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Gwen's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 3)

Page 11

by Lynne St. James

  Her cheeks flooded with color and made him want to kiss her. “I didn’t—”

  “You’re not going to scare me away. I like you, Gwen.”

  “I like you, too.”

  “Good. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s finish eating so we can go back to your house and make out on the couch.”

  It was Gwen’s turn to choke on her wine. The following flash of desire in her eyes had him squirming to adjust his erection before the zipper did permanent damage.

  “You okay, princess?” He’d already warned her that he went after what he wanted, but her innocence worried him. He didn’t want to shock her.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”

  “If it’s too fast, all you have to do is tell me. But when I’m around you, I want to kiss you until you can’t think straight.”


  “Yes, really. I know this sounds trite, but when I walked into the bookstore and you looked up at me, I thought I’d been struck by lightning. I couldn’t breathe. I’m not saying it’s love at first sight, but I’ve never been this attracted to a woman. I’m warning you; I plan to sweep you off your feet.”

  Her big, green eyes stared into his soul. He waited for what seemed like an eternity for her response. Maybe he’d been too intense, but he needed her to understand he wasn’t trying to get into her pants. She’d changed something inside of him. Shown him that there was more to life than being a Delta. He needed her to be a part of that.

  Chapter 11

  Luke wanted to go back to her house and make out on her couch.

  Gwen almost melted into a puddle of goo all over her seat in the restaurant. She couldn’t deny the attraction that raised goose bumps on her arms and filled her soul with bright sparkles.

  “Okay.” It came out breathless and after too long a pause. But it was all she could manage without sounding like a lovesick teenager.

  “Just okay?”

  Gwen nodded in response and forked a shrimp. As she focused on Luke, she slid her tongue across her lips and then took a bite of the shellfish. The restaurant had cooked it to perfection, and she closed her eyes to savor the flavor. Even then, she could still feel his gaze on her, sending heat to her core

  “If you keep looking at me like that, we will have to take the rest of your dinner to go,” Luke said, his voice a combination of growl and groan.

  As she finished the shrimp, Gwen attempted to look innocent as she nibbled her bottom lip. “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Princess, you’re in so much trouble.”

  This time, there was no mistaking his growl, and her body answered. Her nipples pebbled against her bra as heat rose to her cheeks. Teasing him might not have been the best idea, even if for the first time in her life she felt desired.

  “I’m not doing anything.” Gwen didn’t recognize her voice as she answered. Where had the sexy purr come from?

  “I really hope you’ve eaten enough. I’m more than ready for dessert.”

  Desire flooded her body from her toes to her cheeks. Unable to say a word, her thoughts tumbled in her mind as he paid the bill and got them to-go boxes. Then, they headed to the parking lot. He hadn’t been kidding about leaving fast.

  At her car, he turned and said, “Against my better judgement, I will let you drive home. But be careful. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She slid into the driver’s seat. “I’m fine. Just a little breathless from you dragging me out of the restaurant.”

  He gave another growl, and his eyes turned to molten amber. “I warned you. You’re too damn sexy for your own good.”

  The look in his eyes melted her insides, and she was grateful her butt was already in the car. The intensity of his gaze and heat radiating off him scorched her skin. For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel like some dorky geek.

  “I’m fine,” she repeated as he stared down at her, his caramel eyes concerned.

  Luke leaned into the car and kissed her forehead before closing the door. Tilting the rearview mirror, she couldn’t resist staring at his ass. All that solid muscle had her wondering what he’d look like naked.

  The sound of his truck roaring to life made her focus. She could drive—no problem. Except for the need that pulsed in her core with every heartbeat. All without him touching her. Damn, she was in trouble.

  The ten-minute drive felt so much longer as she contemplated his dessert comment. He’d mentioned making out on the couch earlier. But maybe he wanted more. Hell, she wanted more, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to take that next step. Luke wouldn’t push her—she knew that already—and that left the decision up to her. Was she ready for more than the sizzling kisses they’d shared? If not, she’d need to tell him. Sooner than later.

  As she pulled into the garage, Luke parked in front of the house, and he’d made it halfway up the driveway by the time she climbed out of her car. Alpha through and through. Each long step brought him closer, and she shivered with desire. There was nothing soft about Luke. His chiseled features were a bit too sharp to be handsome in the traditional sense. His light-brown eyes were hypnotic and changed color with his moods, and she found that sexy.

  Gwen’s heart beat double-time as he pulled her into his arms. His lips possessed hers—claiming her as his tongue swept the inside of her mouth. He tasted like wine and mint, and when he finally pulled back, her legs felt like jelly.

  “Now that we’ve given your neighbors a show, how about we go inside? Unless you’re a closet exhibitionist?” Luke grinned.

  Gwen struggled to come up with a coherent answer. If his kisses did that, would she survive whatever he had planned for this evening?

  “No. I mean, yes. Ugh. Inside,” she agreed.

  Trying not to trip over her feet, she led him toward the front of the house, putting in the code to close the garage door as they walked past the electronic keypad. Happy that she made it all the way to the front door without mishap, she fumbled as she attempted to insert the key into the lock.

  Luke reached around her, took the keys from her shaking hand, and unlocked the door. Sir Galahad was waiting for them as the door opened. As usual, he purred like a steamboat.

  “Hello, kitty,” Luke’s deep voice rumbled as he followed her into the house and locked the door behind him.

  “He doesn’t like strangers. He has claws, so be careful,” Gwen warned as he petted the orange fluff ball.

  “That’s okay, he likes me. Right, Sir Galahad?”

  Gwen couldn’t believe the cat ignored her and rubbed against Luke’s legs as he purred.

  “Traitor.” Not that she could blame him. Luke had that something that drew people to him.

  Kicking off her shoes, she put them next to the closet and padded toward the kitchen with the bag of leftovers. Luke followed with her evil cat purring in his arms. At least the distraction had cooled her raging libido so she could think again.

  “Do you want something to drink? I have wine, beer, iced tea, and water,” she asked as she put the to-go boxes into the refrigerator. When he didn’t answer, she turned around to see if he was still playing with Sir Galahad.

  The cat had disappeared, but Luke leaned against the arched doorway. His grin dripped sex, and a fresh wave of desire flooded over her already-sensitized skin.

  “Are you having anything?” he asked.

  Gwen swallowed hard and then whispered, “water.”

  “I’ll have some, too.” Luke pushed off the door frame, coming toward her like a tiger stalking his prey.

  Their hands touched as she handed him the water bottle, and a bolt of electricity shot up her fingers and along all her nerve endings. Lust, desire, arousal—Luke set her on fire.

  “Do you want to give me a tour?” he asked.

  “What?” When she realized she’d been staring at him, heat flooded her cheeks. “Oh yeah. Sorry.” She was a hot mess—literally. “This is the kitchen…”

  “I thought you said you can’t cook? />
  The question made perfect sense as she looked at it from his point of view. “It was Gramps’ idea. He said when I sell the house, I’d get more for it with a well-equipped kitchen.”

  “Smart man.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “How about your parents? Did they help with the house, too?” Luke asked as he followed her through the empty dining room and into her living room.

  “No, they were traveling. In fact, since I moved in five years ago, I don’t think they’ve ever visited. Or they might have been here once. I’m really not sure.” Gwen couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice. Her parents were more like strangers than family.

  “I’m sorry.” Luke slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side.

  It surprised her how well he read her emotions. “It’s okay. I have my grandparents. They made sure I had a great childhood and never lacked for anything.”

  “I’m glad you have them in your life.”

  “Me, too. They’re more my parents than my parents. Mom and Dad travel so much that it’s hard. But we must keep the bookstore stocked, too,” Gwen murmured more to herself than to Luke.

  “I’m impressed with the stock there. While I waited for you, I found three books I’ve been trying to find for years. I saw the new book section, too. It surprised me.”

  “I wanted to increase foot traffic into the bookstore. There aren’t too many people in Lancelot who are looking for rare books. But I figured they’d shop for current bestsellers and some non-fiction and DIY books. Gramps didn’t want me to but changed his mind quick enough when more customers started coming into the shop.”

  “Smart. My granddad would have given you major kudos.”

  “Did he work in retail?” Gwen blushed. She already knew the answer. She’d researched him and knew all about the family business.

  “You could say that.” Luke grinned.

  “So…here’s the living room. It’s where I spend most of my time. Not as impressive as your library, but it makes me happy.”

  “I like it. Cheerful and soothing, like you. All it’s missing is the sexy. But that wouldn’t work well in the living room, would it?”

  “No, probably not,” Gwen said with a nervous giggle. Every step took them closer to her bedroom.

  Closer to dessert. Knots tightened in her stomach as she contemplated what he’d meant at the restaurant. Distracted, she tripped over her own feet. Luke caught her, his quick reflexes keeping her from falling.

  Still in Luke’s arms, he turned her around and his finger slid under her chin and tilted her head up. “Gwen, nothing has to happen tonight. It’s your decision to make. If you need more time, I’ll give you as much as you need. I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”

  Gwen let his words sink in, and her nerves settled, but desire sizzled down her spine.

  As his warm hand caressed her cheek—so gentle—Gwen’s heart filled with an emotion she wasn’t ready to name.

  “Okay.” She silently thanked whatever stroke of fate had brought Luke into the bookstore.

  Even with his assurance that he’d wait until she was ready, each step closer to her bedroom made her pulse race. Gwen stood in front of the partially open door for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and pushed it open.

  Sir Galahad had stretched out in the middle of her bed, taking a bath. When Luke burst into laughter, all the tension tightening her shoulders dissipated like the wind.

  Sir Galahad gave them a dirty look, then went back to his bath. The orange feline spent more time in her bed than she did. The cat considered it his and granted her permission to sleep there as long as she didn’t get in his way.

  “He’s terrible. No manners at all.” Gwen shook her head.

  “It’s a cat thing. They think they run the house. I grew up with two of them and three dogs. I was lucky we were a pet family.”

  “Wow. And three kids, too? You mom must be a saint.”

  “It was a big house, and we had lots of room. Actually, it’s my grandparents’ house. My parents keep trying to get my sisters to move back in.”

  “And they don’t want to?” Gwen asked. The longer they stood in the doorway, the more tension returned. As much as she appreciated Luke leaving it up to her, she wished he’d make the first move. She definitely wanted him. She’d thought of nothing else all afternoon from the moment he’d walked into the bookstore. It was so fast though, and that was the only thing holding her back. Well, and her lack of experience.

  “Not really. Even though my oldest sister runs the business now, she likes to go home to her little family at night. My mother is a perfectionist. It’s okay in small doses. But Lara and Karen both have small children. Just the thought of them running around is terrifying. So many breakables. When we were young, they relegated us to the playroom or outside.”

  “Oh wow. And your mother still wants them to live there?”

  “Yeah. And I get it. Living there doesn’t make sense. I’m sure my parents are lonely and would love to be around the grandchildren more, but the stress would probably give her a heart attack.”

  Gwen understood lonely. She’d longed for a brother or sister when she was growing up. Her grandparents were great, but she had wanted to play. Instead, she’d spent her childhood in the bookstore. Not knowing anyone when she finally started school had only made her more of a bookworm.

  “That’s sad…” she said.

  “Don’t feel sorry for my parents, princess. They see the kids all the time and go on big family trips a few times a year.”

  “Do you go on the trips, too?”

  “Not since I joined this team. Our schedule can be erratic, and I’d end up having to waste the tickets. It’s hard to make long-term plans with this job.”

  Sir Galahad finished his bath and strutted past Gwen with a twitch of his tail. Luke leaned against the door jamb. He didn’t enter her room, just waited for her to make the first move. When he’d said she could decide, it had added pressure. Indecision made her bite her lower lip.

  Even filled with desire, asking for what she wanted required words. But none came. That left touching. After blowing out a breath, she looked up at him. Expecting to see impatience, his caramel eyes shone with understanding. She was nervous, and he knew it, but the need to touch him, to feel his body against hers grew.

  “There’s no reason to be nervous, princess.”

  “I know, but...” Her voice came out breathless.

  “Would you feel better if we sit in the living room and talk for a while? As long as I’m close to you, I’m content.”

  Where had this man come from? Luke spoke gently, trying to reassure her as the proof of his desire strained against his zipper. That same desire sent heat to her core and made her brave.

  “No talking. I need you. I want this.”

  She didn’t know how to express it better than that. Saying anything else was beyond her. Having the choice both terrified and empowered her. Now that she’d made it, she wanted all of him.

  Turning toward him, she reached for his large hand, and she barely got her fingers wrapped around his. Then she stepped backward into the bedroom. The entire time, Gwen’s eyes never left his, and she sucked in a breath as they shifted from molten caramel to glowing amber.

  “Are you sure, Gwen? Because I can wait, but it won’t be easy for me to stop once you’re naked in my arms.”

  His words slid down her spine, leaving a trail of heat. “Yes, Luke. I’m sure.”

  A heartbeat later, he cradled her in his arms and carried her toward the bed. When she met his gaze, something inside her ignited with a need so intense her breath caught in her chest. Then he set her down next to the bed and gifted her with a toe-curling smile.

  “I’m going to undress you now,” Luke murmured, his voice rough with emotion.

  Her nipples tightened as he opened her shirt one button at a time, like he was unwrapping a gift. Then he slid her silk blouse off her shoulders and onto the floor. Gwen shivered
with yearning and worried about his reaction to her curvy figure.

  He still hadn’t touched her. She ached with need, craving his rough hands caressing her.

  Careful not to touch her skin, he unzipped and then removed her jeans. Gwen waited for him to say something, anything. It had been a long time since a man had seen her in only a lace bra and panties. But if he didn’t touch her soon, she would scream, or jump him, or maybe both.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Luke murmured as his heated gaze burned her skin and made her feel sexy.

  He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it across the floor. His chest had a light dusting of dark hair across his pecs. Her mouth dried as she stared at his six-pack and the scars on his shoulder and upper arms. Knowing he was a warrior was one thing, but seeing the evidence made her suck in a breath.

  As he unbuttoned his jeans and then kicked them across the floor, all coherent thought fled. Her gaze followed his happy trail down to his cloth-covered erection. His enormous erection. Gwen swallowed hard and focused on calming her racing heartbeat.

  “Last chance, princess. If you want to change your mind, do it now.” Luke’s deep voice vibrated hoarsely, pulling her focus from his cock to his face.

  His eyes burned like molten caramel. As he stepped closer, the scent of pine and the heat of his desire enveloped her, making her sex quiver in response.

  Chapter 12

  Merlin waited for Gwen to answer. As she contemplated him, her emerald-green eyes glowed with emotion. He could almost sense her thoughts going back and forth on whether to take the chance. He wanted her to say yes and focused on trying to calm his raging erection.

  There was no doubt she wanted him. When he’d removed her jeans, the honeysuckle scent of her arousal had almost brought him to his knees. But he wouldn’t touch her until she answered him even though his need almost overwhelmed his restraint. His hands itched to slide along her silky skin, to kiss her neck and taste her, inhale her sweet scent. Honeysuckle. The flower would always make him think of her now.


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