The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 10

by Richard Palmer

  in your immediate environment; a need to move forward out of the

  illusionary atmosphere surrounding you; an advice to take no risks

  at this time; living under the influence of false beliefs; an inability

  to accept reality as it actually is; not seeing someone for who they

  really are; being on high alert for hidden treachery in your

  workplace; a warning that something harmful is drawing closer to

  you; a false perception as to the real truth underlying your

  relationship; an inability to accept and cope with things as they

  really are; loosing touch with reality; being too wrapped up in your

  emotions to see what is really going on; becoming lost in the

  atmosphere of mystery and uncertainty surrounding you.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Lord of the Fire of the World

  The Sun


  The gift of rejuvenation that follows upon the experience of Spirit

  is symbolized by the triumphant child who emerges into a new life

  of freedom, vitality and personal fulfillment. It is a high point in

  the journey of life – the achievement of Illumination. We now

  stand face to face with “The Sun”– The Lord of the Fire of the

  World. As we experience the power and energy of this card we see

  that “The Sun” has been given a face. In the Tarot the Sun is

  considered to be a conscious, sentient intelligence and the face

  within the solar orb affirms this belief. Radiating from this symbol

  of the solar consciousness are both straight and wavy lines

  symbolizing the dual manifestation of its sentient energy as the

  forces of radiation and vibration in Nature.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The naked child riding astride the white horse symbolizes the

  illuminated personality whose creative light has come to shine

  forth. The strength and purity of this inner creative light is shown

  by the white horse upon which he rides. The solar child also wears

  a crown of seven orbs and sports a large red feather atop his head

  similar to the one worn by the Fool. In his arm he waves the

  orange/red banner of spiritual triumph. There are four sunflowers

  standing fully open to his rear representing the four elements of

  Fire, Water, Air and Earth that have become one within his being.


  In astrology, the Sun represents the Primal Will manifested in the

  human being as the Self Consciousness - the conscious personality

  and free will. The Sun symbolizes this light of consciousness - the

  fundamental psychic life force and the root of our individuality. It

  is the very light of life itself for without its light we would have

  neither physical life nor any conscious knowledge of our own

  existence. Informed by the power of “The Sun” this card invokes

  an atmosphere of achieving a higher level of consciousness and of

  the liberation and illumination this accomplishment brings.


  When The Sun is revealed Upright in your reading, its meaning(s)

  may correspond to: the light of success shining on the matter of

  your inquiry; finding light and happiness in a love relationship;

  your inner vision finally being realized; happiness in marriage;

  success in your career; discovering the light of

  inner freedom

  necessary to love again; escaping the chains of impersonal fate

  and claiming your personal freedom; a need to shine a light on the






  creative self

  fulfillment through a unique individual expression of your own

  inner light; freeing yourself from the bondage of ignorance;

  striving to achieve a higher level of self realization.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When The Sun is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success; a failure of

  vision; an inability to find happiness in love; a lack of fulfillment

  in life; giving in to a sense of inner darkness; falling prey to

  disillusionment; stagnation in an intimate relationship; making a

  serious mistake in judgment; a failure to develop and actualize

  your inner potentials as an individual; a need for greater self

  development on your part; being overly concerned with personal

  glory, vanity, arrogance and superficial display.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Voice of the Primal Fire



  A Great Angel blows a golden trumpet calling upon the human

  beings who are floating on the sea of consciousness to rise up out

  of their coffins and be reborn as evolved and realized individuals

  upon hearing the seven note voice of the Primal Fire. Awakening

  they rise up to greet the Angelic Messenger who brings them this

  precious gift and open their arms in welcoming acceptance. Before

  we can attain any authentic understanding of this image, we must

  first firmly cast aside any association with the Christian theme of

  the resurrection of the body in “The Last Judgement”as this is not

  the intent or meaning of this card. The “Judgement”is upon the

  individuals as to whether or not they hear and accept the revealed

  word of the Divine Life Power as uttered by the Angel who sits


  The Mirror of the Moment

  upon a bulbous grey cloud sporting red wings and golden hair

  tinged in red. This messenger of the Divine Consciousness also

  wears a blue garment covering its upper body and carries a trumpet

  to which is affixed a white banner upon which is painted a red

  cross of four equal arms. The Seven lines which emerge from the

  trumpets mouth symbolize the most important meaning of this

  card. These lines represent the Inner Fire - the seven aspects of the

  Life Power which when taken as a whole symbolize the Principal

  of Consciousness as manifested in the human psyche. They are the

  inner lights of being which the personal consciousness must

  recognize and integrate in order to attain spiritual understanding

  and true human awakening.


  As one





  elements of the ancients, Fire

  represents the creative and intuitive aspect of consciousness - the

  direct apprehension of truth springing forth from the inner depths

  of being; awakening, illuminating and transforming life through its

  evolutionary power. It is this Fire that causes us to rise out of our

  slumber and apply our lives to meaningful and constructive ends

  instead of wasting them in the idle pursuit of pleasure and the

  endless acquisition of unnecessary material things. The energy of

  Fire informing this image invokes an atmosphere of Higher

  Consciousness and spiritual awakening though union with the

  seven manifested aspects of the Divine Life Power.


  When Judgement is revealed Upright in your reading, its />
  meaning(s) may correspond to: experiencing a spiritual awakening;

  making the correct decision in this matter; a favorable judgment on

  the situation or matter inquired about; embracing new found

  pleasure and joy; the courage to move forward with your life; a

  need to listen to your own inner voice; experiencing a new sense of

  joy, freedom and accomplishment; finding renewed vitality.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  making the correct decision in the situation you have inquired

  about; a commitment to achieving better health; a need to wrap up

  unfinished business; clearing up lingering misunderstandings in

  your relationships; a decision coming in your favor.

  When Judgement is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: remaining buried in a materialistic

  slumber; using bad judgment in this situation; a failure to find

  happiness in love; an unhealthy clinging to the past; an unfavorable

  judgment on the situation or matter inquired about; succumbing to

  weakness of character; experiencing a feeling of disillusionment

  and unhappiness in life; a time of spiritual stagnation; a need for

  greater strength and self reliance; making an incorrect decision in

  your life; a fear of evolutionary change; the need to be a stronger

  person; a decision that is not going to be in your favor.


  The Mirror of Moment


  The Great One of the Night of Time



  Floating in the center of a clear blue sky is a partially nude woman,

  “The World Dancer”who dances within the green laurel wreath of

  Cosmic Nature that surrounds her. The Dancer is clothed in a royal

  purple scarf that covers her pelvis and is thrown over her shoulders

  and trails behind her feet. In her hands she holds two white wands

  symbolizing that she is the wielder of the creative powers and

  potencies inherent in both the masculine and feminine aspects of

  being. At the four corners of the card stand the four figures of the

  Zodiac - the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Man - the sustaining

  energies that are the stabilizing poles of creation. The ends of the

  green wreath are joined at the top and bottom by two red ties in the

  form of figure eights - the symbols of eternity.


  The Mirror of Moment


  The planetary ruler of this card is Saturn, the symbol of time and

  the material universe. It is a crystallizing power invoking out of

  ourselves a sense of duty, responsibility, spirituality and our other

  highest human qualities. In the cyclical progression of time that is

  the core of human experience Saturn aids us in penetrating the veil

  between the material and the eternal and revealing to us that the

  union of Spirit, Soul, Mind and Substance within the World

  Dancer reflects the mystery of the One Eternal Self that dances

  within us. Through the power of Saturn “The World”invokes an

  atmosphere of completion - of taking up our vision and willingly

  fulfilling it by dancing our individual dance within the eternal

  dance of life itself.


  When The World is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: success and self fulfillment;

  fulfilling your destined role in the world; a need to focus on your

  present accomplishments; a need to concentrate on present

  circumstances; finally attaining the success you have sought;

  getting the recognition you deserve; reaping the rewards of all your

  hard work; the fulfillment of your romantic desires; triumph in

  your current undertaking; liberating yourself from a stereotyped

  existence; finding your true purpose in this world; a need to put

  forth your best effort; your achievements finally being recognized;

  your hard work being handsomely rewarded; having the courage to

  claim your rightful place in the world.

  When The World is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: “a lack of success and/or

  fulfillment; being reluctant or unwilling to play a meaningful role

  in life; an intense fear of change; pursuing success that is not yet

  won; limiting your opportunities; experiencing a profound lack of

  personal vision; always looking for the easy way out; refusing to

  take any responsibility for your life; disappointment in your

  progress through life.


  The Mirror of Moment

  a failure to achieve your goals; drifting aimlessly and without

  purpose through existence; dissatisfaction with your present career;

  disappointment with your love life; constantly succumbing to the

  inertia brought on by laziness; a need to put forth more effort on

  your part; experiencing loss of control over your life; a failure to

  accomplish any thing meaningful or real in your life.


  The Minor Cards


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Aces


  Aces are associated with the number One and as such represent

  new beginnings and the potential for manifestation and creative

  growth inherent in all new beginnings. It is a number of latent

  power and inherent potential that lies in service to a Will that can

  bring these inherent potentials into manifestation and to fruition.

  Aces often appear in Tarot Readings as indicating a positive or

  negative atmosphere surrounding the question; as a “Yes”or “No”

  answer to such questions requiring this type of response; or as an

  indication of a positive (or a negative) potential inherent within the

  situation and indicating a potential tendency towards growth or



  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Root of the Powers of Fire


  Against a neutral grey sky an illuminated hand emerges from a

  bulbous grey cloud that magically floats in the air and offers a

  budding Wand. In the background flows a gentile stream that

  meanders by three trees growing near its banks. Eight buds fall

  from this fertile staff and float in the wind. They descend to take

  root and grow in the fertile soil below so their inherent potentials

  may bear flower and fruit. A castle sits at the top a hill on the far

  horizon symbolizing the lofty goal of those who strive to realize

  and actualize these potentials through the expression of their

  creative will in union with the Will of the Creative Spirit shining

  within the inner self.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Will is the beacon of the Psyche and the rudder of the ship of

  the Self. As we cast our light so shall we see; as we turn our keel

  so do we steer our path. The realization of the potentialities

  inherent in the act of creative willing determine whether or not the

  creative possibilities in life will attain realization or just fall onto

  infertile soil to just decay and die. Wands embody the spark of life
  – the fire of the creative will within our inner self; the fire of the

  creative will in action; and the fire of the creative will in union

  with the higher will of the Divine Spirit. When we encounter the

  Ace of Wands we meditate upon the Divine energy that is the

  motive power of life itself - an energy that expresses itself in

  human creativity and supports our drive to survive and prosper as

  it emerges and unfolds itself in time.


  When The Ace of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a positive response to your inquiry;

  the potential for a new beginning; a promise of future growth; an

  indication of

  success in a romantic relationship or in a career

  move; an idea or project having real growth potential; a need for

  strength of will, innovative thinking and/or inventiveness; a time

  to trust your creative instincts and act resolutely on your own

  original ideas; the courage to adopt a pioneering attitude and act

  with initiative and passion; a time to pursue a path of spiritual and

  creative growth; seeking out new opportunities that may presently

  be unrecognized; maintaining a steadfast belief in yourself; the

  potential to fulfill a current ambition; a time of fertility; a need to

  take the sexual initiative in a relationship; the discovery of a new

  potential for creative expression; the potential to achieve your

  future goals.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When The Ace of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a negative response to your

  inquiry; weakness of will and/or a lack of initiative; a lack of

  ambition and/or determination; a failure to formulate clear goals;

  an indication of failure in a romantic relationship or in a career

  move; not believing in yourself; remaining stagnant instead of

  striving to grow; being at a creative standstill; a lack of the courage

  necessary to press forward; a failure to seize the opportunity right

  in front of you; a time of infertility; a lack of sexual interest;

  heading towards a dead end.


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