Love on Pointe Omnibus

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Love on Pointe Omnibus Page 39

by Colette Davison

  But now… now, the scene was changing to the forest. Dancers dressed as fairies moved the staging pieces around. They were tall wooden screens on castors, white, so that the colour could be changed by lighting alone, with filigree designs cut into them. He had been heavily inspired by Edward Gordon Craig when he came up with the design concept. As he watched, the lighting changed to shades of green with heavy back lighting pouring through the cut-outs in the screens, creating a dappled effect on the stage and over the bodies of the retreating dancers. For a few calm beats, the stage was empty, a tranquil environment reminiscent of a forest on a heady summer's day. David could almost feel the audience holding their breath as a collective. So was he, even though he knew what was coming next.

  The music picked up as the orchestra played a punchy, cheeky tune that was dominated by wind instruments and violins. The change in music heralded Puck's arrival. While the audience let out their breath, David continued to hold his.

  Mason looked sublime as he swaggered onto the stage. Dirt covered his chest and back like a natural waistcoat. His hair had been mussed up, with leaves and twigs chaotically arranged in it. Leaves wrapped around his right arm from wrist to shoulder and his left leg from ankle to thigh. He was wearing tight, knee-length shorts in patchy, earthy colours. The result was that he looked like something that had risen out of the forest floor, a natural bundle of brash, vibrant energy. And God, was he beautiful.

  As David watched Mason dance, his chest swelled with pride. Even though there were over a thousand people in the audience, it truly felt like Mason was dancing for him alone, just as Mason said he would. David fell in love with the young man all over again. Mason brought a vibrancy to the stage that David hadn't thought was possible. He honestly believed that the energy Mason had exuded in rehearsals was the most he could deliver, but he'd been wrong.

  He managed to drag his eyes from the exquisite young man to look out at the audience, seeing captivated faces, some with lips parted, others with slack jaws. They were seeing what he did: brilliance personified.

  At the end of his pas de deux with one of the fairies, Mason settled at the very front of the stage with a cocky grin on his face. He leaned on one elbow, the opposite knee bent, as he watched the scene between Oberon and Titania unfold. David tried to watch it too so he could take mental notes on the performance, but his stare wandered to Mason far too often. He told himself it didn't matter; Andrea was close by, and she was taking notes that they could discuss the next morning and address in future rehearsals.

  David held his breath again as Titania and her fairies swept off the stage, leaving Mason and Alan alone to perform their high-energy duet of leaps and jumps. It was even more exquisite than in rehearsals. Mason fed off the cues that Alan gave him, always a beat behind, his leaps always smaller but no less dramatic and captivating. When it came to a close, applause ripped out of the audience as Mason left the stage, leaving Alan alone.

  Even though he probably shouldn't have done, David lightly touched Mason's shoulder as the young man passed him.

  "You were amazing," he whispered.

  Mason grinned at him. "Need water," he gasped, his chest heaving from the exertion of the dance. Sweat glistened at his temples. "And my prop."

  And with that, he was gone. Smiling, David folded his arms and returned his attention to the stage as the dancer playing Helena entreated Demetrius, only to be spurned over and over as Alan's Oberon watched from behind a screen.

  The rest of the performance passed in a blur. Even the intermission seemed to take no time at all as David, Andrea, and Veronica discussed the first act and the audience's reactions.

  "It's going brilliantly," Veronica said, beaming. "You've both done an amazing job."

  "It's David's vision," Andrea said, indicating him with her hand.

  "I know, I'm brilliant." David gave them a mock bow. "But in all seriousness, it's the dancers who are making the show come to life. They're stunning." He grasped Veronica's hand. "You have a very talented troupe here, Ronnie."

  She blushed. "I try to get the best."

  That she did.

  David's heart soared through the second act, and then, finally, the ending came. Mason, alone on the stage, performing a thoughtful solo in adagio. The music was soft and almost melancholy as Puck bade farewell to the audience. Tears of joy made David's vision blur as Mason ended his dance with a cheeky bow before picking up the pace once more to run and leap off the stage. The lights cut to blackout, the curtain fell, and the audience erupted into applause.

  As the curtains were raised once more so the troupe could take their bows, David saw that they were being given a standing ovation. His heart thundered in his chest, and adrenaline coursed through his body. He would never get tired of receiving praise from an audience for his work. It made the long months of rehearsals more than worth it.

  He listened to the continued applause as the soloists all began to take their bows. Rather than taking them in order of importance, Andrea had grouped them by characters. So the Athenians were first, except Theseus and Hippolyta, followed by the mechanicals and then the faeries, ending with Alan and Cara. Mason took his just before them, and the audience went mad for him, with whoops and whistles. David grinned, knowing that at least some of those were coming from the front two rows of the stalls, which were entirely populated by Mason's family. But they weren't all coming from there. Most were coming from elsewhere. The talented young man had stunned them all.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  In his rush to be with his family, Mason hadn't done the best job of cleaning himself up. Instead, he had thrown himself quickly through the shower so he didn't stink of sweat. His hair was damp, but at least it was no longer full of twigs and leaves. Some of the dirt was still stuck to his chest and back, but it was covered up by his T-shirt and over-shirt. He knew he still had remnants of stage make-up on his face, too, but he'd deal with it all when he had more time and less adrenaline pumping through him.

  He paused long enough backstage to congratulate everyone he saw, especially Gemma. He was pretty sure she was a big reason why he'd managed to survive the rehearsal process, especially while Kirk had been bullying him. And of course he had to thank Alan, with whom he'd spent more rehearsal time than anyone.

  Things had changed. He'd made more friends in recent weeks and been more readily accepted. People he thought would have a problem with his being with David just shrugged it off and didn’t treat him any differently. For the first time since joining BalletEast, he was able to truly relax into the rehearsal process and enjoy being there. It felt more like a new home, more like a new family. Able to see his immediate future there, he'd made the decision to stay, even before Veronica had told him he was being promoted from junior to soloist.

  His health had improved, too. His weight steadily climbed to what he considered healthy, and he'd been able to maintain it.

  By the time Mason joined his family in the theatre foyer, he was still high from the buzz of being onstage.

  "See, I told you, he's just like Tigger on crack."

  A thrill ran through Mason at the sound of Adam's voice. His friend stepped around his family, grinning.

  "You were amazing," Adam said, embracing him.

  "I didn't know you were going to be here." Mason stared at him. "How are you here?" Adam had his own performances to dance.

  Adam shrugged. "I figured it out. I couldn't miss your opening night."

  Mason dipped his gaze to the floor, briefly deflated. He had missed Adam's opening night. His first opening night, which was far more important than one of many.

  Adam laughed and hugged him again. "I sprained my ankle, so my understudy has taken over for a few performances." He put his weight through his right leg and rotated his left ankle. "It's better now, but my artistic director is being cautious."

  Mason pinched his lips together, torn between grinning at his friend and berating Adam for making him feel guilty, even for a
few seconds. "Being benched sucks," he said eventually. "My artistic director did the same thing to me during rehearsals."

  Adam shrugged. "I'm enjoying getting to lie in again."

  Mason laughed. Adam had never been a morning person.

  "You were wonderful," Mason's father said, shooing Adam away so he could clap his son on the back and then hug him.

  The rest of his family followed suit in a sort of chaotic procession. But as much as he loved them, he wasn't really listening to their words of praise. None of them were able to sink in because he was too busy buzzing and moving, unable to stand still or focus on anything. It was how he always felt after a performance, especially an opening night.

  "I think we need to nail your feet to the floor." Hazel laughed as she took her turn to congratulate him. "But then you wouldn't be able to go to David." Smiling, she nodded behind him.

  Mason swung round. Sure enough, David was standing near the steps that led up to the dress circle. He looked sort of awkward as he pursed his lips and clasped his hands behind his back, like he wasn't sure if it was okay to approach or not.

  Mason wasn't sure if he should call him over. Technically, they were still at work. Even though everyone knew they were in a relationship, they still didn't cross that line when they were working. But if there was anyone he wanted to share his high with, it was David, because David deserved just as much praise for the success of the show, if not more.

  "Come over here," his dad said to David, taking the decision out of Mason's hands.

  David hesitated, raising his eyebrows slightly as he held Mason's stare. Mason nodded, shifting his weight from foot to foot as his lover approached. He stepped back, letting his family swarm around David to congratulate him. There were hugs and handshakes—mostly hugs—and laughter and over a hundred quick-fire questions that David did his best to answer.

  "It's a privilege to meet you," Adam said as he took his turn to clasp David's hand.

  Mason's mouth quirked into a grin as he watched his friend stumble over himself as he spoke to David. It was the most nervous he'd ever seen Adam, even taking into account the night Adam had told him he was in love with Luc.

  "My parents danced with you," Adam said in a rush.

  "Ah, you're the friend with the basement dance studio?"

  Adam nodded and laughed. "Yes. Well, not anymore. I'm living with my boyfriend now and dancing with Ballet Torsion." He glanced at Mason, tilting his head. "I'm curious about what else Mason's told you about me."

  The two men chatted for a while before David finally turned to Mason, a massive grin plastered on his face. It was the signal Mason had been waiting for, and he couldn't hold back. He wrapped his arms around his lover's neck and kissed him. When David embraced him in return, pulling him close so their bodies were mashed together, everything stilled. It wasn't that Mason wasn't still high, or that adrenaline wasn't still pumping through his body, but that he felt at peace. He relaxed into David's embrace, his body motionless as they continued to kiss. Tranquillity washed through him, coupled with a sense of belonging. He was David's, and David was his. In that perfect moment, nothing else mattered.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Mason had loved the week he'd spent with his family, but he was glad to be home.

  Home. Not the tiny flat he'd rented when he first started at BalletEast, but the house he now lived in with David. He'd moved in gradually during the show's run, using the month's notice he had to give on his flat to sell his crappy furniture and get settled in around rehearsals and performances. A Midsummer Night's Dream ran for two months, and then the troupe was given a much-needed four-week break.

  He set his bag down beside the door, resisting a cheeky 'Honey, I'm home!' as David jogged down the stairs to greet him. They embraced and enjoyed a long, lingering kiss before David guided him to the sofa, where they sat down together.

  "How was it?"

  "Great," Mason said, snuggling against his lover. He rested his head on David's shoulder. "You could have come. You'd have been welcome."

  "I know, and I will next time. I had something I wanted to do here."

  Mason tilted his face upwards. "Oh?"

  "A surprise."

  He lifted his eyebrows. "Which is…?"

  David kissed his nose. "Not yet. First, I want you to tell me about your week. Did you manage to get some rest?"

  Mason snorted a laugh as he flopped his head back down. "You've met my family, right? Besides, you know me. I don't really do resting." He bit his lower lip and raked his teeth over it before he released it so he could speak again. "Unless you make me."

  He loved that David could make him relax completely. Adored the fact that, even when David was dominating him, it was for his enjoyment and not some power kick. Slowly, he'd been relaxing his limits as he grew more comfortable and curious about David's kinks.

  "Is that a challenge?" David asked.

  "I do have a couple more weeks off…"

  David chuckled. "I'm sure you want to do more than play with me."

  "Yeah," Mason agreed. "We can do day trips and things if you want. Or stuff around the house. You mentioned wanting to do some decorating. I can picture you in overalls with paint splatters all over your face."

  "Is that a nice image?"

  "It's a sexy one."

  David nuzzled at Mason's hair.

  "What's this surprise?" Mason asked, sitting upright and twisting so he could sit cross-legged on the sofa. He bounced his knees slightly as he waited for David to respond.

  His lover smiled, his warm brown eyes glinting mischievously behind his glasses. "You haven't told me much about your week with your family."

  Mason pulled a face. "I recall speaking to you on the phone most evenings and filling you in. You can't possibly want to hear it all again." He narrowed his eyes. "Why are you stalling, old man?"

  "All right. Wait here."

  Mason did wait as David went back upstairs. He didn't sit still, though. He kept bouncing his knees and eventually stood up and started to pace. When David returned, he was carrying the blindfold they sometimes used in their play.

  Mason stopped, arms folded, weight through one leg. "That doesn't look like much of a surprise."

  "Oh, it is."

  Despite his incredulity, Mason stood still and allowed David to put the blindfold on him.

  "Come with me," David said, touching Mason's arm at the shoulder to guide him.

  Mason obeyed, anticipation making his pulse quicken as they slowly made their way towards the back of the house and then down into the cellar. He'd never been in David's cellar, though he sometimes imagined his lover had all kinds of kinky sex toys down there that were too adventurous to share with him.

  Anticipation became mixed with concern, but he opted to trust David. The older man knew exactly what Mason's limits were and never crossed them or pushed him to change them. Any changes had come from Mason alone.

  "Are you ready?" David whispered into his ear.

  "This had better be good," Mason quipped. "The blindfold has me expecting something amazing."

  "Oh, it is. I used the time you were away well."

  Mason blinked as David removed the blindfold. As his eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of light, his jaw dropped and his chest felt light.


  He was staring at a studio space with mirrored walls, bright lighting, and barres running around the perimeter.

  "It's a sprung floor," David told him before turning him round so they were facing one another. "I told you I wanted you to dance only for me."

  "Naked?" Mason asked, shivering with delight and anticipation as he recalled the conversation that he guessed had led to David transforming his cellar.

  "That would be nice," David murmured.


  "If you want to."

  Mason would do pretty much anything for David. He kissed the older man and then trailed his fingertips lightly over David's face. "Act
ually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about. Something I've been thinking about for a long time."

  It was David's turn to cock an eyebrow. "Oh?"

  "I was thinking about shifting another one of my limits." Mason felt his cheeks burning with heat, and he lowered his stare. He wasn't sure why he should feel embarrassed, considering everything they'd talked about, done and shared.

  "Which one?" David asked huskily.

  "I thought…" Mason drew in a deep breath. "You might like to spank me. With your hand," he added hastily. "To start with."

  "I'd love to," David said, then pulled him close into a fierce kiss. "But if you don't enjoy it—"

  Mason pressed his fingertips over David's moist lips to silence him. He couldn't describe how much he loved David or how complete and safe he felt with him. They might not have promised each other forever, but the here and now they shared was pretty amazing.

  He grinned. "If I don't like it, I've always got flamingos."

  The End

  A Dance For Christmas

  Bonus Short Story


  Mason longs to dance alongside his Dom and former principle dancer, David. A Christmas Eve charity gala might just give him the chance, if he can persuade David to come out of retirement for one night.

  David doesn’t regret his decision to hang up his ballet shoes to become a choreographer. So when the chance to dance with Mason is put before him, he’s less than keen, worrying his younger, impressively talented sub will outshine him on stage.

  Will a bratty sub and Christmas cheer be able to convince David to dance on stage, one last time?


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