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The Bet 3

Page 2

by Jessica G Rabbit

  “O.k., it's like this,” she sat down on the other side of Yvaine. Both girls were now on either side of her, “ He is only doing this because he had a crush on you when you first started out. You wouldn't give him the time of day then. Now he fine as hell and can turn your head. He got cash now. He is acting' out some fairy tale story he made up, and I hope you were not thinking about him like that. You are passed that. Move on. ”

  As painful as it was to hear Yvaine knew there held some truth to what Dior was saying. Dior was her friend, and she knew that she wasn't saying this out of spite, but more out of concern for her friend. Yvaine looked down at her perfectly manicured hands. She had felt such passion, such desire in Jackson's arms. She had enjoyed it all the more because of who it was. She was turned on by the fact that he, in fact, desired her so much that he would go to great lengths to impress upon her why she should be in his life. Dior thought it was desperate, but Yvaine thought it was romantic. She would keep that to herself. Dior had a pretty strong opinion about Jackson and Yvaine noticed it was a negative one. She would see how it played out for her and Jackson before She let the girls in on it. She changed the subject.

  “So tonight I go out with Harvey. Any wardrobe suggestions?”

  Echo chimed in. “ Dress for sushi. I am having him meet you at Sushi Pow that hot new sushi place. I think the atmosphere will be perfect. Get to talk and have a great time together. ” Yvaine nodded her head, but her mind kept drifting back to Jackson and the way he made her feel every time she was near him.

  “Yvaine, Yvaine? ” She heard Dior calling her.

  “Yes, what... I'm sorry. I got distracted. ”

  “I said text us when you get there and when you leave, and we will see you tomorrow for a debriefing. ”

  Yvaine nodded again.

  “This is so much fun. I missed you two,” Echo said. Making Yvaine smile.Both Dior and Echo had their arms draped around both Yvaine's shoulders.

  “I missed you guys too. ”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and talking about their past work experiences and crazy best friend antics. The two girls left around five o'clock and Yvaine went to the task of getting ready for her date. She wasn't nervous this time or, at least she wasn't nervous at the moment. She just hoped that this date went as well as it had with her and Addison that would be great she thought as she turned on the shower. She was getting closer and closer to winning this bet.


  Yvaine arrived at Sushi Pow at 7:15 p.m. The girls had told her to arrive at seven, but she had technical issues with her garter belt and thigh highs and had to find a pair that wasn't fishnet or looked like one's a hooker wore. Yea being normal was fun, but it was also a bitch on her sexy wardrobe. Yvaine had never realized how much of a sex symbol she was until she had to find 'regular' underwear with no frills or gimmicks, and the same with her hosiery collection.Tonight she wore a color block drape dress. The skirt was khaki colored, and the top was black with a red chiffon cloth that draped across her body and wrapped around her waist into a sash. She wore red thigh highs with a white garter belt and no panties, because she was running late, and had barely found her thigh highs in time, and a white strapless bra underneath. Her legs looked perfectly sculpted in her 5" inch black satin high-heels. Her dark brown bob wig gave her a look of sexy sophistication. She walked into the restaurant and the sexy blonde Harvey, who she recognized from his picture, came up to her. He smiled, and she relaxed. He had a nice smile. It was genuine. She smiled back.

  “Shawn ?”

  Yvaine nodded.

  “Harvey ?” He nodded

  “A pleasure.”

  He extended his hand she extended hers, and he put it to his lips and lightly kissed it.

  “I have our table,” he informed her as he kept her hand in his grasp. “Follow me.” She walked very carefully behind him as she held on to his strong hand.

  They were sitting at a table in the back corner. It was very quaint. She sat down he sat after her.

  “Wow, This is nice.”

  “Yes, it is. I'm glad we decided to go out tonight,” he said as he sipped his water. She saw she had a glass of water in front of her and took a sip from it.

  “Me too.” She smiled.

  “You look wonderful. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering our food. I know the menu pretty well here. ”

  “Thank you. That is awesome I have no problem with that. ” Yvaine thought that was nice. She tried to remember the key points about Harvey Echo and Dior drilled into her. But none came to mind, “ So please tell me more about yourself Harvey,” she said as she saw him signaling the cook and their waiter. Shortly after they had soybeans and miso soup in front of them.

  Yvaine learned quite a lot about Harvey. She learned he was single by choice, meaning no one was good enough for his mother, which he brought up quite frequently. He was a lawyer and worked at a firm she had heard of. She didn't get to talk much about her fake identity because Harvey couldn't stop talking about himself. She couldn't believe her luck. If she didn't want to win this bet so bad, she would have left Harvey there. Two hours later Harvey promised to call her again, and she drove back to her house disappointed. Harvey was a nice guy, but he seemed so full of himself. Her mind went to Jackson. He wasn't full of himself, and he made her feel good. She needed to feel like that again.

  She pulled into her driveway. She saw the same range rover from the night before pull up behind her vehicle. It's headlights briefly lighting up her car interior. Her cell phone rang. She saw it was Jackson and answered the call.

  “Hello, Jackson.” She said with a smile. It was like he could read her mind.

  “Hi there,” he said back.

  “What are you doing behind me?” She asked, adjusting her rear-view mirror.

  “I am waiting on you. ” He said playfully.

  “Waiting on me to do what? ”

  “Get in my truck so we can leave.”

  “Where to? ”

  “You tell me,” he said, and Yvaine didn't know if he was serious or not.

  “What do you mean? ”

  “Get out of your car and find out.” He hung up before she could ask any other questions.

  She put her phone back in her designer purse and got out of her car.She turned her car alarm on and got into the passenger side of Jackson's vehicle. The interior lights came on when she opened the door, and Jackson looked even sexier tonight. He was wearing Jeans, a polo shirt, and some green Chuck Taylors. He was classic casual and stylish without trying to be. She saw the appraisal he gave her outfit and she slid smoothly inside the vehicle and shut the door.

  “You look beautiful tonight. How did everything go? ”

  “It went well,” she said. He backed out of the drive, and they were off. “ Where are we going? ”

  “Worried ? ” He said and put his right hand on her left knee. He gently rubbed it, and she couldn't think straight.

  “Of course not. ”

  “Well, I thought you could use a drink or two.” It was like he had read her mind.

  “You would be right in thinking that,” she said as she saw the scenery blur past her in the moving vehicle.

  “I know this great little bar. Maybe grab drinks and go from there. ” Yvaine didn't see the harm in it. She looked at him.

  “Sounds fun. ”

  “It will be. Everything with you always is,” he said as he picked up her left hand and kissed it.

  She thought he had the craziest way of making everything sound dirty and extremely fun. She was glad it was dark out so he couldn't see her blush. She quickly changed the subject.

  “So how is Ellery? ” She asked, trying to turn down the sizzle meter. It was no use. They wanted each other, but she still tried.

  “She is fine. She says her sister is doing much better since all of them got there. She doesn't know how long she is staying. She says she will call you.” He was still holding her hand.

��What ?! I thought she said she was only staying a couple of days? ”

  “Yea,” she thought so too but once she got there she realized she couldn't just leave her sister like that, so now she wants to see if she can push her date back.

  “Poor Ellery, ” Yvaine said. She felt the vehicle come to a stop. They were at a quiet uptown bar. It had five cars in the parking lot. They walked in, and the bartender immediately acknowledged Jackson. They sat at the bar Yvaine admired the New Orleans Jazz decor. The bartender came down.

  “Hey, there buddy long time no see. What's it been? Six, seven months. ”

  Jackson flashed his dazzling smile. “ Yeah, man something like that. How the hell are ya ? ”

  “Man, I am great! Thanks for that business tip. Any drinks for you and your lady friend are all on the house tonight.

  “You don't have to. ” Jackson protested.

  “Yes, I do. You tripled my life savings with that little tip. It's the least I can do to show my appreciation.”

  Jackson couldn't argue that point.

  “What will it be? ”

  “Jack and Ginger, ” Yvaine said.

  “Jack and coke, ” Jackson said.

  “Coming right up,” the bartender said, and seconds later they had fresh drinks sitting in front of

  them. Yvaine took a generous sip of hers.

  “Whoa ! Was the date that bad? ” Jackson asked playfully.

  “Yes, it was it was- Hold on! Who told you did I go on a date? ”

  Jackson turned to face her.

  “No one told me. ”

  “Then how did you know? ”

  “Well for starters, you and I have done business together in the past, and no offense, you never looked this good to sign papers or do business. I figured you didn't want to hurt my feelings. You didn't by the way.” He winked at her.

  Yvaine was staring at her drink now. She felt embarrassed.

  “I'm sorry. I should have been honest with you from the jump Jackson. My friends set me up-”

  He interrupted her.

  “It's o.k. You don't have to tell me Yvaine. I told you back at your place. I want you, and I will do whatever it takes to have you. You belong with me. You can date whoever you wish, but I will have you. ” He sounded intense, so intense to her. She nervously took another generous sip of her drink. It was delicious.

  “No, I owe you an explanation. ”

  “No, you don't. I came into your life unexpectedly. I assume that someone is warming your bed.”

  Yvaine wanted to tell him then he was the only one warming it, but what was the use.

  “Jackson... I…” Her breath caught in her throat as his emerald green eyes held hers.

  She saw that look again. Need. Desire. Passion. She Couldn't quite pin it. She lost all train of thought. She was openly staring at him, and he was openly staring back.

  “Come with me, ” he instructed and led her into the bathroom.She heard her high heels clicking on the tile floor. He opened a stall, and she shook her head no. He lightly tugged her hand toward him and the direction of the stall she tugged back in the direction of the exit. He tugged more forcefully, and she was roughly pulled into the bathroom stall.

  “Jackson…” She Was feeling uncomfortable. What if someone walked in ? What if they got arrested for indecent exposure ? She would make the tabloids. “ Jackson, I don't know about this.”

  “What !” he said with a sexy smirk on his face. “ You mean to tell me ‘Yvaine the Dame’ is afraid to fuck in public ? ”

  She knew he was goading her. In a weird way, he did have a point. She was famous for fucking men and women on camera in various places and positions, and here she was acting like a virgin bride. She smiled, and it made Jackson smile. He rested his large hand gently on her cheek and rubbed her soft skin. She melted under his touch. He pulled her to him, closed the stall door and locked it. He kissed her passionately, and it felt like it had been an eternity since their lips had last met. She devoured him. He tasted her. They were so hungry for each other. She felt his hands roaming all over her body, and her hands found his giant bulge in his jeans. She rubbed, and he moaned. He grabbed her by both wrists, put her hands on her head and turned her around, so she was facing and holding onto the stall door. Jackson was standing behind her slowly rubbing all over her body. He roughly lifted her skirt, and the sudden movement excited her. He exposed her white lace garters and red thigh highs. She wore no panties. Her round buttocks looked so good to Jackson. He began to rub it with his strong hands and Yvaine moaned at the relaxing sensual feel to it.Then he spanked it hard one time. He squeezed each cheek harder and opened her bum wider and wider with each rub until she felt his pinky press against the tight hole of her sphincter. She moaned, and he hushed her. She looked behind her and saw him on his knees with her juicy ass being stretched open by his large hands.It looked so hot. She was still pressed against the stall door holding on. He put his tongue inside her ass hole and she sucked in a deep breath. It felt so good. His tongue went from her asshole to her wet juicy pussy. The trail he left making her drunk with desire. She was pushing her ass out even more to give him better access and just when she thought he was going to give her release he was up off his knees with his pants unzipped. He turned her around and put toilet seat covers on the floor so she could kneel. She kneeled slowly in front of him and looked at his beautifully massive erection. It already had a drip of pre-cum she licked it. It tasted yummy to her. She licked the tip of his manhood lightly and heard him moan. With every stroke, her tongue gave the deeper she would take him into her mouth. She loved that he was so big, and she loved the feel of his cock in the back of her throat. Her cunt was super juicy now. She sucked his cock slowly at first making sure she licked and hummed his balls. She was pulled up and was once again picked up and jammed onto his massive erection. She bit her lip so she wouldn't scream at the massive size of his cock filling her tight pussy up so intensely.It felt so good. She felt her body adjust to him. She held onto the stall, and her other arm was wrapped around his neck. He pumped inside of her tight pussy, and she moaned in delight and complete abandonment. Throwing her head back in pleasure feeling him plant hot kisses on her neck and tits. She felt like she was pure light. Shining brightly beautiful. It was all happening so fast. She held on to him tight as his pumping got faster and faster and faster. She felt herself cumming. She heard Jackson yell in orgasm, and she felt him spill his hot seed inside of her. He held her tight around her small waist. She let go of the stall wall and gently slid down his still erect cock shiny and creamy from their tryst. She adjusted her skirt and hair. Jackson was about to put his still hard cock in his pants. Yvaine stopped him and knelt down again and put the full length of his creamy erection in her mouth. When she pulled it out, it was licked clean. He pulled her up and with force French kissed her. Their aroma and sex mingled together. It was so primitive. They broke the erotic kiss and Jackson quickly buttoned and zipped his jeans and opened the stall door. She kissed him lightly, and they walked out of the bathroom, waved goodbye to the bartender and drove to a hotel on the beach. Yvaine didn't know what she was getting herself into all she knew was that her life would probably never be the same...





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