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Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “It’s supposed to be, my sweet!” Mother Toone told her, parting the skirt even wider. “It’s all part of the ceremony—you’ll see.”

  “I guess I will.” Penny was fighting to keep the happy smile on her face, which mirrored the smiles on the other women in her group. All of their breasts had begun making nectar by now and all their wombs had been pronounced “ripe and ready for conception” during their last exam. So today was the Unification Day Ceremony, when they would all be joined with their “Forever Mates” for life.

  All the other women in her group seemed ecstatic that the big day was finally here—Shurla most of all. It was hard to reconcile the beaming bride arranging the fronds of her top to showcase all three of her breasts with the girl who had mouthed-off angrily on their first day at the Compound.

  Rather than being angry and belligerent, Shurla was now all about meeting her Forever Mate and starting her new life serving the Glorious Cause. She couldn’t wait to get bred so she could start making babies for the Glorious Leader.

  “Oh, isn’t this so exciting, Penny?” she asked, grinning from ear to ear as she talked. “Today we’ll meet the mates our Shining Star has chosen for us! And we’ll be marked as theirs forever and be bred by them! And then tomorrow, we get our job assignments and our real life in the Compound will begin. Oh, I just can’t wait!”

  “Now, now, my sweetie, we’re almost ready to go. See how excited she is!” Mother Toone beamed at Penny and Shurla both. “Ah, sometimes I almost wish I could mate and breed myself. It’s all so romantic.”

  Right—about as romantic as getting flattened by a truck! Penny thought sourly. But she kept the smile planted firmly on her face and made a noise of agreement.

  “Yes, so romantic. Now stop that, dearie—I told you, the dress is meant to showcase your lovely assets to your Forever Mate!”

  The NeverBreeder swatted at Penny’s hand—she had been surreptitiously trying to adjust the long grass strands to cover her nipples.

  “Sorry.” Giving up, Penny clenched her fists at her sides. Going out in front of the entire village of strangers with her breasts and nipples—leaking the amber-colored nectar—and her swollen pussy on display was possibly one of the most embarrassing things she’d ever had to do. But since none of the other women seemed the least bit perturbed, she supposed she would just have to deal with it.

  She wasn’t sure, but Penny thought all this eagerness to go get joined and bred might have something to do with a change in the hypno-whispers. She still couldn’t understand more than one word in ten, but at night when her pillow whispered to her, her dreams had changed—becoming stranger than ever.

  She still dreamed of the Glorious Leader as Colonel Sanders, but this time Sanders was doing a sensuous bump and grind, telling Penny how hot and sexy it was to get bred for the Glorious Cause. But when he unzipped his immaculate white trousers and reached inside, he pulled out not a penis, but an extra-crispy chicken drumstick.

  “Take a bite,” he told Penny, thrusting his hips to shove the drumstick in her face. “Just a nibble. Come on—you know you want to…”

  At that point, Penny usually woke up, drenched in sweat and filled with a strange mixture of hungriness and horniness. It was a terribly odd combination which was disturbing on so many levels she could hardly name them all.

  Clearly, though, the other women were getting the full impact of the hypno-whispers and they were excited to begin their new lives in the Compound. When all of them were lined up in a row, Mother Toone clapped her hands in excitement.

  “Oh my dears, you all look so lovely! I’m so excited for you!”

  “Thank you, Mother Toone!” they all chorused dutifully and Shurla added, “Can we go get bred now?”

  The NeverBreeder attendant laughed indulgently.

  “My, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an eager bunch! Yes, it’s finally time for the ceremony, my sweeties. Come on—let’s go.”

  And she led them out of the dormitory and through the long, convoluted hallways to the exit of the Breeding and Conception Center at last.

  This is my chance—my only chance! Penny thought grimly, as they walked through the door and out into the open. The sun was shining warmly through the glittering vault of the atmosphere dome and a warm, spicy breeze was rustling the tops of the well-manicured trees which lined the walkway to the Breeding and Conception Center.

  Penny took a deep breath. It was the first time in days she’d been outside other than the daily trip to the exercise yard, which hardly counted.

  She looked around herself surreptitiously. There were guards surrounding their group of brides-to-be, but surely they would fan out some when everyone started walking. Penny was determined that the minute she saw a time when no one was looking, she would slip away and head down to the gate of the Compound to hide.

  And I’ll stay there, she told herself. Until they open the damn thing up and I can slip away! I’ll—

  “Now, before we go to the Amphitheater and meet your Forever Mates for the Unification Ceremony, we must make a few little adjustments,” Mother Toone said, smiling at them brightly. “Guard Spoone? Can you help me?”

  One of the NeverBreeder guards came forward. He holstered the pain-prod he’d been holding and pulled a fistful of something that looked like a bunch of colorful silk handkerchiefs out of his pocket.

  “Who’s first?” he asked gruffly, glaring first at the assembled women and then at Mother Toone.

  “I think Shurla is our most eager bride,” Mother Toone decided, smiling her Jack-o-Lantern smile. “Come forward, my dear,” she added, motioning to the triple-breasted woman.

  Shurla came forward eagerly, flipping her bright pink hair with an excited little toss of her head as she stood in front of Mother Toone and Guard Spoone.

  “Now, in order to show your obedience to your mate and your blind trust in the will of the Shining Star, you must be bound and blindfolded on the way to the ceremony,” Mother Toone explained, as Guard Spoone tied a bright red handkerchief around Shurla’s eyes and a bright blue one around her wrists. “Plus, it adds to the excitement—don’t you think?”

  “I’m so, so, so excited!” Shurla gushed and giggled as she allowed herself to be bound and tied with no resistance at all. “But when do we get to see our Forever Mates, Mother Toone? When?”

  “At the point in the ceremony when our Glorious Leader has given you formally to your Forever Mate, he will remove your blindfold and you will see him for the first time.” Mother Toone smiled indulgently. “All right now—who’s next?”

  Penny felt her heart sink as she watched the other women go up and hold out their wrists eagerly to be bound. How could she possibly escape if she was blindfolded and had her hands tied? Her plan to run the minute no one was looking was impossible if she couldn’t see where she was going.

  What was she going to do now?

  I’ll tell you what you’re going to do now, whispered a cynical little voice in her head that sounded a lot like Claudette. You’re going to get married and bred and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

  Penny tried to push the little voice away, but she was terribly afraid it was right.


  V didn’t like the fucking grass skirt thing they were making him wear but the pain square stuck to the side of his neck ensured that he didn’t complain. He and the rest of the males who were supposed to meet their “Forever Mates,” were waiting at the bottom of the Amphitheater for the Unification Ceremony to begin.

  The Compound’s public meeting place was like a giant bowl someone had carved out of the ground. Rows of tiered, gray stone benches rose up all around them like round bleachers. They were already beginning to fill with the longtime residents of the Compound—both the breeders and NeverBreeders.

  Down where V and the six other males were standing, there were several NeverBreeder guards with pain prods to make sure everyone stayed in order. Not a surprising precaution, V thought, sinc
e every last one of them was horny out of his fucking mind—V himself included.

  It was something in the air here, he thought, as he caught another whiff of the warm, spicy breeze circulating down at the bottom of the Amphitheater. Maybe the Spice the “Glorious Leader” had mentioned during their first meeting. It made you fucking crazy. He hadn’t felt so constantly sexually needy since adolescence.

  V, like the rest of the males who had been housed in his dormitory, had been beating off regularly to ease the tension. Then, about a week ago, they’d been moved out of the dorm and each of them had been given their own “Love Hut” which was the fucking stupid name given to the little white cottages that made up the breeder residences in the Compound. They’d also been assigned their jobs—(V’s was in the fucking hothouse, of all places, tending the fruit trees.)

  The idea, he supposed, was for all of them to get used to the rhythm of everyday life here in the Compound by the time the Unification Ceremony finally rolled around. But there was one thing he couldn’t get used to—the non-con bracelets they’d all been fitted with before they left the dorm.

  “These will keep you from touching yourselves in a sexual way while you live in the Compound,” the “Glorious Leader” had explained almost primly, when some of the males had complained. All of them but V might be under the sway of the hypno-whispers, but they were still red-blooded males who needed a release from time to time.

  “If I can’t beat my meat, how’m I gonna get relief?” one male—a huge Karsian with a hunched back and a dick that unfurled almost down to the ground—demanded. His name was “Skrug” and he was nearly as stupid as he looked, in V’s opinion.

  “Yeah—I need to get off! Somethin’ about this place makes me fuckin’ horny!” declared another male—a Jonquin with green skin and three horns sprouting from his forehead like a strange kind of crown.

  “We’re asking you to keep mostly chaste for the solar week leading up to your Unification Ceremony so that your seed will be extra strong for breeding when you finally meet your beautiful Forever Mates,” the “Glorious Leader” explained.

  “Does that mean you’ll take the non-cons off after our Joining Night?” V had asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well…no.” The “Glorious Leader” had cleared his throat and shot V a warning look.

  You’re on thin ice, that look said—not that V gave a damn. He’d agreed to go along with the slimy bastard who ran this place in order to get close to the little female with the wide, frightened brown eyes and the luscious ass. But he wasn’t going to rape her, like the Compound’s fearless leader was advocating. He was going to grab her and run the hell away with her as soon as he got the chance.

  Of course, exactly how he was going to get out of the Compound, he hadn’t quite worked out yet. But that would come once he had the girl and had convinced her to trust him. Which might be a tall order, considering what they were being told to do with their “Forever Mates” once they got them.

  “You won’t need to give yourselves sexual relief, ever again,” the “Glorious Leader” had proclaimed, as the little orange mutant guards had come around and fitted them all for the non-contact bracelets. They were thick, copper bands filled with sensors that shocked the hell out of you if you attempted to “grease the pole” as they used to say back on his old ship.

  “You won’t need to do that because from now on, you’ll always have a female at your sexual beck and call,” the “Shining Star” promised them. “Understand, gentlemen—I am giving these females to you—you will own them. From now on, if you want sex, you just take it at any time of the day or night. As your property, they cannot say no to you.”

  “So we should just rape the girl you give us whenever we feel like it? Is that what you’re saying?” V asked flatly, glaring at the male in his pristine white suite.

  “Rape? Of course not!” The “Glorious Leader” looked suitably shocked. “Why, these females I’m giving you will need sexual gratification as much as you do yourselves, gentlemen! Please understand, the fertility treatments they’ve been undergoing to make their wombs ready for your seed causes a lot of…shall we say side effects if they aren’t bred often and well.” He smirked. “I guarantee whoever your Forever Mate is, she’ll be as eager to mount your shaft as you are to put it in her.”

  V had no doubt that might be true for the ones who were under the control of the hypno-whispers. He’d seen the glazed looks on all the other females’ faces when the “Glorious Leader” had shown them to him and told him to pick the one he wanted. But he couldn’t forget the fear in the big brown eyes of the little human female with the luscious ass. Somehow she was immune to the whispers just like he was himself and he was damned if he’d mistreat her or act like she was property he owned just because the bastard in the white suit said it was okay.

  “You sure they’re gonna want it that bad?” the Karsian called Skrug asked, frowning.

  “Yeah!” another male exclaimed. “Most times I try to breed a woman, she runs away from me. What makes these ones different?”

  “All right, let me explain…” The “Glorious Leader” blew out a short breath of frustration. Clearly he was irritated with the stupider males in the bunch. Taking a deep breath, he renewed his bright, white smile and spoke slowly, making sure Skrug and the others understood.

  “The Mother’s Milk that is given to your Forever Mates in the Breeding and Conception Center causes their breasts to swell with nectar, which they’ll need you to suck out at least once a day while you’re breeding them. It’s sweet, like honey—you’ll like it,” he added quickly before Skrug could object. “Also, they’ve become extremely sensitive between their legs—they’ll need your fluids to ease the ache.” He lifted his chin and smiled. “In short, they will become addicted to what only you can provide them in a very short amount of time, gentlemen. Now do you understand?”

  There were looks of comprehension on the faces of even the dullest of the bunch and several of them laughed and congratulated each other.

  “Won’t be able to say no!” V heard them saying. “She’s gonna beg me for it every day!”

  He himself said nothing, but only stared with silent loathing at the “Glorious Leader.” What a total bastard he was! V had had his share of willing females in the past—he exuded a bad boy charm that ensured he was never without sex when he wanted it. But he’d never imagined drugging a female so that she had to give him what he wanted.

  Other than his lust-honey, which caused intense pleasure and instant orgasms, he didn’t need any kind of substance to persuade females to sleep with him. And of course, he never stung them and injected the honey until after they had decided to go to bed with him.

  But this bastard—the “Shining Star” of the NeverBreeder Compound—had found a way to force females to have sex regularly, whether they wanted it or not.

  V supposed it wasn’t that surprising—this whole fucking place was built around the idea of breeding as many babies as fast as possible. Giving the “breeders,” who were responsible for producing those babies, drugs to make them more eager and willing to breed, would fit with the “Glorious Leader’s” master plan. But it was still a shitty thing to do.

  There was worse to come, however.

  “What about if we get tired of our ‘Forever Mates’ though?” a big male Frunken growled, narrowing his three purple eyes. “Me, I like a variety of pussy. Don’t like to fuck the same one twice!”

  “Never fear, gentlemen…” The “Glorious Leader” smiled widely. “You’ll get a chance to try the other females in the Compound as well. Why do you think I announce Public Breedings from time to time? When you hear me call for one of those over the speakercoms, you stop whatever you’re doing and grab whichever female you want to try—or whichever one happens to be nearby.”

  “Any one we want?” Rock asked. A dawning look of comprehension came over his thuggish face. “That means that eventually we could fuck every female in the Compound!”

  “You could and you should,” the “Glorious Leader” told them earnestly. “We like genetic variety here—it all adds to the success of our Glorious Cause.” He shrugged, grinning at the assembled males. “So you see, gentlemen, the non-contact bracelets are completely irrelevant. You will never lack for any kind of sex again. In fact, you’ll have as much as you want for years to come!”

  He had left the males cheering—all but V—and no one had complained about the non-con bracelets since. V noticed that there had been “Public Breedings” announced pretty much every day since, however, which allowed the as-yet unmated males to relieve their needs on the hapless females who happened to be out in the village marketplace or park or any other public place when the announcement was made.

  V had abstained from these state-mandated orgies. He had needs as much as any of the males and it was damned inconvenient not to be able to jerk off when he was horny, but he refused to allow his urges to control him.

  He had seen the strained and pained looks on the females’ faces when they were grabbed and roughly fucked in public at random times of the day. They might be under the spell of the hypno-whispers, but being raped by a stranger just because the “Glorious Leader” said it was all right, was a horrible experience for them, no matter how enthusiastically they were forced to react to the attack.

  Also, V was stubbornly determined not to leave any of his genetic material here for these twisted bastards to play with. He’d be damned if he left a son or a daughter to the tender mercies of the NeverBreeders and their “Glorious Leader.” No way in all the Seven Hells would he do that…

  Speaking of the “Glorious Leader,” here he was, striding towards V and the rest of the males who were waiting for the Unification Ceremony to start.

  “Ah, good morning, gentlemen!” he exclaimed, smiling at them and waving a hand. His teeth were as white as his suit, V thought with disgust. He looked like a politician out to greet his voters. Clearly he knew that if the big, strong breeder males turned against him, he would have a difficult time, which was why he acted as though they were all here of their own volition. And thanks to the hypno-whispers, they thought they were.


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