A Marked Man

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A Marked Man Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I was talking—” Mateo grabbed him and kissed him hard. God, but he’d missed Riley. He’d missed the touch of his hand, his lips, his ass curled against him in the morning. Mateo’s hand grabbed Riley’s, pulling him closer. Using his tongue, probing, tasting, touching. They pulled away from the kiss, and Mateo cupped Riley’s face. “I love you, Riley Flynn.”

  Riley broke down, and felt Mateo’s arms around him. This is where he belonged, with the man he loved. “I love you too.”


  Riley fucked him in the limo on the way home, and fucked him on every flat surface in the house. He even fucked Mateo on some not so flat surfaces in the house. By the time they actually got in the bed, Mateo couldn’t stand. And then Riley was on him again, bending him in half so that Mateo’s knee caps were in his fucking ears. As Riley rimmed the shit out of him, he tongued his ass and pumped Mateo’s cock until he swore he had nothing left to shoot out his aching cock.

  The pleasure ride wasn’t ending any time soon. He’d missed Mateo, and wasn’t going to stop until Mateo was begging him to. He pumped Mateo hard as he dove deep into Mateo’s warm chute, tasting every damn delicious drop of the man splayed out in front of him like a fucking buffet. His lips were bruised, and he didn’t fucking care. He sank two fingers into Mateo up to the knuckle, and started feasting on his dick again. His head bobbing, he opened his throat to take Mateo all the way in and fucking swallowed him. Mateo’s cock seared the sides of his mouth, and the back of his throat. And fuck what a ride it was. Sweat was pouring off of him as he picked up Mateo’s legs and plunged into his ass with no mercy, all while gripping his cock and twisting his hand at the very tip. The deep, fast strokes and quick jerks of Mateo’s cock had Riley on the edge of the cliff. His balls were tightening, ass clenching ready for the bomb to go off in his balls.

  “ Fuck I love you.” Riley bit Mateo’s lips and sucked his bottom one in, all while slamming him with such force the bed moved.

  “ Fuck…Riley.” Mateo was going to fucking come again. Jesus, did the time apart from Riley give him extra cum? How the fuck was he still alive?

  Riley shot in his ass, and Mateo shot all over himself, Riley, the bed, and maybe a few other places. His orgasm just kept coming, hitting him in waves until he

  collapsed out of breathandspunk. The two of them were

  breathing hard, and Riley rolled off, laying on his back staring at the ceiling.

  “Fuck me.” Riley smiled, taking Mateo’s hand. “ I can’t… fuck… shit… I don’t think I can even pee right now.” Mateo threaded their fingers together. “My God Riley, you need to come out of the closet more often.” Mateo laughed and kissed Riley, yanking him back over on top of him. He grabbed Riley’s ass cheeks, squeezing them.

  “I can’t feel my legs.” Riley giggled, pressing his forehead to Mateo’s.

  “I can’t feel my body.” Mateo wiggled his toes. “I still have feeling. Good.” Riley held his breath, and asked the one question he’d been dying to ask from the moment he realized he was in love with Mateo. “Mateo, do you want kids?” It was so quiet, Riley started sweating.

  “ With you? Yes.” Mateo smiled, and heard Riley exhale. “But I want a specific clause in our wills. If anything happens to us, they go to Josh, Derek, Troy or Sam okay?”

  “They?” Riley sat up looking in his eyes.

  “ Hell yeah, we are having one of yours and one of mine.” Mateo smiled at the shocked look on Riley’s face. “Oh come on, you can afford it. Let’s go for twins, maybe even quad—”

  Riley silenced him with a mind blowing kiss. ~~Epilogue~~

  One year later…

  Mateo stood in the blazing sun of Arizona, wiping his forehead. Sweat ran down his back as he walked hand in hand with Riley towards the big top tent. The fair was back in town, and Riley had begged and pleaded to go. Mateo finally gave in after Riley had given him a mind numbing blow job. This would explain coming to the fair where clowns were present. Riley wore his U of A hat with his Ray Bans, cargo shorts and a T-shirt that read:

  “Get over it!”Two men were kissing on the front of the

  shirt. Riley had come a long way from the closet and Mateo loved him for it. Mateo pulled his husband into his arms and held him close. As hot as it was, it didn’t compare to the heat he and Riley shared. Caressing Riley’s smooth face, Mateo kissed him. The passion and fire exploded between them, and when they finally pulled away from each other, they were both breathing hard.

  “Wow.” Riley breathed.

  Derek strolled up with James and Josh.

  “Jesus, get a fucking room.” Derek winked.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Josh held his chin. “It’s kind of hot.”

  “Lord, shut up hetero.” James smacked Josh’s arm.

  “Why am I always the abused one?” Josh pouted. “Oooh! Cotton candy!”

  James shook his head, watching Josh run off. “What a fucking child.” “ He’s reliving his youth.” Mateo shook his head, smiling at his friend. “Some of us didn’t have a happy childhood, huh babe?” Mateo squeezed Riley’s hand.

  “Look, the same band is playing.” Riley looked at the marquee. “And the fortune teller is here too.”

  “Shall we go see her?” Mateo dragged Riley toward the tent. “Be back in a few minutes.”

  Derek watched Mateo go into the fortune teller tent with Riley. “Maybe we should go in there?”

  “Why? So she can tell me I’m going to die jacking off?” James shook his head. “No thanks.” “ Come on James, I’m sure you’ve had dates.” Derek looked at James. The idea of James with anyone else made his stomach lurch.

  James looked up at Derek. “I only want one man, he just doesn’t want me.” Derek crossed his arms as James made his way to the food tables. He felt a presence next to him and rolled his eyes. Josh was sucking down cotton candy.

  “Jesus, Montgomery.”

  “Why don’t you just ask him out Boss? It’s so obvious you want to.” Josh licked cotton candy off his fingers.

  “Fuck Josh, are you always this direct? Wait, what the fuck am I saying?” Derek rolled his eyes. “Come on.”

  ~~*~~ The fortune teller tent was cold. Riley shivered and leaned into Mateo. The woman at the table was not the same one from the year before. She looked over them with a careful eye, and then spoke.

  “You have been through much together. Danger, heart break, and still you came together. He is your love.” “ Funny you should say that.” Mateo sat down. “We were here last year and an old woman told us the same thing.”

  “Old woman? I was here last year. I don’t recall an old woman.”

  “Yes, she had a gold tooth.” Riley sat down on Mateo’s lap.

  The fortune teller took out her wallet and handed them a picture. “Is this the old lady?” “ Yes, it is.” Mateo looked at the picture. The same old lady was holding the hand of another woman. It was the woman in front of them.

  “My Grandmother, she loves to come with me.” “ She came right up to us, took my hand, and told me Riley was my love and that I should protect him.” Mateo squeezed Riley tighter to him.

  The fortune teller nodded. “She must have seen great passion in you, as do I. You will live very many happy years together, and have beautiful children.”

  “Cool.” Riley giggled. “Anything else?”

  “Love one another.”

  Mateo stood and handed the woman a twenty. “Thank you, have a good night.”

  “Please tell the General to come in.” The fortune teller smiled slyly. “I must speak with him.” “ How did you…?” Riley looked outside the tent. Sure enough, Derek was pacing in front of it. He looked back at the woman and she smiled.

  Mateo and Riley left the tent and were soon joined by Sam and Troy. Josh had come back over with James, and one by one they all went to see the fortune teller. They stood by the main stage afterwards, and Mateo looked at the rest of the group. Their faces clouded with confusion.

��Okay, what the fuck guys?” Mateo pulled Riley to him and encircled him in his arms.

  “That was…” Troy started.

  “Weird as fuck.” Sam finished.

  “No shit.” Josh ran a hand through his short buzz cut. “I will find a surprising love. What does that mean?”

  “My love will have eyes like the stars, and I must be open to it.” Sam arched a brow.

  “Really?” Troy looked over at Sam. “Mine will have eyes the color of Emeralds.”

  They all looked at Josh. “ Oh, fuck all of you. I am not the only guy with green eyes.” Josh stammered. “Besides, could you actually see me with Troy?”

  They all looked over at Troy and then back at Josh.

  “Oh for fucks sake.” Josh sighed and threw his hands up in the air.

  “So James.” Riley eyed the shorter man. “What did she say to you?”

  “I will have many men, all dying for me to love them.” James smiled and walked towards the stage.

  “Wait, what?” Derek ran after him. Mateo cracked up. “Oh, that’s funny.” The band came out and Mateo pulled Riley into his arms. The first sounds of a love ballad flowed over the night air, and Mateo inhaled his husband’s masculine scent. They swayed to the same song they had a year ago.

  “Babe?” Riley kissed Mateo’s chin.


  “I thought we could check out a house tomorrow over in Pearce. Are you up for it?”

  “I sure am.” Mateo nuzzled Riley’s neck. “God, I’m so happy I kissed you that night at Diabolique.”

  Riley giggled. “Because I am your love.”

  Mateo pulled away looking at Riley’s face. “Yes, you are my love Riley Flynn.”

  ~~*~~ Mateo lay in bed naked, waiting for Riley. His cock already rock hard, he stroked slowly. The ride home from the fair had been interesting. Riley had been all over him, sucking his cock, and Mateo thought for sure he’d wrap his Impala around a tree. “Riley…”

  “ Yes?” Riley came out of the bathroom, and stopped, staring. Damn but Mateo was a hell of a sight to see. Strong legs and defined chest all glowed in the damn light of the moon. Fuck.

  Riley made his way over and climbed up Mateo’s body, dragging his hard cock along his thigh. It left a long trail of pre-come on its way to rest on Mateo’s stomach. Asoft run of his tongue over Mateo’s lips, and he pulled away with a sly smile as Mateo chased him for more. His tongue trailed down Mateo’s jaw line and over his neck. Riley’s hard leaking cock slid down Mateo’s stomach as he made his way down, stopping to tease a nipple with a gentle tug of his teeth.

  “Fuck, I love you babe.” Mateo let his leg fall off to the side and closed his eyes as Riley continued to lick a path south. The soft touch of Riley’s tongue gliding down his abs warmed his skin. Feather light licks across the tip of his weeping cock, slow long strokes from root to tip, and a tight suck on the head, had Mateo gripping the headboard of their broken bed. They had kept it for the simple fact that it held memories. Bang your head scream from the top of your lungs and shoot cum all over the damn place memories. A teasing finger was dipping in and out of Mateo’s hole, rubbing around the edges and pressing in then pulling out.

  Mateo’s legs were up, and Riley bent him in half to lap at his quivering hole. That hot tongue glided in and out, leaving Mateo a stupid, shaking, sweaty idiot on the bed. This is how it was with them. Sex wasn’t just about sex; it was about pleasing the other. As little experience as Riley had, he’d become an expert in the art of making

  love, because hewas in love. It wasn’t about the

  slamming and pounding, it was about the quiet whispers and the soft caresses, pleasing each other with soft strokes. Not to say that they didn’t have amazing mind blowing sex, because Riley could ride him until he was a mess of raw nerves, crying out for satisfaction. And when the rush came, it just kept coming.

  Riley’s fingers slid in, and then Mateo felt something else. A smooth roundness invading him; he raised an eyebrow at Riley. “What is that?”

  Riley smiled and leaned over kissing Mateo, his tongue teasing just inside. “I’m experimenting. I bet I can make you cum in five minutes or less.”

  Another push and Mateo’s eyes went wide. “Anal beads?” Riley flicked Mateo’s tongue, coaxing it out to play. He sucked the tip and covered Mateo’s mouth with his own, sliding in and taking charge. “Mmm.”

  Mateo broke the kiss. Fuck, but that felt good. He’d never gone this route though. “I want new appliances if I can hold out, no stainless steel.”

  felt it pop through the barrier, and Mateo let out a gasp.

  “That’s it?” Riley smiled pushing in another bead. He

  “Fuck…yes, that’s it.”

  And fuck, thatwasit. Mateo felt the beads pop in one

  by one, and Riley sucked his cock until he came, screaming. His legs were shaking, sweat was pouring off him, and then Riley slid in and he was fucking gone! He was hard again in less than a minute flat, and Riley rode him like a fucking rodeo cowboy. He not only came within the five minutes, he came five times in the span of an hour. Mateo lay on his back looking at the ceiling. A mess of spunk and sweat and Riley draped over him like a blanket. “Oh my God, I can’t move.”

  Riley giggled and ran his hand over Mateo’s abs, feeling the ridges. He looked up at Mateo and kissed his chin. “You know, we can get regular appliances. You didn’t have to ask for that.”

  “You little shit!” Mateo rolled over pinning him to the bed. “You never said what you wanted.” Riley looked into those hazel eyes and almost sighed. Mateo was beautiful in every way possible, caring and thoughtful. An assassin sure, but a caring one nonetheless. And even though he hated stainless steel appliances, and hated the fact that Riley squeezed the toothpaste from the middle and not the end; if that was the worst the man brought to the table, Riley could live with that for a long time.

  “I have everything I could possibly ever want.”

  ~~The End~~




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