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Page 33

by K. A. Merikan

  Domenico leaned against the tub and watched Seth, gently pushing his hips forward, against Seth’s touch. “What am I getting, now that we don’t have to worry about surveillance?” he asked, and his hand moved up Seth’s chest, thumb brushing over the scar where Seth’s nipple once was. The thick fingertips with burned-out friction ridges felt like a lick from a cat’s jagged tongue over the sensitive skin.

  Seth didn’t know why he felt so shy all of a sudden, since they’d fucked hundreds of times, and it was no secret Seth loved Dom on top. It was just saying it that he found difficult sometimes. He pulled the belt open and unzipped Dom’s pants. “Anything you want.” And he meant it. Domenico could ask for anything, and Seth would give it to him.

  Domenico groaned, and the smile that passed over his handsome face was something Seth wanted to see every day until they both died of old age.

  “Tempting. You really mean anything?” Dom teased, standing still, as if he expected Seth to undress him completely.

  “I would tell you what I don’t like, but I would still give you whatever you wanted. I can’t even begin to explain how much it means to me that you took it all onto your shoulders.” Seth hesitated for a moment, but slid his thumbs under the waistband of Dom’s briefs and pulled them down along with the jeans, never breaking eye-contact as he went to his knees.

  Domenico’s mouth opened slightly, and his pink, tempting tongue pulled over the row of white teeth. It almost seemed like the walls had started closing around them, creating a small, intimate space where they could just be together. “I doubt that would be necessary. I have simple tastes.”

  Seth pulled the jeans all the way down, letting Domenico step out of them before he even went as far as taking off Dom’s socks. “Should I take that as an insult?” He leaned closer and gave the cockhead hidden under the foreskin a soft kiss.

  Domenico exhaled like a man who had finally found relief after weeks and weeks of torment. “I missed this,” he said and petted Seth’s head while also dipping the other hand in the water and splashing it softly. “But I’d rather wash first, don’t you think?”

  “This was just to whet your appetite,” Seth got to his feet with his lips still throbbing with the excitement of the kiss. He knew what Dom could do with that cock, and being able to freely express his need for it, without worry of bugs and cameras made Seth feel even more relaxed.

  Domenico smirked and stepped into the tub. “Then wash my face, so that I can kiss you the right way.”

  Seth watched the water turn a pink hue as soon as Dom’s hair dipped into it. He pretended it wasn’t blood that caused the discoloration, and it instantly made him feel better about the whole situation. He leaned over Dom and got his hands wet to then gently rub them over that perfect face illuminated by soft, yellow light.

  “Can I wash your hair as well?” he asked, wishing to get the beautiful black strands back in order, so that he could freely bury his face in their exquisite silkiness.

  Domenico rolled his head over the back of the tub and gave Seth a soft glance. He was a majestic wild cat who felt too lazy to move and now expected his partner to provide the food. “I’m being spoiled,” he said, raising his hand out of the water and petting Seth’s with his wet fingers.

  The candlelight reflected off Dom’s skin and the surface of the bath itself, turning his strong body into a work of art that only Seth could access. Only he knew how soft those muscles could get when touched the right way.

  “You deserve it. For all the shit that you put up with.” Seth got himself a stool from the corner of the bathroom and sat behind Domenico. He took his time adjusting the heat of the running water before directing the showerhead at Domenico’s hair. The red cloud spread in the milky tub so abruptly Seth felt like he’d squeezed an orange.

  But Domenico didn’t seem to care and all but purred at the way Seth massaged his scalp to untangle the clumpy strands. “If we stayed here, where would you want to put your henhouse?” he murmured, gently stretching his neck as Seth combed his fingers through the long, shiny hair.

  The question took Seth by surprise, and he stalled for a moment. Here? After all that happened? Then again, everything could be cleaned up. Technically, every place he’d ever lived in had likely witnessed someone’s death, and apart from the tacky decor, Toro’s house was quite spectacular.

  “You know that area where the garden is? I’d put it nearby, so that it’s not too close to the pool, but I could still see it from the window.” Seth smiled to himself at the idea as he indulged Domenico’s scalp with a massage. With the shampoo already forming thick white foam only slightly tinted pink, the long hair felt much better to the touch.

  Domenico tilted his head back and smiled at him. “Are we getting rid of the garden, the roses, or just those damn statues? I honestly feel like smashing them all, one by one.”

  “I’d totally do that. They’re hideous. But if we were to stay here, I’d keep some of the current garden. I’d actually expand it, turn some of the lawn into a vegetable garden. Just think about the fresh tomatoes in the morning.” Seth could almost smell them as he rinsed Dom’s hair with hot water.

  Domenico’s fingertips gently clasped around Seth’s wrist, and he turned his head to kiss Seth’s knuckles, nuzzling the wet palm and practically hugging his face into it. “Sounds about right. So be it. We’re getting rid of the roses. And of all the fake antiques, and plaster decorations on the ceiling. We could decorate the house however we wanted. Make it contemporary and chic.” He glanced at Seth, and in the warm glow of the fire, with most of the blood gone, he looked like the hottest male model out there, not a killer who’d come here covered in blood. The perfect savage.

  Seth leaned down to kiss Dom’s lips now that they were clean. “The kitchen is nice and big. And there’s a wine cellar. My favorite part.” He ran his hands down Dom’s shoulders and into the water.

  “And a tunnel, so you could run to safety if shit went down,” Domenico added, relaxing further into Seth’s arms as he spread his knees in the pink-hued water. Seth could not see anything in the murky liquid, but he had the feeling Domenico’s cock was responding well to his touch.

  “Wait, I’ve got something for you.” He gave Dom one more kiss before rushing to the bedroom where he left the food he’d prepared earlier. “I’d get rid of this painting in the bedroom too.” he pointed to the wall once he was back at Dom’s side. “Try it,” he said and stuck a fork into a piece of passion fruit-drizzled peach.

  Domenico turned his head to look at the painting through the open door and scowled at it, even with the fruit already on his tongue. “Who could have hurt Marie Antoinette this way?” he asked, but the moment he bit into the portion of fruit salad, his face sagged with complete relaxation. “Oh, yes. I didn’t know I needed that, but I did. We’re definitely getting rid of all that crap.”

  Seth stroked the wet hair with one hand and fed Dom with the other, completely immersed in his role. He would give Dom all the comfort he needed, just like Domenico allowed Seth to relax by offering his protection. “I just wish I could have kept it in the fridge for you.”

  Domenico laughed and ate some more of the fruit while Seth started soaping up his arms. They talked about all kinds of things, discussed the decor they would like for their future home in Italy, and the bad things that had happened throughout the last few weeks melted away, disappearing down the drain along with the dirty water.

  Seth then poured some water from the showerhead all over Domenico, trying not to make it all about Domenico’s obvious erection, even though he allowed himself to rain more water at that area, just to tease his lover.

  Standing in the bathtub when Seth was on the floor made Dom look like a statue on a pedestal one had no choice but to look up at. All the blood was gone and all that was left was the perfect marble of his body, shiny from the water still streaking down his chest. Seth ran his fingers over his man’s perfect six-pack, so rigid under Dom’s skin. The skin now felt so sm
ooth, and he couldn’t deny himself the touch after it being forbidden for such a long time.

  “Come on out,” Seth urged Dom and leaned forward to kiss the valley between his pecs. The damp hair tickled Seth’s cheeks so pleasantly he lay his cheek against the fragrant skin.

  Domenico laughed, eventually leaving the tub and stepping straight into Seth’s arms. He was still slippery with water, but Seth accepted him without question, enjoying even the way his own jeans were becoming increasingly uncomfortable from the closeness. “There will be more things coming out very soon, I imagine,” Domenico said and cupped Seth’s cock with one hand.

  He didn’t even need to ask. Seth was unbuttoning his pants already, and grabbing Dom’s lips in a kiss, eager to show just how hungry he was for Dom’s body. He smiled into the kiss when he sensed the sweet aftertaste of fruit on his tongue.

  Domenico groaned and pushed the denim off Seth’s hips, grabbing the newly freed length in his hand. The warmth of his palm, and the wrinkled texture of Domenico’s skin from the bath were yet another layer of sensation that pushed Seth deeper into the embrace.

  Dom teased the seam of Seth’s mouth with the tip of his tongue but kept pulling it back each time Seth opened up to him. Seth couldn’t help a frustrated whine. His heart was beating so fast already, and Domenico teased him mercilessly.

  “Oh come on, I want you,” Seth whispered. The thick steam in the bathroom was yet another layer of sensation to make him breathless, but Domenico was already backing him out into the bedroom, where the air wasn’t as stuffy.

  “What do you want me to do?” asked Domenico before pulling on Seth’s lips with his teeth. His hands were confidently placed on Seth’s sides, directing him to wherever Domenico wished them to go. In the middle of the room, with the windows open, their wet skin almost felt cold, but that sensation was gone the moment Domenico pushed Seth back on the bed.

  I want you to fuck me the way only you can.

  “I… What we’ve been missing.” Seth ran his hand up Domenico’s forearm, marvelling at the strong muscle that somehow felt new every time they touched, and the veins that made Domenico seem like he was made to crush anyone standing in his way.

  With the trembling light shining behind Domenico’s back, he seemed even taller and bigger in the shoulders, a predator about to sink his claws into Seth’s waiting flesh.

  “You want my cock,” he whispered, suddenly pulling away and yanking Seth’s legs so hard Seth’s ass got dragged to the edge of the mattress.

  Seth sucked in a gasp, his heart in an instant flutter and his legs spread before he even knew what was doing. Heat rushed to his head so rapidly it was difficult to think, but he only had eyes for Domenico. He’d feed his panther with his own flesh any day.


  Domenico’s eyes were so bright when they took him in. The smirk that enlivened his face was pure honey, and when Dom dropped something on the mattress, so that he could grab Seth’s hips with both hands, bright red heat shot all the way to Seth’s balls. He pushed his hips up, angling them toward Dom’s face.

  He wasn’t sure what he was going to get until the damp strands of Dom’s hair fell to his stomach, but then it was all tongue and lips when Domenico sucked Seth’s balls into the warmth of his mouth.

  The sensation was bordering on too much, too fast, quickly making Seth’s lust spiral out of control. “It’s been too long…” Seth slipped his hands into the tar-black hair, eager to give Dom anything he wanted despite secretly feeling he was receiving much more in return. Out in the open, on top of the sheets, not under them, with the air from the balcony flowing in, and no cameras to spy on their intimacy, he was completely free. He missed letting go like this and tumbling around in the sheets.

  This simple act of being with the man he loved, of submitting to his wishes—whatever they entailed—without shame had him shivering with breathless anticipation.

  Dom sucked his way to Seth’s cock and teased the head with his tongue, looking up with a wolfish smile. “I would recall that taste every single night without you.”

  Seth ran his thumbs over Dom’s ears and watched him breathlessly. “I was so out of it I kept having dreams about you.”

  Domenico never looked as handsome as between Seth’s legs. As if on cue, he clawed his fingers into Seth’s thigh, and Seth couldn’t stop the wonder of that moment as he watched Domenico’s lips close around his cockhead. He squeezed his hands ferociously on the meat of Seth’s legs, rubbing them as if he wanted to pet every strand of dark body hair.

  “What did you imagine?” Domenico asked before diving deeper, taking almost all of Seth’s dick at once.

  “Oh, my God!” Seth clutched at the damp mane so hard he squeezed water out of it, and it drizzled down his fingers. “I imagined you sneaking over to me at night during a camera failure. But we had to be really quiet, because the bugs were still active.” His eyelids lowered at the pleasure of Domenico’s warm cheeks pulsing around his cock, so deliciously wet and smooth on the inside. It was so good he felt guilty over allowing Dom to suck him instead of offering him pleasure, like he’d intended to. But Dom loved to suck Seth’s dick, so there was that.

  Domenico pulled himself up with a loud slurping sound, as if to defy Seth’s fantasy. “We’re definitely not staying quiet tonight,” he said, snatching the tube off the mattress and squeezing some of the contents into his hand. “Because I imagined you spread-out and screaming as I drive my cock into your tight, warm ass.”

  Seth’s toes curled, and his breath sped up at that promise. He tried to say something a few times but kept opening and closing his lips, unable to spill out what he wanted. He did nod in the end. “It feels like it’s been forever since that time in the wine cellar.” It had been hot, yes, but also filled with tension and panic, nothing like the way they were taking their time now, without having to worry about being smoked out of their lair. His mind kept making circles back to Dom’s words, so Seth stole a glance at Dom’s thick, dark cock, already stiff and ready to fuck him. He could already imagine the head pushing through his sphincter and lodging itself inside him time after time until Dom came.

  When he felt a cool, slick touch at his entrance, the flash of arousal made his muscles melt, even if it was still only Dom’s fingers. Their eyes locked, and Domenico grinned, teasing Seth’s hole with the digits, as if this was only a game to him and he didn’t feel the same urgency to join their bodies.

  “I liked to think you were fucking yourself with your fingers thinking about me,” rasped Domenico, lowering himself over Seth and still only dipping his digits in the cleft of Seth’s ass.

  “Oh, God…” Seth’s hips pushed against the fingers on their own accord, and he was getting more worked up by the second, curling his knees, thinking about all the times he’d so desperately wanted Domenico with him, on top of him, inside of him, but couldn’t get it. “Only a few times…” he whispered, running his hands over Dom’s chest.

  “Must have been the same nights I imagined rolling you over and just driving my dick inside you,” hissed Domenico as two of his digits finally breached Seth’s hole. But the burn of it hadn’t even fully registered in Seth’s mind yet when they were gone. “Go on,” urged Domenico. “Do it now. I want to watch.”

  It left Seth’s mind so blank he lowered his knees. “Huh? But… but you’re here,” he uttered with his heart rattling in his chest. So many times when they fucked Seth had let go completely, saying things he would find hard to voice otherwise, but this was… different. A new level of vulnerability he wasn’t sure he was ready for.

  Domenico nodded and pushed Seth’s legs further apart. His tongue slipped over his lips as he looked at their engorged cocks so close together, but Seth knew this wasn’t just about Domenico wishing to see Seth jerk off. “You said I could have anything I wanted. Show me how you did it thinking about me.”

  Seth licked his lips, cursing himself for revealing too much, but then again, it was true. He had pro
mised Domenico to give him anything he wished for. His face felt as if it were burning, but he pulled himself up on the bed and turned over to his stomach with his legs still spread around Domenico.

  He took a deep breath. “I’d do it like this so that the cameras wouldn’t catch it.” Seth looked over his shoulder at Dom’s mesmerized face and raised his hips before getting some lube on his fingers.

  Domenico pulled his teeth over his lips, kneeling next to Seth and grabbing his cock in a firm grip. “Yes. Think about it. Think how it’s gonna feel when I plunge inside. You will be so full,” he whispered, pumping his cock so close to Seth’s thigh that the head rubbed against Seth’s skin.

  Second by second, Seth was accepting what he was about to do and since cameras weren’t an issue, he raised his ass higher for better access and reached between his own spread legs with the lubed up fingers. He looked back at Dom with his face against the pillow, only to catch Dom staring at his buttocks as if they were the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Fingers are nothing in comparison,” he said, lubing up the outside of his hole before plunging a slippery finger inside. He expected this to be embarrassing, but the way Domenico’s gaze caressed his flesh, as if Seth were the most desirable man on the planet, was quickly turning his muscles into goo. It was as if he were the center of Dom’s universe. “They were just a means to an end when I imagined your dick.”

  “Yes?” whispered Domenico, and the raw lust in the tone of his voice had shudders climbing up Seth’s spine. There was a dark flush on Domenico’s face as he watched, never stopping the slow movement of his hand on his own dick. “How would I fuck you?”

  Seth slipped in a second finger, feeling sweat form on his face already. “Fast,” he uttered, pushing in the fingers at a quicker pace while watching the thick cock in Dom’s fist. He was so ready to have Dom grab him, and overpower him, and completely take control of him body and soul. He’d already handed himself over into Domenico’s protection, so it would only be a formality to add his body to the arrangement.


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