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Winner Takes All: Checkmate, #7

Page 19

by Finn, Emilia

  She came to me. She’s here. And I’m wasting time thinking about a messy range and virus-filled emails.

  Stalking forward until I stop barely a foot and a half away, I make her look up and meet my eyes. I watch her swallow, and the way her throat moves with the action. I stare into her bicolored eyes and wish I could swim in them for just one night. One time.

  “What are you doing here, Abigail?”

  “Um…” She looks down when I extend a hand and stroke her arm.

  I don’t know why I do that. I was never much of a toucher, but I’ve found myself stroking her arm every single time I’ve been in the same room as her.

  “Uh… well…”

  “Change your mind?” I prod. “Willing to slum?”

  “No.” She looks back up, but instead of pale cheeks, they’re now fiery red. “I… well… I’m not sure I can…”

  I see the war she wages in her head. Her need to be pure. Her need to be in control. Her need to be the perfect girl she’s spent her whole life being. But beneath that are the dirty little desires, and the strange way I make her thrum every time we speak. I confuse her, and she’s the woman that craves predictability.

  “Do you want me to make it so you don’t have to ask?” I lean in closer, bend down because she’s so fucking small, and run my nose along the shell of her ear. “Do you want me to make it easier on you?”

  “Um…” She clears her throat. It’s almost like I’m a wild animal, and she’s too scared to move. So she remains utterly still and allows me to practically cloak her in myself.

  “Do you want me to show you what it feels like to come… and mean it?”

  She remains mute, but that’s fine by me. Because sass outside of the bedroom is hot, but compliance inside is my fucking heaven.

  “I promised I would be gentle the first time. I know your circumstances, Abigail. You’ve been saving yourself, so I know you’re untouched… unused… tight.” I squeeze her arm and grin when she gasps.

  Peeling her handbag away, I drop it to the floor and back her up. One step, then two. Three, four, five, until we cross from concrete to carpet. We enter my front door and step straight into my living room. I don’t close or lock the door, because I feel like she needs the comfort of an escape route, but I push her back and hold her up when she nearly stumbles.

  “Careful now, Priss. If you trip and hurt yourself, you’ll ruin this for both of us.”

  “I don’t know…” She bites her bottom lip and growls, as though her inability to form full sentences annoys her.

  It has the opposite effect on me; the fact she can’t string more than three words together because of my proximity turns me the fuck on. My cock presses against the fly of my pants, because she’s a fucking virgin, and I’m about to be squeezed to within an inch of my life.

  “I’m not sure what…”

  “Let me take care of you,” I murmur. “I promise to treat you like a lady tomorrow.”

  “I don’t want to have sex.”

  I shoot back and look into her eyes. “Come again?”

  She gives a nervous nod. “I’m not ready to give it all away. I can’t… I’ve held onto this dream for more than half of my life, but maybe…” She pauses. “Maybe something else.”

  “Fuckkkk… I get the feeling I’m going to be giving away free orgasms tonight, Priss, and I’m gonna have to pull my own dick again. That’s not nearly as much fun as what I was imagining.”

  “I’m sorry.” She shies back, as though my words hurt her. “I can just–”

  “Stay right here with me.”

  If she’s not ready for sex, then she’s not ready, but I’m going to push her limits as far as I can until she says stop.

  Sliding my hands over her ribs and around to her ass, I lift her up and groan when her legs instantly wrap around my hips.

  Innocent or not, we know what to do. We know our roles when it comes to the opposite sex.

  I’m surprised to find a little meat to her ass, something real to hold onto as I walk toward my couch and feast on her neck. “You taste so good, Abigail.”

  I turn at the couch, and back up until my calves touch the frame. Then I capture her mouth to distract her as I lower us down and sit her so my throbbing cock touches her core.

  “Oh my gosh.” Our position sends her wild as she cries out and arches her spine.

  The action pushes her chest forward, so I abandon her ass and bring my hands up. Her ribs are tiny, not an inch of fat beneath my fingers as they glide upwards. Her pulse slams between us, so it’s like a throb in the air, like I can feel it in my blood.

  She moves on my lap and takes her own pleasure. She has no clue the porn-worthy visual she gives me, or that the sounds she makes are the sounds every man dreams about. Her hands clutch at my shoulders and dig in, but then I palm her tit, and she goes wild for a whole other reason.

  “No. No, no, no, no.” Pale face but burning cheeks, she sits rigid on my cock and stares into my eyes. “Please don’t touch my breasts.”

  “No tits?”

  Her eyes water as she shakes her head. “Please don’t touch them.”

  “So I get no sex and no tits. That’s what you’re telling me right now?”

  Can a man see a woman’s heart break from the outside?

  Yes, he can. I can.

  “I’m so sorry. You’re right.” Her voice cracks, and a tear spills onto her cheek.

  They’re not crocodile tears, or the kind women notoriously use to get their own way. They’re just Abigail processing what she considers humiliation while I sit on my couch and breathe through the pain in my pants.

  “I shouldn’t have come here today.” She uses my chest and pushes back.

  I’m pinned to the back of the couch, my cock raging hard, my heart racing in my chest. My breath comes fast, lifting and dropping my diaphragm as I watch her visibly shake and regain her footing.

  “I told you this wasn’t a good idea. I knew it wouldn’t work, but I hoped…” She shakes her head and turns.

  I jump up fast as a whip as she darts away on fast feet.

  I’m faster.

  I’m stronger.

  I wrap an arm around her tiny stomach, and lift her into the air. Her legs flail, and her scream buzzes in the air, but I swing her around and nibble on her neck as I walk straight back to the couch. I sit her on my lap again, but facing away, so her back is to my chest, and her legs run along mine.

  I go to work on her neck, biting, tasting, savoring, as she wiggles against my cock and twines her fingers with mine when I bring a hand down to her thigh.

  “Don’t run away from me, Priss. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “I’m sorry you can’t touch,” she chokes. “This isn’t what you expect when a woman–”

  She breaks off on a hiss when I bite her neck a little harder, and slide our fingertips higher on her thigh.

  “It’s okay, babe. You’re allowed to lay down your limits. And I’m allowed to take a minute to process it. All my blood is in my dick right now, so it takes a little longer for my brain to work shit out. But I’m not here to embarrass you. I don’t ever want to make you feel bad. I just want to feel you, and I want to make you come an inhuman amount of times between now and the morning.”

  “But…” She pauses. “What about you?”

  I slide my tongue along the column of her neck, then use her distraction to slide our hands higher. This is how it has to be with her; draw her focus to the left, while I do something on the right.

  “What about me, beautiful?”

  “How will you orgasm?”

  I lift my hips and grind against her ass. It makes my blood sizzle when she gasps and grinds down. “Are you opposed to touching me? We could start with your hand.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Mmm. I’ll teach you.” I slide my left hand around her hip, and unsnap her jeans in one deft flick.

  If she wonders how I’m so good at that, she doesn’t ask

  Her jeans aren’t skintight like most women wear, which actually makes it easier for me to slide my hand into her panties and send her shooting into the air when I find her wet and hot.

  “This is for me? Were you wet while you were driving over here?”

  I slide my finger over her clit, and hold on tight when she wants to shoot through the roof again.

  “I knew you would eventually come to me. I knew you feel what I feel.”

  She pants as I slide the tip of my finger into her pussy. I want to weep, my cock hurts so much.

  I fight against the very thing evolution and human nature want me to do. We were created to further humankind, to find the strongest partner and make more generations. Instinct makes me want to peel her jeans away and fuck her till she cries, but all I get is grinding action and the most beautiful creature whimpering in my lap.

  “I’m gonna make you feel good, Priss. I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ mind.”

  “Stop swearing.”

  I laugh in her ear and slide my other hand over her ribs. “You’re gonna have to work with me on this. I don’t get tits or sex, you gotta let this uneducated baboon have his swears.”


  “Mmm. Say my name while I get you off. Tell me how much you want me.”

  “I…” she hesitates. “I don’t know how to talk like that.”

  I laugh and groan in one. She’s fucking impossible.

  Yanking my hand from her pants and absorbing her cries, I flip her off my lap and send her sprawling onto the couch. She squeals, but she lands where I want her to, and lets her legs drop open as she watches me with a little fear in her eyes.

  She’s not scared of me in the general sense, but she’s scared of the unknown.

  “Let me show you how to come without losing your virginity.” I slowly peel her jeans away. “You’ll lose your innocence though, Priss. You don’t get to have this and pretend you’re innocent anymore.”

  “What are you…” she gulps. “What are you gonna do?”

  “I’m gonna eat you the fuck up.”

  I drag the denim all the way to her feet. She wears her black sneakers, so I pop those off and send them flying, then peel her jeans away and send them after the shoes. I look back to find cute little cotton panties with a satin bow on the front.

  I look back into her eyes and hold her captive. “Trust me, okay? I swear I’ll do right by you. Tomorrow, I’ll still treat you like a lady.”

  She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and nods. “Okay. Will this hurt?”

  “Absolutely not.” I begin peeling the cotton away and smile as her blush washes all over her body. “But since I don’t get laid, and I don’t get titties, I’m keeping these.” I pull her panties over her feet, and when our eyes lock again, I ball them up and shove them in my pocket. “You will never get these back, Priss. For the rest of your life, you’ll remember me as the man that took your innocence.”

  She gulps and tries to close her legs.

  I’m stronger. I’m faster. And when I lower to my stomach and push my shoulders between her thighs, she’s forced to open wide.

  “I’ll always be the man that took your panties. And I’ll always be the one you think about when you wish your man would do this for you.”

  Her breath shudders in her chest so her whole body moves. “Um…”

  I lean forward and slide my tongue over her pulsing slit.

  Her ‘Um’ turns to a scream, and her thighs squeeze my shoulders. I cup her ass and lift her to me while she sobs and threads her hands into my hair.

  She has no fucking clue how to do this, but her body knows. And her body knows not to let me get away when the good shit has just begun.

  She’s soaking wet and fiery hot. The thatch of hair that covers her is the same color as the hair on her head. Trimmed neat, she provides the perfect canvas for me to work with.

  I squeeze her ass so tight it will bruise, but she grinds against my face, crying when I slide my tongue inside and fuck her in a less conventional way.

  “This is what it’ll feel like when we do it right. But more, Priss. So much fucking more.”

  I swap my tongue for a finger, and send her shooting along the couch, but I grab on and pull her back to me. I finger-fuck her and make her quiver, then bring my tongue back to her clit and suck until her pussy clamps tight around my finger.

  “Ah!” She sobs and draws my eyes up to her expanding chest. “Spencer!”

  “Mmm. Look down here, babe. Look into my eyes while I eat you up.”

  Her eyes snap to mine. She looks at me almost as though she’s in shock. She might be. I doubt this is what she had in mind when she came here.

  When I know she’s almost ready to come, when she’s pliable but taut, when her legs no longer try to slow me, but actively pull me closer, when she drips on my couch and makes a mess I will never wash away, I slide a second finger in and stretch her out.

  She stops instantly. Dries up for a moment. Squeaks.

  “It’s okay, babe. It’s just a little stretch. Let it happen.”

  “You said it wouldn’t hurt.”

  “I meant the bit with my mouth. I’m sorry.” I begin sliding my digits in and out. I suckle on her clit to help her find her pleasure again.

  It’s a tight fit, made tighter by her tension and doubt, but she slowly relaxes. She closes her eyes and blindly stares at the ceiling as her legs drop open and her panting restarts.

  “There you go. Does it still hurt?”

  “Only a little bit. But it feels good too.”

  “Mmm.” I slide my tongue over her slit and my fingers, then stop to suckle her clit. “This is how it will be when we have sex for real. It’ll hurt a little. This is two fingers, but my dick is much thicker than that. It’ll sting at first, but if you relax and let me help you, it’ll get better, I promise.”

  “Okay.” She brings her hands up to press against her eyes.

  It’s almost like she’s ashamed of liking this. Like she can’t show any enthusiasm without feeling weird about it, so she covers her eyes and lets her hips start moving again. She follows my hand, and rides me when she finds the angle and depth she wants.

  I could remain still and let her get herself off, but that wouldn’t be as pleasurable for me, so I continue lapping at her sweet pussy, and I grind against the couch, desperate to be touched.

  “Oh god, Spencer.” Her chest lifts and falls. “I think… I think I’m going to come.”

  “Do it, Abigail. Let me taste you.”

  “No, I…” Her hands shoot away, and her eyes come to mine. “No, it’s like pee again. I can’t… your mouth…” She furiously shakes her head. “No.”

  “Yes.” Since she’s so close, I pump harder and force her to the edge. “Don’t make me do the work without the payoff. Come in my mouth, babe.”

  “Oh god!” She grabs my hair and shoves me back down.

  Fuck inexperience, she knows how to take what feels good. I pump harder, deeper, and suck her clit until her body bows and her panting turns to desperate mewling.

  “I’m gonna…” Her voice trembles and breaks. “Oh god, I’m gonna…”

  I bite her clit and help her over the line. She explodes beneath me, gushing into my hand and squeezing my fingers tight. I leave her clit and lap her up, and each time my tongue moves, her orgasm restarts, and her body spasms.

  My couch is a mess, and my girl is crying, but everything is fine because she’s coming on my face and can barely catch her breath.

  Panting – both of us are – she slows her rhythm, and her legs loosen around my shoulders. Her chest lifts and falls with fast breaths, and her clit literally pulses in front of my eyes.

  “That was…” She clears her throat and burns about thirty shades darker red. “Wow.”

  “Mmm.” My hips continue to grind against the couch. I can’t stop it. I don’t want to stop it. I never thought I’d settle for a couch giving me a hand job, but here I a
m, and I’m willing to take anything I can. “How do you feel?”

  “Relaxed,” she snickers. “Really, really relaxed. Like I could just float off to sleep and not even care that I’m half naked.”

  “Uh-huh.” I can’t fucking relate. All I can do is fuck the couch and wish the cushions would come to life and suck me off. “Are you sore?”

  She gives a lazy shrug and stares up at the ceiling. “Not right now. What are you…” Frowning, she looks down her body and watches me move. “Are you okay?”

  “Uh-huh. Just kinda thirsty.” My hips move faster, as though convinced I’m inside her. Forgetting those manners I mentally swore I’d hold onto tonight, I pull back and sit on my ass.

  Abigail goes from relaxed to wary in an instant as I shove my zipper down and pull out my cock.

  “I can’t…” I look into her eyes. “I can’t not do this.” I stroke my cock, and throw my head back. I groan and squeeze tight until my balls draw up. I could be done in three pulls, and I’m not proud of that.

  Abigail’s breathing turns heavier again, throatier, and draws my eyes. I roll my head to the side and find her watching my hand with interest. Her bottom lip is between her teeth, her legs crossed and show me everything she has. “Do you…” Her unsure eyes come back to mine. “Can I help you somehow?”

  “Thank fuck you asked.” I release my cock and pick her up without hesitation. She squeals with fright until I set her on the floor in front of me so she’s on her knees. “Just touch it, Abigail.” I grab her shaking hand when she makes no move, and wrap it around my cock. I wrap my hand around hers and squeeze. I’m about three fucking seconds from blowing, so I soak up the feel of her hand on my dick, and start jerking off. Her blush fills her cheeks, but she doesn’t shy away. She stares at the head of my cock like it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever seen.

  “This is thicker than your fingers.” Her eyes come back to mine. “A lot thicker.”

  “We’ll work up to it.” I throw my head back and groan as my orgasm races forward. My hips jut up and search for more. More warmth, more speed, more Abigail. “If you ever wondered what sucking my dick would be like, now would be a wonderful fucking time to give it a try.”


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