Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7

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Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7 Page 3

by Alice Locke

  The tentacles explored every inch of her body carefully at first - as if the aliens were fascinated by it - but their touch became rougher as time went by. Their slithering motions left behind a faint trail of slime that seemed to stick to her silky skin.

  Jennifer shuddered as one of the tentacles hit her clitoris. The aliens noticed and repeated the process a few times making her moan. They were fast learners, and even though Jennifer didn't know why they were doing this to her, she was enjoying the treatment.

  In their ongoing quest to understand human anatomy, the aliens found Jennifer's hole and proceeded to forcefully probe it with one of their long tentacles, filling her to the brim.

  She cried out as the intruding object stretched her tight walls, but the arousal make it easier to bear. Another tentacle wrapped itself around one of her thighs and slithered upwards to find her plump ass just waiting to be filled.

  Jennifer screamed in pain while the tentacle embedded itself deep within her, deeper than anyone had ever been. It eventually stopped its advance, but Jennifer could feel it twitch inside of her bowels.

  No man was ever able to make her feel like that, for obvious reasons. Her alien captors, despite not having a full understanding of how the human bodies worked, appeared to be quite competent in pleasing one.

  The tentacle that had pushed into her pussy began twitching and retreating only to push back in twice as hard. That alone tipped Jennifer over the edge and her body was rocked by the first orgasm of the night.

  Her muscles pulsating around the thick tendrils stretching her holes and her head dangling to the side as she screamed, Jennifer was in bliss. She could feel every ridge, every bump and vein on the tentacles as they ravaged her body. Her holes began leaking the slime that the tentacles produced, but she didn't mind. She wanted to be full, one way or another.

  A sudden jolt of pain and pleasure signaled her that something was giving her sensitive clit more attention than it was used to. An alien had put the tip of his tentacle on her swollen button and the suction, while pleasurable, was also too painful for her. Her cries of pleasure turned into pain and the creature seemed to understand, putting an end to the clitoral assault.

  Not even a second later, two tentacles had taken hold of Jennifer's head. One wrapped itself around her neck - she could still breathe, thought it would be a bit harder - and the other probed her mouth only to go straight down her throat.

  She tried to scream but the words wouldn't come out. Jennifer could now taste the slime as the alien was feeding it to her, and every drop of that sweet nectar seemed to heighten her senses and wash away her worries.

  The combined assault on all of her holes became rougher. The tentacles that were ravaging her pussy and asshole seemed to swell up in size yet they were still able to slide in and out effortlessly, and the added suction on her clit and nipples caused another massive orgasm to erupt, making her body quake despite the aliens' vise-like grip on her.

  Their rhythm picked up and so did their force. Jennifer's holes were sore and leaking both her juices and the aliens' slime, even though the secretions had been small in volume.

  She tried to scream once more as another tentacle forced itself into her tight asshole, intertwining with the first to form an organic drill made specifically to torture her with pleasure.

  The forceful thrusts and twitching stopped all of a sudden but swelled up in size once more, thus sealing her holes. Jennifer had no time to react and as she was held up high above the floor of the dark room, the tentacles began filling her with a seemingly endless supply of slime.

  Her stomach, womb and intestines were all full to the point of overflowing. Even though the tentacles were stretching her battered holes, the amount of slime was far too much to be contained and some of it found its way between the walls of Jennifer's holes and their intruders, forming thick strings that never seemed to break.

  Jennifer's mind went blank. The tentacles inside of her all retreated at the same time but left her hanging high above the platform she stepped on, in pitch black darkness and leaking slime out of most orifices.

  Her head dropped down and her chin hit her chest. Despite the fact that she wanted to serve her new masters, that experience had been draining. She felt her eyelids close and didn't even attempt to stay awake.

  She woke up back in her own apartment. Jennifer wondered if it had been an extremely vivid dream but wasn't sure, given how her entire body felt like it had been through a meat grinder.

  Sitting up in bed she realized she was not wearing any clothes and after looking at her phone she realized it had been a week since the supposed DELTA class event took place.

  As much as she tried to remember what happened, she couldn't. Did the aliens erase her memory or did the government do something to her to make her forget?

  Her mind was full of questions but no answer - and granted, maybe she had just imagined everything.

  Jennifer decided to take a shower hoping it would clear her head. She had always been a smart, open minded woman, but even then some things are just too absurd even if one truly wants to believe.

  As she made her way to the bathroom, she began feeling nauseous and barely made it to the toilet before she started throwing up what seemed to be a gallon of thick grey liquid.

  Her eyes shot open as she realized that her encounter had been real and fear took a tight hold of her heart.

  What had the aliens done to her in the week she can't remember?


  Chapter One

  Archeology isn't like most people picture it. No whips and no melting skulls, just a great deal of dust and dirt. Granted, it had to do with the excavation site location, but regardless of where it was, one would always end up needing a long shower at the end of the day.

  That had been the case for the past five years. Kate kept bouncing from one corner of the world to the other hoping to shed lights on civilizations long gone.

  She came back home after completing her last contract in the deserts of Sudan, having retrieved nothing substantial save for a new found hate for sand.

  Kate wanted to be the one to make a big breakthrough in the archaeological community, perhaps big enough to make international news. Like the discovery of the pyramids, for example.

  Yet so far all she found were mere fragments of cultures long gone. She was happy with it, as they still provided priceless information that could lead to a better understanding of how the world was centuries ago - but the scale was far too small to satisfy her hunger.

  Kate took a small but needed vacation, and when she returned to the university she worked for, the faculty presented her with a new contract.

  She examined it, hoping she wouldn't have to spend more months holed up in some desert but her lucky star shone bright that day - the location was somewhere in Eastern Europe.

  Her professor and mentor would be with her and she would need to team up with the locals to reach the destination. Kate agreed and signed the contract, thinking that a change of scenery would benefit her.

  Time flew and so did she, along with the rest of the crew and the equipment, and landed in a slightly dated-looking airport. The local archaeological team had been waiting for their arrival and once the two crews were joined, they proceeded to the excavation site.

  It took a few hours by car, driving along the narrow unkempt roads that seemed to hide danger at every turn, but eventually they arrived in front of what looked like the ruins of a cathedral.

  Kate stepped out of the vehicle and looked at the structure, wondering if that was their target. Sure it would probably yield some valuable information, but cathedrals weren't too unique. Most of Europe was littered with them, and this one wouldn't be anything special.

  One of the locals, Samir, saw the disappointed look on Kate's face and commented on it.

  "We know it doesn't look like much, but we found some worrying things scattered around."

  She understood him despite the thick accent, and repli
ed "Worrying... Things?"

  "I'll show you, follow me."

  Samir made his way to a nearby tent, closely followed by Kate and the rest of the American crew. The other locals were calmly unloading the gear from the vehicles, a worried look on their faces.

  Samir pointed at a slab of what appeared to be granite, which bore a series of carvings almost resembling those of ancient Egypt.

  "See this? We started finding these two years ago, along with a few dilapidated cathedrals. This one is our most recent finding."

  "Wow..." Kate muttered under her breath as her eyes scanned the granite slab.

  "Do you have any idea what it says?" She asked without even looking towards Samir.

  "Yes and no. We compared the other tablets we found and managed to decipher some of them, but we're not sure we have it right."

  "And what does this one mean?" She queried again, pointing at the slab.

  Samir looked at it and his brow corrugated as he tried to remember the correct translation.

  "Something about a doorway... Sleep... And the rest I don't know. I'm sorry, most of these slabs are nearly illegible."

  "How old are they?" Kate's mentor and professor, Walter Laherty, piped up.

  Samir chuckled and said "This is where it gets weird. Judging by our tests, which we repeated a few times and with different circumstances... These slabs predate even the oldest known civilizations. Around ten thousand years ago is our best guess."

  The American crew was speechless as they heard the news. Could it be possible? That a civilization developed writing earlier than others were even able to plant seeds?

  Kate had her doubts and glancing at her mentor he seemed skeptical too.

  Chapter Two

  Wasting no time the joint crews began exploring the ruins.

  Samir's men had already began digging through the dirt that piled up over the years and filled the structure, shielding it from unwanted attention.

  Its characteristics and style seemed far too advanced for the time frame Samir suggested, but Kate was far too enthralled by it to give it much thought. Besides, the lab tests would provide more insight on the matter, though they would have to wait.

  The interiors of the cathedral were covered in the same carvings that appeared on the slabs.

  "Any idea what these mean?" Kate asked, pointing at the walls.

  "No, no. It would take hours to decipher these carvings," Samir replied.

  His crew was still hard at work in the main floor. The cathedral wasn't huge, but sizable enough that Kate wondered why it hadn't been discovered in the past - you don't exactly stumble into these kinds of things every day, especially in the area they were in.

  She brushed those thoughts aside and focused back on her notebook, filled with rude sketches of the carvings and hastily scribbled notes detailing their findings.

  A low rumbling noise followed by a scream echoed through the halls, as the crews were inspecting the top floor.

  Samir's radio croaked to life and he spoke into it. Kate didn't understand what they said, but Samir explained moments later.

  "One of our men fell down a hole." He declared.

  "Is he okay?" Kate worriedly replied.

  "That is not important. What matters is that he discovered a hidden floor right below the altar. Let's go."

  Samir's tone was cold, almost robotic. After a brief exchange of worried glances, Kate and her mentor followed Samir down the stairs and onto the main floor.

  The man that fell had already been rescued when they arrived, but Kate wanted to drop down and explore the lower floors as well as the rest of the house.

  They laid out a rope ladder so people could reach the basement without breaking any bones, and after donning the necessary safety equipment, the two crews made the short descent into the lower floor.

  As the last member of Samir's crew stepped off the ladder, they began exploring the basement.

  The light coming from their yellow safety helmets couldn't pierce the darkness as much as they wanted to - the place felt big and empty given how every step seemed to echo through the walls.

  A couple of spotlights fixed the issue and flooded the basement with their bright white lights.

  Kate's jaw dropped as she took in the sights around her. They were in a large hexagonal room, its walls covered in detailed carvings. These weren't like the ones found throughout the building but rather felt like whoever made them was telling a story.

  At a glance Kate couldn't understand the meaning of those carvings, the message they tried to convey. The warning.

  Pushing further down towards the edges of the room, Kate noticed something that resembled an arch built in the walls, the only place which bore no carvings.

  Her interest piqued, Kate approached it and began examining it. The walls were made of granite, but the arch was a completely different material. She couldn't identify it right away, and even her mentor struggled - then again, they weren't geologists.

  Regardless, the day was winding down and both crews decided to stop the excavations. It was mostly to allow the Americans to get used to the new timezone, but Samir's crew didn't object to it.

  Kate thought about the events of that day as she laid in her sleeping bag. Her eyes shot open as she her mind replayed their first encounter with Samir - he mentioned one of the slabs said something about a doorway.

  Could that mean the arch they found in the basement? It would fit, even though there was nothing beyond it - just an alcove big enough to accommodate a man inside of it.

  She decided she would explore the subject the following day and closed her eyes. It had been a long day, and Kate needed rest.

  Her sleep wasn't restful. Quite the opposite, in fact - Kate kept tossing and turning in her bag, despite the limited mobility. Waking up for the second time she got out of the bag and began walking around the camp site.

  The cold air was a welcome change after the torrid weather she experienced in Sudan, and it seemed to rejuvenate her. Kate felt as if she didn't need sleep but at the same time she had nothing to do, so she decided to explore the cathedral on her own.

  She knew it could be dangerous but that place had a mysterious aura that seemed to attract her.

  Kate made her way inside the main floor and tried to find any details she might have missed during the day. Often enough it's the small details that tell the biggest story.

  As her gaze swept the walls in a vain attempt at making sense of the story portrayed on them, a shadow crept up along the wall.

  Startled, Kate turned around instantly only to see that the source of the shadow was nothing more than the altar. A bright light seemed to pulsate behind it, coming from the basement.

  She chalked it up as a faulty spotlight and thought nothing of it, resuming her examination.

  Still, the pulsating light was annoying to deal with and no matter how hard Kate tried, she couldn't ignore it.

  A couple minutes later she began the short descent that would lead her to the basement.

  The air down there felt colder, she could feel the temperature drop as she climbed the ladder.

  Landing on the ground she turned to face the spotlight array and her heart sank as she discovered the source of the lights.

  It came from the arch.

  Her mind struggled to process it, Kate was a rational being and she simply refused to believe anything out of the ordinary was taking place. Almost angry that someone could play a trick like that on her, she walked up to the arch and crossed it, hoping to fin the spotlight in the alcove and turn it off.

  Kate did not find what she was looking for and instead, something found her.

  As she crossed the gate she found herself in complete darkness. Low rumbling noises echoed around her but she couldn't identify the source. She tried to scream for help but no one came - she was alone, floating in the void.

  Panic got a tight hold of her sense yet Kate desperately wanted to remain rational. It was a dream and nothing more, she would wa
ke up in her sleeping bag and forget about all of this soon enough.

  She lost track of time as she floated there, simply existing. She didn't need to eat or sleep, the void gave her all he sustenance she needed. Still her throat was sore from all the screaming, and even though the realization that maybe she wasn't dreaming was starting to set in, her hopes were still up.

  A booming voice was heard, a raspy undertone to it almost as if whoever was speaking hadn't done so in years. Kate felt the vibration ripple through her body as the disembodied voice spoke to her in its low, deep tone.

  Kate couldn't understand what it said yet the more she listened to it the more those rumbling sounds seemed to resonate with her mind and soul. She stopped paying attention to the pain signals shooting from her throat, closed her eyes and basked into the overwhelming comforting feeling that washed over her.

  Despite being in an unknown place, Kate was happy.

  The voice kept on going, filling Kate's mind with soothing words she couldn't understand. She barely even flinched when she felt something creep up her leg. Kate couldn't see it but she felt the entity probe her full figured body, carefully sliding across her luscious curves and wrapping itself around her neck.

  Kate could tell she was in the entity's full control, it's tendril had a strong grip on her body and seemingly didn't intend on letting her go.


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