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The Moon Prophesy: (Maya Strom Series - Book 3)

Page 11

by A. B. Marie

  Lucifer has been semi-stalking Luna for months now. Showing up everywhere and trying to court her. He doesn’t understand why she’s so upset since he hasn’t slept with anyone else since she turned eighteen, or so he says. She has talked to him a few times, and she’s over what she went through with the demon, Bianca. But she still feels off about how he treated her and doesn’t want to subject herself to that. Since it’s been months, we’ve hardly thought about Bianca’s parting words to her.

  “Ready to graduate, baby?”

  She smiles at me. She looks absolutely gorgeous today in a flowing purple dress, her brown and purple hair is artfully curled and braided around her head, and her green and violet eyes are alight and bright with happiness and joy. “Ready.”

  We walked the stage and shook hands with our headmaster. We waved to Luna’s parents, and we are heading to dinner in London after we teleported all of our boxes from our dorm rooms.

  “When will you kids start working on opening up the new magic shop?” Ross asks after we order.

  Luna smiles at him. “We’re staying home this summer and will be working with Brant and getting everything ready. I have the magic room at home all set up, and growing everything we need to make all of the potions and spells.”

  Maya, Mark, and Graham smile widely at her, “We are so proud of you, baby girl. I can’t wait to see it when it opens.” Mark says to her with tears in his eyes.

  Maya groans and I look at her questioningly. “We’re about to have a guest.”

  Luna closes her eyes and glares at the entrance of the private room. “Hello, Lucifer.”

  He smiles widely at everyone and takes a seat next to Luna. “Hello family, where are all of the mini gods and goddesses?” He looks around and nods to the parents.

  Maya smiles sweetly at him. “They’re at home. Is there something we can help you with, or would you like another round with me?” Maya holds her hand out and several knives land in her hand, and she places them all in front of her on the table. “Mmm. I’m still an amazing shot. Knives have always been my favorite. I can always add your heart as another paper weight on my desk next to Nathan’s? Remember Nathan, Lucifer? The man that almost talked you into killing all of us? The statue in my front yard?” I choke on my drink and pound my chest. Holy fuck.

  He smiles at her. “Of course, Maya. I thought we were over this?”

  Maya glares at him. “We were, until you devastated my daughter with one of your concubines.” He groans and looks at Luna with pleading eyes. Wow. He looks a little afraid of Maya.

  Luna speaks up, “This is something that Lucifer, Vick, and I need to work out. I’m hungry.” Maya looks down at her knives longingly and huffs out a breath and sends them back to wherever she keeps them.

  We spend the rest of the dinner in relative silence, and Lucifer takes the hint and leaves when everyone is getting up from the table. He whispers something in Luna’s ear, gives her a kiss, and vanishes from the room.

  Maya chuckles, “Well at least he paid for dinner.” She teleports us over to their estate and Luna looks at her with confusion in her eyes.

  “What are we doing here?”

  Maya gives her a kiss on the cheek. “A present.” She leads us to the front of the house and parked in the front are two Range Rover SUV’s – one green and one purple. “The purple is for Luna, and the green for you, Vick. I’m so proud of you both!” I smile and hug her. I was upset earlier when I didn’t see my parents at my graduation, but after everything I learned from Collins, they probably didn’t show up out of spite since they were cut off after I graduated.

  We thank them again and we get into our cars to drive down the road to our house. I smile when we park in the front and look up at our crazy mansion.

  “Your parents are amazing, Luna. You’re going to be an amazing mother, too, one day.” She gives me a smile and we head inside to celebrate together. We end up in the pool room in the basement and she strips naked and jumps in the pool. I chuckle at her and follow suit.

  I follow her as she swims laps, and when she stops to float on her back, I pick her up and kiss down her neck. She moans and I drag her to the edge of the pool and sit her up so I’m level with her pussy.

  “Lay back, baby.” I pull her legs over my shoulders and eat her pussy and groan when I stick my tongue into her channel. She starts fluttering around my tongue and I pinch her clit with my fingers, and fuck her with my tongue until she comes.

  Fucking delicious. I crawl out of the pool and sink my cock into her and fuck her until we’re both groaning and moaning our releases. I’ll never get over how amazing she feels wrapped around my cock.

  She throws her arms over her head and groans. “How are you always so good?” I chuckle and carry her to the showers in the changing room.

  “You tell me, baby. We’ve learned everything together.”

  She winks at me and teleports us to our master bedroom when we’re clean.

  I wake up in the middle of the night and something feels off. I’m groggy and my head is pounding. I feel over beside me for Luna and she’s not there.

  “Luna?” I get up and look around the house and use an incantation to feel for her energy – she isn’t here. I grab my phone from the nightstand when I get back to the bedroom and see that it’s three AM. Fuck. I pull up my contacts and call her parents until one answers.

  “Vick? It’s in the middle of the night.” Mark growls out sleepily.

  “Luna is missing. I can’t find her or feel her anywhere.” He starts yelling for everyone to wake up and he hangs up on me. I rush into the closet to put on some more clothes, right when Maya, Mark, and Collins show up beside the bed.

  Maya grabs onto my arm and she makes a portal and drags us into the Hell realm. Lucifer is asleep in his bed when we show up and Maya slams her magic into him, and he falls out of bed groaning.

  “Good morning, Maya. How may I assist you?” He growls out in between panting for breath.

  “WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DAUGHTER?” He scrambles to stand up and snaps his fingers. Seven large, scary ass dudes show up in various stages of dress, most of them are buck naked. They all look like they’re closely related, just with different hair and eyes, all around seven feet tall like Lucifer.

  “You find my mate, IMMEDIATELY. I feel her somewhere in Hell, but someone is blocking me. Many will die.” They all nod simultaneously and vanish, and he snaps his fingers to fix his hair and change into a suit. “Come.” He stalks out of the room and we make it to his office. He sits at his desk and pulls up holographic surveillance screens and searches through them with his mind and using his hands to move screens around the room.

  “From what I can tell, two demons left the realm about two hours ago, and came back with a third, supposedly Luna. After they landed in Wrath’s territory, they just vanish. One of the demons was Bianca.” He growls out and cowers away from Maya’s death glare.

  “Find her, Lucifer. None of you will survive if you don’t. It’s been a long fucking time since I had prisoners, and I can make room for a thousand if I have to.” He nods at her and he snaps his fingers for a few of the demons that were just in his room pop back in. He points at one with bright red hair and auburn eyes.

  “Wrath. They came through your territory. Find them.” Lucifer touches Wrath’s head with his fingers, and his eyes glow red, then he disappears.

  We sit around waiting for what feels like hours.

  I speak up, “Shouldn’t we try looking?”

  Lucifer shakes his head, “My princes will find her. I shared some of my magic with them. We should wait here to see if Bianca has another plan to bring her here or to make demands.”

  It’s about an hour until Wrath returns in stone cold fury. “I found them.” Lucifer touches his head for the location, and he snaps his fingers and we all teleport with him.

  It’s dark and cold, everything around us is stone and the floors are just packed dirt. We’re underground. Lucifer is stalking ahead of us
and blasts open a wall to where he thinks she is.

  I look around and my heart stops. There is blood everywhere and clumps of hair that’s the same color as Luna’s, lying in chunks on the floor. Along the walls are chains and ropes that have been blown apart and there’s soot all over the walls.

  “It looks like she put up a fight. Where are they?” Mark growls out and is shaking after picking up some of Luna’s brown-purple hair from the ground.

  Lucifer ignores him and blasts through another wall and we find Luna in the fetal position on the ground crying. She is dirty, covered in blood, and her tank top and panties that she wore to bed last night are burned, torn, and ripped in several places. Her hair is chopped off, bloody, and tangled in a heap. We all rush forward and Maya cradles her in her arms.

  “I got you, baby. I got you.” I sit next to them with tears down my face and hold her hand.

  “They’re not dead, but they’re in a bad state. They’re immortal, Luna. You didn’t kill them. You’re okay.” Lucifer says with a soft voice from a few feet away. He snaps his fingers and the two demons that were basically torn apart, disappear.

  Maya glares at him, “They will be answering to me after you question them. We will be using the basement at one of my properties until I have a torture chamber built at my London home. They will be my prisoners for a hundred years per minute they had my daughter. It has been four hours, so 24,000 years. Hopefully before then, there will be a way for me to kill an immortal. I will surely have fun trying.” She stares down at Luna and rocks her until she falls asleep and we portal back to her parent’s home.

  “Go ahead and get her washed up, Vick. I’ll be dealing with Lucifer.” Maya gives Luna a kiss and opens another portal and leaves with Mark. I look over to Collins and he grimaces.

  “I’ll be in the guest room right next door. Come to me if she needs anything.” He claps me on the back and kisses Luna’s cheek before walking out of the room and softly closes the door.

  I strip us down and get into the bath with Luna. She’s still in and out of consciousness. After I get her into some pajamas, I find a healing potion in their magic room and get her to drink it down. I grimace at her hair, fuck, this is bad. I rummage through the bathroom and find a brush, a comb, and some scissors.

  I spend an hour brushing out her hair and making it all one length, it barely reaches her shoulders now, but at least it looks a lot better. I had to add in some bangs along her forehead from whatever the fuck they did to her hair. I lay down with her and just stare at the ceiling. I need to talk to Luna’s parents about what the soul bond would do for me; I need to be stronger for her.

  Chapter 16



  My mom and dad M didn’t return back to the estate for two days. I haven’t talked about what happened, I’ve just been sleeping and grimacing when Vick has to take care of me. I haven’t seen Lucifer yet, and I’m not sure I’m ready to.

  “Luna?” I hear my mom call and I sit up in my bed.

  “Come in.”

  She gives me a grim smile and crawls into bed with me. “Can I talk about it?” I nod and she clears her throat. “Bianca and one of her friends that’s a lower wrath demon abducted you from your home. They must have spent months taking down the wards, because they’re completely gone. George, Lucy, and Lucas were all knocked out, but they left Vick alone, or he woke up before he was supposed to.

  “When we found you, you were in a new underground area that they must have been putting together for a while. It was in the Wrath territory and covered in wards, spells, and blood magic to hide your signature. Unfortunately for them, you can’t hide anything from Lucifer if they looked hard enough.

  “Wrath found you and we went down to get you. We found a lot of blood, baby. But you put up an amazing fight and tore those fuckers apart. I am so damn proud of you.” She gives me a kiss on my head, and I wait for her to continue. “I’ve spent the last few days in negotiations with Lucifer. Turns out Bianca is a lust demon and has been ‘in love’ with Lucifer for centuries. When she found out about the second prophesy, and subsequently you, she started her plans.

  “The stupid bitch didn’t do enough research to find out exactly who and what you are. All of my children are immortals, and you and Morgan have even more goddess in you. You’re strong my Luna girl.”

  “So, what happened to them, since they’re immortal?”

  She gives me an evil smile. “After Lucifer tortured them in the Pit for hours extracting everything from their little brains, he handed them off to me. I’ve been in meetings with Brant and having fun with my new prisoners. I get to keep them for 24,000 years and kill them over and over and over again. Lucifer helped me set up an anchor point that is attached to wherever I place them, so they can’t move realms.” I choke and stare at my mom with wide eyes.

  “Jesus. 24,000 years just for trying to kill me?”

  She scowls at me, “If you weren’t immortal, you would have died. If we didn’t find you, they would have kept you down there, chopped you into pieces and spread you across the Hell realm once they figured out you can’t die. Lucifer extracted that all out of their heads. It was fucking disgusting.” I hum and close my eyes and she kisses my head. “Want me to send someone up to fix your hair? Vick did a great job, it just needs layers.”

  “How about in a few days. I’m going to shower and play with the rest of the kids outside. They’ve been spending time in bed with me, bringing me food, and keeping me company.” She gives me a big smile and leaves the room.

  I wonder where my mom will keep her new prisoners? Knowing her, somewhere on the grounds here to keep them close for when she gets bored.

  Vick and I spend a week with my parents while I recuperate and calm down from the ordeal. They cancelled their vacation plans for the summer to stay closer to me. Since Brant is working on my mom’s new torture building in the backyard, we decide to use the time making up our business model and working full-time at my parent’s magic shop.

  “Do you think we should really open up another magic shop or should we come up with a different idea?” Vick asks me while we lock up one night.

  “Let’s talk about it over dinner. I want Mexican food.” He laughs and he drives my car to the restaurant.

  “I’m open to pretty much anything. I would just like to open up our own business.” I say after eating most of my dinner.

  He thinks about it for a few minutes. “Your parents have the private tutoring set up with Nolan. What if we do something that caters to all students? Have them intern on the weekends and over the summer for free products and supplies for those who can’t afford anything. We can hold seminars for a list of spells and potions, how to astral project properly, how to use the elements safely.”

  “I love that idea. What should we have in the store? Supernatural only?”

  He nods. “Yeah, the humans can go to your parent’s shop. Our building will have a full shop, and in the back be a huge meeting room for seminars, helping other kids, and a restroom? Maybe in the shop we can have a magical bakery where we have spelled baked goods and sweets. Upstairs will have an office, magic room, restroom, and an area for our future kids, just like your parents.” He winks at me and I chuckle.

  “I wouldn’t mind having kids after we figure out all this shit with Lucifer. I still haven’t seen him since graduation night before that whole thing…” He grimaces at me and we leave the restaurant.

  “No matter what or when, I don’t care. I will be here.” He gives me a kiss on the head, and we go back to our estate.

  We spend the rest of the summer approving plans with Brant and we found a lot that’s in the downtown district, on the other side of town from my parent’s magic shop. Theirs is just named “The Magic Shop” and ours will be named “Moon Magic,” which was Vick’s idea. Brant finished up the torture building, and my mom moved her new friends in there on their estate.

  Lucifer has been meeting us at our house a few times
a week over the past two months and has been apologizing profusely about Bianca. He stays for a few hours for dinner and we sit in the backyard and drink some wine.

  He doesn’t talk much, but from what I’ve noticed more and more, is that he isn’t a bad man at all. He’s loyal, a little crazy, impatient, and can kill anyone with a snap of his fingers, but he’s caring and sweet to me, too.

  Tonight is my first date out alone with him and I’m nervous.

  “You look amazing, baby, there is no reason for you to be nervous.” I smile over at Vick and give him a long kiss.

  “I’m just nervous about being completely alone with him again. Last time I was, Bianca showed up and tried to attack me. Then she kidnapped me.” I grimace thinking back to all those weeks ago. My hair is growing out quickly, thank goodness.

  “I know, baby. Just remember how badass you are and channel your inner Maya.” He winks at me and spanks my ass as I walk down the hall to the stairs. I look back over to him and growl. He’s been working out up to twice a day in our gym and he has gained so much muscle. His blonde hair is starting to grow out and his pale green eyes are sparkling and dilated with desire. His body is taut looks like he’s ready to pounce.

  George answers the door and calls out with sarcasm, “Ms. Strom, the King of Hell has arrived!” I laugh. He’s such a shit.

  “Thanks!” I make it to the foyer and Lucifer hands me a gift box and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I look up into his soulful black eyes that are slowly starting to glow blue, and smile. “Thank you.”

  He nods. “You’re welcome. Ready?” I nod my head and wave to George and Vick. He portals us to Hell, and we’re sitting on a verandah that overlooks the Heart, his city.

  He snaps his fingers and fireflies of every color are dancing and flying around us and he leads me to a couch. He hands me a glass of wine and we tap our glasses together. “So, tell me about how your business is coming along?”


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