed as well. It has been a long day.”

  He nodded to Gareth and watched him take Megan’s hand. Gareth had been honest about his feelings for Cassidy, but the beast inside Hawk hesitated to trust anyone. He was glad Gareth and Megan had found each other. It would keep his friend out of danger.

  He said good night to his men and climbed the stairs to his chamber. He ached to hold Cassidy in his arms. She was his everything. She was his world. He had found her just when his life was starting to spin out of control. She balanced him. The sound of her voice soothed his inner beast. The lightest touch of her hand eased his tensions. She brought clarity and calm to his world of darkness and despair. She was the light in his darkness.

  He found her asleep in their bed, under the covers. The room was warm, so there was no need for a fire in the hearth. His vision was excellent now and he could see her clearly in the dark room. He was glad she was sleeping. Sleep healed their kind; however, it was when they were most vulnerable. He would need to post guards at their doors when they slept, if evil lurked here in this realm as well. He would take no chances with their safety. Stepping back out into the hall, he called for Keith. The man answered quickly and was soon standing in front of him.

  “I want guards posted at our chambers at night. Every night. If that means some of our warriors sleep during the day, then so be it. We cannot be left vulnerable.”

  Keith nodded. “Agreed, M’ Lord. It will be done. Beginning this night.”

  They clasped arms. “Thank you, my brother.” He stepped back into his bed chamber.

  He crossed the room to the bed and gently pulled the covers back. Cassidy’s naked body was on full display to his hungry gaze. She stirred in her sleep. He smiled when she murmured his name. He quickly shed his clothes and slid into bed behind her. He pulled her close, cupping her breast in his palm. He squeezed firmly, and she moaned. She snuggled her bottom into his already engorged member. He winced. She murmured his name again. He growled in her ear. She felt so damned good in his arms. This felt so damned right. No one would ever threaten her again.


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