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The Mirror of the Moment

Page 17

by Richard Palmer

  coupled with an undaunted survival will creates a “do or die”

  attitude brings the strength to stand unflinchingly against all

  potential onslaughts and succeed in preserving our individual stand

  of flowering Wands.


  When The Nine of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a strong emotional commitment to

  safe guard what you have earned from those who would take it

  from you; finding the strength to overcome approaching trouble;

  holding your own and bravely protecting your foothold in life;

  having the strength and courage to face any opposition head on;

  retreat not being an option; emerging victorious no matter what

  the cost; protecting the financial security you have already

  achieved; mounting a bold defense against a hostile takeover;

  facing career obstacles and overcoming them; a stronger

  commitment to protecting your relationship from hostile outside


  When The Nine of Wands card is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: yielding to weakness;

  letting your problems overtake you; maintaining an apparently

  secure position that will crumble; being in danger of losing what

  you already have earned; a lack of emotional commitment on your

  part; financial adversity overtaking you; cowardice in the face of

  the enemy; impractical or foolhardy schemes leading to your

  eventual defeat; making a wise retreat before you go down to

  defeat before the superior forces confronting you.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Happiness

  Jupiter in Pisces


  A smiling and well satisfied man sits on a wooden bench before

  nine empty cups that are arranged in a semi circle on a table to his

  rear, symbolizing his present feelings of happiness and fulfillment.

  His arms are crossed in contentment as he has attained his full

  measure of satisfaction and pleasure. He is dressed in fine

  garments and sports a fancy red turban adorned with a flourish on

  its right side. The table to his rear is covered and draped with a

  pleated blue cloth and both the floor and background of the room

  are painted golden yellow.


  The Mirror of the Moment



  s potent spiritual light brings expansive good fortune when

  it resides in the deep emotional waters of Pisces. This is a most

  favorable astrological combination and by tradition is said to bring

  happiness, pleasure, success and the fulfillment of the deepest

  wishes and desires.


  When The Nine of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: your wish being fulfilled; good

  fortune coming to you; obtaining the good things in life; finding

  happiness in a relationship; attaining success in your current

  endeavor; realizing your career goals; financial success; material

  prosperity; the fulfillment of your sexual desires; attaining the

  pleasure and emotional contentment you have longed for.

  When The Nine of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: your wish remaining unfulfilled;

  empty pleasures at your table; a lack of material goods and money;

  unhappiness in a relationship; a lack of pleasure in life; frustrated

  career goals; hollow satisfactions surrounding you.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Despair and Cruelty

  Mars in Gemini


  A woman wakes in the dead of night seemingly caught in the grips

  of a nightmare from which she cannot escape. She sits upright in

  the bed holding her head in her hands and is obviously in great

  emotional pain and experiencing the black waters of intense mental

  anguish. She is beginning to sink into despair over her seemingly

  unsolvable mental conflicts. Nine swords hang on the wall behind

  her and the base of the bed is decorated with a carving of a violent

  conflict in which one person is being overcome by another. Her

  quilt is decorated with roses and the outlines of astrological

  symbols which hold the key to conquering her despair and

  regaining her mental stability and inner peace.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The burning power of Mars inflames the mental energies of

  Gemini igniting a firestorm of inner anguish as the mind begins to

  turn against itself and falls prey to the conflicts haunting it.

  Without a relationship to the deeper aspect of our being we lay

  ourselves open to the cruel inner torment of despair fueled by

  pursuing a meaningless life lived without any connection to a

  higher dimension of being. Her salvation lies in the knowledge of

  her inner stars but she is so blinded by mental conflicts that she

  cannot see the path she must take.


  When The Nine of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to:

  anxiety over rapidly

  multiplying personal problems; suffering inner turmoil due to

  mounting financial concerns; the pain of unexpected loss; despair

  over a broken relationship; a crumbling emotional foundation

  plagued by doubt and desolation; a broken home life; summoning

  up your reserves of inner strength; the need to seek professional

  help for your mental problems.

  When The Nine of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: the sun rising on a better and

  brighter day for you; time healing your old wounds; being patient

  and unselfish with troublesome people; new hope ahead for

  success in your career; the return of inner peace after a successful

  personal transition; facing your inner fears and conquering them;

  communicating what you feel to someone and not keeping it

  bottled up inside you; tomorrow bringing a better day.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Material Gain

  Venus in Virgo


  The solitary enjoyment of material accomplishments in life is

  imaged by this portrait of a graceful and aristocratic lady standing

  alone in her garden. Her beautiful yellow robes are adorned with

  flowers shaped in the astrological sign of Venus and she stands in a

  lush and bountiful setting. Nine pentacles adorn bushes that are

  already heavily laden with fresh greenery and abundant fruit. On

  her gloved hand rests a hooded falcon and a small snail crawls

  slowly towards her. A fine manor house and two stately trees can

  be seen in the distance.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The desire power of Venus acting in the earth sign of Virgo assures

  good fortune and a rich material harvest to those who work

  diligently and carefully to secure a comfortab
le foothold in life.

  But even with the realization of all of our desires and the material

  comfort and security our accomplishments have brought us there

  also comes the inevitability of decay for time, even in such a lush

  garden of peace and self satisfaction, crawls ever forward and in

  the end overtakes us all.


  When The Nine of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: material accomplishment and

  success; a need to look after your own personal or financial

  interests; the danger of being undone by unchecked material

  desires; being careful about whom you trust in the matter you have

  inquired about; a caution to carefully evaluate any financial

  opportunities that are being offered you; an advice to be cautious if

  you are considering lending money; the achievement of career

  success; avoiding a life of complacency and too much comfort;

  being or remaining alone.

  When The Nine of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: steering clear of

  questionable enterprises; recognizing bad faith dealings in your

  personal and financial affairs; exercising financial prudence;

  avoiding risky investments; recognizing the danger you are facing

  from sophisticated thieves; a need to focus on regaining a sense of

  independence and self reliance in your life; a potential relationship

  ahead; rejecting tainted money; being at risk of financial loss;

  seeing through the deceptions of false friends; the need to avoid

  lengthy legal entanglements in your present business and personal

  dealings; not remaining alone.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Tens


  Tens represent the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.

  They speak of a renewal and completion out of which emerges a

  new beginning. The Will carries the heavy load of its own

  decisions but finally approaches a village where it may free itself

  from the restriction of vision this burden brings; the Soul finds its

  true destiny in the perfected success of true Love; the Mind comes

  to self ruin, a victim of its own egotism or blindness and Earth

  attains the goal of wealth and prosperity for all the generations to



  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Oppression

  Saturn in Sagittarius


  A solitary and heavily burdened individual carries a brace of ten

  flowering wands while making his way towards a settlement in the

  distance. His burden appears to be too heavy for him to carry

  comfortably as he is bent over by its weight. His head is buried in

  the middle of his bundle of Wands and this obscures his forward

  vision giving him the appearance of walking almost blindly as he

  labors forward towards the dwellings in the distance.


  The heavy and oppressive energy of Saturn constricts the

  expansive character of Sagittarius forcing the will to such a narrow

  point of focus that it becomes burdened by its own energy and


  The Mirror of the Moment

  fixated on its own creations which have now taken on a life of their

  own and turning their once master into a mere beast of burden. The

  will has overreached itself and created a psychological tyranny

  whose weight will grow only heavier and heavier unless it can

  attain a clear enough vision to unburden itself and reclaim its lost



  When The Ten of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: an inability to clearly see the road

  ahead; becoming impaired by a limited perspective; oppression

  from too

  much gain or

  success; being


  by an

  overmastering will; walking with a heart tried by pain; carrying too

  heavy of a workload on your job; taking on too many financial

  responsibilities; career overachievements weighing you down;

  having a limited vision of your destination.

  When The Ten of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a need to free yourself from an

  excessively heavy burden; restoring your clarity of vision;

  restoring the vision of where you want to be headed; not biting off

  more than you can chew; applying your strength to unselfish ends;


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Perfected Success

  Mars in Pisces


  A young couple stands together and raises their arms in delight and

  wonder towards a semicircle of ten Cups that are arranged inside a

  rainbow appearing high in the clear blue sky above them. Nearby

  their two children dance by their side in carefree and playful

  abandon. Their modest family home is in the distance and is

  surrounded by trees and greenery. To their left a peaceful blue

  stream meanders through their property.


  The fiery masculine energy of Mars unites with the feminine water

  power of Pisces and acts with perfected success in bringing forth

  the spiritual ideal into the real world through the inner marriage of


  The Mirror of the Moment

  the Soul and the Spirit and the loving union of a human man and

  woman. This powerful union creates an atmosphere of contentment

  and completion in which the inner unity of Spirit and Soul and the

  outer love between a man and a woman become the sanctified

  foundation upon which a happy and secure and successful life is



  When The Ten of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: security and success;

  a happy

  family life; lasting love; financial security;

  career success;

  personal contentment; emotional peace; sexual pleasure; lasting


  When The Ten of Cups card is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success in

  love; an unhappy family life; self delusion over where a

  relationship is really headed; a loss of friendship; possible







  undermining love.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Ruin

  Sun in Gemini


  Under a pitch black sky a man lies face down on a lonely and

  isolated stretch of beach. Ten swords impale him and pierce the

  back of his ruined figure as every drop of his lifeblood flows out

  into the sand. His is partially covered in a red cloak, the color of

  which matches his dying blood. The sea before which his body lies

  is calm and smooth and the sun is rising behind the mountains and

  beginning to illum
inate the inky black sky. The light of the rising

  sun is dispelling the darkness as it rises and soon a new day will

  arrive but he has not survived to experience the emerging dawn.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The burning power of the Sun so inflames the airy personal mental

  sphere of Gemini that the mind itself becomes a victim of its own

  unchecked inflation. This destructive force of self inflation created

  by the egotism of an overmastering will ultimately corrupts the

  mind from within or brings upon it destructive energies from

  without resulting in a destiny of ruin and death.


  When The Ten of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: ruin; sudden misfortune; tears will

  fall; possible employment termination; a career catastrophe; a

  ruined relationship; a personal betrayal; remaining on guard

  against an unforeseen and unexpected attack; an apparently good

  idea holding the seeds of your undoing; being aware of a potential

  knife in the back.

  When The Ten of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: being in a vulnerable position;

  the courage to rise again; a new day dawning for you; the

  overthrow of negative forces oppressing your present life;

  economic hope being restored; some success and progress in your

  personal affairs; finding the courage you need to start over again;

  your relationship problems starting to be resolved.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Wealth

  Mercury in Virgo


  A white haired and elderly patriarch sits playing with his pet dogs

  outside the entrance to the family estate and manor house. His

  robes are decorated with symbols of grapes, crescent moons and

  other mysterious symbols. To his side, a young man and woman

  are conversing under an archway while a child holds onto his

  mother’s clothes with one hand and playfully strokes the tail of one

  of the family dogs. The young man holds a spear in one hand as

  though even in this scene of harmony, security and affluence he


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