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The Mirror of the Moment

Page 19

by Richard Palmer


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Rose of the Palace of Earth

  Earth of Earth


  A young person walks alone in an open meadow filled with golden

  light while intently contemplating a shiny pentacle that seems to

  float on the tips of her hands. She wears a distinctive red hat that

  has a scarf on it which flows down the side of her head and is

  casually draped over her right shoulder. Behind her in the distance

  and to the right is a grove of trees and to her left lies a newly

  plowed field which holds the promise of an ample harvest. The

  Page appears to be oblivious to the beauties of Nature that

  surround her for all her attention is focused only on the one shining

  Pentacle she contemplates.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  As Earth of Earth the Page embodies the finest qualities of Earth

  element within her. Her mind is incredibly fertile, practical and

  ambitious and within its ground will grow the qualities that create

  a sure path to material success in life. Her practical, disciplined

  and analytical mind provides her a lasting sense of satisfaction as

  she contemplates her beloved Pentacle.


  When the Page of Pentacles appears in a reading she may indicate

  you, another person close to you, someone who may enter your

  life, an aspect of your own personality or an aspect of yourself that

  needs to be recognized, more developed or asserted. She may also

  represent a situation you find yourself in.

  When Appearing Upright and Representing a Person

  The Page of Pentacles signifies someone who is generous and kind

  and who can bring good news regarding monetary concerns.

  Courage and perseverance are her finest qualities of character and

  she possesses a deep love of scholarship and learning. She is also a

  gracious and diligent person who is open to new ideas. The Page is

  given to reflection but is capable of concentrated practical efforts

  especially when it comes to matters touching on her economic

  security. Her appearance often heralds the arrival of favorable


  When Appearing Upright and Not Representing a Person

  When The Page of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: success in the matter of your

  inquiry; a herald of favorable news arriving; living with grace,

  diligence and caution under your present circumstances; having a

  respect for learning; cultivating a scholarly attitude; adopting a

  singleness of purpose in order to come up on top in your situation.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When Appearing Reversed and Representing a Person

  Reversed, the Page represents an amoral individual who worships

  money and material things and is given to indolence and hedonism.

  She is a selfish and wasteful person given to dissipation and excess

  who often brings pain, distress and disappointment into the lives of

  others. Unfavorable news often follows upon her appearance. You

  would do well to avoid this person.

  When Appearing Reversed and Not Representing a Person

  When The Page of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success in the

  matter of your inquiry; indecision as to your present path;

  unfavorable news arriving soon; difficulties due to financial

  wastefulness; being undone by the worship of money; trouble due








  disappointment in love; becoming a victim of your own amoral

  lifestyle; taking pleasure by inflicting pain on others; pursuing an

  evil life of indolence and hedonism; being spiritually poisoned by

  an excess love of luxury; an evil atmosphere surrounding the



  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Knights

  Knights represent the Air element as manifested in the human

  personality. When they appear in a reading they may relate to you

  or a specific individual in your life; someone who is going to enter

  your life; an aspect of your own personality or an aspect of your

  personality that needs to be developed or brought to the forefront.

  The Will comes charging forward, ready to battle for its

  supremacy; the Soul contemplates itself and the waters moving

  within it; the Mind is ready to engage all that oppose its viewpoint

  and the quiet Earth contemplates the delights of the senses.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Prince of the Chariot of Fire

  Air of Fire


  A handsome young Knight in full armor sporting a red plume and a

  tunic decorated in a motif of fiery salamanders holds tightly to a

  flowering Wand as his rearing horse prepares to ride off at full

  gallop across the burning desert sands. Both his helmet plume and

  the trim adorning his armor are colored red symbolizing the

  Knights intimate association with the element of Fire. This

  association is also reinforced by the colorful salamander motif

  adorning his tunic as these elemental beings were said to rule the

  ancient element of Fire. His is outfitted in full armor indicating his

  need for protection on the serious journey he is about to undertake.

  He carries a sprouting Wand, a symbol of his focused and

  determined will that will allow nothing to deter him from


  The Mirror of the Moment

  attaining his goal. The strong and reliable horse on which he rides

  symbolizes his natural instinctive self from which he will draw the

  strength and insight necessary to fulfill his duty and accomplish his

  mission. On the horizon, three pyramids rise from the fiery desert



  The Knight of Wands is the “light bringer” and by bringing the

  Wand he transforms the old and reveals the new. He is the agent of

  Fire, bringing forth new energy and leading the way on the

  difficult journey to a higher level of awareness. Like a raging fire

  driven by the wind the Knight of Wands moves inexorably forward

  with a swift and powerful energy that brooks no obstacle in his

  relentless advance. His mind is literally “on fire”with the drive

  and motivation necessary to attain the realization of his goal.


  When the Knight of Wands appears he may indicate you, another

  person close to you, someone who may enter your life, an aspect of

  your own personality or an aspect of yourself that needs to be

  recognized and developed or asserted. He may also represent a

  situation you find yourself in.

  When Appearing Upright and Representing a Person

  This Knight of Fire symbolizes an optimistic and charismatic

  person who is bold, energetic and swift to act, but also someone

  who is often too hasty and whose actions can be

  unpredictable. He rushes into things and brings his energy and

  dynamism to every situation but often is too impulsive and acts

  without thinking. As a friend he can be noble and generous and as

  a lover he will be faithful and loyal but there is a perverse streak in

  him as he delights in starting arguments. In matters of romance, the

  Knight represents success in love and brings an intense flame of

  passion to any relationship.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When Appearing Upright and Not Representing a Person

  When The Knight of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: success in the matter of your

  inquiry; good news arriving soon; a time to be optimistic; boldness

  in the pursuit of your dreams; making good progress in your

  career; attaining success in love; being financially generous; an

  image of a faithful friend whom you can trust; nobility of

  character; a charismatic personality destined for leadership;

  fulfillment of an intense sexual passion; acting with too much haste

  in a matter; a lack of predictability in your actions; a need to check

  impulsive your behavior at work; a powerful creative or sexual

  energy approaching you.

  When Appearing Reversed and Representing a Person

  The reversed Knight symbolizes a narrow minded and suspicious

  person who is unpredictable and ill tempered and who delights in

  causing conflict among people to satisfy his inner cruelty. He is an

  untrustworthy, thoughtless and disruptive individual who is often a

  source of disharmony and creates antagonism by attempting to

  undermine the accomplishments of others. As a lover this Knight

  can be prone to jealousy and consumed by pride as his shallow and



  emotional responses make intimate personal

  relationships very difficult.

  When Appearing Reversed and Not Representing a Person

  When The Knight of Wands is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success in the

  matter of your inquiry; bad romance; unpleasant financial news

  arriving; narrow mindedness towards new ideas; being ill tempered

  and pessimistic; inciting avoidable conflict; a lack of career

  progress; unseen treachery at work; self pride; unhealthy suspicion

  and jealousy; unnecessary cruelty towards others;


  caused by self centered behavior; creating unnecessary antagonism

  in your social sphere; a failure to accept financial responsibility;

  the acceptance of a romantic failure and a recognition of the need

  to move on.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Prince of the Chariot of the Waves

  Air of Water


  A well-dressed young Knight pauses on the yellow sands of a

  barren shore and contemplates a golden cup which he holds in his

  outstretched right hand as the gray horse upon which he rides

  prepares to cross a gently flowing stream that meanders through an

  inland valley framed by a forested shoreline and some hills rising

  in the distance. He is dressed in full armor trimmed in blue and

  wears a helmet with an open visor. Atop the helmet is affixed a

  pair of wings, a symbol of his active and creative imagination, and

  overtop his armor he wears a cloak that is decorated with images of

  fish – symbolizing the images swimming within his imagination.

  His armored foot rests in a stirrup on the right side of his mount

  which is adorned with a pair of wings.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Knight of Cups is the expression of higher mental energies

  uniting with poetic dream waters creating a vision capable of

  harvesting the great imaginative ideas which emerge from the

  watery inner depths and shaping them into fertile creative

  achievements. His mental powers and ability to sharply focus them

  while refining and actualizing the fertile utterances of his

  imagination cast him in a role similar to a blacksmith who

  imagines a new tool and then must forge this imaginative seed

  dream in the fire of his hearth. The Knight of Cups is a creative

  mind shaping and forming emerging dreams into living realities

  destined to serve their unique evolutionary purpose in life.


  When the Knight of Cups appears he may indicate you, another

  person close to you, someone who may enter your life, an aspect of

  your own personality or an aspect of yourself that needs to be

  recognized and developed or asserted. He may also represent a

  situation you find yourself in.

  When Appearing Upright and Representing a Person

  The Knight of Cups refers to an individual who is both sensitive

  and imaginative. He is basically an intelligent person, but tends to

  be a dreamer. The Knight is by nature a follower and is easily

  influenced and led by others. He pursues goals with great initial

  enthusiasm but can become easily discouraged if things do not live

  up to his expectations. He lives in the Cup of his dreams and can

  become very disillusioned when they are shattered by the cold and

  harsh realities of life. His emotional sensitivity often makes him

  temperamental but he has no problems expressing his feelings,

  especially in matters of love.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When Appearing Upright and Not Representing a Person

  When The Knight of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: success in the matter of inquiry;

  true love being revealed; a need for greater emotional sensitivity;

  demonstrating enthusiasm in the workplace; needing more

  cultivation of your imagination; a solution attained through

  intelligence united with imagination; being honest in love;

  abandoning unrealistic financial expectations; pursuing your

  unrealized career dreams.

  When Appearing Reversed and Representing a Person

  Reversed, the Knight symbolizes a sensual, idle and untruthful

  person who is a pathological liar. He revels in artifice and duplicity

  and is a most treacherous human being who makes his way by

  swindling others. Embezzlement and fraud are his stock and trade.

  Avoid any relationship with this man.

  When Appearing Reversed and Not Representing a Person

  When The Knight of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success in the matter of

  your inquiry; false love revealed; political trickery in the

  workplace; financial fraud; idleness in your career; insensitivity;

  dishonesty; deceit; treachery; duplicity


  The Mirror of the Moment



  Lord of the Winds and the Breezes

  Air of Air


  At full gallop a young and courageous Knight rides on a powerful

  white horse and charges into battle as he is buffeted by the fierce

d winds of an approaching storm. He is clothed in full armor

  and his harness and cape are decorated with images of birds and

  butterflies. Even as the storm rages around him he charges forward

  with furious energy and without regard to danger as his sword is as

  swift and sure as is his certainty that it will find its true mark. His

  heart is full of courage and he will let nothing stand in the way of

  his advance as his heart is certain of victory and, even if death

  should claim him, he would not have known defeat.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The quintessential quality of thought and the mind in its

  adaptability and forward evolutionary thrust is captured in the

  Knight of Swords whose mental discipline and focus is only

  rivaled by the relentless mental energy he directs towards the

  attainment of his goals. His charge is fueled by the power of his

  convictions and he is undaunted by the struggles and challenges

  that lie ahead of him. He forges ahead with explosive energy

  drawing strength and inspiration from his strong mental certainty

  that victory will be his.


  When the Knight of Swords appears he may indicate yourself,

  another person close to you, someone who may enter your life, an

  aspect of your own personality or an aspect of yourself that needs

  to be recognized and developed or brought to the forefront. He

  may also represent a situation you find yourself in.

  When Appearing Upright and Representing a Person

  The Knight of Swords signifies someone who never looks before

  he leaps and who is always rushing headlong into new situations

  with insufficient advance thought or planning. However his

  bravery and mental agility is beyond question and when battle is

  joined he is a man of the utmost courage and martial skill. His self-

  assurance, bold approach and mental discipline always carry him

  forward to victory no matter how powerful of an opponent he faces

  for his mind quickly adapts to any situation as fluidly and swiftly

  as does the rushing wind.

  When Appearing Upright and Not Representing a Person

  When The Knight of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading,


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