The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 11

by Richard Palmer


  The Mirror of the Moment


  "The Root of the Powers of Water


  An Angelic hand emerges from a grey cloud and offers a golden

  cup from which five living streams of water emerge and flow

  downwards towards a patch of lotus blossoms resting on the

  surface of a body of water. Tiny droplets separate themselves from

  these streams and also descend like a nourishing rain upon the

  blossoms floating on top of the water. These are the waters of

  emotion, imagination and dream that dwell within the self. Above

  the cup the Holy Feminine Spirit personified as a white dove is

  seen descending from on high holding a white solar disk grasped

  within her beak that is inscribed with an equal armed cross.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Cups express our relationship with the maternal, passionate and

  spiritual aspects of the emotional life represented by the water

  element and signify love, emotion, friendship, pleasure and

  imagination - the depths of the inner self whose waters nourish

  every human life. These waters are sanctified by the creative

  imagination and flow out through the five senses nourishing the

  lotus blossoms floating on the sea of eternal consciousness.


  When The Ace of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a positive response to your inquiry;

  a new potential for love; achieving romantic happiness; being in

  touch with your own emotions; dwelling in the house of the true

  heart; nurturing a new bond of friendship; a potential for deeper

  intimacy or a serious emotional involvement; exploring a deeper

  emotional connection with someone close to you; being more

  aware of the depths of your own inner self; receiving a gift of

  grace; nourishing your creative imagination.

  When The Ace of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a negative response to your

  inquiry; falsehood in love; a lack of potential for true intimacy;

  being motivated by selfish egotism; dwelling in the house of a

  false heart; an avoidance of love; emotional stagnation; finding

  disappointment in love; unhappiness; loneliness; dissatisfaction;

  emotional instability in a relationship; deceit in love; sexual

  betrayal; sham emotion; a distrust of your intuition; avoiding

  intimacy and the potential it brings for real love.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  "The Root of the Powers of Air"


  A radiant Angelic hand emerges from a bulbous grey cloud

  holding on tightly to an erect two edged sword, a symbol of the

  mind and intellect. At its pointed end hovers a golden crown, a

  symbol of mental clarity from which hangs suspended the olive

  branch of peace signifying success and victory and the palm leaf of

  suffering signifying hardship and defeat. Six golden droplets float

  in mid air beside the sword; three beside each edge of the blade

  underneath both the olive branch and palm leaf. The hand and the

  sword appear to float alone in the midair amid a barren and lonely

  mountainous landscape composed of both icy and stone terrain.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The suit of Swords is associated with the Air element and

  expresses our relationship with thought, mental development and

  strife. This suit teaches us the need to develop our personal mental

  faculties and to utilize them in benevolent service to others and not

  turn them to evil or destructive ends for the sword may be used

  either to create or to destroy. It also teaches us that victory or

  defeat not only applies to the challenges we may face on our path

  but also as to how the journey of our life ultimately turns out.

  Clarity, truth, honesty and justice should always guide the sword

  cutting through illusion and finding the right way move forward.


  When The Ace of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a potential victory in the matter of

  your inquiry; the pursuit of a new creative vision; a powerful force

  of love; a new beginning waiting before you; a time to move

  forward with your plans; following an original creative vision; a

  source of new inspiration entering your life; remaining open to

  new creative possibilities and potentials; a need to think logically

  and face the facts of the matter; cultivating greater clarity of mind

  in order to effectively understand your situation.

  When The Ace of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a potential defeat in the matter

  of your inquiry; romantic failure; attempting to win at too high of a

  cost; being blind to the truth of your situation; business success

  coming but disaster following closely behind; the use of power

  and position for destructive or evil ends; triumph turning into

  hardship and defeat; mental suffering caused your actions; a

  powerful force of hate; indulging a taste for tyranny; foolishly

  engaging in ruinous conflict; being blind to the truth; too many

  obstacles preventing any hope of success; pursuing that which will

  become a hollow victory; achieving a glorious conquest but with

  disastrous results.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  "The Root of the Powers of the Earth"


  Against a grey sky a golden pentacle is offered in the palm of a

  radiant hand that emerges from a cloud and appears suspended in

  mid air amidst the beauty of a sheltered garden setting. Lilies grow

  in the lawn below and a golden road leads to a distant mountaintop

  that is framed by an opening in a flowering hedge. The Ace of

  Pentacles symbolizes the root force and creative potential of the

  Earth element. It is the matrix from which the potential of the

  Earth energy emerges and expands into the suit of Pentacles.


  The suit of Pentacles relates to the Powers of the Earth. Pentacles

  express our relationship with money, business and the material

  aspect of life. They give us insight into how to maintain our


  The Mirror of the Moment

  worldly status and security and how our spiritual purpose interacts

  with our material life. How well we mesh our material success

  with our spiritual development shapes the path of our destiny as

  human individuals.


  When The Ace of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a favorable atmosphere

  surrounding your inquiry; a potential for material security and








  circumstances; the right time to move forward with your plans;

  economic succe
ss arriving soon; a time of increased prosperity;

  substantial material or financial gain; increased success and a

  greater sense of happiness; a potential for a successful personal

  relationship; a need to focus on tangible results instead pursuing

  shaky dreams.

  When The Ace of Pentacles

  is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: an unfavorable

  atmosphere surrounding your inquiry; a lack of material security

  and prosperity; a fear of financial failure; your well laid plans

  coming undone; a lost business opportunity; entering a period of

  economic instability; an unsuccessful business or personal

  relationship; not

  putting forth sufficient effort to succeed; your

  plans coming undone; a time of want approaching; a loss of

  financial balance and control; events not going your way; the fear

  of making a false start; unhappiness and discontent; material or

  financial loss; a need to put the brakes on your reckless spending;

  confronting your runaway debt; greed beginning to take control of

  your life.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Twos


  Twos represent polarization and an inherent movement towards a

  reunion of the polarities. These polarities as revealed in a reading

  may be complimentary but more often than not are in conflict or

  under tension and striving for balanced expression. In the Two of

  Wands we witness the polarities of ambition and controlled

  growth; in the Two of Cups those of sexual desire and emotional

  commitment; in the crossed Swords, exists the tension between the

  logical and moral consciousness and finally the Juggler, who

  balances both Providence and circumstance while sailing the

  stormy seas of life.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Dominion

  Mars in Aries


  A handsome merchant dressed in a red hat and brown robes looks

  out towards the sea from the roof of his manor house. The last ship

  of his merchant fleet has set sail on a trading mission to distant

  lands. In his right hand he holds a small globe of the world

  symbolizing his great ambition to literally “hold the whole world

  in his hands.”To his right a flowering Wand is affixed by a ring to

  the parapet wall while in his left hand he holds an identical Wand,

  the symbol of his lofty ambitions for the future. Below the top of a

  cubic stone pedestal appears an image of two white lilies and two

  red roses lying at the tips of an equal armed cross. In him is a fiery

  certainty that he will realize his ambition and attain dominion as

  his powerful will admits no thought of failure impeding the

  realization of his ambition.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  In the Two of Wands the power of the planet Mars informs the

  Sign of Aries. In the ancient tradition Mars was considered to be

  the ruler of Aries and was its natural home as the Aries energy

  most closely corresponds to the aggressive nature of Mars. This

  planet is often wrongly associated with war and violence due to its

  namesake as Mars was the Roman god of war. From a modern

  point of view Mars may be more correctly characterized as the

  “vital natural energy”, the impelling life force; that aggressive

  animal will manifesting itself in human consciousness as ambition

  and the drive to succeed. The sign of Aries represents the principal

  of activity and imparts an especially powerful energetic and

  dynamic character to Mars and invokes an atmosphere of growth

  fueled by ambition. It is through our partnership with this inner

  Mars energy that we move forward and eventually succeed in the

  realization of our ambitions.


  When The Two of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: an ambitious enterprise leading to

  success; demonstrating strength of will; prosperity gained through

  hard work; a potential for success in an intimate relationship;

  seizing a profitable opportunity before it passes you by; an

  opportunity to make more money; a chance for increased economic

  prosperity; a opportunity for advancement in your career; personal

  ambition realized through hard work; exercising courage and

  strength of will; valuing and embracing your enterprising spirit;



  an opportunity before you; having the courage

  to go forward with your ambitious plans; working hard to attain



  influence in your career or


  relationships; being willing to go where no one has dared go



  The Mirror of the Moment

  When The Two of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: failed ambition; succumbing to

  weakness of purpose; a lack of success in an enterprise; no

  potential for an intimate relationship; potential financial losses;

  unforeseen setbacks occurring in your project; succumbing to pride

  or excessive ambition; exhibiting weakness of will or a lack of

  drive; an unnatural love of power; a failure to formulate clear and

  attainable goals; a lack of determination; lost courage, a lack of

  initiative; having no passion for the task at hand; passing by a great

  opportunity; unseen

  treachery at work in your business

  environment; a good beginning eventually going bad; once

  favorable circumstances turning against you; a need to veil your

  ambitions for the present; an advisory to wait for the right time

  before proceeding with your plans.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Love

  Venus in Cancer


  A young man and a maiden offer each other the cups of their

  mutual emotional commitment. Between them hovers a staff

  around which two serpents entwine. Above the staff hovers the

  lion of sexual passion which has taken wing and fills them with the

  desire to participate in Nature’

  s procreative power. The lovely lady

  is dressed in the colors of the High Priestess reflecting the deep

  emotional nature of the Feminine while the man is robed in the

  fashion of the Fool, reflecting the airy intellectual quality of the

  Masculine. The young man wears a crown of pomegranates and

  upon the head of the maiden rests a laurel crown – each now

  compliments the other by acknowledging their partners nature

  within them.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The passion and desire of Venus acts within the caring and

  nurturing waters of Cancer and creates a bond of love that leads to








ips. Our capacity for love and relationship as well as our

  capacity for pleasure and enjoyment rest upon our ability to give

  and receive love based on mutual sincerity, respect and trust. The

  watery power of love reflects the highest manifestation of the Holy

  Feminine from which we can draw strength and attain renewal in

  our daily lives.


  When The Two of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: finding real love; dwelling in the

  house of the true heart; harmony and cooperation in a relationship;

  a harmonious love relationship; a powerful mutual attraction that

  could evolve into true love; a successful business partnership; the

  right choice of a career mentor; a profitable financial relationship;

  having a sense of trust in your relationship; a need for emotional

  balance between you and your new lover; the need to forge a

  stronger emotional bond between you and your partner; striving for

  emotional sincerity in a relationship; a favorable atmosphere in

  which to begin moving closer to someone; making a commitment

  to a stronger spiritual bond in your relationship.

  When The Two of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: false love revealed; dwelling in the

  house of the false heart; quarrels and conflict undermining your

  relationship; a lack of sincere feeling; an ill fated romance;









  relationship; exploitation in a


  relationship; a

  dishonest financial relationship; a lack of personal commitment to

  your lover; a sense of mutual mistrust in your marriage; unwanted

  passion; emotions gone sour; a possible need for a trial separation;

  a neglect of personal growth in your

  relationship; lust

  masquerading as love.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Peace Restored

  Moon in Libra


  A young and blindfolded woman sits on a hard stone bench with


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