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Sold to My Father's Friend

Page 5

by Cara Chance

  I laughed.

  Fueled with desire, he was next to me in a flash. He cupped my cheeks with both hands. “You think this is funny?” he asked.

  His sexy demeanor turned me on more as he tried to keep a stern face.

  “No,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. Laughter bubbled out of me as he walked me over to a chair.

  He sat down and took me over his knee. “Do you still think it’s funny?”

  “What are you doing?”

  He pulled my skirt up, pulling back his hand. “Punishing you.”

  I couldn’t believe it. He was treating me like a child. Pulling me over his lap and he was about to spank me. “Jace.” I tried to reason with him, but before I could get any more words out, I felt the hot sting of his hand making contact with my cotton covered ass. “Ow.”

  He pulled my panties down my legs and spanked my ass again, massaging it as soon as the sting began to settle.

  “I love your ass. I love having you over my knee.” He spanked me once more before running his fingers along my seam.

  So rough before, now gentle. Touching and rubbing. Wetness drenched his fingers as he groaned.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, unsure as to why I was really apologizing.

  And then it occurred to me, Jace liked being in control. Every time he punished me, it turned him on. And that turned me on. I continued to beg, asking for forgiveness as the bulge in his pants grew harder.

  “Angel,” he growled out as his fingers plunged deep inside me. He pulled them out and spanked me again.

  “Ow, I’m sorry,” I said, playing his game. It turned me on knowing he was into it.

  He stood me up as he pulled the waistband of his pants down. “Hop on, baby.”

  “What about a condom?” I glanced down at his throbbing manhood and the drop of precum glistening from the tip.

  He pointed to a drawer near the end of the kitchen. “Top drawer.”

  I ran over, rustling through the drawer he mentioned. When I saw the foil packet, I brought it back to him.

  “You do it,” he said.

  I ripped the packet open, unsure of how to put one on. I’d never done this before. “I’m not sure.”

  He took my hands with the condom and guided me, helping me to secure the latex over him. “Now get on my fucking cock and ride it.”

  I straddled him and his fingers played with my clit just before I slid down his member.

  He unbuttoned my white blouse, pulling it down my arms and throwing it onto the floor. He leaned in, sucking my nipple through my satin bra.

  I rocked along his dick as my hands reached around to remove the bra for him.

  “Wait.” He stopped any further movements of my arms and his other hand wrapped around my wrists, pinning my hands behind my back.

  He pulled on my arms, arching my back in the process. He was in control, slamming my body down on him.

  His other hand ran down between my breasts and settled between my legs, finding my clit in the process. He circled it with his fingers, pulling and tugging.

  The push and pull of his dick heightened my senses. My heart pounded, my mind clouded, and my body shook as my orgasm drew near.

  “Jace, I’m going to come,” I cried.

  “Yes, Angel. Come on me.”

  The moment my orgasm started, he let go of my wrists and I wrapped them around his strong, inked shoulders.

  This orgasm was different, mixing emotions and feelings throughout. My eyes watered as I watched him.

  His perfect mouth hung slightly open with want. His eyes filled with lust, watching me closely. His manly chest, with its rapid breaths, touching mine with every thrust.

  “Fuck, I can’t get enough of you,” he muttered as he came deep inside me.

  Chapter Nine

  “Wow, looks like James Bond,” I said as Jace led me into the garage where a silver car sat parked in the center.

  “It’s an Aston Martin 2002 Vanquish,” he said, matter of factly.

  “Oh, it looks like the car from James Bond.”

  “It is. Now get in.” He opened the door and I slid inside.

  Cozy and comfy. I loved his car.

  He drove down the road like he was late for something and music filled the car. Soft, contemporary tunes.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “And ruin the surprise.” He winked.

  He was relaxed. Very different from his usual uptight, mysterious persona he wore everyday. I liked this side of him.

  I imagined doing this daily with him. Us, together, spending everyday with one another.

  Sinking into the soft leather, I glanced out the window at the passing trees and realized my time with him was limited.

  A frown formed of its own volition as I tried to remember the fact soon I might go home.

  A while later we weaved down a dirt path through huge oak trees and a brick palace sat off in the distance. As we drew closer, I sat up further in my seat to gain a better look. A huge fountain-lake sat in front of the house.

  “What is this place?” I saw a woman exit the front door, her long black hair blew in the breeze.

  “This is my mother’s home.”

  I turned my attention to him, slack-jawed, as he smiled. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I never joke.” He smiled again.

  After parking the car, he came around the car to open the door for me. I was nervous.

  What do I say to the woman whose son only hours ago spanked me? He bought me from my father and now here I was—meeting his mother.

  “Angelique,” his mother called as soon as I was out of the car. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  She had? This was like living in another dimension. Glancing at Jace, I watched as he smiled and leaned in to kiss his mother on the cheek.

  She had high cheekbones like her son, the same dark eyes, and held an exotic ancestry I couldn’t quite place.

  Her outfit was probably more expensive than Jace’s car, and I glanced down to my own skirt and blouse.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you, ma’am,” I said, sticking out my hand for her to shake.

  “Nonsense,” she swatted my hand away and pulled me in for a hug, “call me Margaret.”

  After she released me, she led us into her home. Home seemed inadequate to describe it. Palace. Mansion. Estate. It was bigger than any museum I’d ever been in.

  Glass, marble, and mahogany filled the entryway in adorning artistry. The crown molding was something to be envied, and I took in the bouquets of flowers on a table by the front door.

  “This place is gorgeous,” I said, feeling out of my element.

  “Charles, he designed it,” Margaret said.

  “Charles is my father.” Jace leaned in close to my ear. “He liked to dabble in architecture.”

  “Come with me,” Margaret encouraged. I smiled as she gave me a tour and then led us outside to a covered patio. A glass table with three chairs was there, covered with food. It made my mouth water.

  Mini sandwiches, fruit of all shapes and sizes, and more than enough pastries than the three of us could ever eat.

  “Wow, this is amazing.” I sounded like an idiot.

  Jace pulled out the chair for his mother to sit, then me. I grabbed the linen cloth and placed it in my lap.

  “So, Angelique. I hear your father is David Stammer. We’ve worked with him for years.”

  Had they? How come I’d never known anything. “Yes.”

  I kept my answers short and sweet for the remainder of lunch.

  After we went back inside, she asked Jace to grab something from her room.

  While we were alone, she brought me into a sitting room with bright, flowered couches. “He’s never brought a girl home before.”

  “Oh?” My ears perked up. I wanted to know everything about him. From birth until now.

  “Yes. My Jace is a good son. He works hard. But at thirty years old, I’d like to see him settle down.

  “Oh,” I said again. I was flabbergasted.

  “Sorry, I’m overstepping.”

  I brought my finger to the strand of hair annoying me and pushed it behind my ear. “No, it’s okay. Can I ask what the family business is?”

  “Jace didn’t tell you?” She laughed.

  I didn’t find it funny.

  “We own Aston Martin. Ford owns a small percentage. But, my dear Charles bought it a few years before that. And, before that we ran a publishing company which we still hold part ownership in.” She pursed her lips. “Your father never told you?”

  “No, he always made it sound like he did something illegal.” I laughed but stopped when I noticed she didn’t laugh with me.

  “Well, he’s our accountant. I’ll let Jace explain it to you.”

  As if summoned by the devil himself, Jace stepped into the room. “Here’s your sweater, Mother.”

  “Thank you, dear.” She took the sweater from Jace’s hand and wrapped it around her frail body. “I like her,” she said once she finished.

  Jace slid his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, she has that effect on people.”


  After a while, we left his mother’s and he headed off down the road. The car was silent, and I wanted to ask about my father.

  His hand landed on my knee as he drove at record speeds. “I’ve been fantasizing about the sweet pussy under this skirt.” He inched his fingers higher up my thigh, sliding them under my skirt. Trees zoomed by as my head fell back against the seat. His fingers traced the lining of my panties and I spread my legs for him.

  Adrenaline flowed through me as his hand edged higher and higher. He made contact with my sweet spot and pushed my panties aside. I leaned further into the plush leather seat and let out a moan.

  He played me like a fiddle as my sex heated. Undulating against his hand, his eyes never left the road.

  He was a skilled performer, and I knew I was in over my head. My release hit me faster than anything before in my life. I screamed his name and he groaned as I did.

  “Where are we?” I asked as he helped me out of the car. A brick building sat off in the distance.

  “This is our publishing company.”

  “Are we going inside? Is it closed down?”

  “Well, it’s Saturday, so it’s closed for the weekend.” He walked up to the door and produced a key.

  I’d lost track of the days being with him.

  He opened the door and we stepped inside. The place, even though it was empty, had a literary feel that excited me.

  He showed me the many different offices and led me to the basement.

  “Oh, what’s down here?” I asked.

  “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and continued on down the stairs.

  Down the hall, he opened a wooden door and inside big brass machines took up the majority of the floor space. “What are these?”

  “Antique printing press machines.”

  “Oh, how cool.” I ran my hand over the old machinery and smiled at the sparkle in Jace’s eyes.

  “I thought you might like it here. This one dates back to the early nineteen hundreds.” He glanced away, staring at the iron handle of one of the presses.

  “Wow,” I said, smiling.

  It grew silent between us, and I wondered what was going through his mind. This man, his sexual fantasies, and now his complete interest in pleasing me had me questioning his sincerity.

  He led me around the rest of the building, stopping on the top floor in front of a large, glass window.

  “That’s my office. I mainly work from home, but when I do come in, this is where I hang out.” He peered into the office.

  He opened a mahogany door and ushered me inside as I gazed at all of the diplomas on the wall. “Ah, a college man.” I examined the documents in their black-wood glass frames.

  “Yeah. Just like you I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so I got degrees in a bunch of different things.”

  “Impressive. That must have taken a long time.”

  “Once the first degree rolled in, it was easier to get the rest.”

  I glanced at one of the diplomas in Botany. “So you do like flowers.”

  He tapped his chin with his forefinger. “Yeah, I guess so. A flower doesn’t love you or hate you; it just exists.” He dropped his head, running his hand over his face. “As a matter of fact, there’s one more place I want to take you.”


  “Let’s go.” He took my hand in his.

  He led me out of the building, back to his little sports car, and we raced off down the road again.

  My mind was trying to comprehend everything he had shown me in the past few hours.

  It was a completely different side to Jace Landon, and I wanted to know more. My brain was like a sponge, absorbing every tiny detail of this man.

  This man who bought me to collect a debt.

  Chapter Ten

  We came to a small field on the outskirts of Chicago. He parked the car, and we both got out.

  The Windy City was off in the distance, and I smiled at all the colorful wildflowers poking out of the ground.

  “This place is beautiful,” I said as he led me to a large, flat rock to have a seat.

  Looking out at the bay, I smiled as the wind danced across my skin.

  “I come out here sometimes to think. Or if I’m having a bad day,” he breathed out.

  “You have a bad day? I didn’t think you were capable of emotion,” I joked.

  “I know how to feel. It’s just easier not to.” He stared straight ahead at the bay, not looking at me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I close myself off to the heartache feeling causes.”

  “Not always. Sometimes feeling can be a good thing.” I nudged his shoulder with mine and he smiled.

  “Yeah, maybe. But, with pleasure comes pain. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Not always. I mean it doesn’t have to, ya know?”

  “Not if you avoid it.”

  I tilted my head at him, curious. “So, what are you running from, Mr. Landon?” I asked.

  He turned his head to me. “You.”

  My breath caught. “What do you mean? You haven’t known me that long. How could you be running from me?”

  “The feelings I have for you. I’ve been running from my whole life.” He ran his finger down my cheek, and I sighed.

  His lips met mine in a tender kiss. I didn’t want this day to end.

  Our tongues intertwined and we moaned into each other’s mouths.

  We stayed locked together for what felt like an eternity before we left the field.

  As he drove, he smiled. “Anywhere else you want to go?”


  I wanted to show him how to have a little fun. I felt daring, bold and wanted to be free with him.

  “Oh? Where’s that?”

  “Have you ever done Tilt?”

  He turned the car around and headed off in the direction of downtown Chicago. He grabbed my hand, kissing my fingers with his soft lips.

  When we parked along Michigan Avenue, we exited the car and made our way into the Hancock building. We bought our tickets, Jace smiling the whole time. “You sure about this?” he asked.

  “Are you?”

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  Tilt is an attraction in Chicago. The glass windows tilt a full thirty degrees out and over the city, making you feel like you could fall down the building if the glass were to break. Falling never felt so fun when you experienced it.

  My heart pounded as we walked out to the glass.

  Jace grabbed my hand. The noise grew louder as the window moved. Gravity took over and my body pressed into the glass.

  The streets below came into view and it felt scary for just a moment.

  “Do you love this?” Jace yelled over to me.

  “Yes.” I
smiled, happy to be spending time with him like this.

  It was different from the way he’d been the first few days after the club when Dominic watched us. Maybe, just maybe, this could be something more.


  At the end of the day, Jace brought me home. To his house. The thought that it felt more like my home than my parent’s house was disconcerting.

  I tried not to let that thought bother me as Jace carried me up the stairs Gone With The Wind style.

  He made love to me that night as if none of the reasons why I was actually in his home existed.

  For the next few days we lived in a state of harmonious bliss. Until one day, everything changed.

  I came bounding down the stairs one morning eager to catch him before he left. Jace sat in the armchair near the bottom.

  His face was stoic. Not an ounce of emotion anywhere.

  His dark eyes pierced me before he winced.

  “Your debt has been paid. You can pack your things and my driver will take you home.”

  I shook my head. “Wait, I don’t understand.”

  I thought we had something.

  I thought he cared about me.

  “Angel, don’t complicate things.” He rose from the chair and I rushed to him.

  “Jace, you can’t tell me you don’t have feelings for me.”

  He laughed. “You’re a child. Barely legal. Go, live your life.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, obscuring the cold look on his face. “Please. Why are you doing this to me?”

  He glanced down on me with his hard eyes. “This was only ever about the money.”

  I slapped him. Hard. He closed his eyes briefly but didn’t budge, and I rushed up to my room to gather my things.

  Fighting back the tears wasn’t easy, but I promised myself I would not cry for him.

  When I returned downstairs to leave, Jace was nowhere to be found.


  Chapter Eleven

  The first week of being home, I never left my room.

  I recounted my time with him, replaying the way he moaned my name as he made love to me. Having him cook breakfast for me as I watched from the barstool.


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