A Marked Man

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A Marked Man Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  James turned around and looked at him. “Hey General.” Derek made his way over and helped him onto the chair. James was shorter than him by quite a few inches, and he outweighed him by quite a few pounds. James’ blue eyes looked up into his, and Derek wanted to kiss him. He wanted so badly to push him back on the lounge chair and fuck the shit out of him. Derek’s only problem was that no matter how many feeling he had for James, he wouldn’t act on them. He was a General for fucks sake.

  “James.” Derek pulled his face around. “I do care.”

  “But not enough. It’s okay. I’ve always known it wouldn’t work.” James got up and looked down at Derek.

  It was the only way hecouldlook down on him; when he

  was sitting. God, that alone turned him on. Not to mention the man was drop dead gorgeous in dress blues. “I get it, Derek. I’ll see you at the next meeting.”

  Derek watched him leave and sat back in the chair with a loud sigh. Jesus, he knew he was being an idiot. He had so many feelings for James, but his job was his life, and James wasn’t the kind of guy that snuck around and hid who he was. Derek envied him that. He was cleared for leave, and yet he was still in Arizona. He wanted to see James again and now couldn’t bring himself to board that plane for Washington.

  “ Still lying to yourself, I see.” Mateo leaned up against the wall. Derek hadn’t changed at all. “I could always tell him that you suck cock fabulously.”

  “ Fuck off Mateo.” Derek stood up and made his way towards the gate of the backyard. He wasn’t going to get into it with Mateo now.

  “ You’re going to lose out on an opportunity because you are scared. I hope it’s worth it.” Mateo watched Derek slam the gate behind him. It would take a whole hell of a lot for Derek to come out. He understood what Derek was going through. While Mateo was in the Army, he’d kept his mouth shut. But being in the unit he was in now, he screamed it. Mateo made his way back inside the house and sat down next to Riley.

  “What is it, babe?” Riley cupped Mateo’s face.

  “It’s nothing.” Mateo smiled and kissed him.

  ~~*~~ Naomi showed up at four in the afternoon. Sam and Troy escorted her into the kitchen, and Mateo smiled as she walked in. He got up and hugged her hard.

  “I was so worried about you.”

  “I am fine.” Naomi looked around the kitchen. “Nice place.” “ It’s huge. I need a GPS to get around the damn place.” Mateo got a coffee cup out of the cupboard and filled it with coffee. “Sugar?”

  “No, black is fine.” Naomi looked around the house. “So where is Riley?” Mateo’s phone rang. He picked it up and motioned to Naomi. “He’s around somewhere, probably out at the pool. Why don’t you go say hi? I know he wants to meet you.”

  “I’ll go do that.” Naomi smiled, then looked left than right. “Um, which way is it?”

  “Through those doors.” Mateo smiled as Naomi went outside. He hit ‘talk’.

  “Esposito here.” “ Mat, thank god.” Derek let out a breath of relief. “We know who the leak is. It’s Naomi, Mat. She’s Zaman’s daughter.” Derek waited for Mateo to speak. The line was silent. “Mat? Did you hear me?”

  “She’s here, Derek.” Mateo put the phone down and ran for the pool…

  ~~*~~ Riley lay back in the chair letting the warm sun seep into him. It was a beautiful day, as always. There was a soft breeze cooling him, just cool enough to keep him out of the water for now. His Oakley’s propped on his head, Riley took a sip of his lemonade. A woman came out of the house and Riley sat up in his chair.

  “Hi. Are you a friend of Mateo’s?” Riley noticed the gun in her hand and leapt from the chair. “ Hello Riley. I’m Nimah Rigel. Of course, that’s my real name. Mateo only knows me as Naomi. So, you are the one that captured Mateo’s heart.” Nimah looked Riley over from head to toe. “I can see why he’s so taken with you.”

  “ He cares for you Naomi. He was worried that something would happen to you.” Riley backed up towards the house, looking for anyone he could signal to.

  “ He killed my father and then he killed my brother. I’m the only one left now. For years, I worked my way up to Intelligence to find out which man killed my father. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was the man that slept at my house. I waited for the right time, and it finally came.” Nimah raised the gun and pointed it at Riley.

  “You’re wrong.” Riley stood his ground. “I killed your brother. He was going to kill Mateo.”

  “You’re lying!” Nimah snarled. “ No, I’m not. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’d do it again. I love Mateo, and I will kill anyone that tries to hurt him. He would do the same for you.”

  Nimah heard footsteps running, and then Mateo flew out from around the side of house. “Don’t move, Mat! I swear I’ll put a bullet in his head.”

  “ Don’t do this, Naomi. We’ve been friends for five years, are you going to stand there and tell me you never cared at all? The nights you came home with a broken heart, I sat up with you and held you. When you puked, I held your hair. We took care of each other, Naomi. You can’t fake a friendship like that.” Mateo made his way closer. “I don’t care who you are, or what your real name is, because I know the real you. You’d never hurt me Naomi, you’re my best friend. If you kill Riley, you know it will kill me.”

  “ You really are in love with him, aren’t you?” Nimah studied Mateo’s face. In all the years she’d known Mateo, he’d never been in love. The man that stood before her now truly was.

  “I am in love with him. I love you too, you know that.” Mateo walked closer.

  Nimah put the gun to her chin. “I’m not going to prison, Mateo.” “ Don’t! We can work something out, I promise. Just don’t…okay?” Mateo put his hands up. “I’m not going to try anything, just hand over the gun okay?”

  “You can’t help me.” Nimah closed her eyes. “Goodbye, Mateo.” Mateo lunged at the same time Riley did. The gunshot echoed through the canyon. Birds flew into the sky, and then all was quiet.

  ~~Chapter Sixteen~~

  Mateo walked down the sterile white hallway and stopped at the sign-in desk. He flashed his badge and waited for the door to click open. A red light above the door changed to green, and Mateo stepped through. He was patted down by two large guards and escorted to a visitor room. Naomi sat in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chin, looking out the window. Mateo sat down on the chair across from her.

  “Hey Naomi, how are they treating you?”

  “Three squares a day.” Nimah turned to look at Mateo. “Is Riley okay?”

  “He’s got some minor bruising, but he’s just glad he

  stopped you.” Mateo took her hand. “I’mglad he stopped


  “He shouldn’t have. I told my brother where to find you. It was so easy to track your every movement, Mateo. The watch I gave you for your thirtieth birthday?” Nimah motioned to Mateo’s Swiss Military watch. “I tracked you with it, along with your cell phone. Nassir was going to take you out and then grab Riley, but you changed the game plan on your own.” Nimah shrugged. “You never saw me coming, and I could have killed you so many times as you slept.”

  “ Why didn’t you then? I was drunk half the time. Your father attacked our base Naomi. He was killing innocent people.”

  “ Like you haven’t?” Nimah took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter now. I’ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I would rather have died.”

  “ I’m glad you didn’t, I would have missed you.” Mateo moved Naomi’s hair behind her ear. He lowered his hand and looked at the floor. “I love you Naomi. I hope someday you can… I don’t know; change how you feel about me.”

  Mateo walked to the door and heard Naomi’s small voice.

  “I do love you Mateo. Part of me knows I shouldn’t.”

  “I’m glad part of you does.” Mateo gave her a sad smile. “Thank you.”

  Mateo walked out hearing the door click shut behind him.

~~*~~ Mateo sat looking quietly out the window of the limo. They’d just left the Arizona center after shopping all day. Mateo clasped his hands together and tried not to look at Riley. They’d fought, albeit quietly, right in the middle of the damn center. Mateo had reached for Riley’s hand while they were shopping, only to have Riley pull away from him.

  Now the unease from before came back front and center, and he knew why. Riley wasn’t out of the closet. He’d wanted to go out to dinner again, and Riley suggested they stay in because of the cameras following them all the time. But today proved why Riley loved the sanctuary of the house. So he could keep his dirty little secret, namely Mateo. As soon as they got into the house, Mateo went to the bedroom, Riley right on his heels.

  “Look I’m sorry, ok? It was just a reaction. You know I’m not out.”

  Mateo turned and looked at him. “When will you be?”

  Riley looked shocked. “I…I don’t know, I hadn’t thought about it. Things are great the way they are.”

  “Sure they are. As long as I don’t hold your hand, or touch you in public, right. Are you ashamed of me?”

  Riley blinked. “God no! I’m just… I don’t know if I’m ready yet, Mateo. Can’t you understand that?” “ Honestly? No, I can’t. I don’t think I could live like that Riley. Pretending to be someone I’m not. Jesus, I did it for years in the Army, it was hell. I want to be able to hold your hand, and kiss you in public. I want people to know we’re together.”

  “I’m just…God, I want that too but not just yet.”

  “Then when, Riley? When will you be okay to come out and tell the world you’re gay and in love with me?” “ Things are so good right now, can’t we just keep it the way it is?” Riley looked at Mateo. He could feel him slipping through his fingers, and wanted so badly to stop it from happening.

  “I can’t live like that. I do enough sneaking around in my job Riley. I don’t want that for my relationship too.”

  “So what are you saying? I come out or we’re over?” Riley felt the sweat running down his back. God, please don’t say that’s it……please….

  “I’m saying… shit… I don’t knowwhatI’m saying. I have

  to get out of here.”

  “Just give me some time Mateo, please? Will you at least come to the press conference?” The front door slammed and Riley stood staring at the oak door, willing himself to run after Mateo. Could he really do it? All the times they had been together, no one knew who he was. They could hold hands and kiss without people knowing it was Riley Flynn doing the kissing. “Oh shit, what did I just do?”

  ~~*~~ Mateo begged James to send him somewhere. Anywhere, just get him out of the same state as Riley. They hadn’t spoken since Mateo had walked out, and Mateo had just changed phones, again. He didn’t want to hear the man’s voice, and he avoided the TV at all times. His fucking heart hurt, and he felt Riley’s absence in his fucking soul. God, love sucked. Two days without Riley felt like a fucking year. His phone ringing brought him out of his daze, and he looked at the number. Josh.

  “What’s up buttercup?” Mateo snickered.

  “Where are you?” “ I’m in the lovely Peruvian mountains watching crack dealers. Where are you?” Mateo chuckled looking through his scope.

  “Right behind you.”

  Mateo spun around at the voice and dropped his weapon down. “Asshole, I could have shot you.”

  “Nah.” Josh smiled and sat down. Mateo had to hold back a laugh, Josh looked ridiculous. He had a ghillie suit on, and he looked like a fucking walking tree. “Jesus, did you get that one at a second hand store?” Twigs poked up from the hat.

  “ I made it, and back off my suit, you ass.” Josh looked at him. Mateo looked like hell. “Anyway,” Josh rolled his eyes. “I guess Riley’s been calling everyone, trying to figure out where you are. The guy is pathetic and missing you like crazy.”

  “Well, he obviously doesn’t love me that much; he couldn’t or wouldn’t come out of the closet for me.”

  Josh sighed and took Mateo’s hand. “God, it’s so obvious you love him. Don’t you want to be with him?” “ I do, but I’m not going to sneak around Josh. I do that enough as an assassin. God knows I don’t want my love life the same way. Do I love him? Of course I do, I always will.” Mateo cocked a brow at Josh. “What are you doing here?”

  Josh sighed and leaned back on his elbows. “I’m here to relieve you so you can go get Riley. That’s what James said, I swear. Riley’s been calling him, a lot.”

  “Whatever.” Mateo sighed and looked through the scope again.

  “God, I hope you know what you’re doing Mat. When you find love, you have to hold onto it and never let go.”

  Mateo arched a brow. “Titanic?”

  “Fuck you.” Josh smacked Mateo. “My Mom said that.”

  “I like her.” Mateo sat back on the dirt. “She always makes me cookies.”

  “Yeah? Well she agrees with me on Riley. Pull your head out of your ass and take him back. Be patient with

  him, because hewillcome out for you Mateo. You’re all

  he has left in this world. His Dad’s in prison, and won’t even see his own son.”

  Mateo sat up. “No shit?” “Nope, no shit. Riley tried to visit him and was turned away, repeatedly.” “ Son of a bitch,” Mateo sighed. “After everything that man did, he has the gall to turn his back on the son he betrayed.”

  “ Fix it Mat, because I’ve never seen you so happy as when you’re with him, and so miserable without. The poor guy is suffering without you. Sam and Troy say he bakes all day, when he’s not at work.”

  “Bakes? Like bread and stuff?” “ Yes, and they are going to weigh five hundred pounds soon.” Josh lay back and threaded his fingers behind his head.

  “Wait, why are Sam and Troy still there? Is Riley in danger?” Mateo stood up. “ No, they are just keeping him company before their next job. They really like Riley. You should go home, Mateo. You know that’s what you really want.”

  Mateo looked up at the sky. Ugly grey rain clouds were forming. They were about to get one hell of a storm. “I’ll think about it.”

  ~~*~~ Riley got home from work and walked through the house. Everywhere he looked he saw Mateo. It still hurt. His heart ached for Mateo’s touch, his kiss. He took a long hot shower and sighed, looking at the bracelet on his wrist. He hadn’t taken it off. It was dirty now. He needed to clean it, and flour was stuck in it from the last time he made bread. He took it off and dropped it in his jewelry cleaner, then made his way back to the room, putting his sweats on. His wallet lay open on his nightstand, and he picked it up; pulling the fair ticket out.

  God, he had been so stupid. He loved Mateo, he always would. Being without him was worse than anything that could happen to him if he came out. He made his way back into the bathroom and shook the jewelry cleaner box, hearing the bracelet slosh around. He took it out and it slipped through his fingers hitting the bathroom tile with a loud clink. It lay upside down, shining against the bathroom light, and that’s Riley noticed the writing on the underside. Riley picked it up and looked at

  it. There, written in the silver, were four words. You aremy love.

  Riley gasped and looked closer. Was he seeing things? No, it did say those words, the words from the gypsy fortune teller at the fair. But he’d never taken the bracelet off. Not once from the moment Mateo had put it on him at the Grand Canyon. So, Mateo had inscribed it while they were still at the house? Riley looked in the mirror at his pale face, bags under his eyes. Mateo loved him, and he’d hurt him worse than any of those foster family ever could. He’d basically said Mateo wasn’t worth him coming out. “Fuck.”

  ~~*~~ Riley stood in front of the podium with camera’s going off on every side of him. He wished he’d brought the hippo. He could at least have put it under the podium and held it, but now he only the bracelet. He ran his thumb over the wording Mateo had inscribed there, and took a deep breath…

  “ Ladies and
Gentleman, I’m glad you could come today. I’m going to make this brief, and I will not be answering any questions when I am done.” Riley took a deep breath and looked at the camera. “Flynn Electronics will be operating out of Sierra Vista, as well as right here in Phoenix. We will be bringing five thousand jobs to the area in the fall. I know you’ve heard about my father and what happened to me, so I’m not even going to rehash it. What I will say, is that a very special man watched my back. He took care of me, and moved heaven and earth to keep me safe. So I want that man to know how grateful I am.” Riley took a deep breath and gripped the podium. “I also want him to know that I am in love with him. I’m so sorry I hurt him, and I will do whatever it takes to get him back. Thank you.” Riley left the podium and was escorted into the building by Sam and Troy. His hands were shaking, and he could hear the reporters going crazy outside. He looked up at Sam and tried to smile.

  “You did good kid.” Sam clapped him on the back, sending him a few steps forward.

  “I hope Mateo heard it.” Riley sat down in the chair. “ I’m sure he did.” Troy crouched down and looked at him. “You were very brave Riley. You coming out like that took guts.”

  “I just want him back.” Riley put his face in his hands.

  ~~*~~ They made their way out to the secured parking garage, and Riley shuffled is feet, slowly making his way to the limo. When he looked up he saw Mateo leaning against the car, with his hippo. “Mateo?”

  “Wow, when you come out, you goall out.” Mateo

  smiled. “I would have been here sooner, but I had to stop at the house and pick up a friend of mine.” Mateo wiggled the hippo back and forth. “I’m surprised you left him at home.”

  Riley felt the tears coming and looked into Mateo’s eyes. “Does this mean…?” Mateo smiled and crooked his finger at Riley. “Josh was trying to convince me you were talking to him when you looked at the camera.”


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