Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 19

by McKayla Jade

  He would have laughed out loud at the look on his mother’s face if his father had not chosen that moment to join them. “Hawk! How are you? You look well!”

  He nodded to his father and then clasped arms with him when he said. “I am well. I feel fantastic. I want you both to meet my wife.”

  His parents stood silent, as he knew they would. They had only known him as a recluse these last few years. As much as they had tried, he had pushed them away at every turn. He had not wanted them to find out what he really was. He would not have been able to face the rejection. He knew Cassidy was standing behind him, but it felt like she was miles away. Her unease splashed over him like a bucket of cold water. He turned to her, giving his parents his back.

  “M’ Love. I am sorry. I had no idea they would be here. This is not how I wanted this to be, but alas it is. They will love you as I do, I promise.” He whispered. She pulled him back toward the stable and Lucifer. Putting distance between them and the others.

  “Hawk. I knew this day would come. I am worried about what they will think about how we came to be married. You have married below your station and I would never want to disappoint them. I fear I am not enough.” She whispered.

  “You forget yourself, madam.” He whispered back. “You are in fact a queen, no matter if we are in this realm or the other, it matters not.”

  Her chin quivered as she choked back her tears and swallowed the lump in her throat. He gently took her hand in his and led her back to his parents, who stood silently dumbfounded in the bailey. He took a moment to look at them through her eyes. His mother and father were not much older looking than they themselves. She stepped up to tuck herself under his arm and up close to his side.

  “Mother. Father. I want you to meet my wife. Cassidy.” He paused. “We were married just a fortnight hence and many things happened we want to tell you about, but not here.”

  His mother was the first to speak, as was common. “That is fantastic news! Oh Ian! I am so happy for you!” She kissed his cheek and then took Cassidy’s hand, since she was still trying to hide in his arms. “My dear, girl. Oh my! I never thought this day would come!” His mother continued excitedly. “Will you come with me? We must talk! Won’t you please come with me?”

  He glanced down at Cassidy and gave her a little push in his mother’s direction as well. He watched the two women he loved most, walk away like old friends gossiping, heads bent close together. He turned back to his father, for the questions he knew were coming his way. The man was silent.

  “’Tis a long story.” Hawk told him. His father simply raised an eyebrow.

  “I have no doubt it is. Let us go inside and sit by the hearth. You can tell me all about it.” He reached out and patted Hawk on the back and stopped abruptly. He knew his father had felt the ridges on his back where his wings were encased. Both men looked at each other with questions but continued into the keep.

  There by the hearth he sat with his father and told him how Cassidy had brought him from his darkness and gave him a new light to follow. He did not leave out the abuse she had suffered or the fact he had been the one to kill her uncle. The king had ordered Henry killed, but it made no difference to Hawk. It still rested completely on him. He had delivered the death stroke.

  “That is a grave thing, son, but it still does not explain how you came to be married.”

  He could not hide anything from his father. He loved Cassidy too completely. “Her fever almost took her that night. Gareth and I thought we had cleaned her wounds well enough, but alas her fever raged for two days. I could not leave her side. I just could not.” He leaned over in his seat to hold his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. “Father, she was so beaten, I was afraid if I left her care to another, while I was away, she would slip into death’s grip and be gone.”

  His father rested his hand on his shoulder and assured him. “My son, I would have done the same. Your mother and I hold such a bond. I hoped one day you would find a woman whom you could love so completely.”

  The smile on his father’s face reassured him and he let out the breath he had been holding. “Thank you, for understanding. I was so worried you would not accept her.”

  “Why would I not accept her? You have found the love of your life. Why would I not want my son to find the happiness I have found?”

  “Cassidy worries she is below my station.” He confessed.

  “Rubbish! I, nor your mother, believe in that nonsense. I never believed marriage is a way to raise yourself.”

  By the time his mother and his wife walked into the room, he was feeling much better. Cassidy smiled at him when she noticed he and his father sitting near the hearth. They rose to greet their wives. That thought caught him as odd. He had never thought he would know the joy of having a woman, lest a wife. He took her hand in his and bringing her knuckles to his lips, kissed her there. “I am glad you are back, love. Did you have a good visit?” He asked her while looking at his mother.

  “Why do you look at me so?” His mother asked. “Clearly you can see. I brought her back in one piece.”

  He and his father both laughed. Cassidy spoke up. “I do not see what is funny, M’ Lord.”

  “The one thing I wish I would have told you when we first met, was that my mother hates dresses and womanly pursuits as much as you do.” He told her. “She is a fantastic businesswoman as well. Just do not go telling too many folks. They think my father runs the show.”

  She stepped into his arms and leaned the side of her head on his chest, murmuring. “Thank you, M’ lady for having shown me this magnificent keep. I am afraid I am extremely tired, however.”

  He picked up on her not so subtle hint. “Does your head ache, M’ Love?” He asked her. In her thoughts she said. ‘I am sorry. I kept going as long as I could.’

  He responded the same way. ‘It is not your fault. We are both learning. I will take you to my cha...’ He stopped. He had forgotten to ask the staff to prepare them a room. His former rooms were in no shape to let Cassidy in.

  ‘Keith, Gareth, I need you in the great hall at once.’ He sent the message to each of them. It was only a couple of moments and they were in front of him.

  “Could you make certain the staff has cleaned and prepared our chamber?” He asked them out loud. Then in thought he told Gareth. ’I do not want Cassidy or my parents to see how bad the chamber I used has become. I wish to sleep in a different one, while the other is repaired.’

  Gareth made eye contact sending him a message and out loud he said. “I have already thought of that and I had it done. If Cassidy is tired, you will find the chambers to the left on the fourth floor are prepared. Her lady maid awaits her there.”

  He heard his father stand up and he turned to look over his shoulder at the older man, who oddly did not look older than he himself.

  “When you have seen to Cassidy’s comfort, we will be here awaiting you. There is more we need to discuss.” His father told him.

  “As you wish, Father.” He looked down at Cassidy and winked. ‘All is well, little one. I sense no ill will from them. In fact, I sense that my mother is in love, with you.’

  Chapter 28

  He took the stairs slowly, one step at a time with Cassidy at his side. He loved seeing the keep through her eyes. Every tapestry and every mural were new to her. Then he noticed her squint her eyes. ‘The ache is getting bothersome.’ She sent him her thoughts and this time he felt her pain as well.

  It was so intense, he felt it like a slap to the face. How was she still standing?

  ‘Forced practice.’ She smiled up at him and stumbled. He picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.

  “There will be no more of that.” He told her out loud as he opened the door to their rooms. There in the room near the hearth was Megan. He did not stop until he got to the bed with Cassidy. He set her down and without preamble this time, sunk his fangs into her, pulling the poison from her blood. When he had finished, he looked up
and Megan was gone. Giving them the privacy they most times requested.

  Cassidy’s soft sigh brought his attention back to her. She stretched out on the bed and arched her back. “This bed is so very comfortable.”

  “Do you wish to stay in bed and rest, or would you like to return to the main hall with me?” He asked her.

  “I really would enjoy getting to know your father as well. Your mother is wonderful.”

  He helped her to her feet. “Then let us go and face them together. My father felt the ridges on my back, and I am sure he has questions. I am not yet sure how much I can tell them. I...” He was interrupted by Alexandar appearing in the doorway of their chamber.

  “Alexandar!” Cassidy was excited to see him. “I did not know you would come with us.”

  “I thought I might be needed. So here I am.”

  “Alexandar. I do have a question for you.” Hawk told him. “How much can I tell my mother and father? Can I....” Alexandar held up his hand and interrupted him

  “They await you. Continue the path you were on. The answers will come, my dear boy. You worry too much.” He gave them a gentle nudge out the door and continued following them down the hall. They entered the hall hand in hand, she just a step behind him. He tried to pull her up to his side and she tugged back, telling him.

  ‘It is here, where I feel protected. Please. Let me stay here.’ He let up on her hand and let her almost hide her face behind his arm.

  ‘Then stay there, love. I want you to feel protected.’

  He stepped up to his mother and father. “Let us talk. We have much to discuss, however, I wish for no one to overhear us. Let us go to my ledger room.”

  “Agreed. What we have to discuss is too important for half-truths and misunderstandings.” His father agreed.

  The group, including Alexandar, gathered in the ledger room closing the doors behind them. Cassidy started to tremble, and he squeezed her hand gently. ‘No. Do not let fear enter your heart.’

  She smiled up at him. ‘I am not fearful of you. I just wish my station were higher. You deserve a wife who can be everything a king needs.’

  He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them. Turning to his father he said. “Do you want to begin? Or shall we?”

  His father waited for his wife to sit on his lap. That made him blink. He had known his parents were closely bonded, but to show outward affection was new to him. His father smiled and his mother kissed him as she got comfortable. “Hawk there is much to tell you, but we have a feeling, it may not be as shocking as it once might have been.”

  Now he was thoroughly confused. “Before you confuse the entire household, could you not just tell me what you are thinking?”

  His father looked at his mother once more and began. “Alexandar has been our constant helper as well as yours. Years ago, it began with your mother. After you were born, she almost died. It is why you have no brothers or sisters.” He looked over at Alexandar, who seemed to be bored with this whole conversation. His father continued. “Upon her deathbed I would not give up on her and the gods saw that our love was one of great power. They gifted your mother with immortality and with that she was granted the powers of a fury.”

  “Son,” He said, looked at his love, nodded and looked back at him. “We believe your wife is as well.”

  Cassidy gasped and he pulled her behind him. His mother jumped up from her seat and stalked forward. “Do you think we would harm her?! How dare you hide her as if harm would come to her from us!”

  Cassidy slid down his back trying to kneel, making herself smaller. Her trembling could not be mistaken. She was scared. He took a step toward his mother. “Never mother. I know you would never harm me or mine. However, Cassidy has dealt with quite a bit of information lately. It is information that has changed us both, forever. She is newly immortal. I pushed that on her. She is feeling overwhelmed just now. She is still healing in some ways. And how is it, that you father, are not immortal?”

  “Oh, but I am. That is another story. Suffice it to say, I was a druid in the times of Arthur and his Knights. For reasons I am sworn to protect, I cannot say more. I fled Britannia, traveling to Greece. There, I met your mother.”

  “King Arthur is only a legend.” He wanted answers. His father was not making any sense. “It cannot be. How are you immortal?”

  “All I can say is, Avalon and the lady of the lake granted my immortality.”

  Turning back to where Cassidy had been standing, he found her sitting upon the cold stone floor. He picked her up and helped her to stand, he held her to him. Rocking her gently while her silent tears ran down her cheeks. He looked at his mother and told her.

  “This story begins with me. I have been hiding things from you for far too long I can see.” He walked over to the settee and sat down, still holding Cassidy in his arms. He got her settled on his lap and told his parents his secrets.

  “You were never cursed by a witch, son.” His mother told him. “You were born an immortal shifter. But when you never shifted as a child, we thought perhaps you never would.”

  “Born immortal?” He was stunned. “Then, why did I only shift after killing that witch?”

  “Because you finally got angry enough to trigger it.” Alexandar popped into the conversation. Hawk shook his head.

  “I came to you! I trusted you! Why did you deceive me? All the hiding I have been doing and I could have had people to confide in.” Hawk bemoaned. “Why could you not just tell me.”

  His father raised one eyebrow. “You were not ready to listen.” He paused.

  “But one thing I am curious about, son. When I patted you on your back, I felt something?”

  Sitting Cassidy to his side he stood up. “The only way to explain is to show you.” He took his shirt off and turned his back to his parents. Showing them the two large ridges on his back that ran side by side with his backbone. From there his wings emerged. Carefully, he relaxed them to lay against him like a cape and turned back around to find his parents smiling like fools. They had clearly lost their minds. Before them stood a half dragon, half man demon, where once stood their son. And they were smiling. His mother spoke first.

  “Welcome to the dark side of magic, son.” She walked up and hugged him, shocking him into silence. His father saved him. “When your wings retract, they leave ridges upon you? I have never seen this. Alexandar? Have you seen this?”

  Alexandar was now perched on the window seat and looked directly at Hawk when he told them. “Nope, Never. Only your son would defy all the magics and go about this his own way.” Alexandar laughed. “Only one, as bull headed as you once were, Bruce.”

  “Stop!” Cassidy stood up rubbing her forehead and said. “Alexandar, so you knew Hawk’s parents were, or are, immortals as well and you never told him?” She was offended on his behalf. Alexandar crossed the room in a blink. He took her hands into his and looked directly at her when he told her. “You and I both know; he was too bull headed in the beginning and still is. He would not have listened to me and besides. The magic never told me to tell him.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “And you always follow the direction of the magics?”

  He grinned. “Perhaps not, it is more fun to let some people learn on their own.”

  Hawk stepped into the conversation then. “Cassidy. Alexandar is probably right. I probably would not have listened and even if I had I would not have understood.” Turning to his parents, he said. “I am truly sorry for thinking I needed to protect Cassidy, however, it’s the only life I have known.”

  “Not from lack of us trying.” Isabel huffed.

  “Mother, I know you and father tried to help me, however, at the time I was lost.” He confirmed what his parents already knew. “I would not have listened. I was in a dark place.”

  “If I understand you correctly, you shift into half man half dragon and you think I would not understand?” His mother wanted to know. “You do realize I am a fury and tend to lose my tempe
r easily?”

  “Yes, I do know what a fury can do, or will do to those deserving of punishment.” He replied.

  “Cassidy, do you know fully what you can do? Do you know your limits?” Isabel asked her.

  “I do not yet know, what I can or cannot do. I am not a witch. That I can promise you.” Cassidy told her. “We have had almost no time to test it. Everything has come to the fore very recently. All I know is that my father was a sorcerer as Alexandar and that I have shown some of his talents.”

  “Now what is this about you needing Hawk?” Bruce wanted to know. “It did not seem like a newlywed thing.”

  He rolled his eyes. “No father, it’s not a newlywed thing. This is the part; I struggle with most.” He felt Cassidy pull back and turned to her. “Hear me out. I struggle with it only because everything we know about vampires, is that they are wholly evil.”

  “You are not a vampire!” Isabel declared. “It cannot be.”

  “Perhaps not, but things are very strange.” He told them. “I struggle with the fact every so often Cassidy needs me to suck the poison from her blood or she will perish. My body then stores that poison to use on my enemies.”

  “She does not take from you?” Bruce asked.

  He exchanged a quick glance with Cassidy. “No. Well if she is wounded, she can, and my blood heals her. She does not crave it as vampires are said to either, but then too, it is poison to anyone else. No one can mend my wounds except she or I.” He told them. “However, we did not know that until Cassidy was wounded in battle.”

  She stepped up next to him and told his parents. “There are many new things happening, and we are learning as fast as we can, however, I have a feeling there will be more as we go along. My father was a sorcerer, like Alexandar, so not even he knows how powerful I might truly be.”


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