Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 10

by McKayla Jade

  “Hawk. You know I care for her. You also know, it goes no further. I have given you my word.” Gareth whispered, as people were beginning to gather in the great hall. “She is your Fated Female. To me she is a sister. I pray you will one day see what is right before your own eyes.”

  Calm washed over him, and he conceded. “You are right, my friend.” He put his hand on Gareth’s shoulder. “I feel strange and I know not why.”

  Gareth tensed. “What do you mean strange? Is Cassidy all right?”

  He sighed. “Yes. I can feel her within me. She is well. I am the one who is acting strangely and with no true reason.”

  “How long, Hawk?” Gareth asked.

  “How long what?” Hawk asked.

  “How long have you been feeling this way?” Gareth asked.

  “Just a couple of days. Why?” He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

  “Just a couple of days ago, we captured that assassin and took him prisoner.” Gareth reminded him.

  “Could the mage be controlling me through him?” Worry gnawed at his guts.

  “But why not all of us? Why just you?” Gareth wondered out loud.

  “Where is Alexandar, now?” He wanted to know and went in search of him.

  The old wizard, as it turned out, was not hard to find. He was in the dining hall with everyone else. Sitting down, Hawk leaned forward to ask, “Alexandar, Gareth and I have a question for you.” The sorcerer turned his attention to Hawk and replied. “What is it that troubles you?” “You see, all day, I have not felt right, and I have treated Cassidy poorly.”

  Gareth interrupted him then. “And your warriors. None are without a tale or two about your temper.”

  He agreed. “It is so.” He turned back to Alexandar and asked. “Could there be something the mage has done to me, through her assassin?”

  Alexandar put his finger to his chin and thought for a moment. “I suppose so. Give me until the meal is over and I will have your answer.”

  They thanked him and went to take their seats at the head table, to await dinner. There were still two sides at war inside of him. One had evil ideas about Cassidy and the other wanted nothing more than to love her and protect her. Even so, the darker part of him wanted to watch her fail and rejoiced at her pain. Was that his demon side taking control of him? Would his demon someday hurt her, or worse yet, kill her? He wiped a hand over his face. He needed to get control of himself.

  His attention was pulled to the entrance as Cassidy, dressed as a lady, and the queen she was, entered the great hall. The dress she wore was of dark green velvet, with black lace edges. Her beautiful auburn hair flowed down her back in waves. He had never seen her look so regal. So beautiful. So elegant. Her eyes searched and finally found him. They were that stunning ice blue he would never get enough of. He loved her so deeply. Why he had treated her so badly, he had no idea. He wanted these feelings to be the only ones he had toward his wife. Why did the urge to hurt her come over him lately? She deserved to be treasured. He could not simply stand there and stare any longer.

  He made his way around the head table and went to her, meeting her at the doorway of the hall. He bowed to her and whispered. “You are simply stunning, my dear.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “I am honored to be your husband. Can you forgive my actions these last few hours?”

  HER CHEEKS FELT WARM. Never had she been lavished with such attention. She noticed too; their people were watching. Every eye in the room seemed to be on her. Hawk’s behavior these last few hours had truly been confusing, but she was willing to forgive him. He was her whole world. She loved him with her whole heart. Without him, she felt lost, he kept her safe. She leaned in close and wrapped her arms around his neck, stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him. She meant it to be a chaste kiss, but he took it a bit further and much to the enjoyment of their people.

  Pulling away just slightly he kept his arms wrapped around her waist, leaned his forehead down to touch hers and murmured, “Perhaps we should sit and eat before we give our people another show.”

  She did not say anything. She could not. She simply smiled and let him take her hand in his and guide her to their seats. She sat gently, trying for Hawk, to be the lady and queen, she was supposed to be. She had never had the desire or want to impress anyone with her class and elegance, until him. He made her want to be better. He had a way of making her feel like she was born for this life. Born to be a queen.

  Toward the end of the meal Alexandar approached, sitting across from them, he told Hawk. “It is as you and Gareth suspected. The mage has a hold over you.”

  Gareth leaned closer so he could listen.

  “Do you remember the man spitting on you?” Alexandar asked.

  Hawk waited, careful to not interrupt him.

  “Well, that is how she did it. She now has a hold over you. We must cleanse you of the black magic, before it takes over your entire soul.” The seer explained.

  She gasped and Hawk reached for her hand to pull her close. “All will be well. Fear not, little one. A Mage has tried to kill me before and it did not work then. It will not work now.”

  Alexandar waved his hand in the air, interrupting them. “She does not seek to kill you, Hawk. She wants your mate dead. She knows without your mate you will die as well, but it will not be an easy death. She wants you to suffer.”

  Cassidy tried to hide her shock, covering her mouth with her hand. Hawk glanced her way. “It will not happen. I promise you that, M’ Love.” He must have seen the tears gather in her eyes because he turned toward her. Looking deeply into her eyes he promised. “Cassidy. Look at me. Truly look at me. I vow to you. It will not happen. No one, nor anything will part us, and I will not harm you.”

  She took a deep breath, to steady her nerves. Her heart beat loud in her ears, she told him. “I just cannot lose you. You hold my heart in your hands.”

  “You need to know, so you can inform your men. They need to keep Cassidy safe, if the mage is somehow able to overtake your mind, they may have to protect her from you.” Alexandar told him.

  “It will be done. I will take no chances with black magic.” Hawk assured him. Looking at her he told her. “All will be well. Put your trust in me and my warriors to keep you safe.” She could feel the love and comfort he sent her.

  He motioned Gareth close. “Friend. You have no doubt heard what Alexandar has told us.” At a nod from Gareth, he continued. “I want Dalton and Calum to never leave her side. They are to report to me if anything should happen to her or near her.”

  “Understood, M’ Lord.” Gareth leaned back in his seat. Pushing it back he motioned for Dalton and Calum to stand and follow him.

  She and Hawk watched as the three of them talked. This was a grave thing being asked of them. They would be her personal protectors, even defying their king should it be needed to keep her safe. Cassidy trembled and Hawk turned to look at her.

  She told him privately. ‘It scares me, that at any moment your thoughts and actions may not be your own.’

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it when he replied. ‘Fear not. This is exactly why I want two of my Elites to guard you. They will defy me if need be. Calum has already proven his loyalty to you, when he fought to protect you from your uncle and Dalton is, Dalton is different.’

  Cassidy lowered her eyes to her lap. She was uneasy and scared of what might be. Hawk rose and brought her with him. She followed him onto the center of the floor of the hall. She was shaking like a leaf but could do nothing to stop it. Counting them into the middle of the song, he danced with her. Other couples soon followed. It did not take long, and she relaxed into his arms, her body moving in time with his. Her gown complimented her coloring so well, it gave her almost an exotic look. ‘His exotic warrior queen’ She heard him, and it made her smile. As he turned her around in his arms in time to the music her gown and hair twirled around her in a silent dance all their own. Perfectly complimenting her hourg
lass figure. She had hoped he would notice.

  DALTON AND CALUM STOOD like sentinels watching carefully. As they should. He nodded to them. No words were needed. The music stopped and he leaned in to ask his beautiful mate, “Do we dance another?” He watched her eyelashes flutter.

  “May haps Sire, you could take me flying this night? I am really looking forward to learning, unless you think it not safe enough.”

  Flying alone with her held so much promise. Guarded by two of his own elite guards destroyed that promise. One look into her eyes and he was lost. He could do no other than grant her request. “Of course, love. Let us fly!” He pulled her to the head table and handed her his drink. Once she had quenched her thirst, he took a drink and turned her toward their chambers. “To the balcony we go.” Her shaking made him curious. “Are you cold, my dear, or do you need me?”

  She shook her head. “Neither M’ Lord. I am nervous.”

  He stopped short. “Nervous? What have you to be nervous about?”

  “Perhaps, I will disappoint you? As I have not ever flown as a bird does.” She started to explain. “You, however, have been flying for quite some time.”

  He turned her to face him. Stopped there in the corridor, he rested his forehead to hers. “You, little one, could never disappoint me. It is not possible.” His voice seemed to echo off the walls in a sort of command.

  She smiled and he leaned in to kiss her. Pulling back, he whispered. “Just a taste for now, as we have an audience.”

  SHE GLANCED AROUND him and noticed Calum and Dalton, following them, but at a distance, so to offer some privacy. She loved the warriors like brothers, they were the only family she and Hawk had here. Dalton was new to her, but not to the elites, but she liked him well enough. He seemed to be the elusive one, always on the fringes of the group, but not an outcast. Just quieter, more reserved. He was more nimble and quicker than most other warriors, but no less capable. He, unlike the others, did not carry a great sword. He carried a rapier. Lighter than a standard sword, but no less deadly.

  “Yes, Sire.” She whispered to Hawk. “Let us continue our journey. I am as excited as I am nervous to fly!”

  They reached their chambers and opened the drapes to the balcony. She gasped at the sight before her. The sun had just begun sinking beyond the horizon. It was absolutely breath taking. The sky was streaked with variations of pinks and purples and yellows and golds. The azure blue clouds even seemed to play along, lying low and thin as if painted by an artist from the most perfect hues.

  “This is what I want for you, every day of our lives. Peace and beauty and calm and anything else your heart desires.” He told her, releasing her hand as she walked out onto the balcony.

  “Truly, Hawk?” She was so excited to be here in this moment with him, sharing this beauty.

  “Yes. Truly. I want every happiness for you. Ask it. It will be yours.” He told her as he crossed the room to take her hands in his.

  She grinned at him as he held their joined hands to his chest. His heart beat strong and steady in his chest. “I want to fly!”

  He laughed. “Then fly we shall.” He stepped away from her and took his back sword and belt off, leaving it within the room. Then took her hand and walked to the edge of the balcony. He sprang up onto the railing, his wings appearing as he did so. He looked at her over his shoulder and said. “Your turn, love.”

  She turned her back to him and he realized her new gown had been specifically made for just such an occasion. It was tailored with buttons down each side of her shoulders along her backbone, just where her wings would appear. “This is fantastic, love! Was this your idea?” He jumped back down from the ledge to help her. He pulled her hair to the side so he could unbutton the sides.

  She said. “No, M’ Lord. The seamstress here thought up the idea after seeing my transformation. She is incredibly talented.”

  “Indeed.” He replied, finishing the last of the buttons. “You are ready, love.”

  She stood there looking up at him, once her fingers touched his calloused palm, her wings thrust from her back. The force pushed her forward into his arms and he easily lifted her onto the balcony rail. She smiled, but it faded the moment she looked down. “Oh, ‘tis high.” She grabbed hold of his arm to steady herself. She could feel her wings stretch out behind her, like they were an extra set of arms. It felt strange and familiar all at once, as though she had always had them, but had just never used them.

  “It is, but remember, I will catch you.” He reminded her as he jumped from the ledge. His large black wings flapped once and then he was above her.

  “‘Tis now or never.” She told herself as she leapt from the railing into the beauty of the sunset sky.

  Chapter 15

  Her wings flapped and flapped again. She gasped and started flapping her arms and wings rapidly. She was falling fast. The ground getting closer every second. Wait. She was rising. She pushed harder with her arms, no, wings. Yes. She was doing it. She chanced a look down and there was Hawk flying beneath her. She thought he would be above her, but when she had jumped, he had swooped below. He was waiting to catch her like he had promised. She gathered her courage and began flapping her wings hard. It took some effort and some deep concentration, but she was learning it.

  Hawk watched as she learned to push her wings not against the wind, but to use the wind currents to glide through the air. Soon they were flying side by side and then he flew just above her. Her body and wings seemed to dance with the wind and the clouds. She had closed her eyes and was dancing to a tune only she could hear, but she didn’t care. Hawk would watch her all night. Gracefully gliding across the night sky. Soon she was dancing with the stars as her background, shining on her reddish locks and glinting on her white wings. She felt beautiful.

  She turned to look for him. “You are right. It is exhilarating to fly up here so far from everything and everyone!”

  “Slow down love, and let me hold you.”

  She thought about it and asked, “How will we do that without falling?”

  He grinned. “Are you afraid I will not catch you?”

  “No. Not at all.” She slowed herself and almost closed her wings. Before she could gasp, he caught her. His arms like bands of steel wrapped around her waist. The feel of her wings between them was strange but just as she thought it, they were gone. She gripped Hawk’s arms tighter. He chuckled in her ear.

  “Easy love. I will never let you fall. You know this.” He kissed just beneath her ear, making her giggle. Holding his arms where they wrapped around her middle, she let him just fly. To where, mattered not. She did not care, as long as he held her.

  “We need to return home, love,” he murmured.

  “Must we?” She asked, not wanting to end this almost perfect night.

  “My wings tire and I know my men tire of following us.”

  “I had forgotten about them.” She confessed. “Yes, let us go home.”

  He kissed the tip of her ear then and said. “Homeward it is.”

  When they neared their balcony, he asked her, “Do you want to try landing?”

  “Perhaps not tonight, may haps in a field, another time. I am tired now,” she told him.

  He laughed as they landed. “In a field?” He asked her. He heard his men land on the balcony in the next room, “Why in a field?”

  She smiled and said, “If I make a mistake, it will be a softer landing than on this stone floor.”

  He pulled her back into his arms as his wings faded and kissed the top of her head. “I had not thought of that. That is a brilliant idea.”

  The moment his wings were gone, the thought of dropping her off the balcony lanced through his mind. The thought seized him, and he doubled over, like he had been kicked in the guts. His head throbbed. Cassidy had already ventured into their bedchamber, and so had not seen his pain. It took every ounce of will he possessed to keep from chasing her down and throwing her off the balcony. The thoughts made him shake. He dove int
o the other room to find his men.

  “Dalton. Calum.” He drug air into his lungs. His chest heaved with the effort. “I need you to know. While flying, I felt fine, but as soon as my wings faded, I thought of hurting Cassidy.”

  “Hurting how? What exactly did you think?” Calum stepped up to him, hand on the hilt of his sword. He wanted answers. “I thought of dropping her off the balcony.” His heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. “I pray to the gods; this mage cannot make me hurt her.” “It was not until your wings faded? You did not have this thought while you were flying?” Dalton asked.

  “No, it was just after I faded my wings, and as the thought raced through my mind, I felt like I had been kicked in the guts and stabbed in the head. It was strange to say the least.” He told them. “I fear what I might do or say to her tonight. Stay alert. Do not let anything happen to her.”

  “Should you not stay in another chamber, perhaps?” Calum suggested.

  He shook his head. “I believe I am strong enough to fight this hold the mage has on me. I just hope Alexandar finds a cure soon.”

  “You may be my king, but I will not hesitate to protect her again. I value her as not only my queen, but sister as well.” Calum informed him and he saw Dalton nod in agreement.

  “That is why I chose you two for this task. I knew I could trust you to keep her safe, even from me.” They clasped arms and parted ways. His men continued out into the hall, he turned to the other chamber. He shook himself. He would never harm Cassidy. Whatever this was that held his mind, would not take control. He would not let a mage destroy what was his ever again.

  Cassidy greeted him from across the room. He smiled and glanced at her as he closed the door behind him. She was standing near the fireplace. “Are you cold, M’ Love?” He leaned down to kiss her bare shoulder.

  “No, it just seems that way, when you aren’t near me.” She murmured and leaned back against him. He wrapped his arms around her, a jolt of energy shot through him making his arms clench tight. Had she not felt it too and ducked out of his arms, he would have squeezed her hard enough to have broken her ribs. He bent double and tried to pull in air. His mind filled with rage.


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