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Defiant Heart

Page 33

by Jeanie P Johnson

  “Why didn’t you come on one of Sebastian’s ships?” Dutton asked. “I assumed since you were taking over his fleet, you would be coming on one of them.”

  “They are all in dry dock being refurbished. Since everything is changing hands, the business has to be put in order. I could not wait for it all to be done, so I left it in the capable hands of the accounts and lawyers, and made other arrangements to get here.” Bernard decided that was even a better story than claiming the ship he arrived on belonged to Sebastian. Apparently Dutton was familiar with Sebastian’s ships.

  “Eleanor will be pleased to hear you are back.” Dutton told him. “I could take you out to Clifford House if you wish.”

  “That would be decent of you,” Bernard mumbled. “My trunk and belongings are on the dock. I was just heading into town in order to find some sort of transport, but since you offered…”

  “We could leave right away, if you don’t have something else to take care of first,” Dutton offered.

  “Yes, I would like that,” Bernard accepted. What luck that Dutton was able to take him to Clifford house, he thought. His funds were getting low and that way he would not have to hire a buggy.

  “I’ll bring my buggy around,” Dutton told him. He looked a little scruffy, Dutton thought. Not like someone who had control of a fleet of ships, but more like a crew hand. Maybe he was a sailor at heart, just like Sebastian, Dutton reasoned, and he wanted to help out on the ship he was sailing on.

  “You look tired,” Dutton said, as the two of them lifted Bernard’s trunk, and the rest of his belongings onto the back of the buggy.

  Bernard stepped up in the buggy and shrugged. “As a matter of fact, I am. It was a long voyage. They were shorthanded, so I leant a hand with things.”

  Just as Dutton figured. “So all of Sebastian’s ships have been called in, then?” he asked, as he whipped up his horses.

  “Yes. The last one came in before I left,” Bernard told him. The man seemed pretty interested in what was going on, Bernard thought, but then he was a friend of Eleanor’s and knew she would be inheriting the fleet, or so she thought, he reasoned.

  “I saw one of the ships when it docked here, on it’s way back to America,” Dutton mentioned. “The captain mentioned all the ships were being called in. But they weren’t flying the flag at half mast.”

  Bernard looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Why would they?” he asked.

  “Because of Sebastian’s death. It is usually the custom to fly the flag at half mast when someone dies aboard ship, or someone important dies, such as the owner of the fleet,” Dutton emphasized.

  “Yes, yes, I hadn’t thought about it. I have no idea why they didn’t do it,” Bernard claimed.

  “Well it was rather disrespectful of the dead, if you ask me,” Dutton responded.

  “Yes, very disrespectful,” Bernard repeated.

  “Eleanor will be happy to discover you have arrived safe and sound. I believe she has been worried about you, because it has taken so long for you to return.”

  “I told her it might take some time, and with all the ships being put in dry dock, it was difficult to decide whether to wait for one of them and make Eleanor wait even longer, or hitch a ride on a ship going my way. I chose the latter.”

  “So I see,” Dutton smiled. Eventually there was not much to talk about, and the two fell silent as the clop of the horses hooves brought them closer to Clifford House. When Dutton pulled up in the drive, Jake came to hold the horses, and the two men stepped down, and approached the front door. Hobbs, ushered them inside, and went to inform Eleanor that Bernard and Sir Dutton were waiting for her in the sitting room.

  Bernard looked up as Eleanor entered the room, and could barely get over how beautiful she looked. He just stared at her for a long moment, before he remembered himself and rose up, coming to her, and lifting her hand to his lips. He give it a lingering kiss. Dutton came to Eleanor’s side as well, but he merely gave her a familiar nod, and she smiled at him.

  “How was your voyage?” she asked Bernard, feeling suddenly shy.

  “Tiring. I am happy to finally get here. I wish it would be my last voyage, but I will eventually have to return to finish up with everything, concerning the business.”

  “Bernard tells me he had to hitch a ride on another ship, because all of Sebastian’s ships were put in dry dock before transferring the business,” Dutton informed her.

  “Was there any problem, I mean with proving my marriage to Sebastian?” Eleanor asked.

  Dutton gave her an askance glance. He knew the two had not gotten married, since he was the one who inadvertently helped Sebastian and Teddy figure everything out before they tried to hunt Eleanor down. Sebastian had said she had refused to marry him, even when she suspected she was with child. And after that, there had not been enough time for them to get married. He knew she had claimed to be his widow, but he was aware that was false as well.

  “No. The certificate was quite convincing,” Bernard said, trying not to give away his thoughts by the smile that played at the corner of his mouth. Yes, Sebastian was quite convinced that Eleanor had married him, he thought cunningly to himself.

  “I will need to see all the legal documents, concerning the business, so when the time comes to give you control of it, we will be able to do it within the law,” Eleanor stated quietly.

  Bernard paused for a moment. “Of course. I intend to give them all to you, only right now the lawyers are still in the process of straightening everything up. Because there was no will, it may take a better part of a year. When I learned it was going to take so long, and I was so anxious to return in order to help you here, I felt there was nothing we could do concerning the shipping business while we waited for everything to get transferred. So I came back. In the mean time, you and I can get better acquainted, and you can let me know what I can do for you. I am sure Sebastian would want me here, helping you out, rather than messing with all the legalities of the transfer of his estate. After all, it is not like you need any of his income right away.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are right, and I do appreciate your offer to assist me. Right now, of course, my grandfather is here to instruct me on everything, but I suppose it won’t hurt for you to learn about the estate, since you will be running Sebastian’s business for him, and staying here for as long as you wish. However, along with the legal documents concerning Sebastian‘s business, I would also like to see the death certificate. I only have your word for it, that Sebastian is dead, you understand. I should not like a scandal to surface over all of this.”

  Bernard gave a worried look, and then smiled. “As soon as I can secure the papers, I shall place them all in your hands,” he assured her.

  “Good. Then until that happens, we will not be able to move forward, you understand. I could never remarry, if I can’t prove my husband is dead, and I wish to get on with my life after all of this is over with.” Eleanor felt it would be a long time before she ever married again, but Bernard did not know that, and besides, if she did decide to marry, she would need the proof, seeing as how they had forged the marriage certificate.

  Dutton raised his eyebrows. This was a charade. Apparently authorities thought that Eleanor truly was Sebastian’s widow, and now his cousin was making his move to attach himself to Eleanor. “He is moving in permanently?” Dutton almost gasped.

  “We have plenty of room, and since he is going to help me run Sebastian’s business, it will be more convenient to have him at hand, when the time comes. Eventually, I suppose living closer to shore might be a better choice, though.”

  “We will discuss it, when the time comes,” Bernard smiled. “But until then, I am at your disposal, and anything you need done around here, just let me know.”

  “Your things are still in your room,” Eleanor informed him. “I am sure Hobbs has had the rest of your belongings taken up as well. You look tired, perhaps you should go up and change, and maybe get some rest before dinner,�
�� she suggested.

  “That is a good idea. I will see you at dinner then. Is Dutton staying?”

  “Why of course. He brought you all the way out here. He can remain the night if he likes,” Eleanor offered.

  “I think I would like that,” Dutton agreed.

  “Then you can have the room next to Bernard,” she informed him. “When you are ready to go up, Hobbs will show you.”

  “Thank you, but I haven’t seen you for awhile, and I thought maybe we could talk,” Dutton smiled.

  “If you wish.” Bernard was departing, giving her a nod, and Dutton came over and sat next to her.

  Once the door was closed, Dutton leaned in closer to Eleanor. “There is something that isn’t quite right here,” Dutton almost whispered.

  “You just don’t like Bernard,” Eleanor accused. “You are just like Garth. He doesn’t trust Bernard either.”

  “Beside the fact that you are calling yourself Sebastian’s widow, and someone in America believes it, I think Bernard worked his passage over here. It seems to me he could have taken one of Sebastian’s ships.”

  “He is not rich,” Dutton. “It is Sebastian that had the money, not his cousin. It was Sebastian who told everyone I was his wife, before he died. I didn’t want anything, but it just made matters easier if I went along with what Sebastian had already claimed. As for Bernard working his passage here, he said he couldn’t take any of the ships because there are still legal procedures to take care of first.”

  “When I mentioned that Sebastian’s ship had not had the flag at half mast, he asked me why they would have the flag at half mast? Like he hadn’t even thought about Sebastian’s death. I reminded him about Sebastian’s death, and he just shrugged it off, like he was clueless as to why they hadn’t lowered the flag.”

  “Well maybe he is. It is not his fault the ship did not follow custom.”

  “And his moving in like this, so suddenly. You don’t even know him. You barely knew Sebastian, and now his cousin comes to take Sebastian’s place? He seems too eager to just install himself here and become your assistant in running the estate. He seems eager to get as close to you as he can.”

  “He is not taking Sebastian’s place.” Eleanor frowned. “He is here to help. Sebastian sent him to help me. Before he died he made Bernard promise to come. I can’t just tell him to leave for trying to keep a death bed promise,”

  “According to Bernard, it was a death bed promise, and yet he isn’t even wearing a black band to indicate he is in mourning.” Dutton pointed out. “Sebastian certainly knew that you were well enough off to hire any help you would need. Why would he send his cousin to do it?”

  “You are as bad as Garth. Why else would Bernard come, if Sebastian hadn’t asked him? When they were young they had a falling out over something Sebastian had done. Maybe Sebastian wanted to make peace with his cousin, by giving him this assignment.”

  “Or perhaps after hearing about a heart broken beautiful and wealthy woman, that his cousin left behind, and knowing he looks just like the man that woman once loved, he decided to investigate. That discovery would tempt any man.”

  “He is not after my money. He could have had Sebastian’s fleet, if he wanted money. Like I told you and Garth earlier, I offered it to him and he refused to take it. And he is so shy, he doesn’t seem the sort to try and sweep me off my feet,” she laughed.

  “But he is doing it all the same,” Dutton accused.

  Eleanor could not stop from blushing. “Not on purpose,” she insisted.

  “You don’t know that. I see how he looks at you. And every time you look at him, you are probably seeing Sebastian, and forgetting it is Bernard, because he resembles Sebastian so much. He is just waiting for the right moment to spring it on you. Believe me, I know how a man’s mind works,” he chuckled.

  “Every man looks at me that way. After all, even you and Garth look at me that way. Like you say, I am beautiful and wealthy.”

  “I wanted you when I knew you didn’t have a penny,” Dutton reminded her.

  “But you went about it all wrong,” Eleanor reminded him back.

  “I am trying to repair that,” Dutton claimed.

  “But I can never love you. I could never love you back when you were trying to blackmail me, and nothing has changed, except for the fact that I have accepted you as my friend, because you have tried to be helpful.”

  “So you are going to end up marrying Bernard then?”

  “I don’t think I will ever marry anyone,” Eleanor, said truthfully. “I don’t seem to have very good luck when it comes to men. I can’t even trust my own heart any longer.”

  “Just be careful,” Dutton warned.

  “Don’t worry about me, Dutton. You seem to have forgotten the woman in red. I have held men off this long, I am sure I can continue to do it, even if I have made a few of mistakes along the way. I think I am slowly learning.”

  “I sure hope so,” Dutton shrugged. “Perhaps you could never love me, but I think highly of you, and therefore want you to remain safe, so just think about what I have said. I think I will go up to my room and get freshened up before dinner,” he said, when Eleanor just looked at him and raised her eyebrows at his statements, like she didn’t believe him, and then he excused himself from the room.

  Eleanor watched Dutton leave the room and close the door. Now Dutton was warning her against Bernard, just like Garth had. Why were they trying to put doubts in her mind? Perhaps it was because they were both planning to try and win her over, she thought idly, and she thought about how Garth kissed her on the upper floor, and confessed his love of her, and his mistrust of Bernard. She had no intentions of getting serious about them, or even Bernard, for that matter, but then she remembered how Bernard had kissed her before he left for America, and how it had made her heart start to sing again. Perhaps she was not being truthful with them or herself, she thought, feeling a little anxious at the realization.

  Over dinner, Bernard and Dutton eyed each other, and Eleanor tried to keep the conversation light, but she could see that it was not working so well.

  “I am curious as to why you are not mourning the loss of your cousin?” Dutton questioned. “In England it is customary to mourn for a year, by at least wearing a black band, and even when you came shortly after your cousin died, I did not notice a black band on your arm, and there is not one on it now.“

  “We do things differently in America,” Bernard informed him. “We are not so formal there as you are here.”

  “So I suppose your ships do not put their flags at half mast when someone dies either?” Dutton continued to question.

  “Sometimes they do,” Bernard stated. “Why are you so interested?”

  “No reason. It just seems your customs are not at all like ours.”

  “Precisely,” Bernard frowned. He was liking Dutton less and less.

  Lord Boyd just looked from one young man to the other, and smiled to himself, realizing that both men were smitten by his granddaughter. In fact, young Garth seemed smitten by her as well. At least there was not a shortage of young men for her to choose from, he thought to himself, only he realized that Eleanor was not ready to jump into a serious relationship yet. She had hardly gotten over Sebastian he thought.

  Eleanor was glad when it was time to retire from the table, because Bernard kept looking at her longingly, and Dutton kept looking at Bernard with daggers in his eyes, and she was afraid Dutton may start to cause problems.

  The men went into the drawing room to drink, and Eleanor went out on the back veranda overlooking the garden.

  “I thought I would find you out here,” she heard a voice behind her, and recognized it as being Bernard. “I thought we should talk.”

  Eleanor turned and smiled as Bernard came up behind her. “Is there anything important that I should know?” she asked.

  “It is just that I have been away all this time, and I was only here for a few short days, I barely got a chance to get to
know you, and then I was gone. But the whole time I was away, I could think of nothing but you. I realize you were in love with my cousin, and I do not want to detract from what you felt for him. I just want you to consider that I have a deep feeling for you, and that feeling I have is starting to grow.”

  Eleanor looked at him for a long moment, remembering what Dutton had said. “You are right. We barely know each other, and I did love Sebastian. In fact, I still love Sebastian, so it may take some time for me to get over what I felt for him.”

  Bernard lowered his eyes. Even though she thought he was dead, Sebastian still seemed to have a hold on her. “I understand, and I don’t want to pressure you,” he said quietly, “I just want you to consider me, is all.”

  “We have plenty of time to get to know each other, and I should mourn for a year, since it is our custom to do so, even if I was over Sebastian, which I am not. So I do need time before I can even think of getting close to anyone else.”

  Bernard realized they did not have plenty of time. As soon as Sebastian recovered he would make it a point to come to England, and unless Bernard could get Eleanor to agree to marry him, there was still a chance of losing her to Sebastian, especially after telling her that Sebastian was dead. He had been sure Sebastian was on death’s door when he told her that, though. Bernard took in his breath, as he moved closer to Eleanor’s shoulder.

  “I have a hard time forgetting that kiss we shared, before I left,” he whispered in her ear, as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “I am sure you were feeling the same way I was, back then.”

  Eleanor turned her face to look at him, and his lips were so close that her lips almost collided with his. “I can’t deny that I did feel something, but you are so much like Sebastian, I am sure…”

  “Stop comparing me to him. I am not Sebastian,” Bernard interrupted. “Think of me for who I really am,” he pleaded, as he brought his lips even closer to hers. “Why don’t we try that kiss again, and see what happens?” he suggested in a husky voice.

  Eleanor opened her mouth to contest, but as she did so, Bernard lowered his mouth on hers and captured her lips beneath his. She started to pull away, but instead she found her self leaning into the kiss as his lids covered those Sebastian like eyes, and her arms found their way around his neck.


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