Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7

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Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7 Page 1

by Alice Locke

  Table of Contents


  Nora suffers from insomnia, and the only way to help fight the boredom is taking long relaxing drives at night. It's just her music, her car and the starry sky.

  Alas, something out there has different plans for her.

  Nora won't be getting any sleep, but this will be a night she will always remember.

  First Contact

  To most people, Jennifer was a normal accountant. In reality, she worked for the secret services, overseeing the development of new military hardware.

  When her phone rings in the middle of the night her life, and history, would change forever.

  Aliens had landed on Earth, and she volunteered to be the one to make first contact, not knowing what the aliens had in store for her.

  From The Void

  "As she crossed the gate she found herself in complete darkness. Low rumbling noises echoed around her but she couldn't identify the source.

  She tried to scream for help but no one came - she was alone, floating in the void, and something was out to get her."

  Kate had been all over the world unearthing artifacts of civilizations long gone. Her last expedition had been in Sudan and she wasn't too fond of the torrid weather. So when a call from eastern Europe came in, Kate and her crew accepted it.

  They had discovered what seemed to be a cathedral, that predated every known human artifact.

  Little did she know, this trip would end up changing her life in ways she never thought possible.

  Something lurked deep within the darkness. Something wanted Kate and her plump body.


  How many women could say they had been not only with an Aelorian, but with four of their elites?

  Christine has just been elected as Humanity's Ambassador and the first order of business was meeting the alien race who made first contact with us decades ago.

  Hailed as the pinnacle of physical prowess, will Christine succumb to their tentacled advances or will she walk away?

  "We know human women are particularly interested in our... Skills, as they put it," Another one declared.

  Christine didn't think the meeting could take this turn, and while the confusion and doubts were slowly being replaced by a new found courage she still couldn't formulate a response.

  Finally the words out of her mouth. "I accept your offer," she sternly declared as her face took on a red hue.

  Upon hearing those words, the aliens stood up and approached her, surrounding her from all sides. She looked tiny compared to them, they towered over her.

  "Relax, miss Hale. We'll make this a night you will never forget."


  Lisa is a quiet, reserved college girl who traveled back to her hometown for spring break.

  Walking through the narrow streets she spots a flier for a party and decides to go, even if she rarely went out.

  Having a night out sounded appealing to her, but something else out there had other plans.

  Lisa never made it to the party, but she will always remember that night.

  Exxxtra Terrestrial

  Annie was eager to start the next chapter of her life in college, but didn't expect to have an alien roommate.

  They lived peacefully among us, and throughout the years they had earned an interesting reputation: they were fantastic in bed.

  Annie and her roommate end up starting a dangerous teasing game, which will inevitably escalate and leave them breathless but satisfied.

  "Their little game was obviously having an effect on them both. It was getting harder to contain it, at least for Annie.

  She devised a plan to finally kick things off - something simple at its roots, but that would definitely rile Ka'on up and hopefully get him to finally take her.

  Annie waited patiently for him to come back from his classes, as they had different schedules. He was usually punctual though, so Annie could predict when he would be home.

  She heard the door slide open followed by footsteps - and the games began."

  New Frontier

  A new planet, a new Frontier.

  Mary Brennan, captain of the Ark, saw the beauty of the newly discovered planet before her, but what she didn't see was the creature lurking in wait for the perfect prey.

  Taken hard and seeded, the recon team is the only chance she has to escape the creature's slimy grasp.

  Alas, they looked tasty as well...

  If you enjoyed this bundle, take a look at my Amazon Author page, more stories are waiting for you!


  Chapter One


  The prospect of spending another night staring at the ceiling did not sound appealing to Nora. Lately she'd been having trouble falling asleep, and even the medication prescribed to her did nothing except turn her stomach upside down.

  At two o'clock in the morning on a Friday night, in a city that's already asleep at midnight, her options were fairly limited. The boredom was already setting in - nothing to watch on television, nothing exciting to do on the internet and even porn was getting stale.

  Nora stood up and stepped outside on the balcony, taking in the warm breeze as she scanned her surroundings. The streetlights coated the ground with their orange hue, often eerily flickering.

  It was a quiet neighborhood, and at night the silence enveloped everything like a thick blanket, broken only by the faint sound of a dog barking in the distance and the leaves rustling as the wind blew.

  She could see a few houses had their lights still on, and Nora wondered if they too were finding it impossible to sleep. She sighed in resignation and wandered back inside.

  She was alone in the house, her husband was on a business trip on the other side of the country. He wanted to bring Nora along thinking a vacation would help her deal with her insomnia, but she decided to stay home to make sure nothing bad happened while they were away.

  The clock was nearing three now, and Nora was more alert than ever before. She put on her shoes and headed to the garage, thinking a nightly drive could relax her. It usually did the trick, even if everyone kept repeating her how dangerous it could get. Nora didn't particularly care, she'd always been a great driver.

  Tom, her husband, had taken the Mercedes along with him for the trip, leaving her with what they not-so-affectionately referred to as "the Shitheap", an old convertible Volvo that had seen better days in its fifteen years long lifespan. She didn't mind driving it - it still performed but like any old car, it had its fair share of problems.

  Her night cruises had become a habit, so much so that she even made an appropriate playlist consisting of downtempo electronic tracks - she found them relaxing, and in her opinion paired well with driving alone at night.

  The car's engine roared to life, drowned by the music coming from the stereo. Nora fastened her seat belt and slowly backed out of the driveway, turning towards the empty street.

  The neighborhood was quiet as usual, her car the only thing disturbing the peace.

  She soon reached the freeway and with it, peace of mind. The soothing effect of the music blaring from the car's stereo coupled with miles and miles of asphalt always had a therapeutic effect on her; she didn't know the reason behind it and never questioned it, deciding instead to enjoy the moment while it lasted.

  Nora began to relax, yet still aware of her surroundings. She passed a few cars going in the opposite direction and again she wondered if they were in her situation too. She hoped they were - it'd make things easier to deal with, she thought, knowing she wasn't the only one going through that.

  She chuckled to herself as she realized how over dramatic she was being; things were going to be just fine, she just had to push
through it.

  As the clouds cleared, baring the starry fields they were concealing, Nora slowed down, coming to a stop in a nearby rest area. She didn't leave the car for safety reason, deciding instead to open the car's sunroof.

  Looking up at the stars made her troubles seem insignificant, and so minuscule in the grand scheme of things. She allowed herself a few minutes of pure bliss, after which she began her journey home.

  Chapter Two


  Nora loved feeling the wind on her face, even if it meant her hair would look like a tornado had ravaged her head. She didn't mind it, it was a nice tradeoff for the peace and quiet she experienced while driving alone at night.

  The playlist she made was over six hours long - she never made it to the end, but the shuffle function made sure the songs were varied enough.

  Static noise replaced the track Nora was listening to, so loud it made her jump when she heard it. She brushed it off as nothing, thinking it was just a random glitch in the stereo. She pulled over to the side of the road and began fidgeting with the controls in order to get it working again so that she could continue her cruise. Changing the track didn't work, nor did adjusting the volume.

  The static noise seemingly had a will of its own and even after turning the stereo off, Nora could still hear it. The darkness limited her field of view, but that very same darkness was slowly being replaced by a bright white light.

  Nora paid no mind to that, thinking it was simply another driver that noticed her car and decided to slow down to see if anyone was hurt. The light kept getting more and more intense, and as Nora looked around her to identify the source, she realized it was above her, way up in the night sky.

  She tried to look away as fear got a tight hold of her senses, but she still managed to turn the car back on again and speed away from whatever that thing was.

  Nora had always been an open minded but logical person, thus leading her to the conclusion that it was nothing she should be worried about - after all it could have been a police chopper or something along those lines.

  She kept driving, still on edge; The stereo began emitting static again, just as she was beginning to relax.

  The light came shortly after, accompanied by a low humming noise that drowned out every other sound. Nora slammed her foot on the gas pedal, hoping to outrun her pursuers, but to no avail.

  She was pushing the car to its limits, yet the light remained on her, following her throughout the freeway. As the buzzing noise got louder, the light became more intense and eventually engulfed her completely, rendering her effectively blind. Nora slammed on the brakes, hoping she wouldn't lose control of the car.

  Her guardian angel was on duty that night, the old Volvo came to a complete stop as its tires screeched on the asphalt. She still couldn't see anything, so driving was out of question.

  Nora got out of her car and ran. Or, well, tried to - her legs felt like gelatin and she began to feel nauseous. It brought her to her knees, still engulfed in light.

  And then, nothing.

  Nora's eyes shot open. Once more she was greeted by a white light, though this time it appeared to come from a spotlight placed a few feet above her.

  She found herself in what seemed to be an operating room, yet one she had never seen. The machines and devices she could see, she couldn't recognize - a rare occurrence considering the nights she spent watching medical dramas on television.

  Her limbs had been secured to the metal plate she was laying on, fully naked. She felt drowsy, as if she'd been drugged but one thing was very clear in her mind: she wasn't in an ordinary hospital.

  Her calls for help echoed in the room, unanswered. Straining against her binds proved futile, and fear took a hold of her.

  That's when she heard them. From her position, she couldn't see anything except her immediate surroundings. Whoever, or what ever was in the room with her definitely did not sound human.

  All she could hear was a series of clicking noises varying in speed and intensity, mixed in with the occasional grunt.

  Nora was desperately trying to remain calm in the face of this absurdity - and failing miserably.

  The source of the noises presented itself and Nora couldn't help but let out a scream. It appeared to be humanoid - tall and slender, yet strangely muscular.

  Nora's eyes darted around the alien being, trying to process it's features. Red skin streaked with jagged white lines covered its body; at the end of its upper limbs, the creature sported two long and thick tentacle-like appendages, which she assumed were their fingers.

  Its face was eerily blank. She couldn't see a mouth or something that would resemble a nose - and the three tiny beads, which Nora assumed were its eyes, were fixated on her.

  A second creature joined the first, still intently staring at Nora's full figured body, trying to understand more about it.

  She wanted to scream, but the words wouldn't come out. Her mind was desperately trying to make sense of the situation yet nothing was working. Her eyes filled with tears as she broke out sobbing, pleading with her captors to release her.

  All they did was stare at her, clicking and grunting. One of them reached out to her, placing a finger on her forehead. She tried to move away, but her head was held in place by the other creature.

  Images began to flash before her eyes. She saw the creatures, their history and downfall. From what she could gather, they were simply fleeing their doomed homeland to seek shelter elsewhere.

  The images were accompanied by a series of high pitched noises and low humming tones, and as Nora's mind endured the assault, she felt herself relax more and more.

  By the end of it, Nora was at peace. No longer struggling nor sobbing, her will completely bent to her masters.

  As her visions ended, she heard a voice speak to her, loud and clear, directly into her mind.

  "You saw our downfall, but you will help us begin anew." She nodded in agreement, any trace of fear gone.

  "We have so much work to do." Again the voice in her head spoke to her.

  "So much work to do..." Nora repeated the words she heard, in a monotone voice. Her eyes barely open, staring into nothing.

  Chapter Three


  A deep sense of serenity washed over Nora, her stress and worries vanishing, replaced by a deep sense of calmness and soon after, the aliens began their examination.

  Their thick fingers found their way on Nora's supple body, roughly poking and prodding every inch of her skin. Nora didn't mind the treatment, she knew this had been her true purpose all along.

  While one creature explored her, the other seemed to be there just to watch Nora's reactions - perhaps it was the first time they had contact with a human and despite being technologically advanced, had no clue how their bodies worked.

  Their harsh touches left behind a deep burning sensation that seemed to expand the more the aliens kept at it. Nora's body began to tingle as she begged her captors for more.

  Her pleas went unheard - the creatures ignored her, captivated by her squirming. As they got to her mound the aliens noticed her growing arousal and seemingly began to talk to each other about it.

  Nora couldn't understand them yet knew she would be willing to subject herself to anything without questioning it.

  She cried out as she felt something being forcefully inserted into her depths. She couldn't see what it was from her position yet she could clearly feel the familiar tingling sensation slowly spread inside of her.

  More clicking and grunting soon were heard, sounding more urgent in tone. The invading object retreated, but was immediately replaced by another, larger one.

  Nora was slowly getting accustomed to its presence, even letting out a groan as she was violated.

  Straining against her bindings, Nora managed to get a glimpse of what was penetrating her. One of the alien's thick fingers was buried in her to he hilt, and while she didn't see the creature's arm move, she felt the presence inside of her el

  The finger reached her cervix and stopped expanding as Nora's breathing's pace quickened. A small twitch had her cry out, which the aliens quickly picked up as being a positive result.

  Their thickness seemed to expand, stretching Nora's hole more than she ever experienced. It was still pleasurable, and became even more so when the creature began moving its now tentacle-like finger.

  The dexterity of it was something Nora had never felt before; the way it seemed to curl and instantly release, the wave-like motion and the ever present alternating between expanding and contracting were driving her crazy. Her soft moans turned to screams of pleasure, once again begging her captors for more.

  As the tingling sensation spread throughout her body, her mind turned blank - all Nora knew, all she believed and all she was or will ever be, was this. A slave to the superior life forms inhabiting the universe.

  Her body convulsed against the binding as an explosive orgasm shook her. Her captors didn't seem to care about that, they simply kept on ravaging her insides. Nora felt the creature's finger poking around her behind, exerting pressure until her muscles gave in to the intruder.


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