Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7

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Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7 Page 2

by Alice Locke

  She wasn't ready for that and while the pleasure was intense, she still couldn't help but scream as the alien's wide finger made its way inside her tight asshole.

  It kept expanding inside of her, slowly but unrelenting - she could feel it growing and filling her like never before. The pain faded, replaced by pleasure; her sore throat sending painful jolts every time she cried out.

  The tentacle-like fingers moved in unison, vigorously ravishing Nora's holes. She didn't think she could take all of that without her body ripping apart, but the aliens were careful not to cause any lasting damage. Still, their savage motions left Nora a whimpering mess, shocked by jolts of pain and endless pleasure.

  Her body shocked by the sudden onset of another massive orgasm left her exhausted; she didn't even have the strength to struggle or strain against the bindings - not that she wanted to, her only wish was to please her masters and carry their progeny to usher in their new golden age.

  The other alien, who so far had been quietly observing his comrade explore Nora's body, decided to join in. His fingers, slimmer than the other alien's, quickly found their way on Nora's supple breasts.

  Her voice gone, she was reduced to groaning as the assault on her body dragged on. The sound of a door sliding open echoed in the room, as five more creatures appeared.

  Their clicks and grunts were all Nora could hear before a low buzzing noise began emitting from below her.

  Her body slowly started to float into the air - she still couldn't move, but the new perspective made her notice that the new creatures were now surrounding the examination table.

  There wasn't much variety to their looks, save for the shade of their skin and the size of their fingers - though given what she was going through, she knew full well what they were capable of.

  They began probing her body once more. Her mouth invaded by one the creature's tentacles. It didn't have any taste that Nora could recognize; not that she had time to think about it as the invading appendage made its way down her throat. The other aliens' tendrils enveloped her torso in a tight, slithering embrace; that familiar tingling feeling returned with a vengeance, coursing through her entire body.

  The tentacle in her throat backed away but soon pushed back down again as Nora tried not to gag on it. She had to be good for her masters, she had to endure anything they put her through to serve them as best as possible.

  One of the creature wrapped its tentacles around Nora's throat, slightly squeezing it. The now limited oxygen intake heightened the pleasure she was feeling.

  The orgasms kept on washing over her - so many she lost count. Her holes were sore and stretched, yet her captors didn't seem intentioned to stop. Nothing else mattered to her, she was but a toy, and toys are meant to be played with.

  She hear the voice once more. "You will carry our progeny. You will be remembered as the Mother. Take our gift." It spoke calmly, directly into Nora's mind. Before she had a chance to reply, the tentacles inside her body froze in place as thick liquid spurts erupted from them, filling her insides to the brim.

  The aliens retracted their appendages, leaving their prisoner to float above the table, leaking slimy black liquid from all of her battered holes.

  Nora allowed herself to relax momentarily, thinking the creatures were done with her. Alas, that was not the case.

  The tentacles soon forced their way inside her sore holes again, this time in pairs; the liquid mixed with her juice made it easier, but she still felt like she was going to break. The aliens kept ravaging her insides, filling her up with their black seed - every hole Nora had, save for her ears and nose, was being stretched far beyond what she thought possible.

  The pain eventually subsided, but she felt numb. The creatures were unrelenting in their brutal breeding, hell bent on insuring she would carry their offspring; thick spurts of black seed kept coating her insides, overflowing and dripping to the ground - the aliens didn't seem to care, they just kept pumping into her.

  She didn't know how long she endured the breeding process. Her body was devoid of energy, passing out multiple times as a result.

  Every time she came to, she could feel the tentacles deep within her, spraying her insides with their black sludge.

  She tried to stay awake. She had no intention to fight the urge to let herself go and give herself up to her masters - Nora's eyes closed as she drifted into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Four


  Nora awoke in her car. As she looked around she found herself in the rest area in which she had stopped when the clouds vanished.

  Her body was sore, and even if her car's seats were comfortable enough, her lower body ached as if she had been tortured.

  She could remember everything - what the aliens did to her, how it felt and most importantly, the complete devotion she felt towards them. For a moment she thought she just imagined everything, but as she felt something ooze out of her, Nora knew.

  Looking at her phone, the clock was nearing six, meaning the encounter must've taken at least two hours. Her eyes darted to the calendar and her stomach dropped.

  She had left her home at three o'clock, on Friday. It was now six in the morning, Sunday.

  As Nora racked her brain trying to remember, she noticed the twelve missed calls from her husband. Explaining what happened will be impossible, no one was going to believe her.

  She'd been abducted and bred by a dying race of extraterrestrial creatures, who kept on abusing her body even when she was unconscious, for hours and hours on end. Most people would dismiss it as the ramblings of a crazy person - and up to Friday Nora would have, too.

  Alas, things are subjected to change. The idea of having kids repulsed her, yet she was willing to to anything to protect the alien's progeny growing inside of her.

  The car's engine roared to life once more and Nora began her journey home, leaving the sun to rise behind her.


  Chapter One


  The familiar ring tone of Jennifer's phone echoed through her bedroom. It pulled her out of the deep slumber she'd earned after a long day at the office, or at least that's what she told her family.

  Jennifer Conwell was thought to be an accountant for a small company in Las Vegas, but the truth was the complete opposite. She was part of the secret services, in a branch that normally would be handling military advancements that the general public should not know about.

  It wasn't the most easy career to get into yet she trudged on, both for the sake of her country and her wallet.

  She picked up the phone as it rang and her groggy eyes couldn't recognize the number, but given her field she answered anyway.

  "Conwell. Report to the Headquarters. We have a class Delta event on our hands," the man on the phone ordered.

  Class Delta. Jennifer mind cleared up as she heard those words. Throughout her briefings and training courses, the instructor did mention that particular classification here and there, albeit almost jokingly.

  Delta events were most commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects, UFO for short. Save for a few civilians, pretty much nobody in the government took them seriously and Jennifer was perhaps the last person who would.

  Every time some low quality footage depicting mysterious lights in the sky would appear on the internet, Jennifer and her colleagues would make fun of it and the theories people would come up with.

  Those lights that seemed to move at impossible speeds? Surely it had to be aliens, according to the average Joe. But in reality, they simply were prototypes the military was testing.

  Still the rumors spread like wildfire ever since the Roswell incident - and even that one had just been a downed Russian reconnaissance aircraft.

  Jennifer figured nothing of substance had happened and took some time to brew coffee before heading out. The streets of Las Vegas were full of life even at night, and at four o'clock in the morning, that statement still held true.

  Half an hour later
she arrived at the headquarters, located in a fairly plain-looking building in the outskirts of town. Upon entering she showed her identification badge to the receptionist, who let her through the gate and into the elevator that connected the main floor to the underground section.

  An eerie silence permeated the building, aided by the thick concrete walls.

  Jennifer wasn't happy about this whole ordeal. Getting a call late at night for something which she was sure would be a mere triviality didn't sit well with her, though she did notice that the man who called her sounded agitated. She shrugged it off - it could simply be a civilian aircraft wandering too close to military airspace.

  As she got close to the main observation room, the one where analysts would spend most of their shifts staring at streams of data on their monitors she began hearing chatter.

  That was an unusual occurrence, considering on most days the only sounds one could hear would be the rhythmic click-clacking of the keyboards keys being pressed.

  Stepping inside, she was greeted by what looked like pure madness - at least for that place. People frantically typing and talking while glancing up at the projector screens on the walls.

  The video feed coming in was too dark to make sense of, but the people around her seemed ecstatic. She couldn't understand what they were saying since their voices all seemed to blend together, but she swore one of them repeatedly mentioned the word "aliens".

  Jennifer was a smart and open minded woman but she could hardly believe the fact that what they were looking at was what people were describing.

  General Wilson, her superior, approached her.

  "Conwell. You took your sweet ass time."

  "Sorry sir, I didn't realize how urgent this was. What happened?"

  "An unknown aircraft landed in the middle of the desert. We can't confirm it extra terrestrial just yet, but I have never seen anything like that."

  Jennifer was left speechless. Her superior was an extremely skeptic man, and his claims held more weight than normal. He would quickly dismiss it as nothing to be worried about like he did countless times before but this time it was different.

  "What's the procedure?" Jennifer asked, a worried look on her face.

  "We have it surrounded. But..." He trailed off.


  "The President wants us to make first contact, but no one here has the courage to get close to that thing."

  "I'll do it." She declared.

  The first contact procedure was nothing more than a list of guidelines to follow that had never been tested and could very well backfire on whoever tried them.

  Jennifer kept reading the dossier over and over again trying to adsorb as much information as possible before the big moment. Even with a helicopter it would take at least half an hour to arrive at the location, so she had plenty of time to review the documents.

  The aircraft landed vertically at three o'clock in the morning, silently, and barely appearing on the radar. The faint heat signature gave its presence away, but it didn't have any apparent method of propulsion.

  Oval in shape and roughly the size of half a football field, it was easy to spot. The military was doing a decent job at covering the event up, but a bright red ring that bisected the aircraft broadcasted its location to anyone with a pair of eyes.

  No one dared approach it, both out of fear and orders. Aside from the croaking of the radios the area was completely silent, the eery stillness enveloping everything like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.

  The helicopter landed close to the site and its occupants rushed to take their positions, Jennifer being in the lead.

  To sum it up, the procedure required her to approach the aircraft and try to communicate with whoever piloted it. It seemed fairly easy on paper, but it had never been attempted before.

  Her heartbeat shot up as she approached the alien aircraft, and now that the marines surrounding it had placed floodlights all around it she could see it clearly. Huge, oval and split in two halves by a red glowing ring. Its texture seemed smooth like metal though she couldn't tell what exactly it was made of.

  Jennifer stood in front of the aircraft, a megaphone in her hands. She hesitated before bringing it up to her mouth to speak but before she could do so the aircraft began emitting a low humming noise.

  Startled, Jennifer took a step back, her eyes glued to the aircraft as the red ring that bisected it seemed to grow larger towards the bottom side, almost resembling and opening.

  The red hue turned to white as the noise kept growing louder and louder still. The marines that had shouldered their rifles when they first heard it now seemed enthralled by it, and lowered their weapons.

  Jennifer's confused gaze swept her surroundings in search of an explanation but found nothing. Her confusion seemed to slowly vanish, replaced by a sense of absolute peace pervading every fiber of her being.

  The white light faded leaving place to complete darkness. Jennifer felt drawn to the alien aircraft and tentatively walked up to it, disappearing in the pitch black bowels of the machine.

  The opening that formed snapped shut and the ring regained its red hue. The soldiers and government officials around the aircraft were simply staring at it, mesmerized and immobile, overwhelmed by the same peaceful feeling that tricked Jennifer.

  Chapter Two

  The Experiment

  Jennifer couldn't see anything yet knew how to navigate the maze-like structure she found herself in. The aliens did something to convince her to willingly step on their aircraft, though she had no idea how they managed to do it.

  Regardless, due to her training she was somewhat resistant to hypnosis or mind altering drugs - Jennifer was aware of the fact that her body was moving on its own, but no matter how much she tried to fight it, there was no stopping it.

  A bright light suddenly came on, blinding her. As her eyes adjusted to it she tried to scan her surroundings and figure out where she was.

  Her heart sank as she saw the four creatures that inhabited the aircraft. Even though she couldn't imagine how they looked like, Jennifer still couldn't believe her eyes.

  They stood upright on two legs, making them loosely resemble a human. That, they were most definitely not. Easily three times larger than Jennifer, they towered over her.

  She looked up at their faces, feeling the black pools that she assumed were their eyes examine every inch of her. Their visage showed no emotion, and even the thin slits that Jennifer assumed would act as a mouths were shut tight.

  The similarities ended there. Their pale blue skin seemed to change hue at random intervals, albeit only in certain parts of their body. From her position, Jennifer also noticed that the creatures did not possess limbs but rather two large tendril-like appendages on each side.

  Whatever it was they did to her suppressed the terror Jennifer was feeling.

  The four aliens began walking - or rather, shuffling - away into another room and Jennifer followed them, unsure of what would happen.

  They led her to a pitch black room, and the only thing Jennifer could see was a circular platform that emitted a bright cyan light. She had lost sight of the four aliens, but something pushed her to step on the platform. As she did so, the door to the room closed.

  Even if her eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness, it was still too dark to see anything. She tried to look around her but found nothing, the only source of light was beneath her feet.

  Jennifer felt something grab her ankles and shrieked. Upon looking down she saw the tendril-like arms belonging to the creatures, and fear overcame her. Two more tendrils joined, this time holding her wrists high above her head - she desperately tried to strain against them, to escape, yet the tentacles were far too strong.

  They slowly lifted her up above the platform - high enough that she could easily break a few bones if they let her go. She didn't know, and didn't want to think about what they were aiming for.

  The peaceful feeling that made her enter the aircraft had completely vanish
ed at this point, Jennifer was terrified almost to the point of tears. A fairly normal reaction given the circumstance.

  She began screaming at her captors to let her go, but that was short lived. As the last syllables of a long string of insults was coming out of her mouth, the humming noise filled the dark room. It sounded like the one she heard outside of the aircraft, just a hundred times louder.

  Jennifer realized what the noise meant and attempted to fight it, desperately trying to not succumb to the tranquility that was washing over her but failed. Her mind blank, soother by the creatures, she felt ready to submit to her new masters.

  Jennifer couldn't move, but she didn't seem to mind. A tendril made its way under her blouse and tore it open, sending its buttons flying in the black abyss. Her bra soon followed, leaving her supple breasts exposed for the aliens' enjoyment.

  Two tentacles took hold of them, wrapping themselves around them. Jennifer let out a soft groan as she felt them squeeze her breasts and yelped in pain when they began focusing her nipples. She hadn't had a chance to take a good look at them, but from what she could feel, the tentacles seemed to have some sort of suction cup on their tips.

  A tendril crawled under her pants and began exploring Jennifer's lower body. She moaned every time it would brush against her mound, though the aliens didn't seem to be well versed in human anatomy: most of their movements and actions were the result of trial and error.

  Still, they could see how she reacted to certain stimuli. Her pants were ripped to shreds to allow the aliens more freedom of movement, and Jennifer's drenched panties soon followed the rest of her clothes in the pitch black abyss below her.


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