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The Lodge at Whispering Pines

Page 27

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  “We’ll do that then,” said Miles, as she hugged him again, then me and Doreen. Miles shook hands with Mr. O’Neill, and the O’Neills returned to Violet’s room to wait at the foot of the bed for the lab tech and nurse to complete their tasks.

  “Dr. Reeves, it was great to see you again,” said Miles, shaking his hand, then shaking Dr. Willis’. “Great meeting you too, doctor.”

  “Always good to see you, Miles,” said Dr. Reeves. “You too, Mrs. Bannerman.”

  “It’s great to see you doctor, and without an appointment!” I replied, and he and Miles laughed.

  “Glad I gave up, are you?” he asked.

  “I can’t say that I’m not,” I smiled.

  We said goodbye, then walked back down the corridor on our way to the exit. Miles stopped briefly at the nurses station to make sure his instructions had been received. They had. The O’Neills wouldn’t go without meals while visiting Violet. Trays from the hospital cafeteria would be delivered to the O’Neills along with those sent for the patients who were awake and able to eat on their own.

  “So what are we going to do now?” asked Doreen, as we left the Neurosciences ICU behind and walked back through the hospital on our way to the exit.

  “Let’s give that some thought,” said Miles. He did, then reached for his phone. “When we get outside I’ll see if Xander has set up an opportunity to talk to Spence.”

  I was tired. It had been a busy day and we accomplished a lot, and there hadn’t been a single minute to process any of it. I felt bad for hoping Spence would be busy until tomorrow.

  “Hey, Xander. Any word on Spence?”

  Miles listened briefly.

  “Okay. Keep trying. Yeah, we just left Memorial. You would not believe the day we’ve had so far. Let’s plan on getting together this evening. No, we’ve been so busy we haven’t had a chance to go over it. If I tried to tell you what she said right now, I’d forget something. We’ll talk tonight, though. Okay. Bye.”

  “So what do you want to do instead?” I asked, as Miles opened the doors for Doreen and I. She piled in and closed hers, but I waited.

  “Is there any possibility that you’re tired and in need of a nap?” Miles asked, probably seeing in my eyes that I was.

  “Yes. I vote for that, if you’re putting it up for one.”

  “That’s what we’ll do then. We need time to replenish some energy and talk about everything we learned today, too.”

  “Hey!” Doreen said loudly. “You’re letting in all the cold air!”

  I rolled my eyes and Miles smiled, as he closed the door on my side.

  “She’s not going to like that either,” I pointed out.

  “Oh, well. She can’t have it both ways.”

  Miles and I hugged each other, and I felt some of the built up tension begin to melt away.

  Of course it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the window of the middle row.

  “It’s freezing in here!” Doreen complained, her voice muffled by the enclosed SUV.

  “She’s wired,” I said. “She probably needs sleep, but I doubt she’ll get any. What do we do about her?”

  “Are you afraid she’ll leave the suite?” asked Miles. “I can take care of that as easy as I can protect ice cream.”

  I laughed.

  “Okay, problem one solved. I can see getting woke up every few minutes though, if she’s bored.”

  “Then I’ll sound-proof our room just like I do the cats’ carriers.”

  “Oh my goodness you are so awesome, superhero husband,” I said, then he kissed me.

  “You too, superhero wife.”

  Miles opened my door and I got in, much to the relief of the child who languished in the backseat.

  We drove back to the Lodge and made our way through the entry and past the check-in counter without encountering any emergencies. We did encounter John and Annette, though. They stepped off the elevator just as we turned the corner.

  “Hey guys,” I smiled. “Are you off to torment Xander about being in the minority now?”

  They laughed, and so did Miles. Doreen wanted to go. She’d about reached her limit for the time being, but she was quiet at least.

  “We’re headed to an early dinner,” said John. “But, if the opportunity arises…”

  We all laughed again.

  “So what’s going on with Elizabeth?” asked Annette quietly.

  “We’re just about dead on our feet right now,” said Miles, nodding to Doreen who was gazing off into the distance much like Violet. She’d fall asleep standing, if given another minute. “If you want though, come by tonight at eleven o’clock. We’ll give you an update.”

  John and Annette looked at each other, then John turned back to us.

  “Yeah, sure. We’ll be there.”

  “Great,” I said. “See you then.”

  I nudged Doreen, and she got on the elevator.

  “What is the pressure on the force field like right now?” I asked Miles as the doors swished shut behind us, and we began the ascent to our floor.

  “Still strong,” he said. “We know that increase in strength isn’t a result of moving her to Memorial. So for now, I’ll leave the force field intact.”

  We reached our floor, and Doreen went straight to her room. She barely greeted Chip and Trixie on her way there.

  Violet still slept in the chair. There was no discernible change in her.

  Miles and I took off our coats and placed them back in the coat closet by the door of the suite. I put away my purse and as Miles joined me, I glanced through the open doorway of Doreen’s room. She was already asleep.

  “We won’t need soundproofing after all,” he said, as we turned and headed straight for our room.

  “Maybe not,” I said, as the door closed behind us. “But I’m glad you figured out how to do that, because it’s going to come in very handy when we have puppies someday!”

  Miles laughed.

  “So you think they’ll make a lot of noise?”

  “I’ve no idea, having very limited experience with puppies. But can you imagine, if she has twelve or more, like some do?”

  “That—is a staggering thought. You may have just taken away my ability to fall asleep!”

  I laughed.

  “I highly doubt that. You, Chip, and apparently Doreen, can fall asleep so fast it’s unbelievable.”

  “I can’t speak for them, but when you go for a hundred and forty or so years without any…” he looked so sad. I laughed, which made him smile.

  “Are you looking for sympathy?” I asked, hugging him.

  “More like attention,” he said, as he hugged me back. “We’ve been together almost every minute, yet I feel I’ve hardly seen you.”

  “Me too,” I said. “You’ve got all my attention now, though.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Miles smiled, then I kissed him.

  “When we’ve got Violet straightened out, returned my sister, and have the Lodge running smoothly… what do you say we disappear for a few days?”

  “That was our agreement, after all,” said Miles. “It would be all kinds of wrong not to abide by it.”

  “You’re telling the truth,” I smiled, which made him laugh.

  He gave me a melting look and kissed me then, and… eventually, we took a nap.

  Chapter 19

  The sun was all but set. Only the faintest light remained to dimly illuminate the sitting room of the suite.

  “I guess Doreen is still asleep,” I said quietly, as the table lamps suddenly bathed the room and its contents in soft light.

  “So is everyone else,” Miles replied just as quietly.

  Violet remained motionless in the chair. Pandora and the dogs were lying in front of the fireplace, determined to stake their claim on their favorite spots, just in case we decided to light a fire.

  We walked through the sitting room and looked in on Doreen. She was sound asleep, one arm around Night, who was curled up beside
her. He looked at me and blinked slowly.

  “Can you turn on her light?” I asked softly, and like magic, it switched on. I quietly closed the door.

  “She won’t feel as disoriented when she wakes up, since the lamp is on.”

  “You know if we left it off, she might sleep until morning,” Miles said.

  “Ooh, that would be so tempting if we didn’t have Jenny, Xander, John, and Annette coming over around eleven o’ clock,” I said.

  “You’re right. That would never work. Besides, she’d wake up in the middle of the night starving. I wouldn’t put it past her to break through my force field to get to the ice cream, considering how hungry she’s been since she got here. Your parents do feed her, right?”

  I laughed as we walked to the family room and sat on the comfortable couch.

  “I’m fairly certain they do,” I said. “Doreen told me she gets hungry and eats a lot right before she has a growth spurt.”

  “At the rate she’s going, she might just end up taller than me,” he said. He was kidding of course, and I laughed.

  Miles smiled, then took his phone out of his pocket.

  “I’m going to call our PI.”

  “Good idea, maybe he can use his contacts to learn more about the police investigation into Violet’s attack!”

  “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  “Go ahead,” I said. I rested my cheek against his shoulder and got comfortable.

  “Hi Jackson, it’s Miles. I’d like you to look into something for me. A girl named Violet O’Neill was assaulted last Halloween in Glen Haven outside of a Professor Frederick’s house. She’s been in a coma ever since. According to her parents a witness has come forward implicating the boyfriend, Spence Daniels. I’d like to know who the witness is, and anything else you can learn about the current investigation. Thanks. Talk to you then.”

  “It is so awesome having a PI,” I said, as Miles pressed the end button on his phone and returned it to his pocket.

  “It saves a ton of leg work,” said Miles. “Which reminds me, we haven’t had a look at the work done on the fitness center yet. Perhaps we can do that tomorrow.”

  “We can try, anyway,” I said. “We never made it to the tower like we intended to yesterday, either.”

  Miles looked at his watch.

  “It’s not too late, I’ll try calling Grandma Polly.”

  “This is a good time to do it. Doreen’s asleep, it’ll be a while before our friends show up, and you have a lot to tell her!”

  “No kidding,” Miles said as he reached in his pocket for his phone, and I jumped up. He caught my hand before I could get any further. “Where are you going?”

  “To get my book,” I said.

  “Where is it?” he asked.

  “Out there somewhere, I threw it, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember,” smiled Miles. “Let me try to get it for you.”

  “I don’t think you can see it from here,” I said, frowning a little.

  “Then look and tell me where to find it. I’ll see if I can do it by memory.”

  “Okay… but remember, you break it you bought it!” I said, as I left the room.

  Miles laughed, then called after me, “I’ll try after you come back, I don’t want to get you by accident.”

  Goodness, I didn’t want that either! I located my book, then hurried back and jumped onto the couch beside him.

  “It’s between the arm of the chair Doreen sits in, and the picture window, closer to the fireplace than it is the center of the window.”

  “Okay,” Miles said, trying to picture it. “Here goes…”

  He concentrated, and suddenly a cat let out an angry meow.

  “Oops,” Miles said, and I burst out laughing. “Perhaps I’d better get your book the old-fashioned way.”

  Miles got up and walked into the sitting room. Between laughter and gasps for breath, I heard Miles apologizing to Pandora. She did not sound happy!

  I wiped tears from my eyes, still laughing as Miles walked back in with my book. He sat down and handed it to me.

  “She’s mad,” he said, and I laughed more. “Tonight I’m making sure she’s on the other side of the bedroom door before I go to sleep. Either that, or put a force field over the bed.”

  I laughed so hard I thought I’d be sick.

  Miles looked at his watch as he rubbed my back, which reminded me he wanted to call Grandma Polly. I managed to calm myself.

  I settled down with my book and Miles made his phone call. I managed to keep one ear on their conversation. She was doing well, and wanted to hear all about our week. That would take way too long, so Miles gave her a brief run down. She decided to visit us as soon as she returned from her latest travels, especially after she realized we took Chef and he was no longer at the estate!

  As Miles ended his call, Doreen stumbled into the family room. She flopped onto another one of the couches and lay there looking only half awake.

  “You can go back to bed if you’re still sleepy,” I suggested.

  She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

  “No. I’m hungry, and I don’t want to miss it when Violet wakes up.”

  “How’s the pressure on the force field?” I asked Miles.

  “Still strong, but lessening slightly.”

  “Lessening is good!” I said, encouraged. “Unless she gets the same kind of medication at Memorial, then maybe we’ll get a chance to really talk to her tonight.”

  “I’m hopeful that the longer she’s at Memorial the easier it will be for her to tolerate direct questions,” said Miles. “Learning what she knows will be so much simpler, if that’s the case.”

  “Can we eat?” asked Doreen.

  “Sure,” said Miles. “Give me your order, I’ll call it in.”

  “What do they have?” she wanted to know.

  “Chicken strips and macaroni,” I said.

  “That’s it?” she shot me a look.

  “It is unless you get the menu, and find something else you want,” I replied.

  “Fine,” she said.

  “I’ll assume that’s a yes on the chicken, since you’re not moving,” said Miles.

  She lay there glassy-eyed and motionless.

  Miles called in our order.

  Doreen livened up once the food arrived and she began to eat. Her eyes grew brighter, and she became talkative.

  “Maybe Violet won’t go back to sleep when she wakes up tonight,” she said, scooping up a spoonful of macaroni.

  “What’s the pressure like on the force field now?” I asked Miles, when he was between bites.

  “Lessening steadily.”

  Miles’ cell phone buzzed, and he looked at the screen.

  “It’s Xander. Hey, Xander. What’s up?” Miles listened for a few seconds. “We’re just finishing up with dinner, so go ahead and come over if you like. Alright, see you then.”

  Miles put his phone back in his pocket.

  “He and Jenny are on their way.”

  “Should I call John and Annette?” I wondered. “We’ve got so much to talk over just from today, and they’re out of the loop as it is.”

  “Yes, do that. We’ll give them the option, anyway.”

  I called Annette while Miles and Doreen gathered together the dishes from dinner and placed them back on the tray, then Miles carried the tray to the hall where Troy or one of the other bellhops would later retrieve it. Doreen returned to her room.

  “John and Annette are on their way over also,” I said, pressing the end button on my phone and returning it to the pocket of my jeans.

  “And here they are,” said Miles, leaving the tray in the hall, and returning with John and Annette. “Come on in, guys.”

  “Hi,” I smiled. “How are you?”

  “Great,” said Annette, as I gave her a hug and she gave Violet an apprehensive look. “How are you?”

  “Doing well,” I said. “I don’t think we’ve ever been so busy in our lives, though.
We’ve learned a lot about our transparent guest since we last saw you.”

  “We’re looking forward to hearing about it,” said John.

  Annette gasped softly and John looked surprised when they saw Doreen come out of her room. Annette turned to me.

  “Your sister knows?” she asked quietly, and her eyes darted toward Violet, and back to me.

  “Yes, she does,” I said. “She found out Thursday night. She knows about Miles now, too. When he was born, his abilities, my abilities…”

  “Oh you’re kidding!” Annette said, shocked. She turned to look at Doreen. “So… how do you feel about that?”

  Doreen shrugged.

  “Fine, I guess.”

  “You’re taking it better than I did when I found out,” said John. He sounded impressed.

  Doreen shrugged again.

  It’s no big deal. She didn’t scream, or nearly pass out, or threaten to call our mother. Repeatedly.

  “Is that the elevator?” I asked Miles, who was closest, since he was holding our door open while we waited for the rest of our friends to arrive.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  Within a couple of seconds the elevator doors swished open, and Jenny and Xander stepped out.

  “Hey guys, come on in,” said Miles.

  Jenny and Xander were surprised to see John and Annette, but recovered quickly.

  “Hi, how are you!” said Jenny.

  “Great,” Annette answered, and John smiled.

  “I can’t believe you snuck off and got married like that!” Jenny exclaimed, as she hugged Annette and then looked at her rings.

  “What were you thinking, man!” said Xander. “Now I’ve got no one to back me when I give these guys a hard time.”

  “Look on the bright side,” said John. “This way you’ve got more targets.”

  “Yeah, I guess…” Xander looked slightly cheered.

  “Let’s talk in the family room,” I said, motioning towards it and then taking Miles’ hand. We led the way and each found a comfortable seat.

  “So… what did we miss in the last two days?” asked John.

  “Well, let’s see…” I thought. “For one thing, Elizabeth is really Violet Elizabeth O’Neill. She received a head injury outside Professor Frederick’s house last Halloween Night. She was dating Spence Daniels at the time, and an eye witness has come forward who says he assaulted her.”


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